Jin Se

Chapter 33: sleepy array


When Xia Duanfang realized that he had been scolded by these stinky and shameless bastards, it was almost noon, and he followed Shi Wuduan to the front hall inexplicably, and inexplicably received a reward order, He was ordered to be an "inspector with the army", and even added the word "imperial gift" in front of his clinking poor Haiji Theravada Pope.

Xia Duanfang's breath was still stuck in his throat and he didn't come up. A handsome man next to him pulled him up and put his arms around his shoulders. , only to hear the herald laugh and say: "General Gu and Xia Jicha are really brothers."

Xia Duanfang was dumbfounded and thought, if you don't say "General Gu", I don't even know what this weird guy who hugs people when he comes up is, how did he become a brother

Gu Huaiyang said to the herald with great emotion: "When I was young, my family was poor. Alas, I couldn't have enough to eat. Thanks to this little brother Xia, who gave me corn pancakes every day, I didn't starve to death."

Xia Duanfang was even more stunned and thought, I have practiced among the Pope since I was a child, isn't this legend of the surname Gu from Jianghuai? Where can I get ghost pancakes for him? He looked at Gu Huaiyang who was shaking his head and tail in amazement, and said in his heart that he would give you a big sesame seed cake stuffed with rat medicine, and the medicine would not kill you.

However, Xia Duanfang was speechless, except for the herald, there were wild animals with swords, guns and sticks all around, not to mention that General Gu is still the Pope's food and clothing, even if he doesn't take these soldiers seriously Here, he couldn't let his three little apprentices starve to death.

So he remained silent with a face like he couldn't poop. Coupled with Gu Huaiyang's singing and sighing reminiscing about the past, they complement each other very well, only the herald's face is a little moved, as if he is about to wipe away his tears.

Xia Duanfang judged in his heart, don't look at the mustache on the mouth of the herald, it must be attached, look at the stickiness, he is probably a eunuch. Although it is not a big deal to confer a general who can recruit security on the border of Haining, but to send such a eunuch, is there no one in the court who is like this

However, head Xia really doesn't have so many thoughts about worrying about the country and the people at the moment. He feels that his top priority is to pack his bags overnight, pack some food and money, catch them in and out of this rascal's lair, and then take his A few young disciples are far away, and it is better to live in seclusion in some deep mountain and old forest. Although they will deal with wild animals in the future and need to eat and sleep in the open every day, it is better than letting others rub them here.

What's more... Headmaster Xia's eyes flashed, and he frowned when he thought of the man in white that he ran into just now. Little bastard knows him, that young man is so weird, where did he go to provoke such a monster

Legend has it that there was a great war thousands of years ago, and almost all surviving ascetics were involved in it. Some people called it the war of gods and demons. In the end, the demons were sealed into the sect of all demons. Maybe others don't know, the ancestor of Pope Haiji Theravada But it was the one who participated in the great war. It was precisely because of his inconspicuousness that this unknown little pope preserved countless truths over the years.

It is said that the later Xuanzong's settlement in Jiulu Mountain is also related to the sect of ten thousand demons that no one else can enter.

Did I read it wrong? No... Xia Duanfang grew up reading these secret scrolls since he was a child. When he saw the man in white, he thought it was the person in the scroll who escaped from the paper.

Could it be that the Demon Sect has been broken

He was dripping with cold sweat, and felt more and more that the current situation was in a mess. If only some local ruffians gathered to rebel, it would be okay to say that this country has been in turmoil for many years, and several small turmoil cannot shake its foundation, but...

Xia Duanfang only felt that his life seemed to be hanging on the beam, and he was ready to fall at any time, so he carried his luggage that night and transformed a few sleepy bugs from his sleeves, planning to escape from Guji.

He walked out of the courtyard in the dark, there was no one there, only the even snoring of the guards—they were all fast asleep, even thunder might not wake them up.

But for some reason, Xia Duanfang's heart jumped wildly following his footsteps. He took two more steps forward, finally stopped, frowning intently, watching the fog rising from the gate of the yard, and the surrounding vegetation became unhealthy. Realistically, in a trance, all the stone slabs of the house disappeared, and only criss-crossing straight lines remained on the ground.

When people stare at these lines, they feel as if they are being sucked in, and they feel dizzy for a while, and they don’t know the east, west, south, north, and south in an instant. Xia Duanfang frowned, knowing that he was trapped by an expert formation up.

In Gu Huaiyang's army... there is such a person

Although he was shocked, he didn't panic. This is a vertical and horizontal formation. Xia Duanfang has seen it before, and he knows that it gets its name from the lines under his feet, which are like a chessboard. As long as he finds the "pieces" in the game, he can break it. The vertical and horizontal formation passed down The array eye has a fixed position, but... it seems that it has been changed by the array owner.

He closed his eyes intently, stood quietly in the yard, pinched his hands and recited the mantra silently, when suddenly two chains flew out from his waist, and they swung out with him as the center, sweeping away in all directions.

Every trace of fluctuation was held in his palm. Suddenly, Xia Duanfang opened his eyes, grabbed the chain that flew out, and suddenly turned his head to look in one direction. His gaze was as sharp as a drawn sword. He saw a small A small point of light, very subtle, like a firefly mixed in the boundless night sky.

The chain chased towards the bright spot as if alive, only to hear a light sound, and he felt the magic circle around him faintly restraining him suddenly lighten, and a small whirlwind rose from where he was standing, Expanding to all directions, the vertical and horizontal squares under his feet suddenly shattered, but the fog did not dissipate at all.

