Jin Se

Chapter 47: kill each other


Shi Wuduan said, his eyes slowly passed Zou Yanlai and other esoteric masters behind him, and when they fell on Zou Yanlai, he paused for a moment, folded his hands and pretended to be surprised: "Why is Mr. Zou here, I don't know why?" What are you doing?"

Zou Yanlai looked down meaningfully at the bewildered Xuanzong people, and asked back with a smile on his face, "I don't know, what is Mr. Shi doing here?"

At this moment, screams began to be heard in the valley. Zou Yanlai was startled, and looked down, only to see a group of soldiers and horses who had ambushed here at some unknown time had already surrounded Xuanzong and others who had been seriously injured. The cavalry rushing up and down each held a sharp weapon in their hands, and there were many religious weapons among them. It can be seen that they were cavalry specifically aimed at the Pope.

However, they advance and retreat with certainty, move quickly, and are quite orderly. They fight like a real army, rather than most people who practice Taoism arrogantly and do their own thing.

Zou Yanlai's heart skipped a beat and she thought to herself, Gu Huaiyang... I haven't seen him for a few years, but he already has such strength

This force that grew up silently under the neglect of the court will suddenly become the biggest hidden danger in Puqing.

Shi Wudu... Sure enough, a biting dog doesn't bark.

Shi Wudu, who only listened to the biting man, shook his sleeves, and said righteously: "The teacher of King Qin, of course, came to kill the courtiers and help the country."

Zou Yan came and said: "I don't know what misunderstanding there is, and asked Mr. Shi to treat these Xuanzong Dao brothers as... traitors and thieves?"

Shi Wudu said without blushing and heartbeat: "Xuanzong has always been a famous sect, he is an important minister of the country, he is relied on by the emperor and all the lords, but he hides his secrets, fights each other, and even usurps the throne and seizes power. A treacherous person, a villain is worse than a crooked devil, and now we are waiting for Qin Wangqing, the first one to clean up is this big pope who specially produces the emperor's close ministers."

He specially emphasized the words "Emperor's close minister", and sure enough, Zou Yanlai's face froze, and he said, "Oh, in Mr. Shi's eyes, I, Zou, count..."

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Bai Li, who looked straight into Shi Wuduan's eyes, and said with a sneer, "I'm afraid Mr. Zou is also on the list of liquidation, who made you associate with me, an evil spirit?" Woolen cloth?"

Shi Wudu's gaze moved back to his face again. Since this movement also made him do it very slowly, the gaze seemed to have weight, and it swept over heavily. None of them would back down, and they looked at each other coldly. Like two strangers who hate each other.

For a moment, Shi Wuduan thought in his heart, that person is Xiaoion, but it was only for a moment of trance, and he immediately suppressed this thought that seemed very inappropriate to him.

It's a small ion, so what

After an unknown amount of time, Shi Wuduan curled the corners of his mouth and said with a sort of smile, "The Demon Lord really has something unusual, he is really self-aware."

Bai Li closed his mouth, looked at him with a strange expression, restrained the snake-like smile, and just quietly looked at Shi Wuyuan with a pair of dark eyes, he couldn't see any joy or anger, he seemed to be a little Looking curious.

Shi Wuduan paused for a moment, then continued: "An evil devil like the Demon Lord is crooked, so everyone can get him and punish him. Master Zou's mixing with the Demon Lord really hurts his reputation, and I really feel sorry for the postgraduates. I also hope Master Zou will find his way back as soon as possible."

Zou Yanlai, who was eloquent, didn't know how to answer. Even the tantric masters who followed behind them felt the strong hostility between the two.

Xia Duanfang couldn't help but frowned. In his eyes, Shi Wuduan had always been thicker than a city wall. He could calmly refer to a deer as a horse, call the white as black, and the dead as alive. I've never seen him like this... unceremoniously honest.

But Bai Li laughed out loud, the shadow behind him danced wildly, Zou Yanlai couldn't help but took half a step back to the side. Most of the time, Bai Li doesn't talk much, and his expressions are not very expressive. He seldom speaks loudly, and even less laughs. Only when he meets Shi Wudu, he seems unable to suppress his emotions.

