Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 121: Iris mark


When asked about this, the answer became more humble, "Subordinates discovered that Sizheng's faction originally originated from the Western Regions. This poison technique was later introduced to Chu Luo. No one had learned it before."

The Western Regions are located in a barren land, not the territory of Chuluo. Now Chuluo is strong, and the monarchs of the Western Regions have a heart of submission, willing to surrender under Chuluo and be the messenger of Chuluo's trade with the Western Regions.

Poison technique was not popular in Chuluo, but Sizheng gained power, and poison technique can be used as medicine. Since then Sizheng Yimen has flourished. Until now, in Chu Luo, only Si Zheng used poison.

"The prince suspected Si Zheng's identity before. Now Si Zheng is dead, and the Shen Mansion that is related to him has also been destroyed. The clues on our side have been broken, how can we verify it?"

Gu Beiyan, who just listened quietly to the utterance, but did not respond, slowly lowered the pen with his skeletal hand.

Always calm and calm, there is no panic at all, this kind of aura of not being afraid of danger, sitting on everything, only King Tan has.

"Since the Western Regions are introduced, we will start from the Western Regions' monarchs. Prince Tan's Mansion takes over the trade that connects the Western Regions and sends a few of our people to mix in with them and investigate secretly."

When he heard the words, he felt his eyes light up, and immediately bowed his hands, "Subordinates will do it." After saying that, the figure disappeared in the house.

The white sandalwood was smoked in the incense burner, and the fragrance overflowed, filling the entire study room.

Gu Beiyan's black eyes tightly locked the words under the title on the rice paper, and repeatedly fumbled and chewed.

Shen Shaosi, Shen Ting...

On the desk are piles of Chengshan literature and scrolls, and he has a yellowed dossier beside him. The characters on it are covered by dust, and he can only vaguely distinguish the four characters of the Gu family tree.


When in the Jianghuai realm, Feng Jiuge has never bathed so comfortably in body and mind. On the one hand, I was worried about the dangers of this trip, and on the other hand, I was not interested in relaxing myself.

Just changing to the environment he knew well, Feng Jiuge lazily enjoyed it. When the meridians all over her body were opened up, only two words were revealed all over her body: she put on the clothes after she was comfortable, and sat on the embroidered stool to let Zijin dress her up.

Feng Jiuge is now only wearing a jacket. The outer shirt is light and draped loosely on his shoulders. The blue silk is folded to one side, and a pink mark is faintly visible on the back of his neck.

Through the bronze mirror, he noticed that Zijin at the back was a little bit hesitant, and Feng Jiuge said quietly, "What's the matter?"

Although Zijin served near her, she had never seen such a mark on Feng Jiuge's body. If this is born, it is reasonable for the owner to never let others see it, but this mark is not born like a birthmark.

"There is a mark on the back of the young lady's neck that looks exactly like an iris." It's not a birthmark, Zi Jin said clearly.

Hearing this, the smile at the corner of Feng Jiuge's mouth slowly receded. She looked at herself in the bronze mirror and noticed the small scar at the corner of her eye.

Scars, imprints.

She didn't know this.

It’s just that at this moment, it’s not when I was talking about this mark with Zijin, Feng Jiuge also responded very neatly, "Nothing, let's make-up."

On weekdays, the clothes she wears can also cover up this mark, but she didn't know that she had such a mark on her body at such an age, so she really wanted to see what the mark looked like.

It looks like an iris, if it's not a birthmark, how does this come about

Zijin took the order, picked up the wooden comb for Feng Jiuge, and didn't mention the imprint again.

The young lady didn't care, she just found out accidentally, and it didn't matter.

Feng Jiuge knew that he had come back with Gu Beiyan, this matter was known by the Feng Family Patriarch, and he must have said a few words. She simply wasn't very close to this dad, so it doesn't matter if he says a word or two.

Passing through the front hall corridor, Feng Jiuge arrived at the study room of the head of the Feng family.

This courtyard was the residence of the former Feng's Patriarch who passed away with Mrs. Feng. Now that Mrs. Feng has gone, the Feng's Patriarch still remembers the old feelings. He left this courtyard and often lives here.

The study is located in the courtyard house. When Feng Jiuge passed by, Feng Chujin and Wen were also surrounded by the door. It seemed that the two had already been waiting here.

I'm really afraid that the Patriarch of the Feng family will say something to her.

The thoughts of the mother and daughter are so obvious, they really are Sima Zhao's heart, and they have no good intentions.

"Miss." Wen saw her and bowed to salute.

Feng Jiuge glanced at her faintly, and went in because she wanted to ignore her. But seeing Feng Chujin's appearance that she wanted to eat her, it was much harder to say, "The second lady usually manages Fengfu, and she doesn't have the energy to discipline her. The daughter is also taken for granted. It’s just that the second sister’s temperament still requires someone to be on the sidelines. Otherwise, it’s not good to do such a scandalous thing as a tryst with a man in the middle of the night, what does the second wife think?"

The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, and it is not forgiving.

Wen's drooping eyes were full of yin, but he still had to pretend to be generous and decent, and he was taught, "I know for my wife, thank you, Miss for mentioning it." After that, he pulled on Feng Chujin's clothes. Go out of the courtyard with her.

Feng Chujin still looked reluctant when she was dragged away, and her dissatisfaction with her reached its peak.

It’s just that Feng Jiuge knows that this is Feng Mansion and the courtyard where Feng's Patriarch is. Even if Feng Chujin has no brains, she will not quarrel with her here. It’s just a deliberate curse behind this, so she won’t be allowed. Got it.

Thinking about it, Feng Jiuge's eyes were dim, and a calculated smile appeared on her face.

"You are waiting here." He instructed Zi Yan behind him, and pushed open the half-acted wooden door.

With a creak, he was shut down from inside.

Feng Jiuge had been here when he was a child, but at this age he had a bit of misrepresentation of his childhood memories, but when he walked into the house, a sense of familiarity came upon him.

It is still the old furnishings, even the vases, scrolls, and plaques in the corner of the study are still placed and hung as before.

Different from Gu Beiyan's study, the Feng family doesn't like to use spices. Apart from the faint ink scent from the calligraphy inkstone, there are no other smells in the house. It's just that the faint ink fragrance is comfortable at first, and there is no heavy discomfort.

Going around the bookshelf, Feng Jiuge saw his father standing under a set of scrolls with his hands behind his back.

Following Feng's Patriarch's gaze, Feng Jiuge's expression slightly changed, and sadness loomed faintly from the bottom of his eyes.

Not for anything else, but this scroll is the portrait of the late Madame Feng. The woman above is smiling and beautiful, looking forward to beautiful eyes, bright eyes and white teeth, her hands on her knees, her eyes are gentle and upright. Look straight at her.

After Mrs. Feng passed away, there was no more portrait of her in the house. I thought that the head of the Feng family had less affection for his mother, but he never thought that he would be in the house alone, looking at this scroll with nostalgia, just like looking at the deceased. Mrs. Wind.

"You and your mother are born in the same way." As Feng Jiuge grows older, this long-opened appearance is even more like the late Mrs. Feng. The Patriarch of the Feng family always looks like her when he sees her. It feels like a world away.