On the contrary, it became heavier. When he surrounded him, the entire starry sky was pressed down. Those stars seemed to be within reach. Xia Duanfang suddenly opened his eyes wide, and he couldn't help shouting: "This is impossible!"

This is the phalanx of heaven, the vertical and horizontal formation belongs to the earth, as the name suggests, the phalanx of heaven belongs to the sky, unless the heaven and the earth are united, no one can put together the formations that belong to the heaven and the earth, which is unreasonable!

A chuckle sounded in his ear, and a nice young man said slowly, "Master Xia, nothing is impossible."

Xia Duanfang raised his head and saw at the end of the nebula, a man in long robes was sitting there, with a small astrolabe in front of him, he seemed to be floating in the air, separated from him by thousands of clouds and mountains The distance is the same, it is Shi Wuyuan.

Xia Duanfang knew that this young man was probably in front of him, but he couldn't touch it because of the barrier. The formation is boundless, and every square inch can be a small world. Every beginner understands this truth, Xia Duanfang calmed down, cupped his fists and said: "I don't know if there is an expert here, I am ashamed."

Shi Wudu ignored his words and stared at his strangely shining astrolabe for a long time before asking: "Is the head of Xia up at night?"

Xia Duanfang broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said, "Not bad."

"Oh." Shi Wudu glanced at the package behind him indifferently, nodded, and said, "With this big package of toilet paper, it must be because of severe diarrhea."

Xia Duanfang could only say: "Ashamed and ashamed."

"No, Shi is ashamed." Shi smiled for no reason, "I didn't fulfill the friendship of the landlord, but Fang Xia, the head of the family, refused to accept the water and soil, and ran around all night. It is really not the way to welcome guests."

Xia Duanfang laughed, and while perfunctory him, he tried to detect this weird celestial phalanx. The so-called celestial phalanx actually traps people in a small area, and uses a star as the eye of the phalanx to break it up. It's also very simple, as long as you find the star, follow it and go out naturally.

Although the combination of the ground formation and the sky formation is shocking, both vertical and horizontal formations and sky formations are relatively elementary formations. Whether it is built or broken, it does not take much effort, but...

When Xia Duanfang raised his head, he went to look for the eye star that was said to "start from the Promise in the west, and enter the southern sky three inches into the sky", but he found that there was none—the whole sky was like a large plate buckled down, and the seven gods Each is in its own position, never deviates a bit, walks extremely precisely, and the thousands of small stars around are rotating and moving without any disorder.

How did he do that

Xia Duanfang suddenly felt awe of this young man who was full of nonsense, and only heard Shi Wudu say: "I don't know that the head of Xia came out. I see that the yard is big. I can't sleep and come out to practice the formation. I'm really sorry." live."

Xia Duanfang looked at him, no laughing expression on his face, and said seriously: "Don't dare, ask Mr. Shi, the world is divided into Yin and Yang, claiming to be the ultimate, how can the heaven and the earth coexist?"

Shi Wuduan said softly: "The cathode is yang, and the anode is yin. The vertical and horizontal formations originally consisted of seven, seven, forty-nine lines, but the eighteen lengths in the sky are reversed. It is not difficult to say that when the ground touches the pole, it breaks into the sky. .”

Xia Duanfang asked again: "Then this star..."

Shi Wudu smiled and said, "The star is real."

He finally lifted his head from the astrolabe, looked up at the bright and terrifying starry sky, and said: "I always think that the phalanx is too stupid to make up a few stars that cannot be rotated together, ten You can figure out which is the eye star with your fingers, so you simplified the real star map and moved it down, what does Head Xia think?"

Xia Duanfang had no opinion, he thought to himself that this man is holding an astrolabe, could it be that he is calculating the walking route of the nine-day stars? Couldn't help but said: "This... how to settle it?"

"It's clear." Shi Wuduan said, "It's not a real star map, but the seven god stars plus some small stars, the arithmetic is used correctly, and the shortest way, sixty-four formulas are enough."

Xia Duanfang choked, feeling that what Shi Wuduan was carrying on his neck was not a head, but an artifact.

Shi Wuduan sighed, and suddenly said: "Master Xia, look at this day."

Xia Duanfang looked at the sky made by man without saying a word. The divine stars were scattered at several ends, forming each of them, but they were restrained by each other, but they were unusually harmonious, as if they would never pass by each other in hundreds of millions of years. of.

"Understood?" Shi Wuduan asked with a smile.

Xia Duanfang hesitated for a moment, then nodded lightly, and said in a low voice: "It will be broken but not broken."

"I know that Head Xia is a smart person." Shi Wudu continued.

Xia Duanfang couldn't help but follow his voice and said, "Mr. Shi, let me think twice."

Shi Wudu was also very happy, he made him think twice when he said to think twice, and with a wave of his hand, the nebula and the dense fog disappeared, and they returned to the quiet small courtyard, only two people facing each other, Shi Wudu hugged each other. Xingpan, turned around and walked out, suddenly remembered something, turned around and said: "Oh, by the way, I know that Master Xia is very lonely here alone, so I asked someone to go to Haiji little Pope .”

Xia Duanfang immediately clenched his palms tightly.

Shi Wuduan said ignorantly: "In a few days, Master Xia will be able to see your disciples."

After speaking, he turned around and yawned, and left leisurely. Xia Duanfang looked at his back, and the awe he had just disappeared, he wished he could jump on him and step on him ten thousand feet, thinking: "Sure enough, he is still a bastard!"