Jin Se

Chapter 50: water mirror


There was a mirror in front of Bai Li, and a thin layer of water was placed on the mirror, but he just sat there without moving, and there was nothing on the mirror.

He seemed unable to sit relaxedly, even though he was the only one in the huge room and even in the yard, he still habitually sat upright like a wooden stake.

Except for the things raised in his shadow, no one dares to approach his residence casually. The huge Demon Lord's mansion is like a ghost house. Once you walk inside, it feels very gloomy, there is no sound, not even the summer insects and birds. It will be close, as if life is stagnant here.

In the whole house, except for the cloth man who guards the gate, he is the only living creature left.

Bai Li gently stretched out his finger and touched the mirror, but the water rippled countless times, but the picture did not appear.

The technique of the water mirror was originally a secret technique of the fox clan, and one had to peep when one wanted to, but since he took the fox's blood out of his body, he could no longer use this thing.

But he still wanted to look at Shi Wudu through this thin mirror.

The big bow was hung on the wall, and there was a faint light in the night. There was a little monster in the shadow who didn't know the height of the sky and the depth, and leaned against the wall, and was pierced by the cold light in an instant, and let out a short scream. Heard the same, just sat there quietly.

He thinks about how to deal with Shi Wudu every day, but he feels uncomfortable when he is alive, and he also feels uncomfortable when he is dead. No matter what, it is uncomfortable.

What exactly do you want

Sometimes Bai Li would use his too long life to think about this problem, but he couldn't figure it out.

Every time I see him, I want to kill him. Every time I don't see him, I want to see him. When I see him, I'm stabbed to pieces by his few words. I feel that in this world, as long as there is a person like Shi Wudu , he would never live in peace, and really wanted to shoot him to death with an arrow, but when he thought that this person would disappear from this world, he felt at a loss as to what to do.

Resentment will be met, can't ask for it.

Suddenly, there was a crisp bell ringing in the night, Bai Li raised his head expressionlessly, the black shadow of the cloth flashed by the door, and gurgled twice, as if which pot was not opened and which pot was being lifted, The gurgling is also thin and weak.

Bai Li said coldly, "No see."

The cloth man said, "Gududu."

Hearing this, Bai Li twitched the corners of his mouth as if in convulsions, and even a bit of a vicious smile was fleeting. After a while, he regained his expression like a wooden man. He stood up suddenly, and opened the door in front of him. The cloth man couldn't help but floated backwards with a "huh", bumped his head on the golden bell hanging on the door beam, and fell down foolishly as if he had been knocked out.

Bai Li glanced at him and said, "Since that's the case, please invite Mr. Yan in to talk."

The cloth man shook its flat head desperately, and floated into the sky with arches and arches, and flew out. Bai Li didn't enter the house, so he leaned on the porch and raised his head. When the stars slowly rotated along their orbits, he stared at the orbits of those stars, recalled the complicated calculations he couldn't understand, and couldn't help thinking: Is my life also in these stars

A string of palace lanterns lit up in the distance, and one could see Taifu Yan's ostentation. Bai Li raised his eyelids, and suddenly flicked his sleeves. A gust of wind blew in the courtyard, and the voices of the people immediately became chaotic. More than half of the lanterns were extinguished, and dark clouds rolled into the sky, covering all the bright stars.

I'd like to see who can count my fate——Bai Li turned back to the house, only to hear a man's voice in the distance say calmly and calmly: "You all go out of the door first, don't be rude to the devil, I will do it myself." Just go in and pay homage."

Yan Taifu is very knowledgeable, I saw him carrying a lantern, got out of the sedan chair, walked over step by step, and cupped his hands under the golden bell at the door: "My subordinate Yan Zhen, see the devil."

The half-closed door opened with a "squeak", and Bai Li sat sideways facing him, only a small flame like a will-o'-the-wisp was lit on the table, reflecting the shadows of dancing demons in the room and Bai Li's cold side face, Terrible.

Yan Zhen is a talent after all, she paused slightly, then bowed again and said: "Thank you, Demon Lord."

