Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 98: Ayan hugs


Feng Shuyu didn't know where this Shen Ange came from, and was able to coax Feng Jiuge to drink a glass of wine after another, and in the end he was a little bit fluttering even when he walked. Holding one of his left and right hands, Feng Shuyu really felt that he was acting as a guard when he came out this time.

Especially if both left and right hands are holding a poo, and you have to hold that bunch of sugary people. General Feng feels that he is used to dancing with knives and guns. Holding these can be said to be a kind of weak Liu Fuzi. It is true. It is a test of endurance.

Feng Jiuge’s wines are still okay, at least not like Shen Ange on the side, muttering and mumbling, what is the way this maneuvering, he can be said to be a daughter of a family, he All faceless for Lord Shen.

The carriage stopped outside the wine shop, and the coachman helped Shen Ange up. Feng Shuyu lifted Feng Jiuge horizontally. After Feng Jiuge collapsed, Shen Ange on the side rushed up restlessly.

Is this woman born as a rabbit, so clingy.

When he is awake, his pride is gone, and he is still so restless when he is drunk. If he took a drunk to Shen's Mansion, he might still be treated by Shen Sihai.

If the amount of alcohol is not good, you have to stop in moderation, but Shen Ange doesn't understand the truth at all, and drank a table full of wine jars.

Just after comforting Shen Ange, when Feng Shuyu couldn't lift her eyes from her heart, she saw the woman who was supposed to be lying on the collapsed roof. She didn't know when she got up and leaned against the floating window, her face flushed, her eyes filled.

"Ajiu?" Feng Shuyu whispered tentatively.

He wasn't sure whether Feng Jiuge was sober or drunk now, but it was no different from her usual days, just more indifferent.

Feng Jiuge knew that she was not drinking well, but although Shen Ange advised her to drink this wine, she still wanted to drink it by herself. Maybe she had been tired for too long, so she should feel better.

It was just this drunk, the five-flavored bottle that was overturned in the bottom of my heart, full of sours, sweets, bitters, and astringent flavors. She thought of Gu Beiyan, of Shen Shaosi, and of the affair that she smashed back then.

Maybe she should live alone, so why drag others down.

"Well-drink again, I still want to drink -" Shen Ange, who was lying on the soft collapse, became restless at this time, a leg suddenly stretched out in front of Fengshuyu, and then she lay down like this.

Daring to love him, he is still a cushion.

Feng Jiuge looked back and laughed with a rare smile, her eyes blurred and drunk, with a different color.

"You are a natural couple." Feng Jiuge has already acquiesced in the identity of Shen Ange. Although she is rigorous and submissive, she is also an elm-headed man. She has never experienced love and is separated from the beginning , But today you have met Shen Ange.

Yuanjia is on a narrow road, and he is a perfect match. They are talking about.

"Ajiu, you seldom tease me." Obviously, Feng Shuyu didn't think he would be tempted by such a'rude' woman. Even if he hadn't thought that one day he would be able to hold his head with the same person, but that person shouldn't be like Shen Ange, it would be fine if there is no rules and etiquette, and his speech and manners are better than those of men.


Feng Jiuge meditated, just as teasing him, she couldn't find any fun beside her for her pastime.

The carriage moved forward steadily. Feng Jiuge leaned against the window, probably because of her drunken strength. She only felt that the bumps and bumps in the carriage were uncomfortable.

"General, princess, Shen's mansion is here." The coachman's voice came from outside the carriage.

"Got it." Feng Shuyu replied indifferently. Suddenly, Shen Ange entangled him like an octopus. He hugged him without saying anything, and brought his face up. The overwhelming alcohol fell down, and he felt like he was holding him at this moment. It's a drunk.

Really lovely people.

Feng Jiuge quietly watched his brother at a loss, unable to start.

If Feng Shuyu and Shen Ange are to start between, it must be Shen Ange who is active and Fengshuyu is passive, but the one who loves the most and hurts the most is Fengshuyu.

"Well, general, you can just hug me back, general. There is a very soft bed in my house. You and I must be comfortable on pillows."

Shen Ange, who was very drunk, started talking nonsense again at this moment.

Feng Jiuge took a faint look at his brother, and then decided for him in a considerate manner, "Send Miss Shen back to the house, otherwise she will definitely not stop, I will go in by myself."

She was not drunk enough to look like Shen Ange, even if she was walking, she should still be measured.

Feng Shuyu was still hesitating for a while, but then Shen Ange's two vine-like lotus arms were wrapped around. He really couldn't get away, so he could only nod his head and agree, and then hugged Shen Ange and got out of the carriage.

Just after getting off the carriage, he crashed into a pair of Hessian's cold eyes.

Gu Beiyan stood on the steps, followed by Lin Zhi, and the two seemed to have been waiting there for a long time.

"General Feng." Seeing Feng Shuyu coming, he saluted respectfully, and he always adhered to the principle of seeing no evil, and he did not go to see the woman in Feng Shuyu's arms.

Feng Shuyu nodded, and when he passed by them, he left a sentence, "Ajiu is still in the car, maybe he is drunk."

Feng Jiuge was able to speak with her elder brother more soberly, but at this moment, she couldn't resist the growing stamina of drinking. There seemed to be a feeling of anxiety in her belly, and her good-looking brows curled up.

Really can't be more greedy.

But once in a haughty occasion, the retribution came so quickly. Feng Jiuge is not a person who can't bear the pain, but watching Shen Ange entwining Feng Shuyu and leaving, she felt that her heart was empty for the first time, and it was more serious than the love affair that she ran into Shen Shaosi Tong Ning Man that day. Upset.

Gu Beiyan entered the carriage, only to see a petite and thin figure shrunk in the soft collapse, the person was in a posture of encircling her, Qingsi concealed her face, could not see her face, but pitiful grievances were everywhere.

Gu Beiyan only felt that the softest part of his heart was hit hard.

Even in the past, even after the encounter, his ninety-nine has never been so fragile, so fragile that it seems to disappear after a touch, making people afraid to touch it easily.

"Nine Nine." Half drunk and half awake, Feng Jiuge heard a familiar voice.

The softest call, the most lingering tone.

She raised her misty eyes and looked towards the source of the sound. She saw a tall figure standing by the door in the small space of the carriage. He leaned over and stood, his body shape incompatible with the carriage, she only felt the whole body The space has become narrow, and an inexplicable atmosphere permeates.

It's Gu Beiyan.

Feng Jiuge didn't know what to do. It might be that Shen Shao Temple was so affectionate with Ning Man, and Feng Shuyu was fighting like Shen Ange, she felt full of envy. She has always been aggressive and aggressive, but at this moment she has removed her full body of sharp thorns, opened her arms to Gu Beiyan, and muttered with red lips, "Ayan, hug."