Jianghu Name Da

Chapter 32


Zhu Yanyin actually didn’t understand why Lan Yan suddenly asked him to change seats, but now was obviously not the time to discuss this matter. The murder case was more important, so he stood up and wanted to walk away.

As a result, he was coldly rebuked by Palace Master Li: "Why are you running around?"

The left foot that the Second Young Master Zhu had stepped forward was retracted again, and he stood there looking innocent. Can you guys in Wanren Palace first come to a consensus, should I go over or come over

Lan Yan: “?”

There was an eerie silence in the house, much stranger than when the case was being told.

Although they didn't understand what exactly happened, the desire to survive made people smart, for both Lan Yan and Zhu Yanyin. Specifically, the former immediately shut up, while the latter took a step back and quietly sat back in his original position.

Li Sui felt better. He stretched out two fingers to rub the bridge of his nose and said nonchalantly, "Go on."

Shi Lei said: "I searched all the nearby forests, but I couldn't find the body."

Lan Yan leaned against the window, and for the first time she began to doubt her life. What had happened during my absence? She couldn't help but glance at Zhu Yanyin again, only to find that he was also looking at her. Their eyes met. They were both lost in the world, and the atmosphere of confusion almost filled the whole room.

Shi Lei continued to talk.

Lan Yan's eyes suddenly flashed, as if she was startled, and she quickly turned her head to the window.

Zhu Yanyin: “…”

The air on the left seemed to suddenly become cold

Zhu Yanyin turned his head slowly, and as expected, he met Palace Master Li's murderous gaze that was as fierce as the dead of winter. The horror plot was so intense that his heartbeat stagnated... but it was only a stagnation, and he did not lose consciousness due to being scared out of his wits. After all, he had made some progress.

Li Sui asked: "What is he talking about?"

Zhu Yanyin replied, "He said he searched the whole forest but couldn't find the body. He was so scared that he returned to the compound and wanted to tell Grandpa Qiu and Miss Fang the truth. But he felt that even if he told them, it would not help the situation and would only add to their troubles. So he lied and said that he had thrown the body into the tree pit."

Li Sui: “So you were listening.”

Zhu Yanyin: “Yeah.” What else? What do you think I was doing? I also heard him talking about the official list.

When the official notice was posted, all the people in the city and the martial arts sects were worried. Only Shi Lei was relieved. He even bribed some connections and went to the coroner's room to take a look, and confirmed that the deceased was indeed the lecher in the forest... It didn't matter how he died, as long as he was dead.

Li Sui asked: "What do you think about this?"

Shi Lei was about to answer, but Qiu Fang'er beside him pulled him aside and whispered, "I didn't ask you!"

Zhu Yanyin didn't expect that there would be a question-and-answer session, but a Jiangnan talent is a Jiangnan talent. He can give the correct answer without hesitation when called upon anytime and anywhere. This time was no exception. He said, "Since the person disappeared in the dense forest, why don't we go look for him in the forest first? Maybe we can find some clues."

Li Sui was interested: "We?"

Lan Yan was puzzled again. In fact, she hadn't been able to figure it out for many times today. She had always been confused.

Zhu Yanyin didn't understand what "we" meant, so he explained: "The guards of Zhu Mansion can also help. The forest should be quite large."

Li Sui sneered: "Do you know how many people Wanren Palace brought with him on this trip?"

Zhu Yanyin thought, you never told me, so how would I know.

Li Sui felt better when he saw him keeping silent with his eyes open. It was obvious that there was really no reason for the big devil to be in a good or bad mood, just like why he laughed out loud while someone was practicing martial arts with a limp. It was all very puzzling.

Li Sui continued to look at Zhu Yanyin and waved his hand hastily: "Take him away."

The Wanren Palace disciples took orders and led the three people of the Qiu family to the next door. Lan Yan actually had a few more things to say, but seeing that her own Palace Master was not even interested in moving his eyes, she had to temporarily withdraw and planned to discuss life with Jiang Shenglin.

There were only two people left in the room.

Zhu Yanyin shrank back, wondering if it was coming again.

Sure enough, the next moment, Li Sui reached out and grabbed his face, and began to squeeze it flat and round, so brutally.

Zhu Yanyin: I knew it!

Fortunately, the housekeeper knocked on the door in time: "Sir, it's time to eat."

Li Sui let go of his hand, looked at the red patch on the other person's face, and said with satisfaction: "Go ahead."

It's really like being sick, there's no way to explain it.

Zhu Yanyin felt relieved and ran out of the guest room.

In the opposite room, Lan Yan asked, "What exactly is going on between the Palace Master and Master Zhu?"

Jiang Shenglin was researching medicine. When he heard her ask this, he was confused: "What's going on? I think they are doing well recently."

One didn't kill anyone, and the other didn't vomit from fear, very harmonious.

"It's because it's good that it's particularly terrifying." Lan Yan dragged a chair over and sat opposite him, "When we were interrogating Shi Lei just now, the Palace Master looked like he was possessed by a demon. He kept staring at Master Zhu. This time, even I was kicked out. I don't know what the two of them are doing in the room."

Jiang Shenglin thought about it and answered innocently: "Maybe he is telling a story about the underworld."

Lan Yan: "Really? Why don't I believe it?"

Jiang Shenglin asked again: "Have you eaten?"

Lan Yan held Xiao Jin down and said, "What are you eating? Stop working. Tell me, how did the Palace Master and Master Zhu establish this weird relationship? The more I think about it, the more creepy I feel."

If the Palace Master really goes insane, no one in the world can suppress him.

Just scared, very scared.

Jiang Shenglin laughed: "Okay, I'll tell you slowly, but we still have to eat. There's a nice little restaurant across the street. Let's go and have a bowl of noodles."

