Jiang Jiu Ge

Chapter 99: Almost abrupt


I thought that she had lied to Feng Jiuge, and she would chill herself for several days, but Gu Beiyan never thought that she would be drunk, and still so... clingy and cute.

Looking at Feng Jiuge’s beauty and beauty, Gu Beiyan only felt full of joy, so he leaned down and picked up Feng Jiuge’s arms, but when he raised his hand, he pulled the wound on his shoulder, but he ignored the wind. Jiuge hugged from the carriage.

"Lord, you—" Lin Zhi said when he saw Gu Beiyan personally hugged Feng Jiuge out of the carriage.

Wasn't the prince injured his left shoulder and was ordered by the doctor to recuperate? How could this pick up the prince again? This is not good for the wound healing.

When he was halfway through what he said, he was swept by Gu Beiyan's icy eyes and shut his mouth instantly.

He forgot that in the heart of the prince, the princess is more important than his life.

"Go back and rest, you don't need to follow." Gu Beiyan took a cold look, and then stepped forward after leaving a sentence.

The guards of Shen's Mansion saw Gu Beiyan and knelt down to salute.

It was midnight now, and most of the people in Shen's mansion were also resting. There was no one walking in the corridor. Gu Beiyan soon brought Feng Jiuge back to the room.

Perhaps Feng Jiuge’s wines are quite good, but they are also divided.

Previously facing Feng Shuyu, it was still because he was her elder brother, and Shen Ange was also there. She really couldn’t do the kind of sweetness of her daughter’s home, but at the moment she was holding Gu Beiyan, her beloved man. , Then all the coquettish coquettish come here.

"Ayan—" The woman in her arms squeezed restlessly, her lotus arms tightly wrapped around Gu Beiyan's neck, her red lips moved up, exhaling blue in his ears.

Even if Feng Jiuge doesn't laugh on weekdays, it still looks well-mannered and deserted. After all, he became so drunk.

With such a small woman's posture, King Tan just wanted to disassemble her and swallow her in his belly.

Always calm and self-sufficient like a king of sandalwood, Feng Jiuge lost his stamina and measure at this moment. After closing the door with a bang, he ran directly to the bed.

"Jiu Jiu, be good, let go first, I'll let people cook and hangover and drink." Gu Beiyan's tone at the moment is as soft as a feather touching his face. He rarely has such patience, and all this patience is given to Feng Jiuge. .

Feng Jiuge at this moment is still a little awake, just holding the appearance of the man in front of him, and all the grievances deceived by him today came to her heart. She rarely pouted her mouth and said, "No, Gu Beiyan is a bad person. It will only lie to my bad guys."

She really didn't forgive anything that happened today.

In Feng Jiuge's life, what he hates most is being deceived by others, even though his relatives are like this, but this time the object is still his sweetheart. If it weren't for the bravery of alcohol tonight, she would have to fight Gu Beiyan for two or three days.

It's too bad, knowing how worried she is about his body, she even joked with herself about this kind of thing.

She thought that Gu Beiyan would really die like this, and she also thought, if the antidote cannot be retrieved, or if Shen Shaosi threatens herself not to give the antidote, she will make plans to advance and retreat together with him.

But who knows, she was thinking about all this, Gu Beiyan didn't have anything at all, he was still talking and laughing like this, and still so calm and composed. Anyone can lie to her, but he can't.

Who said that Luo Qiran was the only one who played a rogue, and his ninety-nine drunk and played a rogue is no one else.

Pushing and squeezing in his arms, Feng Jiuge did not know when he tore off the belt of his tunic, and she gently pulled the loose neckline, revealing a beautifully-lined neck and a clear and delicate collarbone. The wisps of green silk fell on the chest, and the white skin formed a sharp contrast with the black long hair, which even more shocked the man's vision.

Gu Beiyan only felt dry and dry, and his whole body was concentrated in one place. His black eyes gradually became lustful, his voice was dumb, and he reached out to put on the clothes that Feng Jiuge loosened, "Jiu Jiu, obedient. ,Ok?"

He thinks he is not a gentleman, especially when facing Feng Jiuge.

It only took more than a year before and after they got along, but his yearning for Feng Jiuge reached its peak. He wanted this woman, wanted her to be his princess, and Gu Beiyan's woman.

Xu is the two of them very close, Feng Jiuge only feels that his whole body is hot and red, and the red lines on the cheeks are faintly tender and tender.

"What if I don't obey you?" She slowly picked up her senses soberly, but she still surrounded Gu Beiyan's neck, her red lips pursing with a light smile.


Even if the powder is not applied, even if the vermilion lips are not moisturized, she is still beautiful in the world.

Gu Beiyan's black eyes were slowly replaced by lust, his reason was disintegrating, and he couldn't care about the injury of his shoulder. He pressed Feng Jiuge under his body when he clasped his hands, his thin lips swept her sweetness like crazy.

Having been with him for a long time, Feng Jiuge is also accustomed to this kind of madness, but tonight is different from the past. Tonight’s Gu Beiyan is even more... wild, like an exiled wolf, after looking for his prey, he desperately takes possession , Declare sovereignty.

When his lips touched and his tongues entangled, Feng Jiuge only felt that he couldn't help but breathe.

The original dissatisfaction, resentment, grievance, and sadness were all thrown out of the sky. She knew that she had said that she was dissatisfied with Gu Beiyan, but she forgave him from the bottom of her heart. There is nothing more important than his safety.

"Nine-nine, give you to me, eh?" Gu Beiyan's voice was lowly coaxing, and it was more mellow and sweeter than the wine she drank today. One day I saw the sky in the ground, that kind of mellow stool. Nowhere to hide.

The clothes that were already loose were easily taken off, until the skin was cold, Feng Jiuge was pulled back from the lust, and reason instantly occupied his mind.

"No, don't be here."

Even if she loves him and is willing to give herself to this man, it does not mean she wants to be here. This is Shen Mansion, with Luo Qiran and Xia Kui beside her. Even if she doesn't care about this moment, she is not in the mood. And she was just on a whim, wanting to tease Gu Beiyan.

Who knows, when this guy is facing him, he never knows how to write the word.

Gu Beiyan was just in the mood, but he was pushed away by the woman in his arms. King Tan instantly became cold and dissatisfied, "Nine Jiu don't want it?"

This is not a question of willingness or not.

But this occasion is too untimely.

It was her who was clearly bullied. Feng Jiuge found out that the one who dared to be left out in the cold was the one who was being bullied. She just thought it was funny, her eyes were sober and smiling, and the hands entwined with his fingers became tighter.

"Isn’t it the first time for a woman to have a beautiful souvenir? King Tan intends to make me a lifetime shadow?" She doesn’t mind where this happened, but Gu Beiyan is still injured now. If it is fierce, he will be diagnosed by the doctor. , Where to put her face, this is simply shameless.

A certain King Tan, who had just taken Qiao arrogantly just now, heard the words and thought that this was a correct answer.

His ninety-nine is a spoiling on the tip of his heart, this time he deserves to have good memories.

It was also because he was a little bit reckless and almost confiscated his hand, but his Jiujiu didn't know. When he looked at her, even with a look or a movement, he fell into position and only had to hold her up.

Gu Beiyan also knew that what he had just done was something wrong, so he kindly kissed Feng Jiuge's left hand and said, "This king is abrupt, not as an example."