Jin Se

Chapter 37: wedding


At the beginning, Shi Wuduan took Gu Huaiyang's place to pick up the guests at the door like a human being, and greeted the guests politely, arranging the gift list and seating, with a strict eye. Words and deeds are all just right, welcoming and seeing off, it seems very handy.

The on-site guards, master of ceremonies, big gifts and small gifts, are also comprehensive, without any omissions, in order.

It has been more than a year and a half since Gu Huaiyang led the Red Scarf Army to station in Haining. It seems that a new circle of interests has formed hereā€”the local big tea merchants, landlords, chambers of commerce, the military governor and his aides, and even visitors from Huyang. , all implicated, complicated, like a huge net - and the one who weaves this net is Shi Wudu.

He tried his best to weave such a net, and if he moved a chain, more than one party would lose, turning the county of Haining into a pool of muddy water that no one else could see through. , but it is also difficult to make up for him perfectly.

Others may not be very clear about these things, but Gu Huaiyang does know. So Gu Huaiyang, who was wearing a wedding robe that day, sincerely toasted him with three glasses of wine. In front of many people, he didn't say anything, but patted him on the shoulder with mixed feelings.

It's like saying a thousand words.

When the bride is brought into the bridal chamber, the groom is toasting outside, after drinking for three rounds, when the sky is getting late and the guests from all walks of life have basically dispersed, these people who have been restrained for a day show their prototypes and start a bridal chamber together .

First, Lu Yunzhou stood guard at the door of the bridal chamber, with a row of wine jars under his feet, with his arms folded in front of his chest, with a rare smile on his face, he said, "I'm going to pass by here, drink up all the wine!"

Gu Huaiyang was almost forced to the ground by them, and in a panic, he climbed up the window with no image, and when he entered the door, he saw Li Siniang standing by, and said with a narrow smile that she had already hidden all the red dates, longan, peanuts and lotus seeds in the bride's wedding dress. You have to find out everything before you can enter the bridal chamber.

Meng Zhongyong led Xia Duanfang's three young apprentices to climb up to the roof, took off the roof tiles, lay down there and watched, holding a bowl in his hand, and sang Shibamo while watching. Hearing the melodious and vigorous tune and the wretched and interesting lyrics, the three boys were just half-understood, so they learned it line by line, and Xia Duanfang, who was so drunk and delirious, took off his shoes and went to the roof Throw it up, you have to throw these unfilial disciples down.

Shi Wuduan silently pulled Bai Li, led Lu Lu, took a small awl, and with a few clean strokes, he drilled a hole in the window, and said solemnly to the little girl who was only half his leg height: "Uncle Six will do tricks for you, okay?"

Lu Lu looked at him innocently and nodded heavily.

I saw Shi Wuyuan took out a small mouse made of unknown material from his sleeve, chanted a mantra, and with a touch of his fingertips, sparks shot up all over the mouse, like a moving firework, and then slid away, along the way. Seeing the window he had drilled out of, Shi Wudu hugged Lu Lu leisurely, watching the fire rats make a wedding together with great interest.

The bride is a princess after all, and she has been raised in a deep boudoir. She has never seen such a row of hooligans. Sitting by the bed, she is at a loss. A pair of small hands like spring onions are desperately twisting the corners of her clothes. Gu Huaiyang is also a little embarrassed by them. , was hesitating in the midst of Shibamo's singing, only to hear something rushing towards him in the back of his head, and when he turned his head, he saw the fire mouse that Shi had let in for no reason pounce on him happily.

Gu Huaiyang almost woke up from the wine, dodging left and right in the stumbling groom's wedding dress, and cursed angrily with his tongue out, "Shi Xiaohou, you're out of the ring!"

Everyone laughed, Lu Lu turned her head, blinked her big eyes and said in a childlike voice, "Uncle Six, Uncle scolded you."

