Jin Se

Chapter 35: secret


Bai Li said viciously, "Get lost!"

Shi Wuduan got a little closer at this time, his drowsy head was shaken awake by such a low scolding, and his internal organs seemed to tremble twice. He carefully hid his body behind a big tree, and remembered that some people with profound cultivation can add "meaning" to their words, some can charm people's minds, and some can deter them.

When Bai Li talked to him, he always spoke softly like a little daughter-in-law, as if he was afraid of being overheard by others, but Shi Wudu had never heard him speak in such a tone.

Is this kid doing one thing to the face and another thing behind the other, Shi Wuduan thought interestingly, intending to see who provoked him again.

However, although he was curious, and wanted to do something unrefined by listening to the corner, he also knew how heavy he was, so he didn't dare to approach him hastily. A thin silk thread emerged, which was exactly the star thread on the astrolabe, slipped out without a sound, fell to the ground, drilled into the soil like life, and then grew longer and longer.

Shi Wuduan bit his own finger and pressed it against the end of the star wire. The thin blood beads were sucked in instantly, a faint light appeared on the star wire, and then a palm-sized blurry shadow emerged from the thin floating on the line.

Shi Wuduan saw clearly that Bai Li was holding a tray in his hand, presumably something he got from the kitchen, and there were two people standing across from him—no, one of them was not a person, but was actually floating softly in the air. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, they could still feel the tense atmosphere.

I saw Bai Li sneered, and returned to that soft voice, but there was a cold killing intent in his words, he said: "I don't know, when will my whereabouts need to be detected?" You have it."

The paper-like black thing floated back a little bit in fear, but the person next to him stood there motionless, and said in a deep voice: "The devil has traveled for a long time and has not returned, Mr. Yan is a little worried. Wait for someone to come and look for it."

Shi Wuduan's originally curious and playful look faded away instantly when he heard the words "Devil Lord" and "Lord Yan", and even a trace of blood disappeared from his pale face.

Master Yan... Master Yan

He suddenly thought of the gentle but high-ranking Yan Zhen on Jiulu Mountain that year, could it be him? What could Bai Li have to do with him

Bai Li said coldly: "Go back and tell Yan Zhen that he is too lenient."

It really was him!

Shi Wuduan suddenly had such a vague guess in his mind, which made him feel like he had swallowed a cold stone, and his stomach, which was already sore and uncomfortable, became even heavier.

Why did the sect of all demons split apart? Why did Bai Li come out again after falling in? What did he rely on to reopen the sect of ten thousand demons? or…

The person standing opposite Bai Li sighed softly, and said, "I ask the devil to put the overall situation first, and not for others. Don't you want to take back... what should belong to you?"

Bai Li said nothing, but the atmosphere around him seemed to be a little more gloomy.

Shi Wuduan listened to the persuasion of the unknown person with a blank head: "The villain knows that the magic power is naturally boundless, but there is still a folk saying that 'there is no limit to the body', not to mention the limitless law, the magic power is boundless." Is it possible that you don’t want to go to the next level? Whether you can go further is closely related to my country’s destiny. Other things are small. Think about it. With your current ability, who would dare to tell you a word? The word 'no'? Things in the world can only be bought with money. If you can't buy it with money, you can grab it by force. If you can't get it by force, you can use threats and temptations. What can't be obtained by threats and temptations?"

The man stopped and looked at Bai Li's expression carefully, and saw that there was no more worry in his expression, so he continued to say earnestly: "Having money is the first class ability, and being able to grab it is the second class." Waiting for capable people, the top capable people are those who can 'coerce and lure', make a net out of heaven and earth, and make others have nowhere to retreat, then they can be called "forced". 'Temptation', the villain said something unpleasant, with your current ability, you can only be regarded as a second-class person... "

Bai Li snorted coldly.

But the man was not afraid, as if he knew that his words had already had an effect, he just said: "The devil knows what he knows, don't lose the big because of small things, and distinguish between the primary and the secondary. If you can become the number one one day Wait for capable people, in this world, you can have whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want, so what else is there to worry about and seek for?”

Shi Wuyuan, who was listening, thought about it for no reason, and what he said was really reasonable.

He now fully understands that the rift in the sect of ten thousand demons began because Yan Huaipu lit the mountain lamp, and it has been a cause and effect since then—why did Bai Li leave the sect of ten thousand demons again

Taking his so-called "father" may not be enough, it is someone's way of cooperating with him.

Borrowing life for seventy years, what I borrowed is indeed the lingering life of this ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains, releasing Baili from the sect of ten thousand demons, using the causal link between the sect of demons and the mountain lamp to nourish the dilapidated royal family. The strength of the dragon chair.

Shi Wuduan suddenly laughed silently, thinking that Yan Zhen is really a talent.

He looked at the hazy Bai Li in the hazy mist, and his throat suddenly felt dry—Little Ion...

Bai Li didn't say anything for a long time, and after a while, he waved his hands and said in a low voice, "Go back and tell your lord, I have my own measure."

The murderous intent that was so cold in his bones was gone, the man on the opposite side didn't say any more, he bowed and retreated quietly with the black shadow like a piece of paper.

The man seemed to be good at observing words and expressions, listening to his tone, he knew that his words had moved Bai Li.

Shi Wuduan is also good at observing words and expressions, listening to his tone, he will naturally know...