
Chapter 52


The evening breeze blows from the square, blowing away the dullness of the night.

Ji Qingying buried in Fu Yanzhi's neck, took a deep breath, smelled the disinfectant mixed on his body, and felt an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind.

Obviously, when she was in the barbecue shop just now, she felt cold all over her body. But this time, the whole person has warmed up from the inside out.

Besides Fu Yanzhi, she will always have this kind of magic.

As long as she sees this person and feels this person's breath, she can be pulled out of the abyss by him.

He was born with light, like warm sunshine, which made her want to chase and hug.

Seeing him will make her believe that everything in this world is still good.

The two hugged for a while, and Fu Yanzhi reached out and patted her on the back lightly and coaxed, "Are you full tonight?"

Ji Qingying was silent for a few seconds, then muttered: "No."

She really didn't eat much, and her appetite disappeared when she met Lin Xiaoshuang.

Fu Yanzhi turned his head and kissed her cheek: "Then go home and eat with me?"

Ji Qingying chuckled and bent her lips: "Okay."

Fu Yanzhi held her hand and walked to the parking lot. The shadows of the two of them under the street lamp were infinitely elongated and overlapped, giving an indescribable warmth.

It's an ordinary day, but it's full of surprises.

Along the way, Fu Yanzhi didn't ask her what happened. The two of them have a special tacit understanding and will give each other enough time to prepare.

If you want to say it, then say it, if you don’t want to say it, don’t force it. Of course, even if he didn't want to say it, Fu Yanzhi could coax people.

When he got home, he asked Ji Qingying, "What would you like to eat?"

Ji Qingying smiled and looked up at him: "Didn't you let me eat with you? I'll eat whatever you want."

Fu Yanzhi hooked his lower lip and replied softly, "Well, let's have some noodles."

"it is good."

He went to the kitchen to make noodles, and Ji Qingying followed.

She leaned over to Fu Yanzhi, like a kitten begging to be petted.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Fu Yanzhi looked at her: "Yes."

Ji Qingying raised her eyebrows.

Fu Yan smiled, pointed and said, "Stay with me here."

Ji Qingying: "..."

She couldn't hold back, and silently bent her lower lip: "Okay, then I'll stand here to accompany you."

The lights on the top were bright, and Ji Qingying really stood there obediently and didn't move, accompanying Fu Yanzhi.

Looking at Fu Yanzhi's every move, she only thought that everything he did was beautiful.

After a while, the noodles were ready.

Ji Qingying helped bring out a serving, and Fu Yanzhi also warmed a glass of milk for her.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She glanced at the balloon she just brought home, and then looked at the milk in front of her. She just wanted to laugh.

This man, he really treats himself as a three-year-old child.

But in front of Fu Yanzhi, she was happy to be a three-year-old giant baby.

After the two finished eating the noodles quietly, Fu Yanzhi asked her to take a bath slowly.

Ji Qingying responded and walked to the balcony, intending to water the flowers.

The two pots of jasmine she had left here before had fallen off.

Fu Yanzhi didn't know where to get a few more pots, and they were neatly placed on the black shelf, looking beautifully crowded.

The wind in Houhu was particularly comfortable, and Ji Qingying hummed a little song to water the flowers, not caring about the time.

When she was done tossing, Fu Yanzhi also came over.

Hearing the voice, Ji Qingying looked up at him: "When will this flower bloom?"

"It will be open in a while."

Ji Qingying said "ah": "Is it possible that I can see it when I come back after the game?"


Fu Yanzhi stretched out his hand, took the thing in her hand, and said in a low voice, "Will it be longer this time?"


Ji Qingying took the initiative to hug him and rubbed his warm embrace: "Fu Yanzhi."

Fu Yanzhi responded softly and looked down at her: "I'm here."

Ji Qingying didn't know what he wanted to say, but he just wanted to say something to him.

"Are you busy at the hospital today?"

"One point." Fu Yanzhi followed her words and whispered, "I have received a special new patient."

Ji Qingying looked at him: "Why is it special?"

