Jin Se

Chapter 3: lifelong


Legend has it that there are immortals above the nine heavens. About immortals, there are a lot of folk legends-why this fairy eloped with a poor boy, that monk and Taoist meddled in his own business and beat mandarin ducks again, how the stars were fighting each other and fighting for favor and power... But If it is really verified, no one would dare to say that they have really seen a fairy.

It has been passed around, but unreliable words such as "I have heard it all along", "A certain old man once said", "It is widely rumored among the people here".

Since the land of Yin Sheng has been recorded for more than 30,000 years, it has never been heard of anyone who really ascended to immortality.

Those immortal cultivators who see their heads and tails are nothing more than a reputation of being carefree and indifferent to the world.

It is rumored that Jianghua Sanren was born in a family of great merchants, a scholar, a farmer, a businessman, and a low-level merchant. Although his family has gold and silver mountains, his old father still thinks that his family is not high, so he has devoted his life to fame, not only spending a lot of money on himself. Drive a group of children to study and practice martial arts to seek the Tao, and seek famous teachers everywhere.

However, his precious son, Jiang Hua, is a piece of rotten wood. He was driven to Jiulu Mountain by his old father with a big stick. In less than half a month, he refused to be taught because of his stubbornness. He actually stood up on the spot, questioned the master until he was speechless, and was finally thrown down the mountain.

He didn't dare to go home, and he had nothing to do, it was his fate, he happened to meet an old wandering fairy with white beard and hair, so he followed him to cultivate immortality, and the trip lasted three hundred years I don't know what it will look like, but anyway, "Jianghua Sanren", the name of Yunshan Wuqi, has been called out by people. If he wants to be under his father Jiuquan, who is determined to change his family style, he should also rest in peace.

Now Shi Wuduan felt worried, thinking that the Jianghua Scattered Man was running around like a firecracker, unable to live for a moment, who knew that he would go to that place where no one shits to do harm again, but Where do you tell yourself to find it

Wouldn't it take three to five years to go there

Just at this moment, a thunderbolt struck suddenly, Shi Wudu was stunned, and looked up, only to see that the weather in Cangyun Valley was changing rapidly, and the sky was clear just now, but suddenly it was covered with dark clouds, but in the blink of an eye, the big rain fell It landed with a crackling sound, the Cuiping bird shrank its neck, and now it didn't care about the previous suspicions, it flapped its wings and burrowed into Shi Wuyuan's wide robe, but he grabbed his neck and dragged it out.

Shi Wuduan grabbed Bai Li and ran to the nearest cave, and he did not forget to lift the huge Cuiping bird on Bai Li's head to shield him from the wind and rain, and he was very conscientious.

Poor that Cuiping bird has a flat-haired body and is not born with white eyes. At this moment, he doesn't know how to express his inner distress.

Most of the caves in Cangyun Valley are the caves of certain little demons. Some of them have cultivated for a long time, so they show their profound Taoism by making themselves look like human beings, and write a nondescript plaque on the entrance of the cave. Even so, these little monsters still have some animal habits after all, and they have always had their own territories. In this Cangyun Valley, it is a big taboo to enter other people's territories at will.

Shi Wuduan was young, no one had told him about it, so he didn't know how powerful it was, seeing that there was no sign on the cave, he thought it was empty, dragged Bai Li and rushed in.

He was busy shaking off the rainwater from his body, then clumsily took out a veil from his pocket, turned it over to the clean side, and carefully wiped away the little water stains on Bai Li's forehead, so he didn't see it. At the end of the cave, a pair of animal pupils glowed faintly, looking over here.

The rain was getting heavier, and the kingfisher angrily broke free from Shi Wudu's clutches, and then jumped up and down chasing him and pecking at him. Shi Wudu let out an "Ouch" and ran around in the narrow cave with his head in his arms, saying meanly: "You don't even have hair, and you don't even have to shake when you're wet. What's the matter... Oops! It's okay, don't think you are the old man's bird, so I dare not roast you... Why is it not over yet!"