Then he boldly raised his foot and walked in, and sat directly opposite Bai Li.

In the yard where the sky had been clear just now, it rained heavily in an instant, and a bit of coolness forced its way in through the window. Yan Zhen took a look outside and said with a smile: "The devil is thoughtful, I admire you."

Bai Li looked at him with a smile on his face, and said, "Oh?"

Yan Zhen pointed to Yusi outside and said: "This rain is summoned by the devil, so it is naturally not the water of the world. If someone dares to eavesdrop outside, the result will not be very good."

As soon as the words fell, there was only a suppressed scream. The man seemed to be in extreme pain. He was patient at first, but then slowly changed his tone. Finally, he broke his heart and lungs as if he had been skinned and cramped.

Bai Li picked up the teacup, pointed the lid of the teacup to the outside and asked, "Why, Taifu Yan has power over the government, and someone dares to spy on you secretly?"

Yan Zhen smiled helplessly and said, "He belongs to the emperor."

Bai Li showed surprise on his face, suddenly understood something, raised his eyebrows, and said nothing.

At this moment, Yan Zhen caught a glimpse of the water mirror on the table, glanced at Bai Li's face, and then said respectfully and politely: "When I was practicing in Tantric Buddhism in my early years, I also knew about the fox family. One of my secret techniques, I was curious at the time, and after a long time of painstaking practice, I was finally able to perform one or two."

Bai Li moved his heart and looked up at him.

I saw Yan Zhen held the water mirror in front of her with both hands, and said: "I heard that the demon king once lived in the fox clan, and he was a little tricky. I hope the demon king can give me some pointers."

After saying that, he dipped his hand into the water, and wrote dense spells stroke by stroke on the table. Yan Zhen is naturally a human being, without any fox blood. Bai Li looked at the spell he wrote, and said If he didn't know it, he knew in his heart that it was a special mantra used by Tantric Buddhism. After a while, he also saw some tricks.

Seeing the water surface on the water mirror fluctuate slightly, Bai Li was stunned, and then saw a vague figure inside, just one glance, he was shocked, as if his waist was being drawn with a ruler. He straightened up a little more, and there were more and more tantric mantras on the table, and the figure became clearer, it was Shi Wuyuan.

He still... he still...

At this o'clock, Shi Wudu had already rested, he turned sideways, still curled up on the bed, holding a rabbit in his arms, his cheeks and lips were almost bloodless, and he was haggard from recovering from a serious injury. He didn't sleep well, his brows were slightly frowned, and he coughed twice from time to time.

Bai Li stared at him blankly for a long time, then suddenly thought in his heart: lost weight.

At this moment, the rabbit suddenly raised its head, as if looking at him through a water mirror, Bai Li suddenly had an illusion, his reflection seemed to be reflected in those black bean-like eyes, and he felt a sudden palpitation.

So he waved his hand violently, and the water mirror on the table fell to the ground with a "clang", and Shi Wuduan and the rabbit disappeared.

"See what he is doing?" Bai Li frowned, and said coldly, "I feel upset when I see him."

A lot of Yan Zhen's sleeves were wet, but she didn't panic at all, she just said: "I heard that the demon king once invited a magic bow and shot it in the chest, but I didn't expect this man to be so fateful that he picked it up dangerously." Return one life, since this is the case, the lower officials have a plan to get rid of this person who is annoying the devil, what do you think?"

Bai Li didn't say a word, just looked up at him inexplicably.

Yan Zhen didn't care to look at him, and said: "Gu Huaiyang really celebrates my confidant's serious troubles, and now the mobs from all sides have already subdued the law, but this person is scheming and has kept his power in hiding for many years. His power is not small, and his heart is not small. If so This is not enough evidence. After all, ordinary swords, how can they win the Pope? It's just that Shi Wuyuan somehow coaxed a large number of scattered ignorant friends to work for him, and the road collided. Daoist friends kill each other, what should I do?"

Bai Li couldn't help but sneer when he heard what he said.

