Jin Se

Chapter 1: For no reason


Some people can look old at the age of three, while others have to experience eighteen changes.

Looking at Shi Wuduan, one can know how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly—many years later, some people would feel that such a lawless and stubborn thing in childhood, what kind of medicine did it take wrongly, and then it grew into such a sloppy mouth? How about a person who is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, gentle enough to be a bit dull

On the Yin Sheng Continent, no matter if they are ordinary people or princes and generals, they have always had a complex of cultivating immortals and asking questions.

There are immortal cultivators and Taoist cultivators in this world, and the immortal cultivators are illusory, and most of them are outside the heaven and earth. The world is cold, hot, cloudy, and chaotic and prosperous. In the days without disputes, for example, Jianghua Sanren, who has a close friendship with the head of Xuanzong of Jiulu Mountain, Ren Daozu, is a rare cultivator of immortality.

There are many schools of Taoism. The largest and most famous schools of Taoism are "Jiulu Mountain Xuanzong", "Bodhi Mountain Mahayana Pope", "Xijigu Esoteric School" and "Leyouya Leyou Pope".

Except for the Leyou Pope whose teachings are so loose that his disciples are both good and evil, and who often do some shocking things because of having fun, the other three sects are naturally extremely noble in the hearts of ordinary people.

Xuanzong has always been involved in the world, and most of his disciples were taught to take the responsibility of the common people in the world. The Mahayana Pope pursues great goodness and believes in gods. His disciples do not eat meat and fish, and they only wear common clothes all their lives. They are peaceful and upright, doing good deeds, and doing good deeds. Tantrism is addicted to metaphysics, and what they pursue is the word "nature", and most of the people under the sect are secretive and easily concealed.

It is said that ascetics can live for thousands of years, can ride the clouds and ride the fog, slay demons and slay demons, and many Chinese generals and pillars of talent come from the three sects deep in the mountains.

Legend has it that the emperors were all in awe of these three major sect masters. Many phoenix sons, grandsons, princes and generals wanted to go in and practice, and they had to pick their roots and comprehension to be lucky enough to be accepted as disciples. .

Shi Wuduan, as his name suggests, had shit luck for no reason, and was picked up by Xuanzong Taoist Patriarch not long after he was born. I don't know where he fell in love with the baby in swaddling clothes, and he accepted him as a closed disciple. Opportunities that cannot be found can be met in a lifetime, but unfortunately I am getting more and more crooked as I grow up, I am really sorry for this heavenly opportunity.

The "great achievements" he made on Jiulu Mountain when he was a child are simply too numerous to describe.

That year Jianghua Sanren went to Jiulu Mountain to drink and discuss Taoism with Taoist ancestors. Jianghua Sanren did not care about trifles. When did someone shave off that fairy-like long beard.

The beard that has been raised for nearly 300 years was stolen by a little boy the size of a bean, and he built a chicken coop to raise bird eggs to play with. Shi Wuduan, who was on the drinking water pavilion for the disciples to visit, has become famous since then.

Shi Wuduan was probably a daring thing since he was still in the womb. When he was picked up by Taoist ancestors from the wolf den, he was just a few months old baby, but no matter whether he saw a big wolf or a large group of strangers , They all just turned their big eyes and looked around curiously, and they didn't even know how to cry.

When he was young, he was learning to walk. His two chubby short legs were still wobbling, and he couldn't stand firmly. He started to run happily with his teeth and claws, and told him to take care of his senior brother if he was not paying attention. Falling to the ground, his jaw, which was too round to see the bones, was scratched, but he didn't know the pain, and he didn't need anyone to help or coax him. He got up on his own like a little worm, lifted his little round face, and He gave his terrified little brother a big heartless smile, revealing the small empty gums with few teeth.

A little older, Shi Wuduan even lived a life of going to the house every day.

Taoist Xuanzong, it is said that he has lived for more than 500 years. He has always been a wise man who speaks elegantly and is dedicated to Taoism. He even broke his merits. It is said that he would lose his temper several times a month and break three or four rulers.

I don't know if he was beaten too much, but Shi Wuduan was beaten out of copper skin and iron bones, causing trouble, Daozu yelled: "Come here and get beaten!"

He went over obediently, received a "crackling" beating, then rubbed his butt, wiped his nose generously, and continued to make nine deer pheasants fly like dogs.

Ordinarily, it is normal for boys to be naughty when they were young. Which child has not endured a few boards? Ke Shi Wuyuan, this little thing, is really mischievous and outrageous, as if he was born without a tendon and doesn't know how to be afraid.

It's a trivial matter to shave Jianghua Sanren's beard and build a bird's nest. When he was five years old, he drove the Jiulu Mountain mythical beast "Qingku" out to play like a sheep. He almost went out of the mountain and was surrounded by a group of villagers After pointing and pointing for half a day, he was chased back by several senior brothers.

