Jianghu Name Da

Chapter 36


The matter that was under the table was brought to the surface, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Zhu Yanyin had no choice but to say bravely: "Uncle Zhang, you take the others to rest. I want to stay and listen for a while."

Since his master insisted so much, Zhu Zhang naturally would not force it, but he was still very lonely deep down in his heart, because when he was in Jiangnan, the master always treated him as his confidant. He took him to buy those martial arts books and big swords that he dared not let the master and the eldest son know. Even the exploded alchemy furnace had two handfuls of yellow mud smeared on it by the loyal old butler himself.

How come he changes when he enters the world

Sigh, sob.

At the dinner table, Jiang Shenglin and Lan Yan ate in silence, wondering how they could have kicked each other under the table, at a speed of a thousand miles a day.

Zhu Yanyin ate the bamboo shoots in silence. Although he made little noise, the room was so quiet that he could still hear the "crunching" sound of chewing, which felt particularly crisp and juicy.

Li Sui followed suit and picked up a piece of food with chopsticks.

Zhu Yanyin then ate the cold-mixed silver sprouts, which were also crispy and tender.

Li Sui picked up another piece of food with chopsticks.

Not to mention the fried white noodles.

It is indeed crispy and delicious.

Zhu Yanyin finally scooped a spoonful of egg custard.

Jiang Shenglin and Lan Yan watched Li Sui take away the last small bowl.

The first few dishes sound really delicious and make people want to try them, but the egg custard is silent, so why should I imitate him

After drinking the soup, Zhu Yanyin wiped his mouth with the handkerchief beside him, folded the oily side back and put it neatly back in its original place, then told the servants to serve tea.

Jiang Shenglin and Lan Yan looked at Li Sui at the same time. Is this what he learned

Palace Master Li wiped his mouth expressionlessly and threw the handkerchief to Jiang Shenglin. The handkerchief was filled with internal energy and whistled like a fist.

Miracle Doctor: Dirty words.

Zhu Yanyin smiled and said, "Today's tea is red maple, it has a sweet aftertaste and can relieve greasiness."

Li Sui put down the teacup: "Too bitter."

"The red maple leaves will turn sweet." Zhu Yanyin held the teacup, "It will be bitter first, but then sweet."

Jiang Shenglin patted Li Sui on the shoulder and said, "Did you hear that? Suffering first and then sweetness is a good omen."

Li Sui lowered his eyes and drank another glass.

The sweetness is very light, but it is definitely there, light and long-lasting, lingering between the lips and teeth for a long time.

Seeing that he seemed to be in a good mood, Zhu Yanyin took the opportunity to ask, "Are you visiting Shangru Villa tonight to investigate the murder case?"

Jiang Shenglin: Have you told Mr. Zhu about the overnight visit

Lan Yan: What is night exploration? Night exploration of what? Night exploration of what

Li Sui looked at him: "Do you want to go?"

Zhu Yanyin was flattered: "Can I go too?"

Li Sui said: "You can't."

Zhu Yanyin was immediately discouraged: "Then why are you asking?"

Li Sui raised the corner of his mouth in a wicked way, like an unpopular child who grabbed a colorful and beautiful big butterfly to tease others, and when the other party wanted it back, he let go, making the other person cry loudly, while he himself laughed with his hands on his hips.

The only difference may be that naughty children are beaten by their fathers, but Palace Master Li does not, so he has to be even more lawless.

After finishing the red maple tea, the banquet was over. When Zhu Zhang brought people in to clean up, he saw Zhu Yanyin sitting alone at the table, looking unhappy. He immediately felt distressed and asked him, "Young Master, are you unhappy?"

"Yeah." Zhu Yanyin said, "I feel bored staying here all day. I want to go to Happy Forest to see Brother Mingchuan in the evening."

Zhu Zhang thought, how can he "stay here all day"? He went out every few days, and even followed Palace Master Li to the forest to investigate a murder case. Is that something we should be involved in? But he didn't say anything, and still coaxed him cheerfully: "Okay, then, sit down for a while, I'll send someone to prepare the carriage."

The name of Happy Forest sounds like a bandit's den where people stand on a chair and tear roast chicken apart, but it is actually just an ordinary inn, just one street away from the Shannan Inn. The Zhu Mansion's carriage stopped in front of the door in a grand manner, and the disciples of the Mingjian Sect immediately came out and apologized, "Master Zhu, my young master caught a cold today, has a fever and cough, and has gone to bed."

Zhu Yanyin said, "Then let Brother Mingchuan have a good rest. Don't disturb him. I'll go to the second floor to have a cup of tea and leave. The wind is really cold at night." As he spoke, he coughed twice, looking very frail. The disciples of Mingjian Sect had no choice but to clear out an empty room for this noble young man to rest.

Zhu Yanyin stood in front of the window and looked around. He was very satisfied with the location. Opposite him happened to be the dark roof of Shannan Inn.

Zhu Zhang saw the clue and said, "Young Master, are you here to look for Young Master Zhao?"

Zhu Yanyin looked calm. As long as he pretended not to hear anything, no one would be able to expose him.

Zhu Zhang: Alas, the world misleads people.

Li Sui also saw Zhu Yanyin enter Happy Forest and saw the lights on the second floor light up.

He did not hate this kind of behavior of blatantly following to watch the fun. When Zhu Yanyin appeared in front of the window, he even had the mood to tear off a small pink flower next to his hand and let it float across the street in the wind.

It happened to fall on the man's snow-white collar.

This might be the most gentle use of internal force by Palace Master Li in his life. Zhu Yanyin picked up the small flower and looked up in surprise at the opposite side. The three-story building was still silent in the hazy night. There was no figure or movement, only the second flower brought by the wind, which landed on the collar this time, with a refreshing cold fragrance.

