Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 16: The so-called planting


"Last night you visited Sizheng at night and got the roster, but now the roster is in the hands of King Tan. Behind him is half the royal family. Tan Simen should be afraid of him for three points, and the roster cannot be kept."

The implication is to get the roster back and then destroy it.

Feng Jiuge felt a pain in her heart. Knowing that what she asked next would make her already battered heart hurt again, she still asked.

"why me?"

Although it was her mistake that made the roster fall into Gu Beiyan's hands, she should go and get it back, but with so many masters in the Tansi gate, he chose her to go.

Is it because you don't care, can you just give instructions

"Xiao Jiu, Gu Beiyan likes you, this is understandable."

At that moment, Feng Jiuge seemed to have heard some joke, her shoulders trembled with a smile, and her eyes slowly reddened. Gu Beiyan likes her? How did he see it

Just because Gu Beiyan likes her, he is sure that she can get close to Gu Beiyan and get the roster? Does he look at her too high

"If you don't want it, I won't force you." Finally, Shen Shaosi compromised, with a soft tone in his tone.

Don't force her? Feng Jiuge curled her lips and pulled out a ridiculous arc. If he didn't force her, he wouldn't say that sentence just now, he had never thought about himself.

Yes, he loves Ning Man, so naturally he doesn't think about her. She Feng Jiuge is nothing but a poor worm.

Finally, Feng Jiuge turned sideways and left without a trace of nostalgia from him, "As you wish, I promise."

She fell in love first. If she loses, she has no regrets. In this game of chess, she is destined to lose badly.

Seeing her coldly leaving back, Shen Shaosi's eyes were stained with grief. He didn't know how dangerous it would be to push Feng Jiuge to Gu Beiyan's side, but...


Feng Jiuge returned to his yard, and ordered Zijin to thank the guests behind closed doors.

The words of Shen Shaosi were all over and over in her mind. She looked at herself in the bronze mirror with the peach blossom pinned to her ear. Suddenly, she felt that she was a joke.

Even if he is used as a chess piece, is his intention too obvious? What is the reason for his worry about her in the previous way

If she is similar to the'Nine-Nine' that Gu Beiyan called out, he can say bluntly that among the thirty-six strategies, the beauty is the best. She doesn't complain about Shen Shaosi, but he has such a good look for her, too. irony.

"Nine-Nine? Heh, Nine-Nine." The hatred in Feng Jiuge's eyes slowly condensed, and she swept off the jars placed on the dressing table, and a scary face appeared in the bronze mirror.

As a stand-in


It was the night when Feng Jiuge returned to Feng Mansion, but saw that the whole mansion was brightly lit, and the people were still guarding the door. Seeing her getting off the carriage, the butler stepped forward and said, "Miss, Lord, please."

Feng Jiuge nodded, and just entered the lobby, a woman walked at the entrance of the corridor, dressed in gorgeous Feng Chujin, and said with a sweet smile, "Where did the eldest sister just come back from?"

Her smug expression seemed to show off herself, and Feng Jiuge skipped her directly and passed by her side. In the lobby, the Patriarch of the Feng clan was sitting neatly, with Feng Shuyu and his second wife sitting on the side.

Feng Jiuge knows what to do in such a battle, and it can make Feng Chujin so proud that she has done something wrong, and the Feng family mainly punishes her.

"Daughter has seen his father, second wife." She still did the courtesy she should have. There was no expression on her cold face, and she didn't even look scared in her eyes.

Patriarch Feng did not answer, but Wen who was on the side spoke, sternly, "Kneel down."

Before she could speak, two people came up from behind, pressing her to the ground abruptly, kneeling on the stone slab, Feng Jiuge gritted his teeth slightly, and hatred in his eyes began to accumulate.

"Second Madam, what is this?" She said neither humble nor arrogant.

Wen is a side house, and has been living tremblingly in the house, but today he has revealed his true face, he is a dog that can bite and bark.

"What is my mother doing, the eldest sister still doesn't know?" Feng Chujin, who was standing on the side laughing snickering, said, with a sense of revenge in his eyes.

She just can't see Feng Jiuge, so that she can kneel down and be punished, and it can be regarded as retributing her revenge for framed herself at the banquet.

Oh, is this a joint effort to punish her

Feng Jiuge raised her eyes and glanced at Feng Shuyu, who was sitting unopened to the side. She saw a touch of worry on his brows, worried about her, and she cast a relieved look at him.

"My father asks you, where did you go last night when you didn't return?" the silent Patriarch Feng said.

Was it really about last night

"My daughter has been in her yard last night, and she has never stepped out of the room." Feng Jiuge replied, but she didn't have the panic that should have been half a lie.

The people in Feng Mansion didn't know that she was a member of the Tansi Gate, and she didn't even tell Feng Shuyu.

"You lied!" Feng Chujin screamed, her face frustrated. She pointed her finger at Feng Jiuge who was kneeling, "Last night you were obviously not in the house, and the eldest sister was sure to lie to the sky and deceive daddy. ?"

She knows more about Feng Chujin's methods. She can't think of a few people who dared to monitor her in the mansion, and Feng Chujin was the first person to choose.

She made such a gesture tonight and made it clear that she would be severely punished by the Feng's Patriarch, so that she would fall into trouble, so that she could be in position.

"The younger sister said, where should I be?" She asked back, her tone flat.

Even if Feng Chujin caught the handle to prove that she was indeed not in the house last night, she could not find evidence of where she went last night. After all, she was not so capable. What's more, the whole house of Sizheng was destroyed last night. It was Gu Beiyan's hand. Feng Chujin is simple in mind, and will not doubt where she is going.

A sinister smile appeared on Feng Chujin's face, and she bit her word by word, "My sister had a private meeting with someone last night, and I haven't returned all night, do I need my sister to elaborate on the things in it?"

Framed her for fornication? Feng Chujin is quite scheming to destroy her innocence

Sure enough, as soon as her words came out, the face of the Feng's Patriarch immediately turned ugly, and Wen continued to fan the flames from the side, "Jin'er, you can find out, don't ruin your eldest sister's fame."

A woman's fame is extremely important. Feng Chujin framed her to have a private meeting with others. If this matter is spread out, it will definitely become a laughing stock in the mouth of the people. She will facelessly live in the world and will inevitably embark on the road of suicide.

This trick is extremely useful.

"My daughter's handmaid saw it with my own eyes. I was true. I didn't mean to frame the elder sister at all. It's just that the eldest sister did such a thing, and Chu Jin couldn't bear the reputation of Feng Mansion, so she told her father about it."

In the lobby, when Wen's mother and daughter sang a harmony, a murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the kneeling Feng Jiuge. She knew that she was not sorry for them. Feng Chujin framed herself at this moment, and Wen did not forget to let her go My daughter is in high position, really pity the world's parents.