Jianghu Name Da

Chapter 86: Searching the sea


The Burning Fire Palace has been entrenched in the Northeast for several years, leaving behind many problems that need to be dealt with by the Wulin Alliance. Logically, the Wanren Palace should also assist in this, but Li Sui obviously has no interest in these things. He is only interested in being an idle devil, so he leans lazily on the bed every day, squeezing and rolling innocent scholars, and pulling their faces. It is simply unreasonable.

Zhu Yanyin: Mmmmm!

Li Sui held him in his arms and bit him again.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard outside the house. Zhu Yanyin quickly pushed the person away and sat up straight, looking elegant and fair.

The person who came was Jiang Shenglin. He was holding a bowl of black medicine in his hand. His face was also black, and he looked like a storm was coming. Zhu Yanyin asked in a very understanding way, "Miss Lan ignored you?"

"I got it." Jiang Shenglin handed the medicine to Li Sui and sighed, "But I was not brave enough when fighting against the four sisters of the Huang family." If he had another chance, he would definitely do better.

Zhu Yanyin comforted him: "No, I heard from the shadow guard that you injured another one, which is not very serious."

Li Sui might have been feeling the bitterness of the medicine and was in a bad mood, so he sarcastically mocked: "Being beaten to the point of being naked and running around, that's really amazing."

Jiang Shenglin said angrily: "Detain you for five years!"

But the threat of "detaining for five years" was not very effective, because the more than 100 doctors invited by the second son of Zhu were living in the city. As the saying goes, since they were here, they still had to diagnose Palace Master Li. The housekeeper of the Zhu Mansion divided them into small teams of ten people, carrying medicine boxes to visit at different time periods every day. This grand and grand posture, not to mention other martial arts sects, even the disciples of Wanren Palace were frightened, and they thought their own Palace Master was seriously injured.

The imperial physician who came from the palace said, "If you take good care of yourself, you will be fine for twenty years."

Zhu Yanyin provoked him: "Divine Doctor Jiang also said twenty years."

How could the famous doctors of the Imperial Hospital, who had been passed down from generation to generation, tolerate that he was on the same level as a gangster? So he raised his beard and said, "I'll think of another way."

Then Zhu Yanyin went to find Jiang Shenglin again and said, "When Imperial Physician Wang heard that you said twenty years like him, he was quite disdainful."

Doctor Jiang felt puzzled. Let him be disdainful, but I couldn't really beat him up.

Zhu Yanyin was choked. He tried to persuade the doctor, how could he compete with him in force? Shouldn't he say twenty years, you say thirty years, he says forty years, you say fifty years

Jiang Shenglin asked: "Do you think this is bidding for treasure?"

Mr. Zhu complained: "I would like to bid."

Jiang Shenglin: “…”

Forgot you have a lot of money.

In the storybooks, the great demons who destroyed the world all lived for a thousand years. When they rested at night, Zhu Yanyin sat cross-legged on the bed, squeezed his face with both hands, and gave him motivational education. You look so fierce and have great kung fu skills. You must not live only twenty years. Let's try to get to three digits.

Palace Master Li looked a little confused, because he originally thought that if he lived another fifty years, he would be gray-haired, but how come he suddenly became a hundred years old? A hundred years, so long, he thought of those old men in the martial arts world whose beards grew to their waists, which were really too long.

Zhu Yanyin urged, why don’t you speak

Li Sui squeezed out a perfunctory "hmm" from his nose.

Zhu Yanyin asked: "Don't you want to live a long life with me?"

Li Sui frowned and replied, I think a hundred years is too long, seventy or eighty is about right.

But Zhu Yanyin insisted on living to be a hundred years old.

So the two of them started fighting on the bed because of a disagreement, the kind of fight that was a flirtatious one. Young Master Zhu used his hands and feet and was gasping for breath. Palace Master Li only needed one hand, or three fingers, to pin him down on the bed, making him unable to move.

Zhu Yanyin said while lying on his stomach, "Ninety years old, no less!"

Li Sui kissed his neck: "Okay."

The medicine prescribed by Doctor Wang was even more sour and bitter.

He stood by the bed and quoted various medical books and case analyses. As long as we do this first, and then that, Palace Master Li's old injury will no longer affect his heart meridian. As long as the heart meridian is intact, things in the future will be much easier.

Li Sui raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

Jiang Shenglin, who was standing next to him, said: Why don’t you complain about the bitterness of the medicine prescribed by others

Ah, so angry.

A few days later, the various sects also set off one after another, leading their disciples to leave Snow City in a mighty procession. This time, the encirclement and suppression of the Demon Cult was smoother than expected, mainly thanks to the Wanren Palace. Although the Palace Master Li still had a cold temperament of "I will kill the world", he did not show any pitiful weakness when he was injured, but became more manic and cruel - mainly reflected in the fact that the young master Tan of the Canglang Gang was like a fool. He once came to visit with snacks and supplements, but was thrown out alive and almost hung on a tree.

Tan Shuqiu: Shameful.

Zhu Yanyin comforted him: "It's not shameful. You and Brother Mingchuan worked together to kill Jin He. Everyone in the martial arts world knows that he is the guardian of the Demon Sect. You can brag about it for at least ten years."

Tan Shuqiu took the opportunity to invite him: "Brother Zhu, would you like to come to Canglang Gang for a gathering in the future? My father can cook duck blood vermicelli soup himself."

Zhu Yanyin patted his shoulder and said, "Let's talk about it later."

Before the Mingjian Sect set off, Lan Xishan specially set up a banquet to entertain Zhao Mingchuan to thank him for taking Zhu Yanyin to find a doctor and treat his brain disease. During the banquet, Zhao Mingchuan was so polite that he felt ashamed and even said that apart from helping to find a doctor, he had not taken care of anything else - and what martial arts sect could afford to take care of the grand Zhu Mansion

Zhao Mingchuan added: "It is Palace Master Li of Wanren Palace who has been taking care of Brother Zhu Xian."