Just at this time, the fire mouse suddenly split and became three, enveloping from all directions, Li Siniang had already escaped from inside. Under the eyes of everyone, Gu Huaiyang had no way to avoid it. When he stumbled, he jumped straight at the bride sitting by the bed, making the bride scream in fright. Xipa was exposed by Gu Huaiyang like this. When she came down, she revealed a face that was still beautiful and pleasant despite the pale face.

Three fire mice exploded under Gu Huaiyang's feet, fireworks were set off in the room, it was very lively, only heard a "cracking" sound, I don't know how the fire was made, only men were burned, not women, only clothes were burned Without burning people, half of Gu Huaiyang's trousers were burned alive. When the fireworks ended, he was naked with half of his legs, and the whole body was pressed on the bride.

There was applause from all around, Shi Wuduan took the time very calmly, stretched out a hand to cover Lu Lu's eyes, and said calmly, "No, your uncle said something ironic, he meant to thank me."

Gu Huaiyang angrily pulled down the curtain of the bed to cover everyone's sight, and a roar came from inside: "Get out!"

After a while, he added: "Shi Xiaohou, don't let me see you tomorrow, or I will beat you up!"

Lu Lu, who was blindfolded, whispered, "Uncle Six, Uncle also said he would beat you up."

Shi Wuduan said: "It's okay, I will run."

Lu Yunzhou came over, nodded to Bai Li indifferently, then waved his hand and patted Shi Wudu on the head, took Lu Lu, Shi Wudu rubbed his head, turned to look at Bai Li, suddenly made a grimace secretly, showing a small Dimple, said in a tone that made teeth itch with anger: "Brother, a spring night is worth a thousand gold, and the bridal chamber candle just now was my younger brother's wish, so don't be polite."

Under Gu Huaiyang's scolding, he dragged Bai Li to run outside.

Perhaps it was because he drank a little wine, his palms were warm, Bai Li seemed to be infected by the excitement, watching him smile, and holding his hand, Shi Wuduan said: "Let's go, while I'm happy, I Let me show you something."

This night in Guji City, Jin Wu couldn't help the night, it was quite lively, Bai Li Shi dragged him all the way to the street for no reason, fearing that he would get himself into some kind of fireworks, he held him vigilantly and said, "Where are you going? "

As soon as Shi Wuduan saw his expression, he knew that he was thinking wrong, and said meaningfully: "Huh? Could it be that you have a 'better' place... ah!"

Bai Li caught off guard and stretched out his hand to twist his waist: "What nonsense, let's see if you get mad at me again!"

Shi Wuyuan struggled out of his hand with rough skin and thick flesh, rubbed it, and then said grinningly: "If you are unhappy, you can pinch someone. How many years have you been able to improve?"

This seemingly inadvertent sentence made Bai Li's heart suddenly soft, he couldn't help laughing, and said softly: "If you are not angry with me, it is too late to feel sorry for you, how can you be willing to pinch you?"

A gust of cold wind blew by, Shi Wudu shuddered fiercely, his fur frowned like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, looked at Bai Li in horror, and thought to himself that this new defect of his was really annoying I can't bear it, it's too nasty.

Bai Li smiled, and then asked: "What do you want to show me?"

"Oh... oh, oh, don't mess around on the street, let go first." Shi Wuduan led the way while pulling his hand out, but Bai Li clenched it tightly, he felt that his hand was about to be crushed. The next layer of oily skin came, but the opponent still remained motionless.

So he went all the way to a remote small shop, Shi Wuduan knocked on the door, a boy greeted him, saw Shi Wuduan, and asked: "Is the guest here to pick up something?"

Seeing Shi Wuduan nodding, the little boy said: "Guest wait a moment, I will go to Master to fetch it for you."

After a while, the little boy took out a big cloth bag, Shi Wuduan took it, and readily gave the money. Holding the cloth bag, he took Bai Li and waited on the Luofeng Mountain in the suburbs of Guji City. The two talked and laughed all the way. Smiling up to the top of the mountain, Shi Wuduan pushed the cloth bag to Bai Li, jumped onto a low branch protruding from an old tree, and said with a crooked smile, "Open it and have a look, it's for you."

