Jin Se

Chapter 14: Surprised


Shi Wuduan didn't know what happened in Cangyun Valley, when he woke up, it was already night.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a shivering ball of hair, its body was black and gray, compared with the fluffy feathers of the kingpin bird jumping around, it was even more shocking.

With black eyes and white hair, Shi Wudu was not clear for a moment, and thought in surprise, this is the prototype of Baili, and the little ion was not taken away by the cloud of black air!

However, when he woke up completely and saw nothing in front of his eyes, he was disappointed to find that this dirty ball of hair was just a rabbit.

The rabbit seems to be a bit wise, it is very fat, and it is not so fat that it looks like a rabbit. At first glance, it looks a bit like a big rat that is full of oil. However, although it seems to be smart, it is not very clever. It was all piled up with fat, and its head looked pitifully smaller. It seemed to have rushed over to seek shelter in a hurry. It thought that the young man seemed to have a magic weapon, so it rushed over. Only then did it realize that the light from the astrolabe made it shudder instinctively, so frightened that it didn't even dare to run, it could only shrink into a ball and tremble.

Normally, Shi Wudu would definitely play with it, but he struggled to get up, looked down at the cardamom wrapped in his hand, and looked back at the hole where Bai Li disappeared, and he was in no mood for anything.

Cuipingniao put its head on his knee, rubbed it lightly, and looked at him with blinking dark eyes.

Shi Wuduan was stunned for a moment, and carefully blew away the dust from the cardamom, put it in his arms, and stood up while supporting the big rock at the entrance of the cave. When he stood up, he was condescending, and only then did he see what happened in Cangyun Valley thing.

The entire valley collapsed, and the forests that covered the sky and the sun were all pressed down by the rocks, and a large crack several feet square tore apart the entire Cangyun Valley. , They were all stained with a rust-like color. The situation changed, and the young man stood there for a while holding his hand on the rock, then raised his head blankly to look at the sky, the blue sky seemed to be covered, and the starlight could not be seen at all.

"Master!" Shi Wuduan suddenly came to his senses, turned around and was about to run up the mountain.

He turned around suddenly, stumbled, and fell a big somersault. Shi Wuduan gritted his teeth, propped his worn palms on the ground, and took a long time to get up. Behind him was the whole valley like ruins, a small The boy, covered in dust and helpless, climbed to the top of the mountain persistently.

The mountains of Jiulu Mountain seem to have been destroyed by something. The mountain roads that are used to walking on weekdays are deformed. The moon is dark and the wind is high. At any time, you will trip over the roots of the trees exposed to the ground under your feet, and you will fall off the cliff at any time The stone was smashed.

He fell once, got up, and fell again. As if he didn't know the pain, he panted heavily when lying on the ground, smeared blood on the cold stone, and ran up as soon as he got up.

Cuipin silently followed him and flew over his head. When he saw him fall, he stopped and waited for him. Even the stupid big fat rabbit followed him. I don't know what it was thinking, staring at him. Small eyes, as if ignorant of human suffering, looked at this once fairyland, but now it has become a place of ghosts.

Every time he reached a checkpoint, Shi Wuduan went in and asked loudly: "Is there anyone here? I am Wuduan! I am the apprentice of the head master! Is there anyone?"

But every checkpoint was empty, and Shi Wuduan felt that his heart was about to explode from running. When he had almost reached the top of the mountain, he passed the last checkpoint and was almost disappointed. A shadow was seen under the pavilion in the backyard.

He paused, and walked over lightly, only to find that it was a guarding disciple named Lu Cheng. According to his seniority, he was the disciple and grandson of the Taoist ancestor, and he wanted to call him a little uncle. On weekdays, Li Shi often passed by here when he went to play in the back mountain for no reason, and he was closest to this master nephew.

A strong smell of blood came out, and the astrolabe in Shi Wuduan's hand lit up, and Shi Wuduan actually felt a little greed from the light, as if a hungry beast saw a bloody prey, he was taken aback, He hurriedly stuffed the astrolabe into his bag, walked over slowly, and called tentatively, "Lu Cheng?"

As he got closer, he realized that Lu Cheng's body had been pierced by an iron hook, turning him into a bloody man. He closed his eyes tightly, but there was still a faint breath in his heart...but it was about to die.

Shi Wuduan's eyes went dark, and he thought to himself, could something have happened to the teacher

He grabbed Lu Cheng's upper body in one step, hugged Lu Cheng's upper body with great effort, and patted his cheek with his palm: "Lu Cheng is me, open your eyes and see, what's going on? Where's the master? Where are the others?"

But this person was hurt too badly, he was really angry like a gossamer.

At this moment, a few strands of star threads stretched out from the bundle behind him without obeying the command, and quietly wrapped around the iron hook on Lu Cheng's chest, as if in a tentative and unreasonable reaction.

Shi Wuduan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on, just when he was in a daze, those star wires suddenly lit up, pierced into Lu Cheng's body along the iron hook, frantically absorbing the pain of the serious injury The only remaining human soul.

Lu Cheng trembled all over, Shi was shocked for no reason, grabbed those few star threads, and tore them apart forcefully. The other star threads seemed to know fear, touched lightly on his hand, and immediately came back to life. Shrunk back. But his tugging also involved Lu Cheng's wound, Lu Cheng let out a low moan, and opened his eyes.

His eyes were confused at first, and then he seemed to think of something, his face panicked, his lips moved convulsively, and his whole body twitched. Shi Wudu hurriedly patted his face, lowered his voice, and said: "It's me, don't be afraid, I'm unprovoked, what happened to Xuanzong? Where's the master? Where's the big brother and uncle? Why are the checkpoints at the bottom of the mountain..."

