
Chapter 27



Fu Yanzhi didn't do it on purpose, so he must have done it on purpose.

This guy is really bad.

She turned to look at him, broke the jar and said, "I'm thinking, you smell pretty good."

"… "

The car was quiet for a while.

Ji Qingying stared straight at him: "Why don't you speak?"

Fu Yanzhi: "What did you say?"

Ji Qingying bent her lips proudly, turned her head and looked away: "Say..."

She actually wanted to continue talking about the smell on him, but after thinking about it, she felt it was inappropriate.

So ambiguous.

Ji Qingying stared at the neon lights outside the window and asked softly, "What are you going to do next?"

Fu Yanzhi responded, "Where do you want to go?"

Ji Qingying glanced at the time and whispered, "Do you want to go back to rest early?"

"Need not."

Hearing this, Ji Qingying's eyes lit up.

She thought about it for a while, and when she turned her head, she saw a movie advertisement on the big screen in the opposite shopping mall.

"Do you want to… go to the movies?"

Fu Yanzhi looked in her direction and replied, "Yes."

Park the car and the two go to the cinema.

The cinema is on the sixth floor of the shopping mall. When Ji Qingying and Fu Yanzhi went there, there were many people in front of the cinema.

"What do you want to see?"

Neither of them bought tickets in advance.

Ji Qingying looked down at the introduction of the applet, then looked up at him: "What do you want to see?"

"what ever."

Ji Qingying struggled for a while and chose the one that was broadcast recently.

Buy the movie tickets, there are still twenty minutes before the opening.

The surrounding conversations are heard.

Ji Qingying and Fu Yanzhi stood on the edge of the corner, but it did not prevent everyone from looking at them from time to time.

Fortunately, the two of them are used to this kind of scrutiny, and they don't feel much.

After a while of silence.

A voice came from my ear: "Do you want to eat something?"

Ji Qingying looked up, thought about it and said, "I want some popcorn."

"And a bottle of mineral water."

Saying that, she pointed, "I'll go to the bathroom."


When Ji Qingying came out of the bathroom, Fu Yanzhi was standing on one side with a cup of popcorn and two bottles of mineral water, and he looked indescribably lazy.

It's very different from when I was in the hospital.

Ji Qingying raised her eyebrows and approached slowly.

Before he could reach Fu Yanzhi, two fashionably and beautifully dressed women suddenly walked over.

Her eyelids twitched and she stopped.

Fu Yanzhi was unaware of her appearance and was talking to the two girls.

"Doctor Fu, why are you here?"

Ji Qingying pursed her lips when she heard this.

What can you do at the cinema

The next second, she looked over vigilantly. Are those two and Fu Yanzhi old acquaintances

Fu Yanzhi said lightly, "Watching a movie."

The two were stunned for a moment, seeming to be a little surprised.

One of the women with long straight hair smiled and asked, "Anyone?"


"With friends?"

Fu Yanzhi nodded: "Is something wrong?"

The two looked at each other, and just as they were about to say something, Fu Yanzhi suddenly looked back.

Unpredictable, the two of them met.

I don't know if it was Ji Qingying's illusion, but she vaguely saw... Fu Yanzhi seemed to laugh.

Immediately following, Fu Yanzhi nodded to the two in front of him, turned and walked towards her.

The two and Ji Qingying looked at each other with surprises in their eyes.

But didn't come forward.

But what Ji Qingying didn't expect was that they were watching the same movie.

When checking in.

Ji Qingying stood next to Fu Yanzhi and reached out to bring the popcorn.

She stuffed two into her mouth expressionlessly, tired of it.

"So sweet."

Fu Yanzhi looked down at her: "Don't you like it?"

Ji Qingying glanced at him, "General."

She really doesn't like to eat popcorn, the sweetness is just average, it doesn't need to be too much.

Fu Yanzhi didn't notice her mood change, and said lightly, "Go in and drink some water."

"… Um."

Enter the infield.

The positions of the two were right next to them.

As soon as Ji Qingying sat down, she saw the two of them sat down beside Fu Yanzhi.

She suddenly regretted why she chose this movie.

The movie hasn't started yet.

Ji Qingying didn't know what to do for a while.

Instead, the two were communicating with Fu Yanzhi.

The point is-

She didn't understand what was being said.

Although each word knows what it is, it seems to be a little difficult to put together.

Ji Qingying sighed, very helpless.

It happened that the phone vibrated, and it was a message from Chen Xinyu.

Chen Xinyu: [I just finished, are you still going to celebrate?]

Ji Qingying: [Fu Yanzhi and I are watching a movie.]

Chen Xinyu: [?]

Ji Qingying: [But! There were two girls who had been talking to him and knew each other.]

Chen Xinyu: [Are you beautiful?]

Ji Qingying thought for a while: [Beautiful.]

Chen Xinyu: […Then you can insert the topic along with it.]

Ji Qingying slapped the next sentence aggrievedly: [They are talking about professional terms, and they seem to be talking about some patients. This is Fu Yanzhi's specialty, and I cannot interrupt.]

Even dissatisfied.

She also won't bother with the things involved in his profession.

She knew that it was what Fu Yanzhi liked and feared the most.

Chen Xinyu: [… Then what should we do?]

Ji Qingying: [Let me watch a movie.]

Chen Xinyu: [Yes, you must know that Fu Yanzhi can go to the movies with you. You have hope in this game.]

Ji Qingying: [Oh.]

Having said that.

But still a little unhappy.