Bai Li looked at him and smiled, then while he was not paying attention, he turned his head and glanced at the beast hidden in the corner, the beast flinched when it met his slightly warning eyes, and hesitated for a moment , paused from a distance to show submission, and slowly retreated behind the boulder blocking there with his tail between his legs.

Bai Li made a fingerprint, and without anyone noticing, set up a seal around the two of them, isolating the outside world.

Then Shi Wuduan rushed over with a roar of mountains and waves, and the Cuiping Bird chased after him ferociously. Seeing nothing about him, Bai Li stretched out his hand as if casually, and stopped the fluttering Cuiping bird, wrapped it in his arms, supported the big bird's body with one hand, and gently followed it with the other hand. neck, stroking it comfortingly.

In Shi Wuduan's eyes, Cuipingniao miraculously suddenly calmed down, obediently lay in Bai Li's arms, touched his nose, stretched out his hand and flicked Cuipingniao's head, and cursed: "Tsk, pervert, it's cheap for you."

Then his attention quickly turned to his beautiful "little daughter-in-law", and asked repeatedly: "Are you wet? Is it cold?"

As he said that, he wanted to take off his coat and give it to Bai Li. Halfway through, he realized that the coat had already been soaked in water and dripped, so he touched his head in embarrassment, and said in wonder, "Oh, why is it dripping water? gone?"

Shi Wuduan was at the transitional age from a boy to a teenager, and his stature had begun to grow, but his cheeks still carried the childishness of a child, only the tip of his chin began to show faint traces of bones, and the two strands of wet hair were sticky. On his forehead, a pair of clear eyes were exposed, he blinked, looked at his wet coat foolishly, and Bai Li laughed.

Shi Wudu didn't know what he was laughing at, but thought he had a good smile, so he touched his wet hair and started giggling, so he didn't see Cuiping who seemed to be obediently lying in Baili's arms The bird's body was trembling slightly.

There were some dry firewood scattered in this cave, brought in by something, Shi Wudu hugged the firewood into a ball, stretched out his fingers, and skillfully rubbed a small incantation to invite the stove, and the soft flames danced After a while, a small fire was lit, and the two of them sat down together. Then Bai Li's eyes fell on the letter that was half wet and smeared with ink, and asked, "Are you going?" how long?"

"Who knows?" Shi Wuduan untied his hair, wrung out the water on it, and grabbed two handfuls casually, "If you are lucky, you may run into him when you go down the mountain. If you are unlucky, you will catch up with him." It is not uncommon to not find him for three to five years if he has gone to a deep mountain or forest.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a gloomy expression on Bai Li's face, and couldn't help but continued, "But don't worry, there is still a small astrolabe in the package that Master sent me. Although I am not good at it, It may not be very accurate, but probably the location is always there, and it’s not that I don’t have a long mouth. After asking, I found him after a couple of months, and I will definitely go back as soon as possible.”

He was just at the age where he only wanted to play, and he also said that Bai Li was unhappy because no one would play with him after he left, so he said: "Last time I heard from the little sister at the side of Master Kuruo that the one at the foot of the mountain The bazaar is lively, and there are all kinds of things for sale... Hey, why don't you tell your mother, let's go down the mountain together to have fun!"

Bai Li hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said: "My mother said, there are countless people in the world below the mountain, and there are as many bad people as there are good people. People's hearts are more complicated than the paths in the woods in this valley, where people are most likely to get lost. People in the faction are not allowed to go down the mountain at will."

Shi Wuduan was used to lawlessness, so he didn't pay attention to the school rules, waved his hands and said: "Let's go secretly, don't let your mother know."

What he said was so natural that Bai Li couldn't help being startled.

I saw Shi Wuduan eagerly said: "I have never been down the mountain since I grew up. I heard that there are cities and towns at the foot of the mountain, and the traffic is heavy. Women go out in sedan chairs full of flowers—yes, when I have money , I want to buy you one too, and I’ll also buy you the most beautiful floral cloth for clothes to wear, sweet-scented osmanthus and crabapple for snacks, and vanilla bells to play with, okay?”

The boy's eyes flashed and flashed, and for a moment, Bai Li almost nodded his head. He suddenly lowered his eyes and saw the little boy's hand that he was resting on the Cuiping Bird. After hesitating for a moment, he finally shook his head: "But I haven't passed the catastrophe yet..."