He was anxious, and a series of questions popped up, but Lu Cheng didn't know where the strength came from, so he desperately raised his hand and grabbed Shi Wuduan's wrist. With a dying voice, he said hoarsely and strenuously, "Run! Hurry up... run... quickly..."

Then the voice choked, and Shi Wuduan felt his fingers loosen: "Lu Cheng!"

Lu Cheng just opened his eyes wide, and Xingsi behind Shi Wuduan started to move again, as if he wanted to squeeze out the last ray of essence from this fresh dead man, but because of his master, he didn't dare to act presumptuously.

Shi Wudu slowly raised his hand and put it under Lu Cheng's nose. After a long while, he took a deep breath, he was so stupid.

Ever since he was a child, this was the first time he had seen someone die—it was someone he knew.

A terrible thought suddenly came to his mind, Lu Cheng is dead, where is Master? Will Master also... He felt a cold air spread from his chest to his limbs, and his hands and feet were frozen.

Suddenly, the sound of someone's footsteps came from not far away, Shi Wudu shuddered fiercely, and subconsciously picked up the stupid rabbit at his feet and hid in the grass.

Cuipingniao also reacted quickly, and lay down beside him, not daring to move.

After a while, someone said: "I seem to have heard some movement here, Ziliang, let's go and have a look."

The other person responded, and after a while, the two of them seemed to be rushing this way.

Shi Wuduan heaved a sigh of relief, he recognized the voices of these two people, they were Zhao Chengye and Huang Ziliang, two disciples of his Master Uncle Bitan, after running for a day, they finally saw their relatives, Shi Wuduan felt that he was going to cry with joy, but in his heart After such a loosening, when I wanted to stand up, my legs were weak and I couldn't move for a while.

But just as he was about to call for someone, he heard Zhao Chengye who was not far away sneered and said, "Hey, I didn't expect there was a fish that slipped through the net here."

What? !

Shi Wuduan's hand on his ankle immediately stopped moving, and the kingpin bird on one side moved on the ground, and he held it down. His mind turned sharply, what does Zhao Chengye mean by this? Why did Lu Cheng tell him to run when he was dying? What was he afraid of

"The heat hasn't dissipated yet, so I think it's time to die." Huang Ziliang said, "Could it be because he struggled just now?"

"Presumably, there was such a commotion in Cangyun Valley for some reason that it almost startled Sheng Jia, and caused him to run here inadvertently." Zhao Chengye said, "Come on, you and my brother Lift him up and check the body, so it will be easy for the master to deal with."

Huang Ziliang smiled and said: "Brother, why are you so confused? We two brothers carried this stupid body up the mountain, wouldn't it be troublesome? In my opinion, it's better to cut off his head and hang it on the waist, and show the master to see it later." Just one click."

Zhao Chengye smiled and said, "It makes sense."

Shi Wuduan opened his eyes wide in the darkness, his heart almost stopped beating.

What did those two people say about "Master"? Uncle Bitan? How could Uncle Bitan tell them to fight each other, not even leaving a whole body behind? He held tightly to the body of the kingpin bird, but the big bird let him hold it without saying a word.

"No, I can't act rashly." Shi Wuduan thought to himself, "Let's follow and see what's going on with them."

He took a deep breath, and waited for the two people to leave for a while before carefully crawling out from the original place. He knew that although Zhao Chengye and Huang Ziliang were not as good as the Twelve Immortals, they were unmatched in the entire Nine Deer Mountains. He is outstanding, but he is also a person who has devoted himself to cultivating Taoism for more than a hundred years. My age and Taoism are nothing in their eyes.

At this time, his hands and feet were still a little inflexible, and his walking was a little weird, but he didn't dare to be careless at all, lest he would be discovered by the two of them.

When passing by the place where Lu Cheng's body was buried, Shi Wuduan still couldn't help but look back, only to see that his nephew, who had just talked to him, turned into a headless corpse, looking extremely desolate. Lying on the ground, legs curled up, fingers slightly bent, as if grasping something.

It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured into my heart.

Not to mention the thrills along the way, Shi Wuduan led the Cuiping Bird and the Rabbit Spirit, and Huang Ziliang and Zhao Chengye were far away. When they walked to the place near the top of the mountain, they found that it was actually brightly lit. It's just that the guards are a little weird. Outside are people from Jiulu Mountain, but inside, everyone is wearing vermilion brocade clothes, embroidered with the mythical beast Pixiu to ward off evil spirits, with knives, and they are full of hostility.

Shi Wuduan didn't know what they were doing, so he didn't dare to act rashly, so he carefully hid aside, trying to find an opportunity to go in, but he didn't find an opportunity all night, so he accidentally hid in a corner and fell asleep.

Until the early morning of the second day, he woke up with a start, and secretly pushed aside the grass in front of him, and looked through the gap, only to see those people in brocade clothes and sabers suddenly taking a step to both sides at the same time, and after a while, The huge guard of honor slowly parted from the crowd and came out.

Shi Wuduan had never seen such a leaning, he hid behind the boulder and opened his eyes wide.

After the guard of honor, there was a luxurious and impressive chariot, accompanied by many people, but there was no sound.

When they reached the door, the chariot stopped, and Bitan and Banya led Xuanzong's disciples all the way to the door. They saw the two of them kneeling down with all the disciples, and Bitan said: "Send off the holy car .”

Everyone shouted long live.

A man with a fair face beside the chariot screamed: "Get up—"

Then the men with swords on both sides opened the way, and the convoy walked past Shi Wuduan like this. Shi Wuduan thought to himself, mother, is this the emperor

At this moment, a man next to the emperor's chariot seemed to feel something, and glanced at the direction where Shi Wuyuan was hiding. Shi Wuyuan was startled, and quickly shrank himself back. Then he frowned, turned his head a little worriedly, and followed the imperial chariot.