Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 46: The eldest sister-in-law problem


She shouldn't be so kind enough to give Gu Beiyan a decocting medicine to make him suffer from the wind-cold disease. Who made him so mad at himself, he deserved it.

Feng Jiuge's little temper made it extremely cute. Gu Beiyan only felt that the softest part of his heart was slightly hit, and an emotion called joy replaced all his emotions at the moment.

After being preached by Feng Jiuge in this way, Gu Beiyan was still honest, just watching her decoction from the side, and there was a little laughter from time to time, light and hearty.

Feng Jiuge looked up at him suspiciously, only feeling inexplicable.

Can this man laugh happily even if he has nothing to do

Really is the king of Tan.


After Xia Kui's turmoil, everyone did not delay the trip. There are still a few miles away from Jianghuai when the night falls, and Feng Jiuge feels that the journey is a bit faster.

He didn't rush into the city, but rested at the inn outside the town for one night before heading on.

Feng Jiuge has a long memory this time, and chose a house that is very close to Feng Shuyu, first to avoid Gu Beiyan from coming over to find himself, and secondly, he also tried to be quiet.

Anyway, Xia Kui admired Gu Beiyan and wanted to live in Gu Beiyan's room. She still avoided the troubles.

"Let Xiao Er eat something, maybe you and I have not talked about it for a long time." Seeing Feng Jiuge following closely behind, Feng Shuyu just looked down, and then had a few thoughts in his heart.

I am afraid that Gu Beiyan has nowhere to escape because of hiding, otherwise how could his younger sister think of being with him.

The inn is located in the bamboo forest, and the night is cool. Feng Jiuge pushed open the windows in the room to let the cool breeze in. Thinking that it has been a day, the lips should be swollen a little, so he lifted the veil. Take off.

It was March in the spring and the weather gradually warmed up. She only felt hot under her veil.

If Gu Beiyan takes advantage of it any more, she won't even think about seeing people.

Feng Shuyu and Xiao Er came in together from outside, Xiao Er brought some snacks from the town, Feng Jiuge just glanced at it, and had no appetite. She was full of Gu Beiyan in the carriage, and she couldn't eat anymore at this moment.

Feng Shuyu has been riding a horse for a day, and now I feel relaxed and relaxed.

He flicked his sleeves and sat down on a wooden bench. Seeing Feng Jiuge standing in front of the window, he whispered and pulled Feng Jiuge back to reality, "Ajiu, come and sit."

Feng Jiuge then took her gaze in from the outside, only where she stood, but she clearly saw Gu Beiyan and the woman standing beside him, Xia Kui was talking about something, smiling.

Ha, isn't it just that the abdominal pain has not stopped? How can it be all right in a blink of an eye? It seems that this doctor is really superb in medical skills, and he has cured Xia Kui thoroughly, and now he can talk to Gu Beiyan with a smile.

I'm afraid I thought about getting close to Gu Beiyan early in the morning.

Feng Jiuge doesn’t know why she feels uncomfortable when she meets Xia Kui. It's like being robbed of her own money by others. What she doesn't understand is Xia Kui's sober appearance and Gu Beiyan's attitude. , He never refused Xia Kui at all.

It's really hateful.

"A Jiu?" Seeing that Feng Jiuge hadn't come for a long time, Feng Shuyu Meiyu condensed doubts and wanted to get up.

Feng Jiuge felt that he was so mad that he couldn't eat and couldn't say anything. What else did he say is her husband, that's how he is a husband-in-law? Even the woman next to her can throw her arms or hug her...

Feng Shuyu had never seen such a look of Feng Jiuge before, and he was curious about what annoyed her and who annoyed her.

Feng Jiuge slammed the window shut, simply not seeing it.

After completing a series of actions, she took a step and sat down. Before she could speak, she saw her brother looking at herself curiously.

What is this look

Since Feng Jiuge's temperament changed drastically a year ago, she has rarely had such a time of loss of control. She has always been dignified and polite in front of others, and rarely reveals her emotions.

Who has such a great ability to provoke her is really a talent.

"You also rushed for a day, and still have the energy to chat with me?" Feng Jiuge glanced at the man next to him, and said without a word, as if urging him to go to rest earlier.

Although there are only a few miles left in Jianghuai, Fengshuyu is a one-day rush. Now what is most needed is a restful night. What's more, he will go to destroy the remaining party tomorrow. The people under Si Zheng's hands are not easy to deal with. , Especially they are also good at using poison.

"You took a day off. Why, can you talk to King Tan?" Although Feng Shuyu and Gu Beiyan have not dealt a few times, they know that Gu Beiyan would not treat a woman like this.

If it's not pretending, it's sincere.


They are indeed able to'talk'.

Looking at the appearance of Feng Jiuge, Feng Shuyu knew that she had acquiesced. He still didn't understand Feng Jiuge's temperament. He was a typical duplicity. He clearly had Gu Beiyan in his heart, but his face was calm and okay.

"It's fine." Feng Jiuge replied without saltiness, eyes drooping, concealing his emotions at this time.

Even if she denies that she has no affection for Gu Beiyan, she is afraid that it is impossible to get it. Moreover, she seems to have a little heart for him, especially since she is still making medicine for him today.

Feng Jiuge felt red and red when he thought of what happened inside the carriage, and even his regularly beating heart fluttered in his chest.

She has never done this to anyone, Gu Beiyan is the first person.

"Although King Tan's background is not high, there are many supporters in the dynasty. If you marry him, you can be considered a happy home. Dad is afraid that he will not say anything bad." Feng Shuyu is already taking care of his sisters. Thinking about marriage matters in the future.

According to their progress at this time, I am afraid that it will be lively in the capital within a few months.

King Tan's marriage to the princess was not only a good match, but also a match made in heaven.

Unexpectedly, even her own brother would help Gu Beiyan's husband to speak, she knew Gu Beiyan only a few days before marrying and not marrying. She hadn't known this man before. Isn't it early to talk about marriage

Feng Jiuge filled himself with a cup of tea. Although the teacup of the inn was not as refined as that of the palace, it also looked very elegant. The body of the cup was also painted with a piece of green forest and secluded bamboo, which looked extraordinarily clean.

Her Bai Ruo Cong Suan's fingertips swept across the rim of the cup, but her eyes were filled with a strange luster, "If you were to find a sister-in-law for me earlier, I am afraid that my father would not say anything bad."

According to Feng Shuyu's age, it was time to talk about marriage, but the Feng clan's Patriarch did not mention it, and Feng Shuyu himself had no intention of it.

Although Feng Jiuge doesn't care about other people's nostalgia, Feng Shuyu is her elder brother, she still cares about the appearance of her future elder sister, she must not be any worse. How can Feng Shuyu be considered as Moshang? The son, a bookish air, looks good.