Jianghu Name Da

Chapter 22


Although Mr. Zhu had no experience in the martial arts world, he had read a lot of martial arts books. Generally, if there was a maze that could not be escaped in the books, many masked men in black would attack from all directions with swords in hand, which was very dangerous. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous, but perhaps because he had seen Li Sui's incredible kung fu, he was not too scared and even had the courage to glance around.

Kicking Snow Black Horse carried the two people and walked freely along the narrow path. Not long after, they returned to the dead forest for the third time.

Li Sui did not touch the reins and continued to let it find its own way. The fourth time, the fifth time, and when the withered forest appeared in front of him for the sixth time, Zhu Yanyin hesitated and said, "It seems that the time taken is getting shorter each time." But Kicking Snow Wuzhu's speed has hardly changed. It is impossible for it to go a shorter distance each time on the same road. White light mist rose from the ground and quietly enveloped the deep forest. I don't know if it was an illusion, but I always felt that even the sky darkened in an instant. The sense of time and space were confused. The more I tried to analyze it clearly, the more confused I became. A mess rolled into my mind, and my heart was anxiously squeezed together.

Li Sui said sternly: “Close your eyes!”

Zhu Yanyin did as he was told. Although he no longer had to look at the hideous white shadows around him, the heaviness in his chest still did not go away.

Li Sui continued: "If you don't have inner strength, then you should avoid looking at things you shouldn't look at."

Zhu Yanyin: “…”

He had indeed been concentrating on memorizing the terrain along the way, trying to see if he could find the formation, but it turned out that it didn't seem to work. It was not every time that he could encounter a coincidence like the Tiangong Knot, and he almost got himself involved.

The world of martial arts is indeed very dangerous.

It was dark in front of him, and his hearing became extremely sensitive. Zhu Yanyin listened carefully. The horse's hooves first stepped on the dead branches and leaves, making a small cracking sound that was sandy and crisp, but then gradually became dull, as if he was stepping on a soft mat. His legs were also constantly scratched by the thin branches along the way. He opened his eyes a little, and sure enough, the two of them had left the road that they could never get out of and entered the dead forest.

There was a thick layer of rotten leaves on the ground, but there was no unpleasant smell, and if you listened carefully, you could hear the sound of gurgling water. The masked man in black holding a long knife did not appear, but many animals were startled by the sound of horse hooves and jumped out, each time with a series of "clattering" sounds, which doubled the frightening effect in this quiet and strange forest - at least for the weak Zhu Er Gongzi, it was quite scary, and he had shivered almost three or five times.

Li Sui couldn't understand: "You're going to vomit when you see a rabbit?"

Zhu Yanyin immediately retorted: "I didn't vomit."

"You're shaking."

“… shaking is not vomiting.”

Li Sui sneered, and it was unclear whether he was sneer at his stubbornness or cowardice, but it was definitely not a good thing. As he was talking, another snake hissed past. The spoiled young man from Jiangnan could not stand the multiple stimulations, so he asked weakly, "Why are we going into the dense forest? Are we going to break the formation?"

Li Sui replied: "Yes."

"Do you know what the formation is?"

"have no idea."

Zhu Yanyin paused and said, "Yes, yes, is that so."

Li Sui glanced at the snow-white hair that was about to say something but stopped, and turned his head back again. He didn't know where he got the patience from, but he was willing to explain one more sentence: "I'll take you to destroy this maze."

Zhu Yanyin was stunned. There was actually such a way of thinking to answer questions

If others are mountains and not me, then I will be the mountain.

If Palace Master Li is the mountain, then I will destroy the heaven and earth and destroy the mountain at the same time.

This shows that the title of the devil is not in vain. At least before seeing Chi Tian in person, Mr. Zhu felt that there was no one in the martial arts world who was more like the super villain in the storybook who stepped on the blood sea and red lotus and caused chaos every time he appeared!

Li Sui asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Zhu Yanyin quickly erased the black-clad devil who was killing people in his mind, and said innocently, "No, I didn't think of anything."

Li Sui snorted coldly, still unhappy after that, so he reached out and grabbed his face again. This kind of thing might be a case of the second time being unfamiliar, at least Zhu Yanyin was almost used to it, he "mmmmm" symbolically protested, and continued to let the devil squeeze him into a round or flat shape, like a piece of snow-white southern cake.

After walking only a few steps, Kicking Snow Wuzhui suddenly stopped and paced a few times impatiently.

Li Sui loosened his hands, put his arms around his waist again, and ordered, "Close your eyes."

Zhu Yanyin asked quietly: "Formation gate?"

Li Sui said: "Someone."

Zhu Yanyin's heart was in his throat again. The only thing hiding in this corrupt forest, besides the killer, could be a ghost. Neither of them was pleasing to the eye. He didn't want to leave any psychological trauma, and thought of the ten heads killed with one sword in Tiger Roar Gorge... Okay, I'll close my eyes right away!

Kicking Snow Wuzhui stood still.

The space here is relatively open, and the mist in the air is much lighter. A few beams of sunlight penetrate the treetops and lightly sweep across the dead branches in the forest. Li Sui listened attentively for a while, and his eyebrows jumped imperceptibly, and he sheathed the half-unsheathed Xiangjun Sword back into its sheath.