Fu Yanzhi pondered for a moment and said in a low voice, "This patient has been in the hospital before."


Ji Qingying looked at him in astonishment.

Fu Yanzhi explained: "It's a grandfather. He was in the hospital as a family member before."

"Grandma had a heart attack, and he's been with him in the hospital..."

Ji Qingying stared at him, pursed her lower lip and asked, "And then."

"Grandma was discharged from the hospital not long ago, and he has a physical problem." Fu Yanzhi lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips, and said in a low voice, "It's a little serious. Today's operation is a little long."

Ji Qingying was slightly startled, her eyes reddened.

"do you know."

Fu Yanzhi looked down at her.

Ji Qingying thought for a while, and said dully: "When I was a senior, my grandmother also lived in the hospital for a long time."

At that time, Ji Qingying felt like the sky was falling.

The works she designed were suspected of plagiarism, and some informed classmates in the class were talking about it behind their backs. When she saw the smoke in her eyes and the pointing behind her, it was not that she didn't feel it.

Even the teachers were disappointed with her.

In addition, there was an internship company that she had planned for, and she also got inside information, telling her that they didn't need a designer who could plagiarize, and they didn't want her anymore.

Even the design company that wanted to win over her at first and threw an olive branch to her also avoided her.

As for the competition, she was even disqualified.

It was the first time she felt 'real'. I feel what is called 'the betrayal of relatives'.

Some of the classmates who had been kind to her, but also because of that incident, no longer appeared in her contact list.

The most frustrating thing was, of course, the phone call that my grandmother was hospitalized.

Ji Qingying was in the dormitory at that time, and ran downstairs as soon as she received the call.

She didn't pay attention to her feet and stepped on several floors of stairs. It was Chen Xinyu who grabbed her for the first time, so there was no more accident.

Chen Xinyu held her back, Chi Lu contacted the school immediately, accompanied her back to Jiangcheng and went to the hospital.

At that time, Ji Qingying's hands and feet were cold, and his face was even more pale.

Afterwards, Chen Xinyu used a joking tone to remind her of what happened at that time.

The expression on her face at that time scared them both.

It was also from that time that Ji Qingying suddenly understood that there was no point in struggling, the light of her world had disappeared, and her faith had been shattered.

A lot of things are not really just.

She returned to Jiangcheng and accompanied her grandmother in the hospital.

Grandma noticed that she was unhappy, she didn't ask anything, she didn't say anything, she just told Ji Qingying that if she was not happy, then don't do it, follow her heart, and do whatever she wants.

After her grandmother was discharged from the hospital, Ji Qingying went back to school.

She didn't go to any internship company, she went back to the town to accompany her grandmother for half a year, and then opened a studio. Far away from the group of people and things that were originally familiar.

It's okay to say she's cowardly, or anything else.

At that time, she felt that nothing was more important than grandma.

She no longer cares about the outcome, she just wants to live quietly and enjoy the life she likes and enjoys.

Of course, it was also because at that time she had no ability to fight back.

Fu Yanzhi stretched out his hand and pulled the person into his arms: "Why was he hospitalized?"

Ji Qingying muttered: "It's just that high blood pressure has some problems, people are old, and they are overworked."

Fu Yanzhi reached out and rubbed her hair: "The grandmother you went home with?"


Ji Qingying rubbed against his chest, trying to make her tone easier: "At that time in the hospital, watching the busy medical staff working, I liked it very much."

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows and joked with her, "That's why you have a good impression of the medical staff, so you drink with us?"

Ji Qingying looked him in the eye: "Yes."

She smiled: "You also have to thank that there was no handsome doctor in that hospital at that time, otherwise I would have run away with others."

Fu Yanzhi: "..."

He laughed dumbly and said in a low voice, "That's true, I will thank my parents next time I go home."

Ji Qingying smiled.

Fu Yanzhi looked down at her and whispered, "When your game is over, let's go back and see grandma."

"it is good."

Ji Qingying said: "Then she must go back, or she will scold me for having no conscience."