Shi Wuduan seemed to have been poured on his head by a handful of cold water. He touched his disheveled head and muttered, "That's right."

There was half a fire between the two of them, Bai Li tilted his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something, his face looked a little dark when the fire was extinguished, Shi Wudu also said that he was not happy, how could he see him Depressed, he racked his brains to make him laugh, stood up to the entrance of the cave, grabbed a few grass leaves, hung them over the fire to dry them, turned them over, and within a short while, weaved them into a little grasshopper.

Shi Wuduan held the remaining piece of grass on the grasshopper's tail, and passed it under Bai Li's nose: "Hey, little ion, have a laugh."

Bai Li took it, and smiled at him according to the words, but his eyes were still wide open, the corners of the eyes were not even bent, it was just pretending.

Shi Wuyuan rolled his eyes, clapped his palms together twice, and recited a mantra in a low voice. This is a puppet mantra he just learned, and it is a technique of attracting objects. Just ordinary plants and trees, the mantra can change easily. There are more than 8,000 kinds of them. Unless they are for fun, they are not very useful. No one else will study this kind of thing. I am afraid that in the entire Jiulu Mountain, Shi Wuduan, an ignorant thing, memorizes it from beginning to end. cooked.

This meeting was just used to coax Bai Li to play, and I saw the straw grasshopper standing up unsteadily in Bai Li's palm, as if he was just learning to walk, walking unsteadily, with one leg turning. Turning around, he climbed up his wrist with his head wagging and his tail wagging, and he was having a lot of fun rolling on his legs and rolling somersaults.

"This is called Donkey Rolling."

"This is called Monkey Drunken Fist."

"This is called..." Grasshopper climbed up to Bai Li's shoulder all the way, poked his head out and pecked at the corner of Bai Li's mouth, as if kissing him. Laughed twice, with a bad expression, but blushing, explained, "This is called Stealing Fragrance and Stealing Jade, beauty, give me a good laugh."

Bai Li couldn't help but smile a little, but with a sullen face on purpose, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the particularly wretched grasshopper off his shoulder, cursing, "Where did you learn that bastard language?"

Shi Wuduan scratched his hair, and said awkwardly: "That, little ion..."

Bai Li ignored him.

Shi Wuduan thought for a while, then turned his back, touched a handful of black mud from the ground, and fiddled with his face for a long time, but he didn't know what he was doing. After a while, he turned his face and saw that he was using the black mud on his forehead. A nondescript "King" was drawn on the face, and a large circle of black mud was pasted on the eye circles. A few beards were painted on each side of the corner of the mouth. He opened his eyes wide open, bared his small white teeth, tilted his head, and made a very silly grimace.

Bai Li and Cuipingniao looked at him blankly.

After a while, the Cuipingniao fell sideways, almost falling into the fire, Bai Li finally couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud. Shi Wudu seemed to be pardoned, so he stretched out his hand to press his sore cheeks, and enjoyed himself for a while.

Then he took out the astrolabe that Daozu had stuffed into his bag, and hung one hand on the astrolabe, those thin silk threads climbed up as if they had life, and hung on his dirty dirt. With Xixi's finger, Shi Wuduan picked up a small wooden stick, drew a dozen dizzying calculations on the ground nearby, and said, "Come on, let me calculate the cause and effect of this catastrophe for you, little ion." , what is your birth date?"

Bai Li's eyes flashed - Shi Wuduan didn't know the taboo, although he knew in his heart that Bai Li was a demon, but he played with him every day, and he had long regarded him as a little friend like himself, so he asked him out of the way.

The horoscope of this monster is an extremely private matter, involving countless causes and consequences. It has always been known by God, the earth, and the parents. After that, no one will tell it except the one and only closest person in this life who is destined by nature.

Seeing his silence, Shi Wuduan raised his head and asked without knowing why: "What's the matter?"

Bai Li stared at him for a moment, his eyes were complicated because of Shi Wuyuan's ignorance, after a long while, he seemed to have made up his mind, and said softly: "The third quarter of the third month of the twelfth lunar month of Bingchen year."