Jianghu Name Da

Chapter 49


The noise outside gradually died down until it was completely silent.

Zhu Yanyin had hardly had a good rest the whole night. He was now lying in the soft quilt, looking at the warm sun shining through the window lattice, casting dim light and shadows. He then looked at the big devil leaning on the couch, and before he knew it, he really fell asleep.

It wasn't the kind of sleepiness that I could wake up from by trying hard to overcome it, but I didn't even have the strength to open my eyelids, and I fell asleep without saying a word.

Still dreaming.

It's hard to say what he dreamed about, but when he woke up, he was lying on the bed with the quilt mostly fallen off, one leg bent and the other leg propped up with a pillow, his trouser legs rolled up, looking like a man about to go to the fields to plant rice.

Mr. Zhu’s first reaction was, “Sleeping in such a wild manner, I must still be dreaming.”

As a result, he woke up for a long time, but failed.

The couch next door was empty. Li Sui didn't know when he left. Second Master Zhu sat on the bed with the quilt in his arms, thinking seriously. Maybe someone had been called away by the disciples when he fell asleep. After all, Wanren Palace was quite big, and there should be many things to do.

"Sir." Zhu Xiaosui pushed the door open lightly, "It's time to prepare dinner."

Zhu Yanyin hooked his finger: "Come here, I want to ask you something."

Zhu Xiaosui trotted over and asked, "What do you want to ask, sir?"

"When did Palace Master Li leave?"

"It didn't take long, only half a cup of tea."

Zhu Yanyin had a dark look in his eyes and a complicated mood. Don’t you see that the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky? Why can a demon take a two-hour nap and flow to the sea and never come back? Is this reasonable

Zhu Xiaosui was puzzled: "What's that expression, sir?"

Zhu Yanyin still didn't give up, and held on to the last glimmer of hope and asked, "When Palace Master Li left, did he look hurried and didn't even bother to look at the other people around him?"

Zhu Xiaosui answered mercilessly, “No, I see Palace Master Li is quite leisurely. He hasn’t even been to the Sky Spider Hall. He’s still sitting in the yard basking in the sun.”

Zhu Yanyin sighed and lay back straight, "Forget it, I'd better go back to Jiangnan."

Zhu Xiaosui was very surprised. How come the young master fell asleep again after just waking up

"I don't want to move." Zhu Yanyin gave up on himself, pulled the quilt to cover his head, and continued to lie on the bed in a twisted posture.

Zhu Xiaosui suddenly said, "Palace Master Li."

Zhu Yanyin said sullenly, "Palace Master Li, go tell Palace Master Li that I feel dizzy and uncomfortable. I will not get up today, and may not be able to get up for the next three to five days. We'll see how the situation develops. Scholars are just weak like this."

As a result, Zhu Xiaosui squatted beside the bed and squeezed out words from between her teeth in a very low voice, "Young Master, I mean, Palace Master Li is standing at the door."

Zhu Yanyin's not-so-fierce body trembled on the spot.

If the previous posture was planting rice seedlings, then the current posture is flying to the moon. There is no wildest, only wilder.

The wealthy and elegant scholar could not bear this stimulation and had to cover his head with the quilt to calm down.

Li Sui ordered: "You go out first."

The little servant boy was worried. Are we really going out? Why do I feel that my young master doesn't look normal

Zhu Yanyin didn't really want to be alone, so he slowly stretched out a hand and tried to grab Zhu Xiaosui, but Li Sui pinched one of his fingers instead: "When you wake up, I'll take you out for a walk."

"… "

There was no way to dodge, Zhu Yanyin pulled the quilt down a little, calm and composed... He turned around calmly and lay down gracefully: "Where are you going?"

Li Sui smiled: "Anywhere is fine. This house is stuffy and noisy. It's more fun outside."

That's fine. Zhu Yanyin said again: "Then I'll change my clothes first."

Li Sui nodded and went to the yard to wait for him.

After an incense stick of time, the door creaked open. The second son Zhu appeared in a tall and graceful manner, holding a jade fan, which made him look even more luxurious and dazzling. He was really a dashing and romantic scholar from the south of the Yangtze River with an elegant sleeping posture.

The village was small, so there was no need to ride a horse or bring a servant.

The two walked slowly along the ridge for a while, and the atmosphere finally became a little more normal after being blown by the cold wind at dusk. Zhu Yanyin felt that he needed to explain what he had just said, "Go tell Palace Master Li that I feel dizzy and uncomfortable." He then complained, "Why didn't you call me after you woke up? I was so dizzy from all the sleep."

