Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 120: Playfulness is everywhere


Feng Jiuge leaned slowly, and answered yes with face.

He casually followed behind the Feng's Patriarch, and entered the mansion with Feng Shuyu. Jiading, the maidservant in the Fuzhong who served the two closely, took a step forward and unloaded the bag from the carriage.

Feng Chujin stood by with Wen, with no expression on Wen's face, but Feng Chujin had two round eyes, almost poking Feng Jiuge on him.

"Mother, do you see her arrogant look just now. Anyway, you are also the wife of your father. Not only does she disrespect you, she shows you her face!"

Wen's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, frowned and tugged at Feng Chujin, indicating that this was in front of others. It's just that a pair of beautiful eyes flashed a bit of viciousness right now.



Feng Jiuge hasn't lived here for a long time, but the peach blossoms that are full of the courtyard are blooming just right, but they are still blooming in a natural growth appearance, and they are still well maintained.

Feng Jiuge was not in a hurry to freshen up. Instead, he was sitting on a stone chair with scented tea brewing in the stove, gurgling hot.

In March of Yangchun, Yinggeyan dances with warmth.

"Miss, you have packed all your bags." Zijin whispered when he arrived near her.

Feng Jiuge's eyes faintly flicked across the peach blossom jungle on the side, his eyes widened, and his red lips pressed lightly. Such a beautiful person sitting quietly, there is a sense that you can only look at it from a distance.

Zijin knew that Feng Jiuge's trip with King Tan would be a long and dangerous journey.

If it hadn't been for Feng Jiuge's command not to let him follow, the assassinations in the Jianghuai realm would not have happened. After thinking about it, Zi Jin knelt down on one knee, looking like a disciple in the door receiving punishment.

"What are you doing?" Still unable to drink the scented tea, Feng Jiuge turned his eyes and saw Zijin's appearance again, his delicate brows moved inward slightly, and his face raised a trace of displeasure.

Whoever expects Zijin to ask for punishment, she said with a touch of emotion, "The young lady has traveled as far as Jianghuai, and Zijin was not there to protect her. Although the lady has not been injured, she must have been exhausted for a long time. Zijin is guilty, and she is willing to punish her."

But after more than ten days away from the house, this close-knit maid was like this... Dedicated and loyal, Feng Jiuge looked at Zijin who was kneeling down and suddenly felt like a long thatched eaves swept away the moss-free flowers and trees and planted themselves.

Although I didn't plan to take her on this trip, I suddenly became interested when I saw Zijin's loyalty and righteous confession.

"If you want to be punished, do it yourself, kneel before me and do anything." There is a rule in Tansi's gate. If the person in the gate makes a mistake, he must be punished by himself. There is no difference.

Seeing Zijin raising his eyes, crying and stunned, Feng Jiuge laughed unkindly, "Go get hot water, I want to freshen up."

This man looked like a person with little emotions and desires, but at this moment, he was stunned by Feng Jiuge. I haven't wiped away the tears on my face, I don't know what to say with my mouth open.

Really scared by yourself

The scented tea in the furnace smelled sweet and sweet. Feng Jiuge took the soft handkerchief and started the furnace. The rich and fragrant scented tea poured out and immediately filled the entire courtyard.

She took her time to sip her mouth, raising her eyebrows to see Zijin still kneeling on the ground, "Are you scared? Don't hurry up."

Zijin only later realized Feng Jiuge's command, and then tremblingly got up from the ground, busy preparing hot water, but he didn't expect that Feng Jiuge fooled him.

It's really an interesting person. It's just that this child has stayed in the door for a long time, and she is less charming and naive, and she is a bit rigid in her work, and she is obedient to her.

Feng Jiuge didn't worry about such things before, but after spending a long time with Gu Beiyan, he no longer pretended that old monk entered the Ding Ding. It's better to find a time to make fun with Zijin. This is a good saying, and more is better. This time, if there is more land, then let go.

There are many people around her serving, but apart from Zijin, there are only people who do sweepers in the courtyard. It's not that Feng Jiuge doesn't like to call, but she has always been lazy, and the furnishings in the house are lazy to add, and they are all used to casually, but she really doesn't like others turning upside down.

The peach blossoms in this courtyard are in full bloom. Knowing her preferences, Zijin must have some scented tea in such a beautiful spring day, so he picked up the fallen petals early.

The fingertips gently twisted a petal, pouring out a bright pink. Feng Jiuge didn't know when Gu Beiyan's shadow appeared before Feng Jiuge's eyes.

I don't know what that guy is doing now. But there was one thing she was quite sure of, that servant's face must be darker than hell Rakshasa a bit more terrifying.

She was brushed face in public, and the servant was an indomitable lord. If she went to Prince Tan's Mansion, she was afraid that he would not be bullied and pick up some oil and water would not be enough to quell his resentment.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Jiuge trembled all over, and he really scared him a little bit.

"Miss, hot water is ready." Until Zijin's words pulled her back to reality, she was awake like a dream, sighed and shook her head, laughing secretly that she was really what her daughter was thinking.

I have always been accustomed to it before, and I look like a cold face and don't want to have a close relationship with everyone, but since I met Gu Beiyan, it is how comfortable he is, and he can do whatever he wants.

That's all, let's freshen up and go to see the Feng's Patriarch.

As for that guy, let's leave it to dry.


And the King Tan who was hanging out at the moment was indeed a Hell Shura, a ghost face wolf lord.

Lin Zhi stood next to him to serve, feeling cold all over without any reason, and the chill came up from the soles of his feet. He thought to himself that it was still warm this day, how could it be cold right now.

"Linzhi, what did this king ask you to do?" Gu Beiyan held the pen with his right hand, and there were several names on the clean rice paper. Among them, the three characters Shen Shaosi were the most eye-catching.

He was fortunate enough not to humiliate his life, and he bowed his hands, "If you return to the prince, it will be done."

Although they have returned to the capital this time, the Jianghuai incident has come to an end, but his own prince is still quite concerned about it.

"I don't know what the prince wants to let his subordinates go down and do this." Linzhi knew that he shouldn't be involved in Gu Beiyan's actions, but this time the princess was involved in it, so he still wanted to ask more.

After receiving the faint gaze that Gu Beiyan swept, it was faint and cold, and chilled.

"Want to know?"

Lin Zhi immediately heard the overtones, his head lowered more and more, "Subordinates dare not."

As a subordinate, the first thing to do is to obey the master's orders. As for the master's affairs, you should not get into it lightly.

"You are a little old with me, and you have never asked about this king. I am also curious today, this king will not get angry." Gu Beiyan opened his mouth with coldness, and returned his eyes to the case. Assassinated the king, you were sent to investigate the Sizheng party, but there are other gains?"