Jianghu Name Da

Chapter 34


Throwing the bottle away and then letting him find it again, why does it sound so awkward? Mr. Zhu suddenly thought of the dog that almost fainted after eating grilled fish, so he quickly refused: "No, no."

Li Sui looked at him, asking questions: "You don't want to participate again?"



Why else could this be possible? Zhu Yanyin thought for a moment and replied, "Because we scholars are so fickle."

He didn't say "because investigating the case is important", mainly because he took into account that the big villains are very unconventional, whether it is eating or telling jokes, they are all very weird, so he must not use ordinary reasons.

Li Sui was convinced, and he no longer forced the scholar to pick up the bottle. He took it from the disciple and asked, "Where did you find it?"

"It was thrown on the side of the road, not far from where Cui Wei was knocked unconscious, half buried in the fallen leaves. It was so clean when we picked it up. In addition to this bottle, we also found blood on the trunk of a nearby tree. Miss Lan speculated that someone was injured and leaned there to rest."

Zhu Yanyin asked: "Could it be Cui Wei? Didn't Master Qiu say that he hacked the other person so hard that he was covered in blood?"

Li Sui nodded: "It's possible."

The bottle was a common white porcelain, which was common in medicine shops. The only special thing was that there were three or two red apricot branches painted on the bottom, and there was still some medicine powder left inside. After Jiang Shenglin checked it, he said, "It's Qingteng Powder, which can stop bleeding and promote tissue regeneration." Almost everyone in the martial arts world has used this medicine, and they are used to carrying a bottle with them when they go out, just in case.

The crowd walked from where Cui Wei was unconscious to the tree with bloodstains. Zhu Yanyin said, "This seems to be the direction to enter the city."

"Indeed." Lan Yan pointed at the road, "Just a little further ahead, we'll reach the city gate."

Zhao Honghu and others were still in the city at that time, so after Cui Wei woke up, he most likely wanted to run back for help.

Li Sui stood up: "He didn't return to the city on his own, but someone came to rescue him."

Lan Yan was puzzled: "It is indeed possible, but why is the Palace Master so sure?"

Li Sui glanced casually and said, "Tell her."

Zhu Yanyin: "Oh, okay."

Lan Yan: “…”

Zhu Yanyin explained that after Shi Lei returned to the compound that night, he quickly returned to the forest, and Cui Wei had already disappeared at that time. Logically speaking, a wounded and unconscious person should not be faster than a warrior in his prime. In addition, the gate of Wanjing City was built very high and polished very smoothly. It is said that Cui Wei's Qinggong is not very good, so if he wants to enter the city, he has to go through the city gate, but the guards on duty did not remember such a seriously injured swordsman, and there was no record of him in the registration book, so there must be someone covering for him.

Li Sui asked: "Do you understand?"

Lan Yan: “…Yes.”

Zhu Yanyin proposed another hypothesis: "But is it possible that Cui Wei was killed in the forest?"

Li Sui said: "If we have killed him in the forest, there is no need to bring him back to the city."

As for why he first brought Cui Wei into the city and then killed him, Li Sui looked at Zhu Yanyin for a while and said slowly, "Because the murderer has a quirk. He has to see three dead people lying neatly together to feel happy."

Mr. Zhu gasped in surprise. It turned out that such a possibility existed. It was so perverted!

He asked devoutly and worshipfully: "Excuse me, how did you know this?"

Lan Yan and Jiang Shenglin were also waiting for an explanation.

Li Sui replied: "I didn't see that, I just made it up."

Jiang Shenglin: “…”

Lan Yan: Miracle doctor! Look! I told you!

Li Sui was quite satisfied with Zhu Yanyin's collapsed face. He pinched his face and pulled it, then kindly explained: "We must take him back to the city, because he still has value to the murderer."

Maybe it was to get information, or maybe it was for some other purpose, but after squeezing out the last bit of value, it would naturally be easiest to kill the dead.

Lan Yan was no longer in the mood to care who killed Cui Wei and why he was killed. She was shocked and thought, am I a little blind recently? Why did the palace master pinch Mr. Zhu's face? Doesn't he think this behavior is a little inappropriate

But Zhu Yanyin didn't think it was a big deal, maybe he had gotten used to it. And the image of Li Sui in his mind was too unruly, it seemed that he couldn't be considered from the perspective of ordinary people, so let alone pinching his face, even if he pressed his whole body and rolled it into a round shape, and then laughed loudly, it would be reasonable.

There was no second body in the forest. No one knew where Liu Xiyang had gone. Everyone was looking for him, but still couldn't find a single hair. The Wulin Alliance was quietly divided into three groups because of this incident. The first group was close to Liujiazhuang, who insisted that Liu Xiyang was either kidnapped or killed, and that he was definitely a victim. The second group was those who didn't get along with Liujiazhuang, so they naturally took the opportunity to gossip. The third group was relatively normal, and they remembered to focus on the important things and were usually responsible for smoothing things over.

Jiang Shenglin said, "I heard from Alliance Leader Wan that we will not stay in Wanjing City for too long. After the three people are buried, we will continue to head to Snow City."

Although it was important to find the murderer, it was more important to wipe out the Demon Cult. There was no need to stay in Wanjing City for a long time. Wan Zhuyun had ordered that all sects must work together and reduce individual actions as much as possible to avoid being exploited by the mastermind behind the scenes.

