Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 85: disguise


It won't help to entangle him here again, Feng Jiuge simply let go of Shen Shao Temple, and walked out.

I don't know what happened to my brother, but she found some useful clues. At least she doesn't believe that poisons are insoluble. No matter how mysterious the poison is in the world, it is made by human beings. Perhaps as long as there is a formula, she can ask someone to develop it.

"Xiao Jiu, this is all the Yu Dang outside. If you go out so recklessly, it will be dangerous." Xu Shi took the sharp eyes that Feng Jiuge cast, and Shen Shaosi's four-character spoke extremely lightly, as if she was afraid that she would pissed off.

It is true that it is not safe outside, but it is also dangerous to stay with him.

Shen Shaosi couldn’t do anything for Ningman. Does he still remember the vow he made before Mrs. Shen’s grave? If it were not for her lazy nature, the time in the door would not be long, and the door of Tansi would not be complete. In the hands of Shen Shaosi.

He is not qualified to negotiate terms with himself.

However, according to Shen Shao Temple's dress now, Feng Jiuge also figured out a general idea. This real king Tie Ding has been killed by Shen Shao Temple, and instead of him, he is active in this camp and continues to develop Sizheng's poison technique.

Feng Jiuge thought for a while, and then felt something was wrong.

Although Tansimen had contacts with Sizheng's mansion, they were still trading. They provided gold and silver, and Sizheng gave them a hundred poisons. Tan Simen became the No. 1 party in the arena, and many tricks were used behind it.

Shen Shaosi was only buying poison before, but he wanted to develop it. What was his intention

Perhaps, staying here can solve all her doubts.

"Can you keep me safe?" Feng Jiuge said with some suspicion, Liu Mei condensed for a while, and the water looked at Shen Shao Temple inadvertently.

Since he is the lord here, he must be able to call on these remaining parties. She has to find the antidote here on both sides. Instead of hiding for fear of being discovered, it is better to walk in an open manner and get in and out more freely.

But Feng Jiuge could not force Shen Shaosi to arrange for him, because he was afraid that Shen Shaosi was worried that he had been with Gu Beiyan. He was tempted by Gu Beiyan and would help Gu Beiyan treat him, so Shen Shaosi is now treating himself It must be defensive.

It's just that he is always gentle and elegant, and he doesn't write on his face whether he believes or not. Even the fleeting astonishment is concealed by him extremely well.

She also needs to be on guard against him.

"Xiao Jiu, as long as you want, I will protect you Antai." It was Feng Jiuge who had always pushed him out.

He also didn't know how to deal with the relationship between Feng Jiuge and Ningman, only knowing that he could make up for it at the moment, so he had to do his best.

After Feng Jiuge's temperament changed drastically, not only seldom intervened in the affairs of the door, but also disgusted and dissatisfied every time I saw him, like a deep hatred that could not be resolved.

Shen Shaosi said something true or false, and Feng Jiuge no longer wanted to think about it. She only knew that it was the best arrangement to follow Shen Shaosi at this moment.

Feng Jiuge answered very readily and fluently, "Okay."

It seemed that Feng Jiuge would have such a refreshing time, but isn't this just Feng Jiuge's temperament, Shen Shaosi gave a chuckle, and took her hand one step forward, but she pushed it away.

"I'm not used to being pulled by others." She said with an awkward expression, her eyes kept away, just not looking at Shen Shao Temple.

Shen Shaosi also knew that this was not the time when she was arguing with Feng Jiu Ge. She didn't want to let it go. There is still time for them, and the relationship can still be restored as before. His Xiao Jiu has always been duplicity.

"Okay." He allowed a smile. Even through the mask, Feng Jiuge can imagine that he must be full of peach blossoms at the moment, even with those phoenix eyes that are full of scorching demon healing, so beautiful.


Before taking into account his own dress, Feng Jiuge didn't pay much attention to this thief camp, but now it is much more convenient to change his dress.

Their looks can't be seen by others, for fear of incurring murder.

When Feng Jiuge came out of the main hall, he happened to see Feng Shuyu coming from a remote place. He also changed his outfit at the moment.

"How did you find my brother?" She didn't believe it was Feng Shuyu who took the initiative to find Shen Shao Temple. After all, they are not familiar.

Shen Shaosi, who was standing on the side, saw it, but said that his face was irrelevant, "Xiao Jiu, since you stepped into this place, I have seen through your identities."

But he couldn't talk to them in front of everyone, after all, it was a dangerous thing.

"Your citizen's daughter who was'captured' is the Seventh Prince, isn't it? She looks good in her dress." Shen Shaosi nodded to himself.

Then you let him turn around, deliberately wanting to see them play the scene of this renunciated girl crying out injustice.

Feng Jiuge didn't know when Shen Shaosi would have such an interest. He was afraid that Luo Qiran in the dungeon would have to rush out to argue with him when he heard this.

"Just let him close it, it's still dangerous if it's released." Feng Jiuge betrayed Luo Qiran very unceremoniously.

She just wanted Luo Qiran as a guise, so that she could enter this place with Feng Shuyu. Now that there is Shen Shao Temple, this guise is no longer needed. What's more, when Fang Luo Qiran came out, he didn't know what he would say.

Shen Shaosi just asked if she was tempted by Gu Beiyan. She didn't say it, but it didn't mean that Shen Shaosi had let go of his defenses with this. He was just waiting, waiting for one day to take the initiative to admit it.

How ironic.

Between them, because of a Nimman, they went farther and farther, so far as the affection was weak, and the coldness was so far.

Shen Shaosi nodded, seeming to agree with Feng Jiuge's words.

Instead of letting Luo Qiran out, it's better to detain him for some time. Isn't it Chu Luo's prince? Luo Yuesheng's hands and feet were all killed by him, and now only Luo Qiran is left.

He was very curious, if even Luo Qiran was killed, Luo Yuesheng would sit on the throne more firmly.

At that time, Feng Shuyu had walked towards them and saw Shen Shao Temple, there was no extra action, just a slight nod.

After all, they are not familiar.

"I heard Xiao Jiu say that this time my brother accompanied Xiao Jiu to get the antidote to King Tan. It's a pity that we haven't developed an antidote." Shen Shaosi was standing in the same place with Feng Shuyu, the former The models are Wenru, and the latter is a gentleman, comparable.

Feng Jiuge sometimes mixes Shen Shao Temple with Feng Shuyu, but after a long time, I feel that although the two people are similar in temperament, their temperaments are quite different.

The gentleness of Feng Shuyu varies from person to person. They are brothers and sisters, and this warmth will be more vividly expressed, because Feng Chujin has not received much favor from him.

But Shen Shaosi is different, he looks like this to everyone. Maybe he will be more gentle with Nimman, after all, she is the person on the cusp of heart.

Feng Jiuge thought, sneered secretly in his heart, listening to their conversation, at this moment, he didn't even feel the chill.

Ruthless, naturally without love.

She thought that she always had illusions about Shen Shaosi, so she was always bruised and wounded, and healed her wounds by herself each time. But now her heart has changed. She lives in Gu Beiyan in her heart and will treat him wholeheartedly.