Jin Se

Chapter 42: Years


In a blink of an eye, it was another five years.

Gu Huaiyang, dressed in military uniform, hurried into the yard, and met Meng Zhongyong who was swearing and walking out from inside. When the two sides met each other, Meng Zhongyong was afraid that the feces in his mouth would spray the face of the elder brother whom he had been in awe of for a long time, so he immediately stopped talking, his eyes rolled around, nodded and bowed and said: "The elder brother is here."

Normally, Gu Huaiyang would have scolded him, but now he was in a hurry, so he didn't stop, so he nodded and asked, "Is there no reason?"

"Yes, how could I not be here?" Meng Zhongyong muttered, "I stay in the house all day long and don't know what to do, just like an old hen hatching an egg, refusing to move a bit of the nest, and seeing nothing. He hatched something."

Gu Huaiyang glared at him, then asked, "What is he doing?"

Meng Zhongyong raised his eyelids, and said in a muffled voice: "What else can he do, he is messing with his fat rabbit, I think it can be stewed in a pot."

Gu Huaiyang ignored him and strode in.

This is a small courtyard, where time seems to have stopped. No matter in winter or summer, the four seasons are full of green trees and shade. Except for the chirping of birds, there are almost no other sounds, and even a rough servant can't see it. There is a layer of fallen leaves in the middle, and the people who take care of the yard seem to be very lazy. They just sweep away the leaves that are buried in the road from time to time, and pile them under the flowers and trees to make fertilizer.

A bluestone road passes through the path, and the houses inside can be vaguely seen. The doors and windows are not closed, and they are rustling with the wind. The yard is not big, and a small gate leads to the backyard.

Gu Huaiyang went straight to the backyard, where a slender man was squatting on the ground with his back facing him, holding a three-inch long wooden stick, poking a rabbit.

The rabbit doesn't know how old it is, its eyes are dim and blurred, and it seems that it can't wake up all the time. It is huge, or maybe it has too much meat, it seems that it can't even breathe, let alone move. , annoyed by being poked, it opened its eyes half-opened as if to appreciate the face, glanced at the person next to it half-deadly, then panted and rubbed against its fat body, moved half of its tail forward, and then closed it again. Get down.

Generally speaking, rabbits do not have the habit of sleeping through the winter, but bears have this habit. It turns out that when a rabbit looks like a bear, its habits will follow.

Gu Huaiyang shouted: "No reason."

The young man turned his head very slowly with the same movement as the rabbit he raised, and responded at a speed twice slower than others, then turned around and stood up as if his legs were not flexible, and after a long while , said: "Oh, big brother."

At this time, Gu Huaiyang had already started to feel a little sore in his legs, so he changed his supporting foot from his left foot to his right foot.

A long, long time ago, Shi Wuduan's reaction was weaker and slower than others, but he still looked like a normal person. For some reason, he has become more and more serious these years. , After finishing a word with him, you can run to boil a pot of water, and when you come back and wait for the hot water to make tea, you will hear his reply.

Their power and money in their hands are like small streams converging. Gu Huaiyang has always known what he wants, and he has always known what the result will be if he fails under these peaceful appearances. Therefore, he is exhausted and has never slept a day I felt safe and never had a safe meal.

Unknowingly, Shi Wudu deliberately didn't appear in their sight much, just concentrated on doing his own business, talking about plans when others asked, and not mentioning them when others didn't ask, or going out for ten and a half months. If you don’t come back for a trip, you will set off in a car and set off to another place within a few days after you come back.

By the time Gu Huaiyang found out, Shi Wuduan had already turned into a dilapidated carriage.

He felt something was wrong, and they all felt something was wrong. Shi Wuduan was like a brother, a son, and a friend to them. He could invade half of the continent with the power of the chamber of commerce in three years, and wipe out those people in five years. The Taoist sects that had fallen in the mountains and fields were reorganized, and even Xia Duanfang, a money fanatic, followed them wholeheartedly.

But I don't know why, but Gu Huaiyang just felt that he was starting to become a little less like a human being. When he was with Shi Wudu, Gu Huaiyang couldn't help talking too much. He was worried that one day Shi Wudu would turn into a section of eyeballs. A wooden man who doesn't move.

