Jianghu Name Da

Chapter 65


Zhu Yanyin sat on the bed and briefly reflected, and came to a conclusion that the original plan was still perfectly feasible. The main problem was that he was usually too elegant and dignified, and also very fluffy, so everyone thought it was normal to ascend to heaven on the spot. As the saying goes, different trades are like different mountains. Just as scholars had always believed that the world of martial arts was full of smoke and waves, blood and rain, and happy revenge, most people in the world of martial arts also believed that the rich young man in Jiangnan would suddenly understand the ultimate while reading books, abandon the world of mortals, and become a butterfly in the world.

Although it sounds incredible, but if you think about it carefully, it seems possible, right


Li Sui was amused by him: "Are you so worried?"

"Even the genius doctor Jiang couldn't find out what poison had infected Boss Xu. I think it's probably Chi Tian who was deceiving him." Zhu Yanyin said, "But it's hard to guarantee this kind of thing. We still have to act it out to test the opponent's strength."

"Then change your statement."

"What would I change for? Would I dream every day of becoming the leader of the martial arts world, and cry and shout about having a life-and-death duel with Leader Wan?"

Just thinking about this scene, the usually gentle and refined Jiangnan young man began to feel a pain in his heart. He cupped his hands and frowned. What a delicate beauty, like Xi Shi.

Li Sui said: "Isn't this a good performance?"

Zhu Yanyin put down his hands and sat up straight with a lack of interest: "We can't perform this in front of the people in the Burning Fire Hall."

Li Sui pinched his neck: "I do have an idea."

Zhu Yanyin said: "Tell me about it."

Li Sui hooked his finger.

Zhu Yanyin took the initiative to put his ear close to the camera and concentrate.

Then my earlobe was bitten, and it was quite hard and I shivered in pain.

"… "

Li Sui rested his chin on his shoulder and laughed.

Zhu Yanyin was a little speechless. Why can you still maintain this indifferent and lustful villain look when discussing the major events in the martial arts world? Wake up!

Li Sui put his arm around his waist again and leaned closer to him more comfortably: "Just say you want to marry me."

Zhu Yanyin held up the enchanting man with both hands, and was shocked in her heart: "Speak clearly, what do you mean I want to marry you?"

"Isn't it going to spread hysteria?" Li Sui said, "I heard from Jiang Shenglin that some people who were poisoned by this kind of Gu saw their own fathers on the beams of the house praying with the geese at home, so you can think in the most absurd way, but no matter how absurd it is, it can't be more absurd than this."

Zhu Yanyin: Then you are indeed a little better than the goose.

He grabbed Li Sui's hair again: "But why do I feel that your motives are quite impure?"

"Yes." He admitted it quite readily.

Zhu Yanyin pushed him up with all his strength.

Li Sui stopped teasing and pulled the man into his arms, hugging him: "Here is a rare opportunity. Let your uncle get used to it in advance. Even if you have to tell him that we are acting, at least he has heard it once in advance." He didn't say the rest. If he and the King of Hell don't have to stay in their hands for fifty, twenty, or even five years, then after this round of rumors are blown away by the wind, there will be nothing left and it will not affect his future.

Zhu Yanyin said: "Yes."

He looked up at Li Sui again: "Then do as you say. I want to marry you anyway."

He would never be shy about such things, at most he would be a little reserved to avoid making the other person too proud. Li Sui smiled and moved closer, kissing him on the lips again.

The single Xu Caizi who had been standing outside the door eating plums: Are you done talking? Why won’t you let me in? It’s so cold here!

In the afternoon, Lan Xishan received a report from Zhu Yanyin and learned about the weird and unbelievable plan that "the second son of the Zhu family must marry Palace Master Li of Wanren Palace."

No, no, how could my uncle allow this to happen

But the eldest nephew was too unreasonable. He started to quarrel and talked incessantly in the middle of the room, spouting impassioned principles, even to the point of saying, "Uncle is an official appointed by the court, how can he ignore the safety of the world for his own selfish interests? If the Burning Fire Hall is not eradicated in time, what if they extend their claws to innocent people in the future?"

Lan Xishan is good at dealing with the old foxes in the court, but not so good at dealing with these little bastards, mainly because he can't beat, scold or threaten them, and he has no idea where to start.

Zhu Yanyin: "That's it!"

Lan Xishan: "Come back here!"

I won't go back. Zhu Ergongzi ran wildly in the heavy snow, fearing that he would be caught and locked up if he was too late.

Lan Xishan: I was so angry that I became bald.

Rumors have always spread quickly in Wanren Palace.

It only took about one day for all the sects to hear the news. It turned out that when Second Young Master Zhu went to sleep every night, he would not only see the ancient sages, but also Palace Master Li. Palace Master Li, wearing a bright red wedding gown, would stand in a lush green bamboo forest. He would wave his hand violently, and flower petals would fall from the sky.

When people first heard this story, they were mainly surprised that someone would actively dream about Palace Master Li. You are worthy of being me, Second Young Master Zhu! No one thought about it more deeply—for example, why Palace Master Li would wear a bright red wedding dress and appear at the gathering of sages.

The Wanren Palace disciple who was responsible for delivering the message had no choice but to further deepen the story and make it clear that she wanted to marry the second son of Zhu.

Various sects in Jianghu: "Hahahahahahahaha."

After hearing the feedback, Zhu Yanyin felt tight in the chest: "What are they laughing at?"

The disciples of Wanren Palace were still unaware of the romantic love affair that their Palace Master had secretly been involved in, so they answered honestly. Because it was indeed a little funny, we laughed too.