When the group walked out of the woods, as expected, the Zhu Mansion's carriage and guards were already waiting outside the woods. The loyal old butler had fully demonstrated his spirit of fighting again and again in the matter of "fighting against the Jianghu devil for the son". This time he actively summed up his experience, first divided a small group of guards to stand in a fan shape, quickly formed a small barrier to block Wanren Palace, and ordered another five people to surround Zhu Yanyin, while Uncle Zhong stood majestically in front with his horse, creating a visual effect of "who else but me".

Zhu Yanyin said, "I want to ride a horse."

Zhu Zhang: I was careless. It was my fault. I will improve next time.

Zhu Yanyin's usual Zhaoye Jade Lion was still at the inn, but his usual Kicking Snow Black Horse came closer on its own accord, with its neck stretched out, looking beaming with joy. It looked silly no matter how you looked at it, no longer with the majesty and ferocity that could kick a wild beast to death.

Li Sui said: "Go up by yourself."

Zhu Yanyin had specially practiced horse riding when he was in Jiangnan, the kind of elegant riding style that a rich young man would use when he went out for a spring outing. His posture on the horse was also beautiful, light and elegant, and the hem of his clothes was like a piece of snow blown up by the wind, with bursts of floral fragrance.

Lan Yan: Why did Lian Kicking Snow Wuzhui suddenly become calm and composed? And what's wrong with the way you walk? Are you lame like Lu Qing

Kicking Snow Black Horse trotted forward gracefully. Why was it called a famous horse? It could easily learn 70% to 80% of the noble steps of the Zhaoye Jade Lion next door.

Zhu Zhang quickly asked the guards to catch up to prevent Zhu Yanyin from falling and getting hurt.

Although completely abandoned by his own mount, Li Sui's mood was not affected at all. He climbed onto another reddish-brown horse under the tree and rode away in a cool manner.

Doctor Jiang: Wait a minute, that seems to be my horse

Lan Yan: If you are willing to treat my Palace Master’s brain, I will take you back to the city.

Doctor Jiang: I’ve said it so many times, there’s really no problem with him in this regard!

Zhu Yanyin rode the devil's horse back to the inn under the gazes of the city's martial artists. While thinking about the things in the dense forest, he fed some bean cakes to Kicking Snow Wuzhui and asked Uncle Zhong to brush its body before personally leading it back to the stables of Wanren Palace.

"Master Zhu." Lan Yan was also tying up the horse. "Leave it there. I'll do it."

She stepped on the manger with one foot, and her hem was stained with some forest grass and muddy water marks. Zhu Yanyin saw it with his peripheral vision, but said nothing. After returning to his residence, he asked Zhu Xiaosui to tell the servants to buy some light clothes according to Miss Lan's body shape and send them to her room.

So when Lan Yan finished feeding her beloved horse and came back covered in dust and wanted to take a shower, she went upstairs and saw two rows of happy aunts.

“…Excuse me.”

"Miss, we are waiting for you." The leading lady smiled, "Mr. Zhu wanted it urgently, and said that the style cannot be complicated or cumbersome, and must be in line with the identity of a chivalrous woman. He searched the warehouse and only found these thirty sets."

As he spoke, he pulled out the measuring tape and was about to measure her body, his blood-red mouth grinning as if to kill someone. Lan Yan stepped back in fear and instinctively wanted to draw her sword, but Zhu Xiaosui showed up in time: "Miss Lan, these are all tailors from the city!"

Zhu's family is so considerate when doing things. What if you are worried that the size of the ready-made clothes is not suitable? Buy the tailor back as well... No, just bring it back.

Lan Yan was almost pushed into the room by the aunts.

"Speak properly and don't take off my clothes!"


"… "

The bath water was also prepared in advance and was filled with flower petals.

Those who know would think that Master Zhu gave clothes to Miss Lan, while those who don’t would probably think that Master Zhu sent Miss Lan to a brothel.

Anyway, after the group of man-eating old witches, no, the professional seamstress aunts, finished fixing her, Lan Yan was also shocked by herself in the mirror. She pursed her bright red lips, lowered her head to look at the two lumps on her chest, and asked, "How can I kill someone like this?"

The auntie was stunned by the question. To be honest, our customers generally don't have this demand.

But how could the professional team not give the correct answer: "The girl is at the age of being as beautiful as a flower, why bother to tie herself up with a bra? It is not good for the body. Don't worry, this skirt can still kill people. The material is also slippery. If it gets stained with blood or brain matter, just shake it in the water and it will be clean."

Lan Yan looked at herself in the mirror again. Although it still felt awkward, it was indeed quite nice and she could wear it for a day.

Zhu Xiaosui took the tailors to the accounting office to collect the money. Li Sui and Jiang Shenglin had just gone out. When they came up the stairs, they looked at this group of beautiful women and saw doubts on each other's faces. They didn't understand what kind of pomp and circumstance the wealthy families in Jiangnan were holding. However, Palace Master Li's doubts were relatively indifferent. He only glanced at them and continued to walk towards his room.

There was another woman standing in the corridor.

Li Sui passed by her without even glancing at her.

Jiang Shenglin originally wanted to look straight ahead, but after all, he was more humane than Palace Master Li. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, so he turned his head to take another look.

The result is this look -


Li Sui was impatient: "Why are you screaming all of a sudden?"

Lan Yan was rarely embarrassed: "Why, it doesn't look good?"

Li Sui: “?”

Lan Yan wore a light yellow dress. Her black hair flowed like a waterfall and was tied into a small braid. It was adorned with a jeweled butterfly hairpin. She looked lively and graceful when she moved, as if she was about to spread her wings and fly.

As soon as you see the luxurious Jiangnan style that is almost overflowing the corridor, you will know who is causing trouble.