Jianghu Name Da

Chapter 14


The flowers along the river were in full bloom, pink and white spreading everywhere, and it had just rained last night, so the air smelled nice and fresh. Many people from the city came here to enjoy the cool air and have fun, which gave rise to many small vendors, who carried poles to sell food and toys, and the fireworks were lively.

Li Sui led his men to dismount from the horse, dropped the reins and let Kicking Snow Wuzhui go for fun.

Zhu Yanyin's knees went weak and he almost fell.

Li Sui reached out and grabbed him in time: "Hey, are you okay?"

Zhu Yanyin's throat trembled as if a ghost had pinched it. "I want to vomit."

Li Sui first found it difficult to understand why this person wanted to vomit all the time, like a pregnant woman, but after thinking about it, he remembered the brain disease that Jiang Shenglin often talked about, and he forced himself to connect the dots: it was normal for him to want to vomit after hitting his head - anyway, he just didn't have the conscious awareness that "he made people vomit because his style of doing things was too devilish."

So he said, "Then go and vomit."

Zhu Yanyin agreed, turned around and walked to the other side without looking back. His steps became faster and faster, faster and faster, and he thought he was walking fast.

In Li Sui's eyes, it was not fast. In his opinion, the hurried footsteps were nothing but the problem of the scholars in Jiangnan. They had to find a deserted place before they could vomit. But with so many tourists on the riverside, where could they find peace and quiet

Never mind, give him a hand again.

Zhu Yanyin's heart was pounding like a drum and he was panting. He felt like he was almost running for his life.

Li Sui put his arm around his shoulders and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to Feiquan Valley."

Zhu Yanyin: “?”

Kicking the Snow Black Horse ran happily towards the deep valley again.

This time, there was really no one around. Not only was there no one, there wasn't even a ghost. It wasn't because the scenery of Feiquan Valley was bad, but because the road leading to the valley was too rugged and only experts could enter.

Li Sui pointed to a cave and said, "Go there and vomit."

Zhu Yanyin: Help!

Kicking Snow Wuzhui came over at this time and gently nudged him with his head, being very affectionate.

Li Sui's eyebrows jumped when he saw this: "Have you ever fed my horse?"

Considering the current situation, Zhu Yanyin felt that it was not impossible for the other party to get furious and say, "Anyone who has fed my horse must die."

So he shook his head wildly.

And the horse was still rubbing against him madly.

The scene was awkward for a while.

Li Sui looked at the stupid look of Wu Zhui, who was drooling as he kicked the snow, and felt a tightness in his chest. He warned, "Don't do it again."

Zhu Yanyin went from shaking his head frantically to nodding frantically.

The black horse kicking the snow has no idea that the bean cakes will soon be gone, and it is still happily eating grass like a fool.

Zhu Yanyin mustered up the courage to ask, "Why did you bring me here?"

Li Sui replied: "Traveling around the mountains and rivers."

Zhu Yanyin: “…”

Birds were singing in the mountains, and a thick layer of grass had grown on the ground. Zhu Yanyin had just been frightened too much, and his legs were still weak, so he simply sat down on the ground and planned to catch his breath.

Li Sui looked at him for a while, and suddenly asked: "Do you know why the leader of Qingyun Gang sits in a wheelchair?"

Zhu Yanyin was stunned by the question. He didn't understand what the question was. Why would he sit in a wheelchair? Was it because you broke his leg

Li Sui continued, "Because he misunderstood the key points when practicing, he thought he could break through the restrictions in his body, but he never expected that his blood and qi would flow backwards, causing the tendons and veins in his legs to break, and he became a cripple."

Zhu Yanyin: "... Yeah."

He was still waiting for the follow-up of the Qingyun Gang leader's lameness, or some other hidden secret, but Li Sui went to the stream again.

Zhu Yanyin was not so scared at this time, but his confusion doubled. He was frightened to see the other party standing motionless on the stone, staring at the water, as if he was about to jump into the river to commit suicide. What was going on? Could it be the legendary possession

Li casually raised the wind and a big fish was brought out of the water, fluttering and falling to the ground.

It is really big. It is so big that the wild Yellow River carp that has grown for more than ten years cannot be stewed in one pot.

Zhu Yanyin: “Ah!”

Li Sui built a fire and seemed to be planning to grill fish.

Zhu Yanyin couldn't understand what was so delicious about this old fish that looked so earthy and fishy, but he didn't dare to raise any objections. He just sat under the tree with his knees hugged, watching the other party kill the fish with skillful knife skills, cut open the belly and take out the internal organs, hastily scrape off the scales a few times, and without even removing the fishy smell, just grilled it directly.

Although Zhu Yanyin had never been in the kitchen, he had read a lot of miscellaneous books and had studied the ingredients of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. He was very particular about food quality. Even if it was a rough cooking, it was to retain the original freshness of the delicacies from the mountains and the sea. How could a river fish like this with rough meat and taste not be eaten without being chopped finely with a knife and seasoned with eighteen kinds of cooking seasonings

After a moment, Li Sui called him, "Come here."

Zhu Yanyin didn't really want to go over, but he was afraid that if he didn't, he would end up like the fish, so he had to slowly move towards the fire.

Li Sui handed him a piece of fish: "Eat it."

Zhu Yanyin took it in his hand and took a bite. To be honest, he had never eaten anything so disgusting in his life.

Li Sui asked: "How?"

Zhu Yanyin chewed with difficulty, his mouth full of earthy taste: "Hmm, um." His cheeks puffed up, he couldn't swallow.