The third one, the fourth one.

Soon, Zhu Yanyin's palm was filled with a handful of petals, but they were blown away by a sudden gust of wind, floating in the air like snow, with fragrance filling his sleeves.

Zhu Yanyin stood by the window and smiled.

Li Sui also smiled. He leaned against a tree, his black robe almost blending into the night. There was no cold vigilance or murderous intent in his eyes, only a hint of the leisurely fragrance of flowers that permeated the autumn night.

The night watchman passed by the street on his way to watch, and the lights on the whole street gradually went out.

Zhu Zhang also extinguished half of the candle, made a bed for his son—the inn naturally had a bed—and whispered, "If you are tired, take a rest first."

"Not tired, we'll go back soon." Zhu Yanyin still sat at the table, paying attention to the movements opposite him.

Not only was he not sleepy, he was so alert that he didn't need to sleep for three days and three nights. He was filled with excitement and nervousness, as if he were in the Shannan Inn himself.

Li Sui landed in the courtyard quietly. Shangru Villa only sent a head of the hall to manage the accounts this time, so there was no need to bring too many disciples. At this time, everyone was asleep, not even the guards were there. It was just open, and it didn't look like there were any secrets. There were indeed no secrets, only snoring. The only thing he got was probably the dozens of bottles of medicine from Hongxing Pharmacy in his luggage, which were exactly the same as the bottles in the dense forest.

Li Sui poured out some medicine powder and put the bottle back.

Rustle, rustle.

The footsteps down the stairs are lighter than the autumn rain.

Zhu Yanyin looked up at the sky and said, "Why is it raining?"

Zhu Zhang wrapped a cloak around him and said, "It rains a lot in late autumn. It doesn't matter if you don't want to go back to your residence. At least take a nap here for a while, don't hurt yourself."

Zhu Yanyin turned his head and looked across again. It was getting darker as it rained. Only two strings of red lanterns in front of the inn were swaying in the wind.

Zhu Zhang looked at his reluctant eyes and couldn't help but ask, "Young Master, are you waiting for Palace Master Li?"

Zhu Yanyin blurted out: "No!"

It's hard to talk about spying, it's a secret. He cleared his throat and was about to find another excuse when a loud shout suddenly came from the night sky: "Who is it?"

The voice was so loud that Zhu Yanyin was frightened and his heartbeat slowed down by three points. He quickly ran to the window and saw that torches had been lit in the Shannan Inn. The noisy voices shattered the silence of the night. Many people got up from their beds, shouting that there were spies from the Demon Cult. Soon, the whole street was in an uproar.

Everyone in the martial arts world was rushing out, while the common people were trembling and hiding themselves in their beds. Zhu Zhang was surprised and asked, "Is there a demon sect?"

Zhu Yanyin: “… Is there a demon cult?” Or is it that it has nothing to do with the demon cult, and someone just went to the Shangru Villa at night and was discovered, which led to this incident that shocked the whole city. But logically speaking, this shouldn’t happen. Isn’t being the best in the world very powerful

Torches paraded through the streets.

"I saw him running south!"

“Chase after him!”

“Follow me!”

The servants of the Zhu Mansion heavily protected Happy Forest, and Zhu Yanyin had no choice but to wait anxiously. In this regard, a scholar who couldn't even catch a chicken really couldn't help much.

The black shadow flew over the treetops at a high speed, like a giant bat with its membrane spread out. It tried to hide in the alley, but was hit in the calf by a silver dart and fell to the ground in pain.

"I hit him!"


The shadow rolled on the ground and continued to run out of the city. The wound on his calf left a trail of blood, which was washed into a thin river by the rain. The dart seemed to be poisonous. Not long after, half of his body became numb. His escape posture became more and more rigid. He was about to be caught up, but suddenly a hand stretched out from a door, with red nails, and dragged him in like the cannibalistic female ghost in folk legends.

The door closed silently.

The sky is about to brighten.

Dozens or even hundreds of people were chasing the Demon Cult together, but there was no unified command. The end result was that no one was caught up. Even in the end, they couldn't tell who was making the noise ahead. Often they only discovered they knew each other after catching up. It was really embarrassing.

But Zhu Yanyin was relieved. After returning to the inn where he was staying, the first thing he did was to ask Lan Yan: "Is Palace Master Li back?"

"Not yet." Lan Yan opened the door, "Mr. Zhu, is there anything?"

Zhu Yanyin looked at her lazy figure who had obviously just woken up, and gently reminded her: "It's said outside that a demon sect sneaked into Shannan Inn last night." I think it's probably your palace master, so do you think you should mobilize your disciples to look for him? I heard that he was beaten in the leg.

Lan Yan stretched herself lazily and said, "I went to take a look when the noise first started, but it was boring, so I came back."

Zhu Yanyin was stunned. Boring

Suddenly someone behind him asked coldly: "What are you two talking about?"

Li Sui was still dressed in black, looking very powerful. Zhu Yanyin was happy but also worried: "You are finally back. I heard last night that they injured someone, and they also said something about poison darts. Is the wound serious?"

Li Sui frowned.

Zhu Yanyin realized in time that the big devil might be very concerned about his reputation, so he quickly tried to smooth things over: "Who can escape from the darts being thrown randomly in the middle of the night?"

Li Sui looked at him for a while, then suddenly became furious: "You actually thought that the person who was chased all over the city last night was me?"

Zhu Yanyin was once again unable to breathe because of the yelling. Why was he being so loud? Wasn't that right

Li Sui gritted his teeth and said, "Come here!"

Zhu Yanyin hid behind the table with a righteous look on his face. I won’t come. If I can’t tell you to come, then I won’t come.