When Mr. Zhu Er heard the "clang" sound, he said: So nervous, the killer is coming!

Li Sui kicked the horse's belly, making Tixue Wuzhui trot a few steps to the other side.

The horse trod briskly across the shallow stream, splashing strings of crystal water along the way.

Under a large tree stump not far away, a dozen people were lying in a mess, wearing dirty brocade clothes, with the embers of a fire and scattered swords beside them.

Li Sui: “…”

Zhu Yanyin was still rapidly imagining the fierce fight in the martial arts world, which made him too tense and had difficulty breathing.

Li Sui had no choice but to slap him on the shoulder twice: "Open your eyes."

Zhu Yanyin didn't react for a moment.

Li Sui: "Open your eyes."

Zhu Yanyin thought confusedly, it couldn’t be over yet, was it because he was too nervous and didn’t feel it, or was it because the big devil… No, Palace Master Li was so powerful that he could kill people without making any sound or form

"Help... Help..." A half-dead voice suddenly came to my ears, "Save us!"

Zhu Yanyin: “?”

The group of people under the tree were not dead, they were still alive. After hearing the noise, they opened their eyes, stood up shakily, sobbed and cried, and stumbled towards the two people while crying, with their hands stretched forward like zombies.

Zhu Yanyin was shocked: "What is it?"

Li Sui also felt disgusted, so he used his internal force to knock the group of people back two steps, and then they lay back under the tree.

The leader forced himself to stand up, tears streaming down his face: "Help!"

Zhu Yanyin didn't dare to look at this jungle monster at first, but through the dirt on its face, he felt a sense of familiarity, so he stared at it carefully with wide eyes, and immediately gasped: "Tan Shuqiu?!"

Why did Tan Shuqiu, who was the one who arrogantly tried to grab the "Floating Sky, Sea, Distant Mountains, Empty Rain, Like a Dream" sword that day, Tan Shuqiu, who was bullied by many young men from famous families in Phoenix Terrace but dared not resist, and Tan Shuqiu, the young leader of the Canglang Gang whose ancestors made a fortune by selling duck blood and vermicelli soup, appear in this maze of old forest in such a miserable state

Tan Shuqiu was dying: "Palace Master Li, Master Zhu, save...save..."

Li Sui and Zhu Yanyin got off the horse.

The people of the Canglang Gang seemed to have been trapped here for at least half a month. There were bags made of rough clothes hanging on the trees, filled with wild sour fruits and a few pheasants. They were all dirty, pale and thin, with mumbling sounds in their throats and incoherent words. Zhu Yanyin asked timidly, "Is this the miasma in the forest?"

Li Sui took a look and said, "There is no miasma in the forest. He is hungry and probably ate poisonous fruit."

Zhu Yanyin rummaged around in front of Kicking Wuzhui's saddle and pulled out a large piece of sesame peanut candy.

Li Sui: “?”

Zhu Yanyin forced himself not to feel guilty and said, "Well, I put it there. There is a groove here, which is used to put snacks for horses. Didn't you notice it?"

When Kicking Snow Wuzhu saw the familiar peanut candy, he immediately came over affectionately. Zhu Yanyin patted his head soothingly and said, "Be obedient. I'll give it to you when we get out."

Black Horse: “…”

All the horse feed was used to feed the people of Canglang Gang. Tan Shuqiu swallowed a large piece in a hurry, and sat under the tree for a long time before regaining some strength. Tears washed away the dirt on his face. "Thank you, thank you both, I thought I was dead this time."

Zhu Yanyin squatted in front of him: "Why are you trapped here? Where are the other people in the Wulin League?"

"They, they are all gone." Tan Shuqiu was a little confused due to hunger, and recalled in a mess. It was probably that he was heading to the Northeast Snow City with the Wulin League that day, and when he passed by this mountain forest, suddenly a few people said they wanted to take him to visit Master Chanji nearby.

Master Chanji was an accomplished monk who traveled all year round and held a high position in the martial arts world. Many people wanted to make friends with him. All those who invited Tan Shuqiu to travel with him were well-known and prestigious people. He was flattered and readily agreed, but he did not expect to be taken to this deep mountain and abandoned, completely losing contact with the outside world.

Zhu Yanyin handed him another piece of candy sympathetically.

He had witnessed once in Jincheng Fenghuangtai Restaurant how arrogant and unreasonable the so-called "young heroes of the world" were. But at that time he just thought that group of people were used to being domineering and therefore did not know etiquette. He did not expect that they were so vicious in their hearts that they would kill people at will

Zhu Yanyin asked again: "Didn't you find a way out nearby?"

"No, we only searched around." Tan Shuqiu said, "Later we found out it was a maze, so we didn't move again."

Zhu Yanyin didn’t understand what “never moved again” meant. Why didn’t he find a way out if he was trapped

Tan Shuqiu said sadly: "I can't get out anyway."

Zhu Yanyin: “…”

Li Sui said sarcastically, "If he had been running around and looking for something, he would have been mentally disturbed and possessed by a demon."

This formation was extremely dangerous, and it was only because Young Master Tan happened to be a man of his own making, lying down wherever he fell, that it was able to last for more than ten days without being triggered, until today when two people broke in again.

Zhu Yanyin comforted Tan Shuqiu: "Did you hear that? You are pretty amazing, so stop crying."