Li Sui misunderstood this "hmm" and thought it meant that he was eating voraciously, so he said cheerfully, "The rest is yours."

Zhu Yanyin looked at the two-foot-long fish, his heart trembling, and asked with difficulty: "Can I take it home?"

Li Sui nodded: "Yes."

Zhu Yanyin breathed a sigh of relief, but still failed to swallow the fish, and felt very bitter inside.

Li followed and took off the wine bag from his waist: "Do you want to drink?"

Zhu Yanyin: “Mmmm.” Not drinking.

Li Sui did not force him this time. He tilted his head back and took a sip. The aroma of wine filled the air.

With such beautiful scenery, good wine, and good... not-so-good food, it can actually be considered elegant in the book.

But it was obvious that the atmosphere between the two of them at this moment had nothing to do with "elegance", and everything seemed wrong.

Zhu Yanyin had given up eating the fish and quietly placed the remaining half next to the fire. He was thinking about whether he could take advantage of the other party's good mood after drinking to suggest going home together, but shouts were heard from the top of the mountain.

"Young Master!"

"Second Young Master!"

"Palace Master Li!"

Li Sui threw the empty wine bag aside and looked up, seeing dozens of Zhu Mansion servants swooping down from a height, as light and agile as birds. Their skills were truly impressive.

Zhu Zhang and Jiang Shenglin were also brought down with them. After hearing Zhu Xiaosui crying and saying that "the young master was kidnapped in the street", they were both shocked and quickly led people to ask and search along the way, and finally found this valley.

"Young Master!" Zhu Zhang was already covered in cold sweat. When he saw Zhu Yanyin still standing there in good health, the heart that had been hanging in his throat finally fell back.

"Uncle Zhang." Zhu Yanyin supported him, "It's okay, Palace Master Li just brought me here to enjoy the scenery and eat some fish."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Palace Master Li." Zhu Zhangxu wiped his sweat, still feeling terrified, "But it's getting late, and my son has to go back to take his medicine. Can I go first?"

"Yes!" Before Li Sui could say anything, Jiang Shenglin agreed immediately, "Go back quickly and boil the medicine for the cold first. I'll be there soon."

Zhu Zhang felt relieved and quickly called on the servants to take the second young master out of the valley. The group slipped away so quickly that they didn't even leave a trace behind and didn't take even a single fish with them.

Li Sui: “Stop!”

The last servant didn't have time to evacuate, so he had to stand there unhappily: "Palace Master Li."

Li Sui pointed his finger and said coldly, "Take the fish back."

Butler: “…”

Jiang Shenglin was worried about Zhu Yanyin, so he followed her to the Zhu Mansion Money House at the foot of Fengming Mountain.

Zhu Zhang stood beside the bed: "How is it?"

"It's okay." Jiang Shenglin said, "It's just too cold in the mountains. I'm afraid I caught a cold again. I'd better lie down for two more days."

Zhu Zhang went out to watch the decoction. While no one else was in the room, Jiang Shenglin took the opportunity to ask, "What did Palace Master Li do when he took you into the mountains today?"

Zhu Yanyin recalled that it was nothing, they just said they wanted to travel and enjoy the scenery. They first told the story of the lame leader of the Qingyun Sect, and then grilled a tasteless fish.

Jiang Shenglin didn't understand: "The story of the leader of Qingyun Sect who was lame?"

Zhu Yanyin replied: "Yes."

He then speculated anxiously: "Could it be that before I lost my memory, I had a relationship with the Qingyun Sect? Otherwise, why would Palace Master Li specifically mention it?"

The more I think about it, the more likely it is. This is probably the truth of the matter!

Jiang Shenglin was also confused, so later in the evening, he personally asked Li Sui: "Why did you specifically tell Master Zhu about the lameness of the leader of the Qingyun Sect?"

Li Sui casually answered: "Didn't you teach me?"

Jiang Shenglin was puzzled: "You must have remembered it wrongly. When did I mention the leader of Qingyun Sect? I don't even know him."

Li Sui poured himself some tea: "You didn't mention it, but you said that you wanted me to take Zhu Yanyin to travel, eat and drink, and tell him some interesting stories in the martial arts world."

Jiang Shenglin patiently explained: "The interesting stories in the martial arts world I asked you to tell are about martial arts competitions or young ladies' match to find a husband, or you can pick a few unsolved cases in the martial arts world. Even if it's about elopement, it's better than the leader of the Qingyun Sect going astray." And breaking a leg while practicing martial arts is clearly a tragedy. It is said that Leader Lu has been depressed for a whole year, sighing all day long and can hardly eat.

Li Sui frowned, "Lu Qing has average talent but is obsessed with making a name for himself. He doesn't know how to retreat when he encounters a dead end, but just rushes forward recklessly, causing his Qi and blood to flow backwards and his legs to become disabled. Isn't that funny?"

"Of course it's not funny!" Jiang Shenglin was shocked by this weird joke. He wanted to reason with her, but he felt exhausted when he opened his mouth, so he waved his hand weakly: "Forget it, you'd better not go to Mr. Zhu again. I think he was still emotionally stable when he mentioned you today, so he shouldn't be scared again."

Li Sui sneered and did not comment.

Later, the servants of the Zhu family pushed a small cart covered with a small brocade quilt and hurried to the west of the city to find veterinary surgeon Liu.

It was said that the dog at home ate fish and was vomiting and having diarrhea, and couldn't stop.

Palace Master Li, who was drinking tea in the teahouse: "..."