Fu Yanzhi bent his lower lip.

The two stood on the balcony for a long time, and when Ji Qingying was tired, they went back to the room to wash and rest.

That night, Ji Qingying fell asleep in Fu Yanzhi's arms.

Thinking of those past events, she has been able to face it calmly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the third round.

On the day of the competition, Fu Yanzhi personally sent the two of them there. When getting off the bus, Ji Qingying asked him for a special reward.

This round of competition is much more intense than what Ji Qingying imagined.

Each person has a room, and the required design is made within the specified time.

After this round, it is the final.

Ji Qingying no longer has any contact with Fu Yanzhi, she spends every day on the design draft.

She doesn't think cheongsam is a niche culture, nor does she think that cheongsam is only retro.

It can be retro or trendy.

For three consecutive days, Ji Qingying basically never left the house, and was always in the room.

After she closed the last button, she suddenly relaxed.

Rong Xue looked at the cheongsam on the model, and the tiredness in her eyes disappeared.

"Sister Qingying, this is another big breakthrough."

Ji Qingying curled her lips and smiled, and replied softly, "Just do your best."

She did her best.

In the third round, Ji Qingying passed by unexpectedly.

Next is the final.

Eight designers were eliminated in the third round, and only eight were left in the finals.

Unlike the third round, the final was recorded live.

There are audiences and live broadcast platforms.

The designer needs to complete a finished product under the watchful eyes of all the audience and the judges.

Four hours time limit.

These four hours, including topic cutting, etc., can be described as the limit.

The organizer gave the eight designers who entered the competition a day off, and on Saturday, the recording was done.

When Ji Qingying woke up in the morning, she was in good spirits.

She glanced at her phone, which contained a message from Fu Yanzhi and others.

Fu Yanzhi is resting today, and he will come to watch her match.

It was only at this moment that Ji Qingying found out. Fu Yanzhi is indeed very busy, but it seems that since she participated in the competition, he has not missed any of her public competitions.

She silently curved her lips and sent Fu Yan a message back.

The national competition, this time it is bigger than the previous years.

The location of the recording was in a very large room, with a spacious seat for each person, surrounded by audiences, and a little bit above the jury's seat.

The judges of the national designer finals include Zhou Zhilan.

After Ji Qingying heard the voice, she realized that she hadn't gone back yet.

She raised her eyes to look, and quickly withdrew her gaze.

The host introduced them one by one, and Ji Qingying listened casually, occasionally casting his eyes on the audience below the stage.

But because of the distance, she couldn't find where Fu Yanzhi was.

"Brother, is Senior Sister Ji looking for you?"

Ye Zhen Zhen watched Ji Qingying's movements and muttered beside Fu Yanzhi.

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyes, looked at the people on the stage and said "um", "be quiet."

Ye Zhen Zhen: "… "

She turned her head and spoke to Chen Xinyu: "Sister Xinyu, I'm so nervous."

Chen Xinyu pouted and said, "What are you nervous about?"

She looked at Ji Qingying and whispered, "I believe in your sister Ji's ability."

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded: "Okay."

After a while of silence, she sighed deeply: "But I'm still very nervous."

Chen Xinyu looked at her funny and patted her shoulder.

After hearing Zhou Zhilan's name, Chen Xinyu's expression changed.

"It's over."

She mumbled, "I'm nervous too."

As soon as the words fell, Ye Zhen Zhen was very excited: "Ah, ah, when did Zhou Zhilan come back? Why I don't even know."

"My God! She's actually going to be a judge for the national competition. This time, the organizers have paid a lot of money to invite her."

Chen Xinyu: "…"

She paused and looked down at her: "Do you like Teacher Zhou Zhilan?"

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded: "I like it, she is the idol of 99% of design professionals."

After speaking, Ye Zhen Zhen realized something was wrong.

She turned to look at Chen Xinyu and said in surprise, "Sister Xinyu, don't you like it?"

"… Um."

She said: "I am convinced of her design ability, but I don't like her."