At this time, even if Zou Yan thought he understood his mind, he would feel terrible.

Bai Li's whole body is like a ball of hell fire trapped in an abyss, because of the deep sinking and despair, and because of despair, it may burst at any time.

"Well said, everyone can get it and punish him—too well said." The mountain wind blew, Bai Li looked at Shi Wudu fixedly, his eyes narrowed, and the thick eyelashes seemed to cover his eyes. It softened his always cold face a lot.

Many years ago, that person said nonchalantly, "It's hard for you to carry such a big dung pot for so many years." Many years ago, that person had so casually punctured the hatred and helplessness that had plagued him for many years. , and until now, it was him who stood in front of him and said word by word, evil spirits are crooked, and everyone can be punished.

"That depends on whether you have the ability to kill me." Bai Li said softly.

The sky that just lit up turned gray again, as if the door to the sect of all demons was suddenly pushed open, black shadows spread endlessly from Baili's feet, passing through mountains, rivers, clouds, and dense clouds rose in the sky. Clouds and mists, Bai Li pointed out a finger in the air, and the hunting wind blew his white clothes up and down, like a ghost that had nowhere to stay.

"Come and kill me." There was a strange smile on his face, and the grass and trees under his feet withered quickly.

Zou Yanlai immediately formed a barrier with Qian Tantric masters to protect himself.

There was a scream from the bottom of the valley, Shi Wuduan frowned, lowered his head, and saw that the black shadow that had spread down the mountain seemed to be alive, and rushed towards the cavalry of the Red Turban Army.

The scene was extremely tragic, the shadows floated out of the ground, they were formless, unfixed, wobbling like a human form, but not like a human form, extremely ferocious, cutting continuously with knives and axes, and reunited after being broken, endlessly Like the legendary starving ghosts, they opened their mouths and rushed towards everything they thought could be eaten.

There seemed to be countless voices in the valley shouting: Hungry! Hungry! Hungry!

Countless people and horses fell into the black shadows and were disemboweled. Several evil ghosts formed by the black shadows gathered together and ate them like a barbecue in the wild. The footsteps actually hesitated, and they all backed away at the same time.

But Bai Li didn't look down the valley, stared at Shi Wuduan, licked his lips lightly, his eyes showed the same hungry and greedy eyes as those hungry ghosts in the shadows - Shi Wuduan felt that he was in front of him His eyes seemed to suddenly turn into a big roast duck.

Bai Li moved.

He slid across the mountain at an unbelievable speed, as if he rushed towards Shi Wudu in an instant - if you can't kill me, I will eat you, suck your blood dry, and swallow your flesh Meat, and break your bones, turn them into powder, soak them in water, and drink them bit by bit.

At that time, you will never leave me again, you will always be my person, and you will never jump out to make me angry again.

He stretched out his ten fingers, and pointed his sharp nails at Shi Wudu's neck.

Shi Wuduan frowned, feeling that this person was becoming more and more unreasonable, a strong killing intent surged in his heart, this guy is not Bai Li - Shi Wuduan said to himself, he is just a cold-hearted monster.

Bai Li's hand passed straight through Shi Wuduan's "body", he raised his eyebrows slightly, stopped, landed lightly, turned around, and saw Shi Wuduan and the group of people behind him seemed to be standing still. It was the same in front of him, so real—until you touched it, you would know that it was just a void.

"Oh." Bai Li laughed, "I forgot that you are so powerful."

Shi Wudu ignored him, rubbed his chin lightly, and suddenly whistled, the sound was heard far below the valley, the red scarf cavalry who had been hesitating before got the news and quickly evacuated.

"A monster is a monster." Shi Wudu said bluntly, pointing to his temple, "Here, it's not as good as a bug."

Bai Li's expression changed.

Xia Duanfang couldn't help but coughed lightly. He suddenly felt that Shi Wudu, who was getting more and more wrong in front of him, had degenerated from a wolf with a big tail to a boy with a small head. It's like a fight—

"You are a bad person!"

"What if I'm a bad guy, if you don't play with me, I'll bite you to death!"

