Jin Se

Chapter 29: layout


In the middle of the night, a black shadow flashed past Shi Wuduan's window very quickly. Except for the sound of snow falling, the whole yard was silent. That shadow was as natural as the snow falling from the roof. Someone noticed, but Bai Li opened his eyes.

There was no sleepiness in his eyes, as if he had never fallen asleep.

Bai Li lowered his head and glanced at Shi Wuduan. When the latter fell asleep, he would involuntarily shrink into the quilt. He had already slipped under the pillow, nestled his neck, and he was not too uncomfortable.

Bai Li folded the quilt down, exposing his chin. After a while, Shi Wudu seemed to be uncomfortable, and then shrank back. Bai Li showed a little smile, then got up lightly, and brushed his fingers over the "lamp" beside the bed. Seeing that the "flame" got bigger, he closed the quilt, but didn't open the door. Walking, as if afraid that the wind would come in and bring in the cold, like a ghost, he passed through the wall.

The cold wind and the night seemed to be his origin. When Bai Li walked out of the warm room, it was as if he had entered another world. He raised his head slightly, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly stretched out his hand, contracting his fingers fiercely. The black shadow fell into his hands without knowing how, and showed its original shape.

That can't be said to be a person, "his" body seems to be an illusion, held by Bai Li, like a piece of cloth, he has a face, a neck, and even a body and limbs, and the five senses can be called The face is handsome—if it is not shivering with the cold wind and constantly shifting its position.

The cloth man opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to make a sound, even though it was difficult to recognize, he could still see his expression was extremely frightened, Bai Li looked at him, and said almost silently: "I warned you, in this city Don't follow me anymore, if you take another step with me, I will kill you."

The cloth man finally couldn't help making a sound, but what came out of his mouth was not human words, but a gurgling sound like a person soaking in water and spitting out bubbles.

The strange thing is that Bai Li actually "understood" it, his expression remained unchanged, and he said coldly: "I have my own opinion, when will it be your turn to comment on my decision?"

The cloth man stopped struggling, the beeping in his mouth also slowed down, and there was an unmistakable worried look on his face. Bai Li looked at him for a while, and finally let go of his hand, letting the cloth man fall lightly onto the ground. In front of him, with his hands behind his back, he said without changing his tone: "I see, you can get out."

The whole body of the cloth man is black. I don’t know how his soft legs made him stand up in the howling wind. From a distance, he looks like a pitiful black banner, which is unknown. A wooden stick hidden there poked and rattled, but it couldn't go away with the wind.

The cloth man floated close to Bai Li, his feet brushed the ground, but did not leave a trace on the snow, he boldly grabbed the corner of Bai Li's clothes, murmured twice, and Bai Li flicked his sleeves Abandoning him, he lowered his voice and said viciously: "Don't do what you shouldn't do, give me a peace of mind, I'll leave Guji in a few days, and...don't think about him."

The cloth man took a step back and glanced at the room where the lights were dimmed for no reason.

Bai Li said impatiently, "Get lost!"

Following his words, a blade-like wind swirled out of him fiercely, and the cloth man was bounced away by him, and he rolled a few times in the yard in embarrassment, floating in the air, and then he finally knew Angry Bai Li, flashed in the wind and disappeared.

Bai Li stood in the courtyard, the snow still didn't stop, but the snowflakes seemed to know how powerful they were, they fell all over the ground, but none of them dared to fall on Bai Li, standing there, there was nothingness around him.

He stretched out his hand, and the white arm was exposed from the sleeve, and a layer of dark lines slowly emerged on it, as if he had no flesh and blood all over his body, and there were such dark things in every blood vessel that should bleed.

Then the shadows that dragged peacefully behind him "stand up" again, and they gradually envelop Bai Li's whole body, as if he "disappeared" out of thin air like that - compared to the briquette-like cloth man just now It's going to be a little bit darker.

Bai Li looked indifferent.

Shi Wudu, who was separated from him by the door, opened his eyes quietly, his breathing didn't change at all, except for those opened, extremely clear eyes, he was no different from when he was asleep.

Shi Wuduan looked at the dark flames that were startled by something and shook wildly. The dim light of the fire was reflected in the center of his pupils, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Not many days later, as Gu Huaiyang estimated, Anqing Wang Cui Hu couldn't sit still.

After receiving the news of "Wang Anqing Commanding the Master", Gu Huaiyang called all his brothers over and had a meeting to discuss what to do about this matter.

Meng Zhongyong said bluntly, "He beat his old lady."

There cannot be two tigers on one mountain, and Gu Huaiyang also felt that his wings were a bit stiff, and it was time for him to take revenge.

Li Rushuang said: "I'm afraid it's not appropriate to fight openly. Although Cui Hu is also independent, but at least he was recruited by the court. Even if we can blatantly kill him, it's not easy to explain. It's not worthwhile to recruit officers and soldiers."

Gu Huaiyang was not in a hurry at all, he basically came up with the idea and made a decision, he paid for the people Cui Hu sent to lure him away, and he let the people who fled back to report the letter go back, he had already made up his mind, so and so on After planning, he assigned tasks to the brothers.

It only said that Meng Zhongyong danced with his hands and feet for a while, jumping up and down like a big horse monkey, and he didn't know how to be happy. However, Lu Yunzhou looked at Gu Huaiyang and asked, "Is the eldest brother planning to accept the imperial title this time?"