Li Sui said: "I'll call you next time."

Zhu Yanyin jumped over a ditch.

Li Sui held his arm and said, "Be careful, it's slippery."

Zhu Yanyin asked: "Have you asked Dr. Jiang if Pan Jinhua is really beyond help?"

"He was able to save his life, so he's not completely hopeless." Li Sui put him on a flat surface, "but there may be some trouble later."

"Whose trouble?"

"Mine, Jiang Shenglin's, and Pan Shihou's."

Zhu Yanyin thought for a while and said, "Because last night, Doctor Jiang ignored the obstruction and came to help you check your injuries, and now Pan Jinhua is seriously injured and unconscious, and may even become a fool. Do you think Pan Shihou will connect these two things and think that you and the doctor delayed his son and then make trouble for him?"

Li Sui nodded: "That's possible."

"What about Pan Shihou's own troubles?"

"He hasn't explained clearly where Pan Jinhua's poison came from." Li Sui said, "Jiang Shenglin said it couldn't have been caused by biting, so it definitely wasn't. Pan Jinhua had already made a deal with the Demon Cult when he was in Baitou City. I let him go once, and I won't let him go a second time."

"Then Pan Shihou will probably hate you to death." Zhu Yanyin said, "In fact, since you have already let him go once, what's the harm in letting him go again? Pan Jinhua has become a cripple anyway and will have to lie in bed for the rest of his life. You don't want to fall out with Tianzhu Hall completely, so why not do this favor."

"If I don't do anything, the Demon Cult might come to the Sky Spider Hall for the third time. Although Pan Jinhua has become a cripple, the Sky Spider Hall is not just Pan Jinhua."

Zhu Yanyin frowned: "You mean, the Demon Cult might take advantage of Pan Shihou's eagerness to love his son and his dissatisfaction with you and Dr. Jiang to sow discord and win over the Sky Spider Hall to join them at this point?"

Li Sui said: "Yes."

Zhu Yanyin felt a headache after hearing this. He wondered if there was a sober person in Tianzhu Hall. This would be fine.

"We agreed to come out to relax, let's not think about these things for now." Li Sui patted his head, "Talk about something happy."

"for example?"

"For example, you were talking in your sleep just now—"


Li Sui was very patient: "You said it."

Zhu Yanyin said firmly, I didn’t say that, you are deaf.

Palace Master Li: “?”

Zhu Yanyin looked straight ahead and walked quickly forward.

Nothing happens, nothing happens.

The two of them walked from the east to the west of the village, doing nothing and playing around, until the sun had set and stars were hanging in the sky. Then they sat down at a small stall and ate a bowl of noodles side by side.

While picking and choosing in the bowl, Zhu Yanyin casually asked, "Have you thought about what kind of life you want to live when you are old?"

Li Sui had not yet extorted fifty years from Jiang Shenglin, and actually had not thought about what would happen when he got old. But now that someone asked, he cooperated and answered that maybe he would find a remote and quiet village, like he was doing now, and live there undisturbed.

Then asked, what about you

Zhu Yanyin said honestly: "I like prosperous and wealthy places, like Liucheng or Wangcheng." At worst, Jincheng will be fine, at least there are carriages and official roads, and it is convenient to go out. What he couldn't understand was: "Why do you people in the martial arts world like to go to remote places after retiring?" Don't you think life is inconvenient

Li Sui choked when asked, but luckily he had facial paralysis, so he was able to remain calm: "Maybe he's worried that someone will seek revenge."

"Are you afraid too?"


"Then why go to a remote village?"

“…stay for three to five days and relax.”

Zhu Yanyin felt relieved. It turned out that staying for only three to five days was fine. He kindly suggested that staying for ten days or half a month would be fine, but too long would not work, because I, no, because you are used to living in the grand halls of Wanren Palace, you will definitely not be able to stand the thatched house in the bitter village, and you still need to live a richer life.

Li Sui said: "I'll listen to you."

Zhu Yanyin remained calm and said, "Yes."

Li Sui smiled and continued to eat noodles with him. They slept too much during the day, so neither of them felt sleepy, so they stayed outside until late at night before returning to their residence. Li Sui sent Zhu Yanyin back to the bedroom, and turned around to see Jiang Shenglin yawning out, looking dizzy and sleepy, and he fell on the stone table: "Go, get me something to eat."

"The people from the Sky Spider Hall came to look for the miracle doctor three times this afternoon." Lan Yan sent someone to prepare food for him, "but they were all sent away by the people from the Zhu Mansion."

