Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 96: Waiting for good news


Shen Shaosi also knew that his reason must not be convincing enough. He laughed and stood in front of Feng Jiuge. The two looked at each other, and Feng Jiuge saw her in his eyes for the first time, and the only time she was there.

"What are you doing?" Feng Jiuge didn't know why he took a step back in plain sight. This behavior was obviously a sign of fear.

Why is she afraid of Shen Shaosi coming.

Could it be that she was so confused by her calculations? I can still get along with her in such an approachable way.

"Xiao Jiu, the assassination of that woman was indeed to attract you, but there are also other reasons." Shen Shaosi has always been kind words, seldom revealing his true emotions in front of others.

Now he only stood by his side, with no other foils, only Xixi night breeze and Jiao Jiao Mingyue, but he was bright with this breeze. Even in black, he was dressed in a peerless manner and overwhelming Wanfang.

Feng Jiuge's Liu eyebrows frowned, and he was excited.

"She's Shen Ange, my uncle's daughter." Shen Shaosi answered her doubts in a word, and at the same time that she understood, Feng Jiuge instantly understood something.

"Are you going to kill her?" Shen Shaosi had the arrow just now, and if it was correct, it would pass her side, and if it was correct, it would definitely hit An Ge. If Feng Shuyu were not pushed away in time, she would definitely die!

"Xiao Jiu, everyone in the Shen family should be killed." Shen Shaosi corrected.

This is not to kill, but to pay for blood.

Feng Jiuge suddenly showed the appearance of the woman, holding a rattle and shouting on the street, her temper was free and easy to talk, if it were Shen Sihai's daughter, it would be a little different.

The Shen family’s daughter, no matter how bad it is, she will not be so stubborn. Na An Ge made it clear that she has not learned many rules, and she doesn’t even have the basic shame of her daughter’s family. He kept leaning against Fengshuyu.

There is only one side, but Feng Jiuge sees Shen Ange thoroughly. Although she only gave herself a bunch of sugar people, she still couldn't help but speak for her, "She is just an unfavored daughter, Shen The government has a large population, and it doesn’t matter if she is missing."

In Feng Jiuge's heart, there was still an interesting idea that Shen Ange would join his brother.

Although the woman is a little bold and unrestrained, she is just right for her brother. She doesn't look bad, and she won't lose Feng Shuyu in appearance.

"Xiao Jiu, I really can't do anything with you." However, after only talking to the woman for a while, he had already got a clear picture of the person. Only Feng Jiuge can see people so thoroughly.

Indeed, Shen Sihai's heirs are prosperous, and Shen Ange is just one of his many children, not to mention his daughter who is not valued.

Feng Jiuge also knew that what he said to Shen Shaosi to protect Shen Ange at the moment would not help. If he wanted to kill Shen Sihai, he would have the same relatives. In addition, when Mrs. Shen passed away, no one in the Shen family mourned for her, and she refused to be buried in the tomb of the Shen family behind her. It is not surprising that Shen Shaosi hated them.

Distressed, distressed, Feng Jiu's song is still always calm.

Just now, Shen Shaosi said that the primary purpose is to attract herself, and since she is here now, he might as well speak directly if he has any words.

She has been wounded to the point that she is not invaded by poison, and nothing can pierce her heart like a knife.

"The letter I gave you yesterday, you handed it to Queen Tan, and told him that the day when he returned to Beijing was the time when Shen Mansion destroyed the gate." Shen Shaosi's face was serious, and his stern expression revealed imperceptible danger.

Kill the door? Does he want the entire Shen Mansion to bury his mother

"Why do you want to borrow the hand of King Tan, now you are not alone, and a small Shen Mansion can make you worry?" Feng Jiuge felt that the transaction between King Tan Mansion and Tan Temple Gate was too obvious.

Although their goals are the same, why does this wicked man want King Tan to do it

Shen Shaosi is the master of the sect, and there are not a few people with high martial arts skills. Even if Shen Sihai is the minister of war and the imperial court commander, he will kill an ant, but he will push the sinner to Gu Beiyan. This is another beating. Any idea.

"Xiao Jiu, this is what King Tan promised me, not my intention." Shen Shaosi smiled calmly, but shirk this responsibility cleanly.

When did Gu Beiyan allow him

Does he dare to do all the bad things that make it clear to do the wicked

Not to mention that Prince Tan’s Mansion is quite powerful in the capital, and has nothing to do with the Jianghuai Shen Mansion. It is the case of the Yu Dang that the Shen Mansion did not interfere. This is enough to show that they did not want to take this muddy water. They stayed out of the matter. Just wait for the result.

Feng Jiuge remembers that Gu Beiyan said that the Yu Dang can dominate here without the support of the Jianghuai Shen Mansion. Looking at the courage of the prefect, he knew that he must be the coerced lord, and it was Shen Mansion and Shen Sihai who really controlled everything behind him.

"Shen Sihai helped Si Zhengyu's party to make trouble here, and it was a damn on the bright side. Did you catch his handle and let King Tan kill the door?"

Feng Jiuge's analysis was well-founded, and Shen Shaosi nodded very quickly.

I used to work hard for Shen Shaosi in the door, but now I’m next to Gu Beiyan, but I start to make careful calculations for him. Even Feng Jiuge hasn’t even noticed that when his heart has been leaning toward Gu Beiyan, it’s all in my words. It means to plan for him.

"Si Zhengan stabs King Tan, and now his party members have fled to Jianghuai, and are supported by Shen Sihai. How can King Tan, who bears such enemies, let Shen Sihai live comfortably? Besides, Xiao Jiu, I am this time. You helped King Tan a great favor, and he should return it to me."

It's not wrong to say that Gu Beiyan remembered his grudges, but when Gu Beiyan owed him another favor. Feng Jiuge only felt that after two days of going up the mountain, he was so confused that he didn't know what happened and was very passive.

Anyway, I couldn't ask Shen Shaosi about the reason, so I went to the Shen Mansion to meet with Gu Beiyan.

"I know, I'll go back first." Feng Jiuge is cold-tempered and not very talkative. After knowing the thoughts of Shen Shao Temple, he will leave. I don't know how Shen Ange is with Feng Shuyu at this time.

Shen Shao Temple's move today is a bit of no silver three hundred taels here.

Although it was to lead him to come, but in the end the dark arrow did not lose its strength. He still wanted Shen Ange's life, not today, but tomorrow.

Feng Jiuge's figure fell from the tower, and then disappeared from the field of vision. Shen Shaosi stood on the porch with his hands on his back, and from his perspective, he could capture the magnificent scene of Jianghuai City in his eyes.

The phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his eyes were raised, and his thin lips slowly lifted up, spit out a few words, and dissipated with the habit of evening breeze, and it was too late to be caught.

"King Tan, waiting for your good news."


When Feng Jiuge went back, seeing the two people who were supposed to be in the same place, they did not know when they arrived at the wine shop aside. Look at the bold appearance of Shen Ange's pouring wine, Feng Jiuge was a little bit suspicious, can this be said to be the daughter of the Shen Palace.

Shen Ange hadn't learnt half of the appearance of the beautiful ladies, but where did he learn the willful appearance of this sturdy man drinking.