Ye Zhen Zhen blinked, she didn't understand a bit: "...why?"

Chen Xinyu smiled and said softly, "There is no reason, I just don't like it."

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded in understanding but she was about to shut up when she suddenly remembered something.

"Sister Xinyu! I remembered."

She pointed and said, "When I went shopping with you and Sister Ji last time, was she talking to you?"

When Ye Zhen Zhen passed by that day, Zhou Zhilan only left her a profile. In addition, she is a little short-sighted, and she really doesn't see too clearly.

But after seeing Zhou Zhilan's style, she remembered it.

That day, Zhou Zhilan seemed to be wearing this outfit, this dress.

Thinking about it, she stared at Chen Xinyu in disbelief, and said in surprise, "Sister Xinyu, do you and Sister Ji know Teacher Zhou Zhilan?"

Chen Xinyu: "…"

Fu Yanzhi also looked sideways and glanced at her.

Chen Xinyu looked at the two of them and replied vaguely, "... Let's count them as acquaintances."

Ye Zhen Zhen's eyes lit up: "That can be..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Fu Yanzhi.

"Ye Zhen Zhen."

"Ah?" Ye Zhen Zhen looked at him.

Fu Yanzhi glanced at her indifferently, and said coldly, "Be quiet."

Ye Zhen Zhen: "… "

She stared at Fu Yanzhi's face for a while, and silently closed her mouth.

Can't be provoked, or can hide.

Fu Yanzhi ignored her gaze, and put his gaze on the person not far away. What Ji Qingying had said to him was in his mind.

—My mom is a designer, super talented kind. But she doesn't want me anymore for her career.

She didn't say it too directly, and Fu Yanzhi didn't think deeply about who her mother was.

By now, an answer was clearly in front of him.

It's Zhou Zhilan. His girlfriend's mother is a designer that everyone admires, Zhou Zhilan.

Coincidentally, Fu Yanzhi also knew a lot of her news.

Ye Qing and Ye Zhen Zhen would discuss at home from time to time, usually during dinner time.

Ye Zhen Zhen is very fond of gossip and will share anything with Ye Qing. Fu Yanzhi used to go home for dinner a lot and occasionally listen to it.

He won't remember it on purpose, but after listening to it more, he will have an impression.

In my impression, in addition to the designer's special talent in design, every object she chooses is helpful to her work.

This is what Ye Zhen Zhen said.

It is said that Zhou Zhilan has a good vision in choosing objects, she will never be bound by men, and what she chooses is beneficial and helpful to her.

Whether it is the company's president, a talented designer, or a certain heir, all of them have helped her in her career and can bring her to a higher level.

She is free and easy and casual, not old-fashioned, these labels seem to be on this person.

Fu Yanzhi looked straight at the downcast people on the stage, and a special emotion spread in his chest.

He guessed that Ji Qingying must have seen those reports and the comments of netizens. He didn't know how she felt when she saw those comments on Zhou Zhilan.

At this moment, Fu Yanzhi wanted to hug the person on the stage.

The game officially begins.

The theme of the final is "Freedom", there are not too many boundaries, as long as you think it represents the freedom of the heart, it is enough.

The designers on the stage raced against time to design the works that they felt the most free in the shortest possible time.

The audience under the stage watched anxiously, and their hearts were lifted, just like the designer.

When Ji Qingying saw the word 'freedom', she suddenly thought of the kite she and Fu Yanzhi flew that day.

The feeling of running on that green grass.

She had a picture in her mind.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The designer on the stage was relatively calm, at least on the surface, there was no sign of anxiety.

Zhou Zhilan's gaze swept across the eight designers, and finally settled on the person on the side.

For the sake of convenience, she dressed very casually today.

A pair of jeans and a T-shirt, it looks ordinary.

She lowered her eyes, noticing the movements of her hands.

There is also a large screen on one side, magnifying the movements of the designer's hands.

She stared at it and had a guess.

She is the chairperson of the design competition on both sides, a fair and fair representative.

Looking at it, the one on the left suddenly asked, "Is that beautiful designer planning to make a cheongsam?"