Bai Li opened it for a moment, and saw that there was actually a bow in the wrapped cloth bag, the length was right in his hand, and it held a lot of weight in his hand. The surface of the bow was wrapped with thin silver threads. There was a faint light, and if you look carefully, it is actually made of star threads on the astrolabe, which just reflects the inscription engraved on it, and there are three arrows beside it.

Shi Wuduan suddenly said: "Go on!"

He flung out his long sleeves, and saw three shiny balls being thrown high by him. Bai Li drew the bow and shot the arrow, as if he didn't need to aim, none of the three scissors missed, and they hit the small ball accurately, and then there was a bursting sound, and the shot ball burst from the center, and it was several feet away. The tall fireworks splashed upwards, and with a "pop", large fireworks bloomed in the air.

The smile on Bai Li's face seemed to be lit by the fireworks, he raised his head in surprise, and asked, "For me?"

Shi Wuduan said: "I asked someone to search for these ancient relics some time ago, and they found this thing for me. It is said that this is the divine bow 'Small Feather'. I don't know if it is true or not. It looks good, so I found it The proofreader took a rest."

Bai Li stretched out his hand to gently caress the inscriptions and star threads on the surface of the bow, and asked, "Did you make this?"

Shi Wuduan smiled maliciously: "Tell me first, what did you take from me?"

Bai Li was taken aback.

Shi Wuduan propped his hands on his sides, dangling his legs and said, "Did you take one of my 'belts' while I wasn't paying attention?"

Only then did Bai Li realize that he was talking about the old cardamom tangle, so he put his bow behind his back, leaned over and sat beside Shi Wuduan, and said, "That was originally mine."

Shi Wudu smiled and said: "You still have to be ashamed, such a big man hides a little girl's things? Throw it away, this time I will give you a prestige."

Bai Li didn't say a word, just smiled, rubbing his thumb against the end of his bow.

The two sat side by side. At the foot of the mountain was the sleepless lights of thousands of families in Guji City. The air with the smell of fresh snow rushed towards us. After a while, the smile on Shi Wuduan's face suddenly became lighter. He said: "Little ion, you stay here and don't leave."

Bai Li turned his head to look at him, Shi Wuduan continued: "Look at how nice this place is, the mountains outside the city are beautiful, and the city is full of traffic, so you can stay here, okay?"

With a move in his heart, Bai Li stretched out his hand to hold the back of his hand, and asked, "Are you with me?"

Shi Wuduan was startled, and understood what he meant, and only after a while did he smile wryly: "Little ion, the characters for wife and daughter are based on the characters, you just had a wedding wine, when have you ever seen someone else marry a wife and a man? This is inappropriate Common sense."

Bai Li frowned, and said: "What is common sense, why should you control me? Who dares to control me? Anyway, I don't marry a wife, and you are not allowed to marry."

Shi Wuduan shook his head, took out his hand, and said helplessly, "How do you say that, but tell me, how can a man and a man be together?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Li stretched out his arm, wrapped it around his waist, and grabbed the tree trunk with his other hand, pinching Shi Wudu between his arms. His almost perfect face was very close to Shi Wuduan, and there seemed to be many stars and lights in his eyes, but when he looked carefully, there was only one person in the deepest part of his pupils.

Bai Li's forehead was almost touching his. At that moment, Shi Wudu looked into the other's eyes and suddenly lost his mind. He didn't know what he was thinking, or he didn't think about anything, and he became confused as if possessed by a demon. , but an indistinct warmth suddenly rose in his chest, and his heart was slightly agitated.

"Men and men..." Bai Li's voice was as soft as a sigh, and then disappeared in the slight collision of lips and teeth...

...It is possible to be together like this.