The two packed up and went downstairs, and happened to meet the servants of the Zhu Mansion who were also serving plates and bowls. There were chickens, ducks, fish, meat, and seasonal vegetables on the eight-immortal table. The portions were not large, but they were cooked very delicately, with red and white decorations that looked like plums and snow, and the fragrance could be smelled from a distance.

"Hey, Dr. Jiang, Miss Lan." Zhu Yanyin went downstairs, "Are you going to eat?"

Jiang Shenglin pointed to the opposite side and said, "Let's go to Xiaocangshan and have a bowl of yellow flower stewed noodles."

"If you go now, you'll have to wait for a table. Many martial arts sects like the noodles there." Zhu Yanyin invited, "If you don't mind, sit down and eat together. There are more dishes in the kitchen."

Jiang Shenglin: "That's fine."

Lan Yan: Is that okay

Jiang Shenglin and Zhu Yanyin were together day and night, and it was common for them to eat at the same table. He did not think there was anything wrong with it, so he pulled Lan Yan to sit down. The housekeeper quickly added two more sets of bowls and chopsticks, and ordered someone to make a separate bowl of peach blossom almond tofu pudding for Lan Yan, saying that it would be good for girls to drink and nourish their skin. The small bowl for the dessert was as clear as jade, and even the spoon had peach blossom patterns hidden on it.

Lan Yan: “…”

Wait, I think I know why Dr. Jiang wants me to have a free meal!

Like Jiang Shenglin, she was not short of money, but she was not interested in spending money. The treasury of Wanren Palace was piled with silver, and Li Sui was too lazy to care about her. Logically, it would be no problem to push out a dozen carts, but what could she do with them? The monthly salary was almost unspendable.

After eating the first spoonful of peach blossom almonds, Miss Lan thought, why not push two carts out and hire a cook to make tofu pudding every day.

This was Zhu Yanyin's first encounter with a female knight, and he felt that she was quite similar to the description in the storybook, both were heroic, beautiful and neat, and must be skilled and courageous, otherwise she would not have followed Li Sui to do things. Seeing that she seemed to like sweets, he signaled the housekeeper to make a few more desserts and sent them directly to Lan Yan's room.

Li Sui came down from upstairs and saw a group of people eating in the hall. He paused for a moment, but soon returned to normal and walked out of the inn through the side door without looking around.

His expression was indifferent, and the hem of his black clothes was blown by the wind.

He seems to have no interest in anything other than killing Chi Tian.

He indeed had no interest in anything other than killing Chi Tian.

A person who has only half of his life left and still has important things to do is not qualified to talk and laugh while having a meal.

Zhu Yanyin suddenly ran out alone.

Li Sui was riding on a horse.

Zhu Yanyin asked: "Are you going to the dense forest outside the city?"

Li Sui replied: "Yes."

Zhu Yanyin handed over the oil-paper package in his hand: "Here are some freshly baked meat crispy cakes, at least to fill your stomach."

The oil stains printed on the paper, I imagine it must be crispy and delicious, with juicy fillings.

Li Sui lowered his eyes and looked at him for a while, then stretched out his hand for a rare time, but instead of taking the biscuit, he held the other person's wrist and led him onto the horse.

Zhu Yanyin was surprised, and Zhu Zhang who was following behind was also startled: "Young Master!"

Li Sui put his arm around him and flicked the reins with his right hand.

Kicking the snow, Wuzhui rode the wind all the way to the other side of the city.

"I'm hungry." Li Sui said, "Come with me to have a bowl of noodles."

Zhu Yanyin stood in the wind, her hair and mood looking a little awkward: "... but I didn't bring any silver."

Li Sui's chest rose and fell slightly, and it was unclear whether he was laughing or not.


Zhu Yanyin didn't understand whether this "it's okay" meant "it's okay, I have money" or "it's okay, let's go for a free meal", but he didn't dare to ask. Fortunately, according to convention, the housekeeper would catch up soon, and at the very least he had a jade pendant on his waist, so he didn't have to wash dishes miserably or brutally kill the owner.

Li Sui didn't know much about food, so he let Kicking Snow Wuzhui run all the way and finally stopped at the entrance of an old street.

Zhu Yanyin turned around and asked, "What are we going to eat?"

Li Sui glanced at the street and said, "Let's go with this one."

It was a small shop called Hexian Noodle House. It was dinner time, but there was no customer in the shop. You could tell at a glance that it was not very good. It was a really good choice.

Li Sui: "Want to eat?"

Zhu Yanyin: "Eat."

There are also advantages to not having guests, it is quiet. There are only five or six menu items, Zhu Yanyin ordered two bowls of noodles, three or four dishes of toppings, a plate of side dishes, and a pot of Wanjing City's specialty, Chunfeng rice wine.

It was rare for the boss to have guests, especially those who looked very impressive. He was a little flattered and tried his best to cook two bowls of noodles. To use underworld jargon, he "used all his life's skills", but the taste was really just so-so. It shows that cooking, like martial arts, also requires talent.

Li Sui had a good appetite and finished half a bowl of braised pork ribs noodles in just a few bites. His hand holding the chopsticks looked very nice, his fingers were thin and slender, and there were no calluses. In fact, he didn't look like a swordsman.

Zhu Yanyin sat opposite him and observed for a while, and suddenly he figured it out.

Isn’t the owner of this noodle shop the Lu Qing of the culinary world

Since Master Lu practiced hard but ended up lame, it would be funny for Palace Master Li to find it funny.

The boss who worked so hard to cook a bowl of bad noodles could also make Palace Master Li think it was delicious.

Very reasonable.