Zhou Zhilan didn't say anything.

The man continued: "Don't cheongsam and freedom fit together?"

The chairman on the right said: "Not necessarily. The cheongsam can also be very free."

The two discussed and looked sideways at Zhou Zhilan: "Mr. Zhou thinks so."

Zhou Zhilan smiled slightly and said lightly, "Let's see the final result."

The two nodded in unison.

Ye Qing and Fu Zheng happened to be there.

However, the two did not sit with Fu Yanzhi. Ye Qing was an invited audience member and brought his family along by the way.

"Fu Yanzhi has a good eye."

Fu Zheng smiled and said, "Is that his girlfriend?"

Ye Qing nodded: "Yes."

She glanced at it: "The little girl is making cheongsam again."

Fu Zheng raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "What, is there a problem?"

"I don't think so." Ye Qing said, "But you must know that the champion of this national competition will directly enter the DLMH International Competition. When the judges rate, they will choose works that are in line with international standards."

Fu Zheng didn't quite understand.

Ye Qingduo explained: "Many foreigners don't know about cheongsam culture or Chinese culture. They don't like cheongsam very much. Many designers also think that cheongsam is too niche and not suitable for fashion."

Fu Zheng understood.

He nodded and asked in a low voice, "You think so too?"

"of course not."

Ye Qing smiled: "You have to believe in Qingying's ability. She has a pair of skillful hands that can break everyone's impression of cheongsam."

Fu Zheng looked at her in surprise, smiled and said, "You have a high opinion of Fu Yanzhi's girlfriend."

Ye Qing looked at him and said without hesitation, "You will also like this girl after contacting her."

"That can't be liked." Fu Zheng said in a very serious manner: "I want to like her, you and Fu Yanzhi have to settle accounts with me."

Ye Qing: "..."

The couple chatted and laughed, watching the competition not far away.

With only the last hour left in the game, Ji Qingying also had a worried look on his face.

She looked down at the thing in her hand, and muttered a few words to Melting Snow.

Melting Snow nodded, expressing understanding.

Ji Qingying took out the box on one side. Their designers allowed some items of their own to enter the venue, and they were all checked.

Ji Qingying squatted down directly and started embroidering things on the fabric.

Ye Zhen Zhen looked at this scene and said in surprise: "What is Ji Xuejie planning to do?"



Ye Zhen Zhen glanced at the time: "Can this be time?"

"She will do it, it must be possible."

Time ticked by, and the sixty seconds counted down.

Ji Qingying put on the clothes on the three-dimensional model of the model and showed it.

Time paused.

All eight designer works are completed.

Everyone looked over, and what they noticed at a glance was the cheongsam on the field.

The material of the cheongsam is rendered by the selected ink painting. The background color is white, and the top is the rendered lotus flower. It looks like it has grown from a pond. It has green leaves and roots, as well as buds and petals that have already bloomed.

But from the looks of it, it doesn't make people feel vulgar, on the contrary, it has a special effect.

In addition, what is more eye-catching is the buckle of the stand-up collar. Under the buckle, there seems to be a small butterfly dancing, giving a visual effect that the butterfly flutters and dances on the lotus pond.

There was an uproar.

Ye Zhen Zhen couldn't help but exclaimed: "My God, it's too visual."

Chen Xinyu couldn't help but nod: "She should have an idea."


"We'll know when the model shows it."

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded as if she didn't understand.

After all the works are completed, it is the display and the designer's question and answer.

Every work has a story in it.

There are ready models in the backstage, and the newly designed works are displayed, which is a big show.

Ji Qingying was at the end, and she waited impatiently for the presentation and comments of the designers in front of her.

The scores are directly evaluated, the highest and lowest scores are removed, and the average score in the middle is taken.

The total score for each teacher is 10.

There are six judges in total.

When Ji Qingying model went out, everyone paid attention to the model.

After seeing the clothes displayed by the models, everyone's eyes widened unexpectedly, and then whispered.

"Do you want to put the model's hand like this?"