"You can't bite, you're dumber than a bug!"

Xia Duanfang was shocked and frightened himself.

The mountain wall suddenly changed, and those stones became so bright that they looked like big mirrors one after another. All the people and things in the valley were reflected in the mirrors, one layer after another, densely packed, it was amazing. People stand in it and have doubts, not knowing which one is the real self.

Sure enough, the starving ghosts in the shadows were all stupid. Out of instinct, they used their favorite tricks. Their bodies were divided into many pieces, and the mirror became even more chaotic. They were at a loss, and even rushed towards the mountain wall Hit it.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Shi Wuduan's face, and he whistled again, and the red scarf cavalry rushed towards Banya and the others as if eclipsed, and the hungry ghosts also rushed forward when they saw this, but it was as if Bai Li had passed through Shi Wuduan's gate. Like the "bodies", they couldn't even find the "bodies" of the red scarf cavalry.

These phantom-like cavalry will only become real when they come into contact with the remnants of Xuanzong, and they will fight and kill with real swords and guns.

The hungry ghosts became confused and slammed into the valley.

Banya saw that his proud disciple Zhao Chengye was pierced with candied haws in front of him. He felt extremely sad and indignant. He was forced into a corner by four masked cavalry. Fighting, none of them are opponents of Zhenren Banya, but they cooperate very well, as if a person has three heads and six arms.

Seeing that he couldn't hold on anymore, Banya raised his head to the sky and screamed, his anger sank in his dantian, his voice was heard for an unknown distance, and he said angrily: "Shi Wuduan! You little bastard who deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors!"

"Deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors?" Shi Wudu laughed, even if Bai Li was in the way, even if the Tantric sect disrupted the situation, he would detain the people of Xuanzong here today. If he did what he said, no one would stop him. The account can be settled later, "Isn't it the tradition of Xuanzong to bully the master and destroy the ancestors? Uncle, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

Before he finished speaking, a blood-red firework suddenly rose from the southern sky. Everyone looked there. , looking lightly at their panicked faces, as if afraid that they would not understand, and explained: "It seems that Dazhou Mountain has succeeded."

Xuanzong was robbed, and all the masters of Tantric sect and even the demon king Baili were transferred here to intercept Shi Wudu. At this moment, Dazhou Mountain has only...

This is Tiaohulishan!

"Doesn't the devil understand me very well?" Shi Wudu said lightly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

He glanced at the battle situation down the mountain, and the dust had settled, but for some reason, he felt no sense of relief in his heart. After killing Banya and one of the people he hated the most in this world, Shi Wuduan still felt just Empty, even a little heavy.

Then he said to Xia Duanfang and the others: "In that case, I will take my leave first, Mr. Zou, see you on the battlefield later."

From just now until now, Bai Li stood motionless as if he had been immobilized.

In the blink of an eye, the red scarf cavalry retreated somewhere through the mirror, Shi Wuduan took one last look at Bai Li and turned around.

At this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Bai Li's mouth, and a silver light flashed through the air, like an invisible wall. Shi Wudu turned his head suddenly, but saw that Bai Li had an extremely beautiful and extremely beautiful sword in his hand at some point. A delicate bow, pointing at a place where there is no one.

"I found your mirror." Bai Li said with a low smile.

Then he let go abruptly, the bow of arrows came out with astonishing speed, Shi Wuduan almost couldn't dodge it, only one thought flashed in his mind in time - it was a shadow!

Then he watched helplessly as the arrow tip with a cold light sank into his chest.

There was a sound of something breaking.

Shocked, Xia Duanfang pulled out the original mirror with a wave of his hand, said "go", then lifted Shi Wuyuan and plunged into the other mirror, volleying and disappearing into the air.

Shi Wuduan felt the cold mirror passing through his body, and then his chest ached belatedly. He seemed to take half a beat to react, slowly raised his hand, and touched a Let the warm blood flow down the palm of your hand.

Xia Duanfang was yelling something in his ear, but he couldn't hear clearly, Shi Wuduan suddenly fell headfirst.

The bow he used—his last thought popped out of his mind so slowly—was the back of which I wound with my own hands.