Lan Xishan asked calmly: "How much care do you give?"

Zhao Mingchuan replied, "We eat together, live together, ride in the same car and ride together."

Lan Xishan touched his small goatee and began to feel anxious, which was mainly reflected in the way he pulled out his beard, almost pulling out the few remaining hairs.

The nephew next door was still preparing to go back to the royal city to celebrate the New Year. He not only brought Li Sui with him, but also the entire Wanren Palace. He instructed Zhu Zhang, "I remember we have a large mansion on Jingkai Street in the royal city. Send someone back as fast as possible to tell them to clean it up as soon as possible. I need to entertain the guests."

Loyal Old Butler: Have you even remembered the mansion on Jingkai Street

Zhu Xiaosui asked her master hopefully whether Palace Master Li and the others would return to the northwest after the New Year

Zhu Yanyin looked at the innocent little book boy, pinched his face, turned around and floated away in a white face.

It seems so unfathomable.

It was a sunny day when Zhu Mansion and Wanren Palace left the snowy plain.

Zhu Yanyin did not go to the Burning Fire Hall to see, and Li Sui was not interested in returning to the old place. As for Pan Shihou, Yuan Yeyue, and all the annoying people and things, they were all thrown to the Wulin League to deal with. For the two people now, the most important thing is to return to the royal city to celebrate the New Year, and then go to Jiangnan together, go to the northwest together, and live together to be a hundred years old, or ninety years old.

The sound of carriages and horses is heard everywhere, rolling over ice and snow, rolling over the land, from the silence to the bustling crowd. The small villages along the way have already hung up bright red lanterns, and the majestic gate of the royal city is not far away.

Li Sui's injuries had healed a lot, so there was no problem for him to ride a horse, but he was too lazy to ride. He kicked Xue Wuzhui outside the carriage and made it snort two or three times. Seeing that his master didn't seem to intend to come out, he swaggered into Zhu Mansion's convoy, snatched bean cakes everywhere, and rushed around recklessly, making the whole team crooked.

The uncle sitting in the bumpy carriage: "Alas, a river horse."

The Zhu family has quite a few relatives and friends in the royal city. When they heard that Zhu Yanyin was going to stay for the New Year, they naturally had to pay him a visit, and also pay a visit to Jiang Shenglin by the way. After all, the second son Zhu's brain disease had made the whole family uneasy. Now that he has been cured, it would not be too much to reward him with a mountain of gold.

Jiang Shenglin originally wanted to refuse, but then he thought that this was a rare opportunity, so he ran to ask Lan Yan, "Is there anything you want?"

Lan Yan answered indifferently, no.

Neither of them knew how to enjoy life, nor were they interested in spending money. Jiang Shenglin said, "Oh, then I'll go and reply to them."

As a result, he happened to meet Zhu Yanyin when he went out.

Mr. Zhu has more experience in love. He taught Jiang Shenglin that even if Miss Lan doesn't want it, you still have to give it to her.

Doctor Jiang asked without shame: "Then what should I give?"

Zhu Yanyin helped analyze that what girls want are just those things, rouge, powder, hairpins, rings and jewelry.

Jiang Shenglin: "But she doesn't like these."

Zhu Yanyin: "What if it was given by you? She will like it."

That would be great! Doctor Jiang was overjoyed when he heard this.

So he went shopping that afternoon with the banknotes in his pocket, and did not return until dawn with a full load. He pushed open the door with a bang, and without paying attention to the two people in the room hugging each other, he pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. I bought it!

Li Sui drew his sword expressionlessly.

Zhu Yanyin grabbed him and said: Don’t be so cruel!

Jiang Shenglin dumped the full basket of things onto the table.

Zhu Yanyin picked up a large golden hairpin with a butterfly pattern inlaid with emerald gems and was stunned.

Jiang Shenglin asked: "How is it? I picked it out for a long time and this one looks the best."

Li Sui replied: "It's not pretty at all."

Jiang Shenglin: "Did I ask for your opinion?"

Zhu Yanyin opened another box of gorgeous rose-red rouge.

Jiang Shenglin was very excited: "The owner said this color is very popular and many people are fighting for it."

Li Sui glanced at it and said, "I believe it."

Jiang Shenglin felt encouraged: "It looks good, right?"

Li Sui said, "It's not pretty at all."

Jiang Shenglin realized it later, so you mean that it is too ugly and the person who gives it will be beaten up for it? You simply don't have the fashionable taste of the royal city at all.

Zhu Yanyin thought, the ointment can't go wrong, so he twisted it open, and then he thought of his kind grandmother. As for the other handkerchiefs, earrings, and bracelets, it's hard to describe. Such a rich and prosperous capital should have been able to guess good things with eyes closed, but Dr. Jiang carefully selected a strong smell of booming things. How to say it, it's expensive.

Jiang Shenglin didn't want to accept the reality: "But I think my vision is pretty good. Many people praise me for it."

Zhu Yanyin asked a soul-searching question: When you say “many people”, do you mean the shop owner

Jiang Shenglin: "... Yeah."

Zhu Yanyin threw everything back into the basket and said, "Forget it. The palace will set off fireworks during the New Year. You should bring Miss Lan with you to watch. It will be very romantic at that time, with fireworks all night long. Just a glance at each other will lead to a romantic encounter."

Jiang Shenglin agreed immediately.

Li Sui reached out and grabbed the snow-white hairband of the person next to him.

Zhu Yanyin understood: "Okay, okay, I'll take you there too."