"Oh my gosh!! This idea is amazing too."

"Is that bow on the model's head just prepared?"

"Ah, the green one on the wrist is connected with the green lotus leaf bud, like an iron chain, isn't it?"

Ye Zhen Zhen also looked over with wide eyes and turned to look at Chen Xinyu: "Sister Xinyu, isn't it?"

Chen Xinyu nodded and whispered, "I knew it was meaningful that she added a few strokes to it."

After the model was shown, Ji Qingying came on stage.

After taking the stage, the host was the first to speak out: "Should Ji Design introduce your own work?"

Ji Qingying smiled slightly and took the microphone: "Hello everyone, I'm Ji Qingying." She pointed sideways: "This is a work I designed, representing the cheongsam of "Freedom"."

As soon as the words fell, the judges asked: "Our topic is freedom, why did we think of designing a cheongsam?"

Ji Qingying raised her eyes and said softly, "I like cheongsam very much. I think cheongsam also represents freedom."

The judge nodded: "The fabric you chose is very characteristic. You made the staff ready to go on stage after you had an idea." He paused and continued to ask: "I want to ask, what does the pose of the model mean? Her wrist Does the green ribbon on it also make sense?"


Ji Qingying introduced them one by one: "The ribbon on the wrist is connected to the lotus leaf bud on the clothes. Does it feel like it is shackled?"

The crowd nodded.

Ji Qingying smiled: "This is what I want to express."

"Actually, when you raise your hand, the shackles will break free." She said, "Whether it is design or people, it should not be limited to a certain point. As long as you take a step forward and lift your hand up, the shackles will disappear and you will be free. There it is."

She said seriously: "Many people think that cheongsam represents bondage. But I think that cheongsam can also be very free, very fashionable, and very design-oriented. Breaking tradition is the freedom I want."

She pointed to the butterfly embroidered on the dress: "It's like a butterfly, it hovers on the lotus leaf. It doesn't mean it can't leave, she just prefers this place, it flutters, splendid and free, also like Like a blooming flower, it's a personal choice."

After her words fell, the teachers on the jury were the first to applaud.

A teacher commented: "I like your design concept very much, and also like your work very much."


After several teachers commented one by one, only Zhou Zhilan remained.

Zhou Zhilan took the microphone and looked down at her: "The work is very good, but I have a question."

Ji Qingying looked indifferent: "Teacher Zhou, please speak."

Zhou Zhilan paused and said in a low voice, "How do you get the public to accept your work." She pointed out, "What a designer has to do is to make everyone like your work, regardless of levels or constraints. In terms of international trends, especially foreigners, how do you convince them to accept it?"

Ji Qingying looked at her and said in a low voice, "As long as you do it well, they will like it."

She said: "Everyone has different preferences, but at the same time, people can't resist beautiful things."

She pursed her lips and said lightly: "Many years ago, the cheongsam had its heyday, and it was even liked to imitate by many foreign friends, so I don't think that the cheongsam is only liked by the Chinese. It has a wide audience, and it is not bound by This little world as we know it."

When the judges rate.

Ye Zhen Zhen was holding Chen Xinyu's hand under the stage and was nervous.

Ji Qingying was relatively calm, she was the last one, and she was not in a hurry.

After a while, the judges' scores came out.

The host reads the newspaper one by one.

After removing the highest score and the lowest score, Ji Qingying's average score was 9.8.

When the words fell, Ye Zhen Zhen turned her head to look at the person next to her: "Brother, what is the highest of the seven designers before?"

Fu Yanzhi stared at the people on the stage, and the two met across the crowd. He chuckled lightly, his eyes full of approval: "The highest is 9.6."

Hearing this, Ye Zhen Zhen exclaimed: "Ah!! My Senior Sister Ji is the champion!"

As soon as the voice fell, the host's words also fell: "Let's congratulate the champion of this national design competition, Ji Qingying."

Thunderous applause.

All eyes were on her alone.

Everyone was impressed by her talent, and Fu Yanzhi was the same.