Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 56: Just watch the changes


Feng Jiuge looked back at the way he had just arrived at the moment, and there were still some waves in his heart. If it is false to say that she doesn't care, she obviously cares too much about Gu Beiyan to be so gaffe.

"Is there any progress in the chaos of the party?" Feng Jiuge asked as the two walked back side by side.

They discussed matters with the prefect, and she was inconvenient there. Women have never been able to interfere in the affairs of the court. What's more, the eyes of the prefect at her really made her dissatisfied. After asking Feng Shuyu, she would know about it, and she just got out and took off. .

"There are some clues, but it's not clear yet to be investigated." Feng Shuyu held his hand behind him, his tone was low, and his eyes became deep.

"The group of rebels arrested the young woman in the city, but they didn't know what they intended."

Feng Shuyu seemed to have broken something, Feng Jiuge remembered that the culprit also wanted to catch Xia Kui, but she stopped him, and that person didn't succeed so quickly.

Capture the Fang Ling woman

What is the remaining party planning

"The second Miss Xia invited me to drink tea. She wanted to give it up, but she seemed to be very insistent..." Feng Jiuge raised her eyebrows, recalling every detail of just now.

After coming out of the yamen, Xia Kui invited her to have a cup of tea. She knew that Xia Kui approached her for a purpose, so she agreed. And the only teahouse in the city opened, and the two of them entered that teahouse of course.

Xia Kui didn't clearly clarify her purpose, but repeatedly asked her to drink tea, and then the culprit appeared. These timings were so coincidental that even the playbook could not make up such a series.

"Do you suspect that there is something wrong with Xia Kui?" Feng Shuyu is so smart, but after listening to the first half of Feng Jiuge's words, he made some conclusions.

Xia Kui was originally arranged by Luo Yuesheng to accompany her. Her safety is the top priority, but Xia Kui doesn't seem to worry about whether she will be in danger. for.

Looking at Feng Shuyu’s complexion, Feng Jiuge knew that he must have thought of going with him, so he nodded unabashedly, and his tone became sharper, "Gu Beiyan was ordered to go to Jianghuai to quell the rebellion, and he didn’t tell Ming Sheng Huang that Take me there, but Xia Kui was arranged to come in at this time. Don't you think something is wrong?"

Xia Kui, a weak woman, is useless to quell the rebellion party, let alone help Gu Beiyan, but she still came. If she was to follow Gu Beiyan because she expected Gu Beiyan to take herself there, then she would be too leisurely.

Just abandoning her own safety because of jealousy, the people of the Xia family will not let her be so willful, she must have come with a purpose, and this purpose must be more than simple.

Originally, this rebellion could not be put on the head of Fengshuyu. Luo Yuesheng sent Gu Beiyan and Luo Qiran. The two princes and some attendants were more than enough to deal with those chaotic parties.

But Luo Yuesheng sent him to go with him shortly before leaving. When he first learned about it, he thought he was going to protect Xia Kui, but he didn't think about it anywhere else. Now, listening to Feng Jiuge is so broken. , I understand something.

"Last night when the inn was assassinated, if it weren't for Luo Qiran's quick reaction, I'm afraid something was going to happen, but Xia Kui happened to appear there and saw a crowd passing by."

After being assassinated last night and robbing people openly today, Feng Jiuge has already become suspicious.

Their whereabouts have always been secret, and they must pay more attention along the way, but the thief not only found them, but also led Gu Beiyan and the others out, leaving only three people in the inn who they thought could not fight back.

Such a coincidence, she didn't believe it was God's will, someone must be controlling it behind her back, and this person must be inseparable from Xia Kui.

"Ajiu, did she see your skill?" Feng Shuyu was worried that Qifeng Jiuge had just killed the culprit. He can be doubted by the Emperor Sheng, but Fengjiuge is the lord of the princess. , But learned martial arts, such a woman is very murderous, I am afraid that Luo Yuesheng will be guilty of her.

Chu Luo's woman has never been like one person with the same wind and nine songs.

They are all guarding against being seen by others, but they are unavoidably hit by Xia Kui.

"Probably not." Feng Jiuge was not very convinced either.

In that situation, she thought how to hide her identity was impossible, so she could only show it a little bit, but Xia Kui was pushed early by the person, and she didn't see how she killed the two. Human.

However, Xia Kui is so smart, I am afraid that she also knows that she can martial arts.

When Feng Shuyu saw that Feng Jiuge could speak so easily and calmly, he only felt that he had hit the cotton with a punch. Fortunately, he was still worried about Feng Jiuge, but she didn't care whether she would be in danger at all. Such a big-hearted person was actually the sister of his compatriot, which really caused a headache.

The two of them walked side by side but quickly arrived at the teahouse just now. They saw a few bright figures standing there, and the prefect with a black hat and his family, all waiting respectfully and waiting. what.

Feng Jiuge's gaze fell directly on the man, while Xia Kui still stood beside him. The two kept a close distance and were quite close.

Feng Shuyu calmly squeezed Feng Jiuge's hand under the plain shirt, lowered his voice and said, "Watch it turn into a state."

Now that Xia Kui and them are in the bright spot, they can't see what's wrong with Xia Kui, they can only wait patiently for the opportunity, there will always be a time when Xia Kui shows his feet.

Feng Jiuge only slightly curled her lips when she heard this sentence, and she made a smile that was not lukewarm.

Watch the changes.

This term was used quite appropriately. In this situation, if she could watch the changes, she would have written Feng Jiuge three characters backwards. It's just that if she forced Xia Kui to admit that she had vented her whereabouts at this moment, she was also involved in the chaos of the party, and she was afraid that no one would believe that Xia Kui would shirk herself and would not admit it.

However, the most popular thing for her is the way. Isn't she admiring Gu Beiyan? Isn't she so obsessed and pretentious that she loves him so much? Then she must be so angry that Xia Kui will show her feet.

Luo Qiran has the sharpest eye. He saw Feng Jiuge and the others from a long distance. He blew a whistle and laughed diffidently, and cast a'kind' gaze at Gu Beiyan: "This general Feng and the princess are really alike. It's a pair of Bi people, I'm afraid no one else will know that they are a brother-sister relationship."

Luo Qiran's mouth would be fine if he didn't open his mouth. As long as he opened his mouth, it would be tickling.

What a pair of Bi people, only he can say so.

As soon as Luo Qiran's voice fell, he received a stern look from a certain jealous king of Tan. If his eyes were capable of killing people, he was afraid that he would have lost dozens of lives, but he was used to laughing and playing with Gu Beiyan on weekdays. Began to become unafraid of him getting up, joking more and more cheerfully.

"I heard that the Beauty Lake in Jianghuai City has many rare treasures. If you don't mind the Seven Princes, I might as well send you down to play with them?" Feng Jiuge at the moment interprets what it means to laugh and not laugh.

This kind of smirk was worse than her usual.

Luo Qiran was clever all over and waved to surrender.