She looked up at the big screen, her thoughts were flying, and she madly stuffed popcorn into her mouth, which was dry and greasy. But she didn't feel anything.

While walking to God, a man's voice came from one side: "Would you like to drink water?"

Ji Qingying was stunned for a moment, then looked at him sideways: "Huh?"

Fu Yanzhi looked at the expression on her face and repeated: "Drink water?"

"… want."

Fu Yanzhi unscrewed the mineral water and handed it to her.

Ji Qingying took two sips, and only then did she feel that the sweet and greasy feeling in her mouth was washed away a lot, and even the depression in her chest seemed to dissipate a little.


Fu Yanzhi didn't speak, he screwed back the mineral water cap.

The woman next to her noticed the movement here, smiled and said, "Doctor Fu, the one I just mentioned—"

"Feel sorry."

Fu Yanzhi's voice sounded, and he said indifferently: "Other matters, we will discuss it at the next inspection."

The woman was embarrassed and laughed dryly: "Okay."

Ji Qingying listened, shrugged her lips slowly upward, and pulled up a small arc.

Halfway through the movie.

Ji Qingying suddenly wanted to go to the toilet.

She reached out and poked the arm of the person next to her.

Fu Yanzhi looked sideways.

Ji Qingying pursed her lips, a little embarrassed: "I want to go to the bathroom."


He didn't hear.

Ji Qingying paused, leaned towards his ear, and whispered, "I said I was going to the bathroom."

Her warm breath fell on his ear, an indescribable numbness.

Fu Yanzhi's Adam's apple rolled down slowly and responded, "Do you want someone to accompany you?"

Ji Qingying: "...No need."

She handed him the popcorn in her hand and said, "I'll come out this way."

After a while, when Ji Qingying went back to the bathroom, she found that Fu Yanzhi had changed positions.

She was stunned for a moment, looked at Fu Yanzhi, then at the two strange women, then bent over and walked over.

After sitting down, she didn't have much time to watch movies.

She turned her head to look at the person beside her, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you change positions?"

Fu Yanzhi said "um" and said lightly, "The view is good there."

Ji Qingying: "..."

She said "oh", turned her head inadvertently, and met the scrutinizing eyes of the woman next to her.

Ji Qingying smiled and turned to focus on the movie.

After watching the movie, the two went out with everyone.

Ji Qingying will be in a good mood now, and the smile on her face is much more obvious than when she entered.

Fu Yanzhi glanced at her, but said nothing.

When he was about to reach the elevator door, Ji Qingying suddenly frowned and looked back.


Ji Qingying shook her head, frowned and said, "I feel like someone is watching me."

Fu Yanzhi glanced back and found no clue.


Ji Qingying: "... Maybe he's looking at you."

Fu Yanzhi said "um": "Really?"

Ji Qingying snorted and couldn't help asking, "Are those two family members of the patient just now?"


One of the fathers, Fu Yanzhi, took over the heart surgery.

Due to various reasons, patients would return to the hospital for check-ups every few months, and Fu Yanzhi followed up the whole process.

It was because he mentioned this just now that he continued to chat.

Ji Qingying said "Oh", followed into the elevator, and said, "Those two are very beautiful."

Fu Yanzhi chuckled softly.

Inexplicably, Ji Qingying felt that his smile was aimed at himself.

She looked up at him: "what, am I wrong?"

Fu Yanzhi nodded and said lightly, "No."

Ji Qingying: "..."

Why does it sound so unpleasant.

After being silent for a while, she asked curiously, "Do you guys like beautiful girls?"

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Our men?"

Ji Qingying nodded: "Isn't it?"

Fu Yanzhi stared at her for a while, and nodded unexpectedly to Ji Qingying.

She was stunned.

She thought that Fu Yanzhi would not nod, and even told her—

I'm not.

But he nodded and admitted, but she didn't know how to continue.

Fu Yanzhi is also a normal person, it's totally fine to like beautiful ones.

Not only Fu Yanzhi, but even herself, likes all beautiful and beautiful things.

Ji Qingying's mind turned a thousand times.

After a moment of silence, he said, "I knew that was the case."

Fu Yanzhi was slightly startled, stared at her not so happy face for a moment, and suppressed the smile that appeared in his eyes.

"Yes, but neither."

Ji Qingying looked at him in surprise.

"How to say."

"Our men like beautiful women, but not every beautiful woman." He looked at Ji Qingying: "Can you understand?"

Ji Qingying: "..."

She glanced at Fu Yanzhi speechlessly: "I'm not that stupid."

Fu Yanzhi responded lightly, "Well, let's go."

The two go home.

The night wind is swaying, and the night view of Beicheng is beautiful and charming.

Ji Qingying blew for a while and woke up.

With hindsight, she realized that Fu Yanzhi seemed to have something in his words just now.

Thinking about it, she turned to look at him: "Did you mean something else in those two sentences you just said?"

Fu Yanzhi looked at her.

He said perseveringly, "For example?"

Ji Qingying thought for a while: "You mean, the person you will like will also be beautiful?"

Fu Yanzhi didn't admit it, but didn't deny it either.

Ji Qingying bent her lips and smiled, turned to look at him, her eyes shining like stars: "Then look at me."

Fu Yanzhi: "..."

She recommended herself: "I seem to be pretty pretty too."

The author has something to say:

Today’s Zhihu question was asked by Dr. Fu of the First Hospital—

My wife is too stupid.

Ji Meiren:

People who eat melons: Then you can be more straightforward.

Dr. Fu: That doesn't fit my character.