It's as if Shi Wu has nothing to do when he has nothing to do, and he always likes to poke his fat rabbit with a small wooden stick. It seems that he is always worried that this stupid thing he raised will not move all the year round, and one day it will grow on the ground.

His rabbit was not unusual. Back then, when the Heavenly Demon cut his flesh and let out blood to remove the other half of his blood, the black blood fell to the ground, but a snow-white flower bloomed. It was not until Zou Yan came to take the Heavenly Demon away for a long time. No one dares to touch that flower.

Just as Shi Wudu broke away from Lu Yunzhou's hand that was supporting him, and slowly squatted down to pick off the incredibly white flower, he was suddenly pressed down by the rabbit that fell from the sky.

It turned out that for some reason, the rabbit was picked up by the Cuiping bird with its claws—it was hard for it to move. When it was flying high in the air, it happened to pass by here, and the Cuiping bird loosened its claws and dropped the rabbit. Going down, she lay sprawled on the ground, her lower body pressed Shi Wuduan's hand, and her mouth and nose were close to the flower.

Then it opened its mouth and ate the flower under the watchful eyes of everyone. In fact, it has surpassed the eyes of ordinary people, and those who have not attained Taoism and immortality are absolutely incapable of stopping it—when Shi Wuyuan opened its mouth, he found that it had already swallowed the flower.

Afterwards, the rabbit seemed to have taken Shiquanda tonic, growing flesh every day, drowsy, and only doing two things a day—eating and sleeping.

Shi Wudu picked it up, and asked slowly: "Brother is looking for me, what's the matter?"

Gu Huaiyang held the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, placed it in front of him, and looked at him quietly. These years of wind and frost, Gu Huaiyang's face has seen a little bit of vicissitudes. , his eyes were dark, he no longer showed up in person for many things, and he talked less and less.

He began to hide his emotions and anger, and used more concealed methods to do more shameless things, and he also began to become an upright man. He could not be said to be tall and majestic, but just standing there made people feel that he had a backbone.

"Duanfang has brought someone there." After Gu Huaiyang finished speaking, he fell silent.

Shi Wudu fiddled with the rabbit's ears, but the rabbit just rolled its eyelids, found a comfortable position and nestled up, not realizing at all that what he heard was something terrible, and only heard Shi Wudu ask: "Brother, are you afraid?" ?”

Gu Huaiyang didn't say a word, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the rolling clouds in the western sky, and the sky that was quickly darkening, and after a long while, he said in a low voice: "No... I just waited until this day finally, I didn't know that I stepped on this road Road, which step can you go?"

"Go to death." Shi Wuduan said indifferently, "In the past two years, Zou Yanlai has done a lot of tricks in secret, and we have not been polite. Everyone is covered with a fig leaf. Now that the elder brother's wings are hardened, we can take this piece The fig leaf was torn off."

Gu Huaiyang was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed, nodded and said: "That's right, one day everyone will tear their faces apart, scratch each other's hair and scratch their faces, maybe today - why, it has been arranged, is it the auspicious time you calculated? ?”

Shi Wuyuan's slender fingers held the rabbit's fur, and said in a low voice, "It's better to kill people and set fire to them."

He turned around suddenly, and the water in the small pond in the backyard floated up, turning into a colorful mist in the air, and then the color became darker under the gradually dimming sky, and a white light floated from it , From a distance, it looks like a large astrolabe dotted with water.

The stars slowly rolled up, and then all the rays of light gathered at one point, and slowly fell, a shadow of someone emerged from the mist.

Gu Huaiyang couldn't help but lost his voice: "This is... Xia Duanfang?"

That figure was Xia Duanfang's back. He led a dozen people to hide behind the tall bushes. The surrounding stones seemed disordered, but implied a startling formation. Shi Wuduan took a step back to the side , let Gu Huaiyang out of sight, and said softly: "Brother, don't you want to see it with your own eyes?"

Gu Huaiyang shook his head, and said in a low voice: "It's amazing skills, these kinds of methods are nothing more than trivial skills to you cultivators, but to ordinary people like us, they are like fairy arts. Is it possible that people are divided into three, six, and nine grades like this? "

Shi Wuduan lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "This battle, after this battle, it will never happen again. There are no immortals in this world."