"It's no use looking for me thirty times. Pan Jinhua is lucky to be alive." Jiang Shenglin rubbed his temples, "Didn't Pan Shihou come to see you?"

"No." Li Sui said, "I guess he just couldn't care less, or he has already regarded me as the culprit who killed his son." Otherwise, according to that cunning old man's nature, it would have been fine if he didn't care about the mask yesterday because he loved his son so much, but it is impossible that he would not come to apologize with a smile today.

Lan Yan curled her lips and said, "He previously tried to curry favor with Wanren Palace just to pave the way for his son. Now that his son is gone, he naturally doesn't need to bother paving the way anymore. This saves us a lot of trouble."

Jiang Shenglin said, "I have one more thing that I didn't have time to talk about this morning."

In addition to being drugged and trained, Pan Jinhua was also clearly bewitched, with his mind full of thoughts of killing Li Sui. Even when he was seeing patients, he kept repeating in a dead voice, "Kill Li Sui!"

Lan Yan was puzzled: "Even if Pan Jinhua's Kung Fu increased tenfold, he would still not be a match for the Palace Master. Is the man behind the scenes not in his right mind? He wants to kill people with just this thing?"

Li Sui said: "Come out and listen."

Lan Yan didn't react: "Huh?"

The door creaked open a little, and the polite Second Master Zhu came out halfway this time. He said in time, "I'm not eavesdropping, it's just that you guys are chatting too loudly, and I'm not sleepy."

Li Sui smiled: "What do you think of what happened just now?"

Zhu Yanyin said: "The person behind the scenes may not want Pan Jinhua to kill you, but to let you kill Pan Jinhua."

The fight that night was dangerous, but Li Sui showed some mercy and took care of Pan Jinhua's life at all times, so that he could save him in one piece. But what if he didn't show some mercy? After all, according to Palace Master Li's usual cold aura of "I will kill your whole family" and his lukewarm attitude towards Pan Shihou, most people's first reaction would be that even if Li Sui was willing to save Pan Jinhua, he would just knock him out with a palm and take him home, and he would never have the patience to protect him.

Jiang Shenglin said: "If you really kill Pan Jinhua, it means you have offended the entire Tianzhu Hall." Although it can be considered an offense now, it was because Pan Shihou was not in a clear mind, so he hit the target by accident, and it was not within the plan.

"You've gone to so much trouble just to sow discord between the Palace Master and Pan Shihou?" Lan Yan frowned. "What's there to sow discord between that old man? The Sky Spider Hall isn't a big sect."

"Why don't we keep an eye on Pan Shihou first?" Zhu Yanyin said, "If the other party wants to use him, there will definitely be further actions."

Li Sui nodded: "Okay."

"Then I'll go eat first." Jiang Shenglin stood up and walked out yawning.

Lan Yan also went to help. When she was about to leave the hospital, she looked back and saw her own Palace Master and Master Zhu looking at each other and smiling affectionately. She immediately broke out in a layer of sweat on her back. What was going on

"Dr. Jiang, Dr. Jiang, do you really think this is normal?"

"Of course. Why do you think laughing is abnormal?"

"Because my palace master doesn't smile often."

"Who said that? Next time, try mentioning Lu Qing in front of him."

"… "

Second Young Master Zhu actually thought about inviting Palace Master Li to sleep in the same room with him, and even prepared a beautiful and gorgeous poem to recite in his sleep. But at the same time, he was worried that he might not be able to control himself and fall asleep again. After all, he was really tired recently, and it was not easy to pretend to be asleep in the long night. He should choose a shorter time next time.

"Go to bed early when you get back."


It is a shame to say farewell. It is a shame to say farewell.

Pan Shihou stayed in the room for three days, and only walked out weakly on the afternoon of the fourth day. Zhu Yanyin happened to be strolling in the courtyard, and ran into him head-on, thinking he had seen a ghost - he had only seen black foreheads in storybooks before, but this time he finally knew what real black was.

Zhu Xiaosui quickly pulled her son aside and whispered, "Is he possessed by evil spirits?"

Zhu Yanyin watched Pan Shihou enter the courtyard of Wanren Palace.


Zhu Xiaosui is confused, where are we going

Zhu Yanyin picked up a plate of melons and knocked on the door in a fake manner: "My eldest brother just sent some honeydew melons from the Western Regions. Would you like to try some? Hey, Master Pan is here too, so we can have a bite to eat and drink together."

Li Sui looked at him.