Mr. Zhu: You people in the martial arts world are really boring!

But no matter how boring it was, the story was spread anyway, and there were even rumors of hysteria.

When Zhao Mingchuan heard about it, he came to visit again worriedly. After all, he was the one who brought the child out from Jiangnan, so logically he should take good care of the child every step of the way to make sure nothing really happened to him.

Zhu Xiaosui stood in the courtyard and said respectfully, "Young Master Zhao, my son is fine, please go back."

"I've been here three or four times, this... at least let me see Brother Zhu." Zhao Mingchuan lowered his voice, "People outside say that he suddenly had hysteria and wanted to marry Palace Master Li in accordance with some damn three-life love. I'm really worried."

"No, no." Zhu Xiaosui's acting skills were not bad. After all, he came from a wealthy family and had a lot of experience in this area. He frowned and acted out the role of "a servant pretending to be fine when something is wrong" very vividly. "My son is under the care of his uncle and Dr. Jiang. Nothing will happen to him. When he gets better, I'll ask Young Master Zhao to come visit him."

Zhao Mingchuan glanced at the closed door and sighed deeply.

As the rumors of hysteria intensified, the other sects gradually figured out that something was wrong and came to ask Young Master Zhao, but Zhao Mingchuan really knew nothing and he couldn't say anything since he hadn't discussed it with the Zhu family. He could only give a few perfunctory answers - it seemed more like something had happened.

As a result, the entire Wulin Alliance was shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

It’s not because of how close their relationship with the Zhu family is, but mainly because everyone usually relies on the gentle and easy-going Second Young Master Zhu to be able to talk to Palace Master Li. If something really happens to him, wouldn’t Palace Master Li be even more gloomy and no one would care about him

Who can withstand this!

I was worried and my legs were weak.

Wan Zhuyun was the only one in the Wulin Alliance who knew the truth. He also wanted to cut off most of Chi Tian's wings before the final battle, so naturally he cooperated with him with all his strength.

The team continued to move forward and arrived at Frostskin City at dusk.

Zhu Yanyin lifted the car curtain a little, and the cold north wind immediately blew in, making him sneeze seven or eight times in a row.

Xu Yunzhong sat beside him, his robe was blown up, and he immediately said with disdain: "What kind of hell is this place? Why is it so dark and gloomy, with no sun or moon?"

"Doesn't your good friend live here? When do you plan to visit him?" Zhu Yanyin hugged the heater. "I guess Chitian's people will come to find you soon."

When the great scholar thought about facing the ugly sallow man again, he felt a splitting headache and his eyes stung, and he didn't want to say a word.

This city is considered a big city in the northeast. In summer, wealthy families from the south often come here with their families to escape the heat, so there are many inns, and they are all very luxurious. Zhu Mansion still lives together with Wanren Palace. Zhu Yanyin stretched hard and leaned on the window to look at the opposite side: "What a coincidence, that building is called Lanyan Building."

"According to the date, she should be back soon." Li Sui closed the window, "Are you tired? Go and take a rest."

"Not tired." Zhu Yanyin leaned in his arms. She was naturally happy to think that Lan Yan could come, but when she thought that Pan Shihou would have to follow behind, she was not so happy anymore.

Xu Yunzhong did not delay and went to his friend's house in the south of the city that night.

A square and elegant courtyard, with winter plum trees growing in the corners. The black tiles are covered with snow, which rustles and is completely silent.

"Brother Song."

No one answered.

"Brother Song, I'm here to visit you."

Still no movement.

Xu Yunzhong simply opened the door himself: "Song—"

The candlelight flickered in the room, and the brazier burned very warmly. The man in white lying on the bed was thin, with messy black hair and a pair of phoenix eyes filled with tears... He was in so much pain because he had just been acupunctured for no apparent reason and could not move. He also had a handkerchief stuffed in his mouth, which made him look even more pitiful and beautiful. He was different from his good friend Xu Gong from the north of the city. The latter was wild and unrestrained, while he was bedridden and weak.

The person sitting at the table was naturally the ugly man who gave silver to Taoranting last time, one of the guardians of Fenhuo Palace, who was good at poison and had a difficult-to-remember name, Gusa Manmai.

Xu Yunzhong was shocked and angry: "You actually found my friend's home? Let him go quickly!"

Gusa Manmai said: "This is the safest place."

Song Yu: "Hmm!"

Xu Yunzhong raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to do!"

Gusa Manmai said calmly, "Boss Xu did a clean job, the leader is very satisfied."

After struggling for a while, Song Yu spat out the cloth in his mouth and said in shock, "I haven't seen you for many years. You have fallen to the point of associating with such a despicable person?"

Xu Yunzhong: "Can you please shut up!"

Xu Yunzhong reached out his hand to Gusa Manmai again: "I have finished the work, where is the antidote?"

Song Yu was still lying on the bed, saying, "What antidote do you need? Are you poisoned? Even if you are poisoned and dying, you shouldn't be an accomplice to the evil. This... Brother Xu, no, Xu Yunzhong, I am very, ahem, very disappointed in you! I, Song, don't have a friend like you!"

Xu Yunzhong really couldn't stand it anymore. For the first time, he felt that literati were really annoying, so he walked to the bed, picked up the rag, and stuffed it back.

Song Yu: “!”

Gusa Manmai was still watching the show while pouring himself tea. He poured himself the precious white tea that the great scholar Song had just brewed before going to bed, and then drank it down in one gulp. How rude of him.

Song Yu: Savage, having difficulty breathing.