Suddenly, through the place where the water mist condensed, the two heard a scream, and saw a loud arrow shooting into the sky not far from Xia Duanfang, and Xia Duanfang suddenly held down the sword at his waist. Then a ferocious beast who didn't know what it was rushed over like a tsunami, roaring in its throat, with red eyes and wounds all over its body. If anyone from Xuanzong was here, he would know that this was the divine beast Qinghu from Jiulu Mountain. .

The tip of a finger hanging by Shi Wuduan's side trembled slightly, as if he wanted to reach out, but he didn't do anything. At this moment, a bird's cry suddenly came from behind, Shi Wuduan and Gu Huaiyang Turning his head, he happened to see Cuiping bird soaring into the sky, circling back and forth above the two of them, making a sound like weeping in its roar.

The rabbit opened his eyes, his eyes like black beans quietly looked at the mirror made of water.

I saw Xia Duanfang gave an order, and a dozen or so people jumped up at the same time, surrounding Qinghou, that Xia Duanfang held a sword in one hand, and took out an old horn from his waist with the other hand, put it on his mouth, He blew a strange tune.

Others scrambled to follow suit, and the deep voice echoed. The melody was simple and familiar—it was Shi Wudu who spent a long time with the Qingyou when he was young, and only then figured out how to communicate with it. In every corner of Cangyun Valley in Nine Deer Mountains, they once led Qingchu to save Baili who was in a catastrophe.

Thinking about it now, it doesn't seem real.

Qingchu hesitated, pawing his hooves on the ground, but his eyes cleared up, he heard the familiar melody, and let out a low groan of grievance in his throat, as if he was also looking for the person who disappeared many years ago and never came back. the same as the teenagers.

Then Xia Duanfang made a gesture, and the horn blowers stopped at the same time, only his voice was still being transmitted melodiously, Qingchu lowered his head meekly, and walked slowly towards him, Xia Duanfang raised his head hand, staring at Qingchu without blinking, and then suddenly put the palm down.

Countless arrows shot from all directions, piercing through the green and thick body in an instant, it let out a dying cry, an arrow shot blind its eyes, and it shook its head desperately, excruciatingly painful.

Shi Wudu clenched his hands in the rabbit fur.

Xia Duanfang yelled loudly, jumped up out of thin air suddenly, and shot down the arrow that was shot in Qingchu's eye, Qingchu let out a long roar, and finally fell down with a bang, the other intact eye seemed to be pierced through Shui Jing saw Shi Wuduan, its eyes were extremely black and huge, and it looked a bit at a loss.

Finally, Qinghou twitched a few times all over his body and stopped moving.

Xia Duanfang panted heavily and let out a signal, and then someone responded from a distance. Gu Huaiyang looked at the color of the signal flare, felt a little relieved, and said, "It seems to be going well, this time it has a lot to do with it, and I'm chasing and killing you on Jiulu Mountain." Divine beast, luckily you are familiar with this beast and can kill it here without anyone noticing."

Shi Wuduan reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth into a smile, and said in agreement: "Qingchu is the last formation eye, so far the seven formation eyes have all been destroyed. From now on, the secret agreement between the three popes will be invalidated. The hard work is not in vain."

Shi Wuyuan is proficient in formations. Over the years, he has studied the secret agreement that maintains the relationship between the three popes with many people in the same way. He found that the so-called secret agreement, whether it is between people or between sects , They are all some kind of formation, implicated in many ways, with mechanism and cause and effect inside, the secret agreement of the three popes has not been broken for thousands of years, and it is extremely complicated, involving seven formation eyes.

The Mahayana Pope's Stone Bodhi, the Reincarnation Pagoda, the Esoteric Sect's Soul Banner, the Twelve Star Pestle, and the Xuanzong's Sovereign Astrolabe, Dashan Lantern and the only living creature, the beast Qingku.

After untold hardships and all kinds of plans, so far, all the formations have been destroyed, and the secret agreement of the three popes is no longer.

Before he finished speaking, the earth trembled, and countless meteors fell from the sky, as if the Milky Way had sprinkled.

"Very good." Shi Wuduan commented, his eyes moved from Xinghe to Cuipingniao who was still weeping, and after a while, he said it again, saying, "Very good."