When he was six years old, he played hide-and-seek with a group of children. No one else noticed, so he ran to the Cangyun Valley where monsters gathered in the back mountain, and played with all the little monsters. Shocked and frightened, he discovered that this silly and bold little boy had run into the big snake's den, and was sleeping with him wrapped in a nest of red snakes.

In the winter when I was seven years old, at the New Year's Eve to worship the ancestors, the four brothers of Dao Patriarch invited the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, but this boy came in in the middle of the night. He wanted to try the difference between the Nine Heavens Profound Fire and ordinary candles, so he used it to steal it. A little Martian lit fireworks and firecrackers with a group of half-grown children, accidentally slipped into the water, and burned half of the Xuanzong ancestral hall.

At the age of eight, he sneaked into the Liufeng Garden of Master Kuruo, a fellow apprentice of the Taoist ancestor, and destroyed all the eighty-one "Liufengzhan" in it. The Liufengzhan blooms for 30 years and sleeps for 30 years. It is said that when the wind passes by, smelling its fragrance can make people dream of past and present lives. Collecting a little dew between the pistils and entering it is like drinking 30 altars of strong wine. You can also be so drunk that you don't know what night it is.

What Shi did for no reason was destroying flowers with his hands, climbing up and down with a small ladder, a goose came and plucked the feathers, and none of the eighty-one plants were spared. He was so thirsty that he drank the full bottle of Liufenglu like well water in one gulp. He was in a coma for half a year and almost lost his life.

After waking up, he was escorted by the Taoist ancestor to make an apology to Master Ku Ruo. Ku Ruo had a sour face and was still feeling sorry for her garden, but when he saw this fat boy, he became thin and pitiful after only half a year. The little monkey seemed to be able to poke people with the tip of its chin, so it could be seen that it suffered a lot, so it gave up after snorting.

Daozu originally thought that this little disciple's state of mind would improve after walking on the Yin-Yang boundary like this.

Who knew he was thinking too much.

Shi Wuduan managed to calm down for a while, and all the brothers and uncles of Xuanzong said that he had changed his ways. Unexpectedly, two months later, the owner of Cangyun Valley—the Fox Demon King Bai Ziyi came to the door , named Shi Wuduan shamelessly abducted her youngest son by name.

Everyone found the drinking water booth, and found that Shi Wuduan was pulling a little girl dressed in white to play in the hall. At first glance, the little "girl" was only seven or eight years old, dressed in white, with thick cloudy temples tied on silver satin arms. , his cheeks were a little pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness, but when he glanced at the corner of his eyes, he was full of charm. At first glance, he looked like a little vixen who had been cultivated into a human shape, and he was hundreds or thousands of years old.

Daozu was so worried that his hair turned gray. He didn't know what kind of cause and effect he owed. He was so angry that he fell on his back in anger. The little fox ran over with farts: "Master, you see, this is my daughter -in -law. The three brothers said that they could have a kid if they married a daughter -in -law. ... Ouch! Master, don't hit me, Master..."

If you can't beat you to death, you little villain, it's fine if you find a vixen to come to your door, even male and female are not distinguished!

The monsters in Cangyun Valley are restrained by the sky fox, and generally they don't come out to harm the world, they just cultivate immortals and practice Taoism, and live their own lives. They are next to Jiulu Mountain, and they don't come and go much, but they don't interfere with the river water. Shi Wuduan was just a naughty boy who didn't know anything about it. He was punished again, and he was beaten by Taoist ancestors until he screamed and screamed. He took the little vixen away without much entanglement.

For this reason, in the name of misconduct, before Shi Wuduan could wake up from the dream of "giving birth to a son to be beaten for him", a dog leg was broken, and he limped and knelt for half a year. shrine.

He is nine years old this year.

Daozu really loved and held this close disciple very deeply. Looking at the entire Xuanzong, and several generations, there is no one with better roots and higher understanding than this child.

When he is smart, he is really smart. No matter what he is taught, he can understand a little bit. The most rare thing is that he has a natural understanding of astronomy and arithmetic. He can sit in front of a huge astrolabe with his head on his head when he was very young. , sitting for a whole day, it doesn't bother him at all, only the astrolabe can restrain him from being mischievous.

The trajectory of the stars that others seem to be boring and high-level, he can actually calculate them one by one like playing a game, and he is quite obsessed.

But other than that, he is really a culprit, there is nothing he dare not do, and there is no disaster he dare not cause.

When mentioning this devil king in Jiulu Mountain, he couldn't help but smile wryly - it looks like a piece of beautiful jade from a distance, but it turns out to be a stubborn stone - a stinky stone in a latrine.

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