Zhu Yanyin: I came here because I was curious and worried about you. If you think it is inappropriate, I will put down the melon and leave immediately, but you have to tell me what you talked about later.

Li Sui turned sideways: "Come in."

Zhu Yanyin: Okay, okay, the plan works!

He moved a chair and sat down, eating the melon with a proper posture.

Pan Shihou looked displeased.

Li Sui had no intention of letting Zhu Yanyin leave, and only asked: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Yes, you also heard about Jinhua's matter." Pan Shihou said in a hoarse voice, "I was anxious when I stopped Doctor Jiang that day. Don't take it to heart."

Li Sui said: "Okay."

Pan Shihou stood up and said dejectedly, "Then I'll go back first."

Zhu Yanyin: “?”

Are you going back now

Li Sui opened the door and watched Pan Shihou leave. Turning back, he saw Zhu Yanyin holding half a melon in his hand, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why, the melon doesn't taste good?"

"That's all he said?" Zhu Yanyin put down his silver fork and said incredulously, "Since I'm here, I should at least pretend to care about your bite."

"What should I do? Otherwise, I will call him back and play a loving uncle-nephew show for you?"

Zhu Yanyin: ...That’s not necessary.

"He's already half dead, so I guess he can't think things through." Li Sui used his silver fork to eat the remaining half of the melon. "If you like this, I'll send it to you from Jincheng in the future."

Sweet words always make people feel more relaxed and happy than troubles. So Zhu Yanyin didn't want to discuss Pan Shihou anymore. The two of them shared a whole plate of melon, making the atmosphere very romantic. After eating and drinking, Zhu Yanyin wiped the honey juice from his mouth, walked to find his cousin, and asked, "When are you going to leave for Jiangnan?"

"Tomorrow." Zhu Xinxin was studying the calligraphy and paintings she had bought along the way. "Are you really not going with me?"

"I'm not leaving." Zhu Yanyin pretended to be serious and accompanied him to look at the paintings for a while, then said casually, "I will bring Palace Master Li back to Liucheng in the future."

Zhu Xinxin found it hard to understand. Is this necessary? Just don’t use it.

Zhu Yanyin twisted his elbow violently: "My home is not your home."

Zhu Xinxin: …Forget it, you are mentally ill, I won’t bother with you.

Zhu Yanyin continued, "After you go back, how do you plan to introduce Palace Master Li to my father, elder brother, and all the uncles?"

Zhu Xinxin found it even harder to understand why I introduced Palace Master Li to my whole family. I only spoke less than ten sentences to him in total.

Zhu Yanyin held his shoulders with both hands, and said with great emotion: "You have come to the martial arts world after all, don't you plan to show off a little?"

Zhu Xinxin: “I really don’t have such plan.”

Zhu Yanyin had a ferocious expression and pinched his hands hard.

The Jiangnan nobleman looked stern: "... Of course, I can also lift it a little, you let go first."

Zhu Yanyin said: "I have prepared it for you."

Zhu Xinxin was puzzled, what have you prepared for me

Zhu Yanyin took out a large piece of paper from his arms. It was really large, so large that it couldn’t fit on a table.

There are words densely written on it.

Zhu Xinxin: I felt like I was blind at that moment.

He ordered someone to light a candle, and read through the rude and tyrannical remarks of his cousin at a glance.

Li Gong's ideology was as high as the sky, he had a rich family fortune, outstanding martial arts, a noble character, donated to build schools, and was honest... and under each of his virtues were detailed examples, with the year, month, day, person and place all complete, which showed that it must be true.

Zhu Xinxin’s evaluation: I think it’s a bit deliberate, so you can change it.

Zhu Yanyin made the decision: "Just say this."

Zhu Xinxin put away the paper. You can let me say this, but you have to give me a reason, right

Zhu Yanyin put on a miserable look, holding his forehead with one hand, and sighed: "Alas, I have been away for several months. My parents and brother must be very worried. Let them know earlier that Palace Master Li is so noble, stable and reliable, so that they will worry less about me."

Zhu Xinxin said: "Although you still look very pretentious, okay, I will speak for you."

Zhu Yanyin was delighted and said calmly, "Yeah."

He also promised: "If you follow what I wrote on the paper, I will give you some beautiful calligraphy and paintings in the future."

Zhu Xinxin was disdainful. What good calligraphy and paintings could you have? All the good calligraphy and paintings are in eldest brother's room.

Zhu Yanyin was full of pride: "I'll go get it for you."

Zhu Xinxin acted like an elder brother and taught him kindly: "How can a scholar talk about robbing?"

"Then do you want it?"


make a deal.