Yan Zhen didn't think much of it at all. Obviously, although he was not as cheeky as Gu Huaiyang and others who had practiced for thousands of years, he was still quite capable. He continued without blushing and heartbeat: "However, there are only these people, after all, they are mobs. I think this Shi Unprovoked is the core of their group of people, alas, to tell you the truth, ten years ago, when Xiaguan met him for the first time in Xuanzong, he knew that this person was by no means someone in the pool. There was a lot of movement in Lushan, but at that time, the officials felt that one more thing is better than one less thing, and they missed such a great opportunity - there is a saying that captures the thief first and captures the king, if he can be captured, Gu Huaiyang will lose half of his backbone first. "

Bai Li asked: "Does Taifu Yan have an idea?"

Yan Zhendao: "Now that I am dispatching troops to the northwest, there are a lot of caravans in Haining, among which there are mixed fish and dragons. Naturally, many of them are the eyes and ears of these rebels. Gu Huaiyang, a genius in heaven, must have found out. He must know that Dongyue is not a place to stay for a long time. I count Gu Huaiyang must be withdrawn from East Vietnam in the near future. People have been sent to set up an ambush and prepare to kill him. In this way, Gu Huaiyang will naturally be separated from his base, and Shi Wuduan will definitely save him. Afterwards, he will have to rely on the devil for his plans."

He escaped with a piece of paper, held it in both hands and handed it to Bai Li, saying: "The devil has a look."

Bai Li took it, read it at a glance, and suddenly smiled: "Your Majesty Yan is really a pillar of the country, and he definitely deserves the words 'insidious and vicious'. No wonder the emperor is so jealous of you."

Yan Zhen hurriedly lowered her head and said: "The corpse of the lower official has a vegetarian meal, which makes the emperor worry about it. He really deserves death."

Bai Li looked at him with some disdain, thinking that there is no one here, who is this old guy pretending to show? Then he rebelled unscrupulously, and said: "A few days ago, Master Zou said that someone read Lord Yan's book, saying that you disrespected the Holy One and deceived the King and perverted the law. Is there such a thing?"

Yan Zhen said, "I'm ashamed."

Bai Li smiled, and said slowly: "I see that you are carrying such a big crime, why don't you just make it true, wouldn't it be worthy of the name?"

Yan Zhen lowered her head even lower, and for a moment, said solemnly, "The Yan family has been loyal and good for generations, and they have sacrificed their lives for the community. They have absolutely no intention of disobedience. Please be careful with your words."

Bai Li laughed softly.

The heavy rain outside the window had already stopped, Yan Zhen took a look outside, and knew that the two of them had nothing to say, the rest of the way was different and they were not conspiring with each other, and they were tired of seeing each other while sitting, so she stood up and saluted Don't.

Then he picked up the lamp and walked outside.

Suddenly, as if Bai Li remembered something, he stopped Yan Zhen and said, "Wait... you just said that he... Shi escaped from Jiulu Mountain for no reason, what happened?"

Yan Zhen paused for a moment, then turned sideways and said: "This is about Xuanzong's family affairs. Daozu Daozu had a conflict with his two juniors, and was framed to death, but he happened to be smashed by his high-ranking apprentice. Bitan, thinking of the friendship of the same sect, sent He was under house arrest on the top of Jiulu Mountain, and the official was fortunate to be invited to Xuanzong's martial arts conference at that time, and he happened to see Shi Wudu, who had been under house arrest for many years, take the opportunity to escape his shell."

When Bai Li heard this, he just lowered his head, his face was hidden under the shadow of the lamp, so that people could not see whether his face was sad or happy. After a long time, he waved his hand and said in a low voice: "I see, Gulu , Sending off to Mrs. Yan."

The cloth man appeared from nowhere, his mouth was like boiling water, and led Yan Zhen away.

Another half a month later, Gu Huaiyang led Lu Yunzhou out of the land of Dongyue, and was ambushed in Huaizhou.

The first battle of "bleeding and floating oars, laying down millions of corpses" started.