Gu Huaiyang hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The smirk on Meng Zhongyong's face distorted before he could take it back. He stared at a pair of big eyes, slapped the table vigorously, and asked, "What? Brother is going to be summoned by the dog emperor? How can we do that? We brought a few Brother, he didn’t experience this kind of bullshit when he had no knives or food. Why do you want to... "

Gu Huaiyang raised his hand and made a gesture of pressing down, ordering him to be calm and calm. Like a well-trained big dog, Meng Zhongyong immediately stopped barking and waited to listen to his high-level speech.

Gu Huaiyang said: "In the past, we were little ants, even if we turned a few somersaults, it was not enough for others to twiddle their fingers. It's just that the sky is high in this place, the emperor is far away, and the court is in a state of desperation, so they can't take care of us for a while. With the title, which one of the eighteen village owners in the mountain is easy to dismiss? They think of themselves as a hero who stomps and shakes the world, who can tolerate me as a running dog for the court?"

Li Rushuang continued calmly: "Brother, what you mean is that if we can take over Cui Hu's influence, there will be no obstacles in Haining County. Are we afraid of getting ahead?"

Gu Huaiyang sighed: "The early rafters rot first, and we have grown from a small ant to a grasshopper. The power of a mayfly is not enough to shake a big tree."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Shi Wuduan, but Shi Wuduan sat on the side after entering the room, quietly and silently.

After revealing his plan in detail, and exhorting a few people, Gu Huaiyang told everyone to secretly prepare to deal with Cui Hu, but left Shi Wudu alone, and asked, "What's wrong with what elder brother said today?" Is that all right? I see you've been silent."

Gu Huaiyang is a very thoughtful person, but he is not incapable of listening to what others say. He is respected as "Big Brother", so he looks like this "Big Brother". , never puts on the air of "big brother", even if a yellow-haired kid tells him what to do, he has to listen carefully before making any judgments.

This man is very generous, no matter how rude others are, he can laugh it off. So far, except for the time when he was unable to survive when he was fleeing famine and he led the crowd to rise up, he has never seen him speak harshly to anyone. To his sworn brothers, it was more like his own siblings, always making people feel like a father and a brother.

Shi Wuduan looked a little dignified, he glanced at Gu Huaiyang, stood up suddenly, opened the door, took out a few small sticks from his sleeves, stuck them on the ground in a strange order, and tied a small bell on the last one , the bell made a crisp sound when it went up and down in his hand, but once it was tied to the wooden stick, for some reason, no matter how the wind blew it, it made no sound at all.

Shi Wuduan just turned around, closed the door carefully, and said in a low voice: "Brother, I have a question for you."

What kind of guy Shi Wuduan is, Gu Huaiyang can't understand it very well. On weekdays, 100% of his thoughts and 90% of his thoughts are spent on eating and drinking. He rarely sees such a solemn look from this person. "how?"

I only heard Shi Wuduan said: "Haining is actually a good place. It's not like the Jianghuai land, which is easy to make people covet. It's also not like Pingyang city. A brick on the wall can slap a high-ranking official. You have to be careful when you say a word inside. Walls have ears, and it’s not a backcountry. Although we are taking advantage of the fire right now, we are still aware of current affairs. The court probably doesn’t have the extra time to take care of Haining’s affairs. If the elder brother stands firm here and manages it carefully, he may not be able to live a lifetime of wealth. "

Gu Huaiyang vaguely knew what he wanted to say, he sat on the edge of the table, tapping the dark wooden table lightly with his fingers.

Shi Wuduan asked: "Brother... what do you think?"

Gu Huaiyang suddenly raised his eyes to look at him, and asked, "If I nod my head, are you ready to leave without saying goodbye?"

Shi Wuyuan was taken aback, but did not deny it.

Gu Huaiyang sighed, and after a while, he said: "Xiao Liu, the first day I saw you and the big bird chasing you, I knew you were not a child of an ordinary family. The death of a firework woman in the city is not a big deal, but you let someone hide it, so I know that you are afraid... that you are going to do something."

Shi Wuduan didn't hide it from him, and said bluntly: "I have some plans."

What was his plan, but he made it clear that he didn't intend to tell Gu Huaiyang, and Gu Huaiyang didn't have any doubts about him, he just looked at Shi Wuduan with some emotion and said, "Xiao Liu has a big heart."

Shi Wudu gently pressed his chest, and said: "I always feel uncomfortable, and I feel like there are several mountains hanging above my head. I can't see the blue sky and sun when I look up, and I can't see the vicissitudes of life from a distance. I think Can't breathe."

As if he was really out of breath, he raised his shoulders and took a deep breath, but the expression on his face was not in a good mood, and a gloomy look appeared between his brows and eyes.

Gu Huaiyang looked at him deeply, and after a long while, he nodded his head and said, "I don't seek fame and fortune, I am famous in the world, I just want to destroy the dead, sweep the mountains and rivers, regardless of success or failure, I will reincarnate and live this time in vain. Okay, it's true." Man, it should be like this."

Shi Wuduan's eyes that always looked a bit confused suddenly lit up, like a sharp light tearing through the mist in the morning.

Gu Huaiyang asked, "No reason, are you following me?"

Shi Wuduan looked at him for a moment, then suddenly picked up the teacup on the table, toasted it like a toast, drank the tea as wine, and said word by word: "Don't give up your life to accompany him."

The mirror in front of Bai Li suddenly shattered, water droplets scattered everywhere.

The water drop fell on him, but it seemed to be dyed like ink, but only for a moment, Youhu disappeared again, as if sucked dry by something.

"I'll risk my life to accompany you... What a risk to accompany you..." Bai Li's voice seemed to be torn apart, he trembled all over, covered half of his face with hands that showed black meridians again, and laughed softly.

You risk your life to accompany him, what about me

In your heart, what am I