Jin Se

Chapter 54: depend on each other


Although Bai Li has worked very hard, he still doesn't know how to take care of others.

Shi Wuduan's wound was re-bandaged by him, but the technique was clumsy, back and forth like tying zongzi, trying to keep his pale chest from being exposed a little, making Shi Wudu feel that he couldn't breathe even more .

Both of them avoided talking about the source of the wound, facing each other, Bai Li seemed to be jealous of something, his originally indexterous fingers did everything possible to avoid it, not daring to touch Shi Wudu's skin, Like a little daughter-in-law who has been forced into prostitution, she is shy and chilling.

Shi Wudu didn't know what to say about him, so he could only let the atmosphere get weirder and weirder.

Just now, it was as if they had killed their husbands and seized their wives. It is impossible to say how much they love each other all of a sudden. It's not bad to respect each other like ice, but sometimes there is an unspeakable tacit understanding between the two of them.

Fortunately, Shi Wudu closed his eyes and pretended to be incompetent, intending to rest for a while, but he did so after he was nourished. It wasn't until his breath became stable and he had completely fallen asleep that Bai Li raised his eyes and set his eyes on his face. He couldn't help but reach out and touch his cheek, and then it seemed as if he had been pricked by a needle. , quickly shrank back, turned around and went out from the cave where they were hiding.

Shi Wuduan was woken up by a burning smell, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Bai Li frowning, wearing a very irregular skewer of meat, roasting it on the fire, but he didn't know what he was thinking. What, I have already gone out of my mind.

Shi Wuduan had no choice but to remind softly: "You should look through it anyway."

Bai Li was taken aback for a moment, and then he came back to his senses, the flames were about to burn his hand, he quickly glanced at Shi Wudu, and then looked away a little unnaturally, it can be seen that the content of the distracted just now has nothing to do with him related.

Shi Wuduan struggled to sit up, and leaned against the big stone wall in the cave to watch him for a while, only to feel that Bai Li was more than serious, but not talented enough. He has been avoiding talking to Bai Li because he really doesn't know what to say, but he is afraid that the string of flesh and blood in Bai Li's hand is the only thing they can eat. Move up and down, the wick of the flame is not hot."

Bai Li didn't raise his head, he didn't listen to anything outside the window, he concentrated on roasting the sage skewers, but he moved the skewers up a bit.

It's a pity that he didn't know how to strike. Hearing that it wasn't hot inside, he took it for granted that it was hot outside, so he pulled it too high. After a while, Shi Wudu had to say again: "You... don't your hands feel sore? Even if you want to smoke Smoked meat, that’s not enough.”

Bai Li finally glanced at him, originally he wanted to say that it was just something to eat, so there were so many problems. But seeing that Shi Wuduan was not sitting upright, with one knee curled up, his expression was a little tired but relaxed, that bit of pretentiousness that he hated the most was gone, and he looked very pleasing to the eye under the firelight.

So, aiming at this pleasing to the eye, Bai Li moved the barbecue down a little more patiently, gently flipping it round and round.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Shi Wudu said again: "Don't turn over all the time, otherwise the roasted meat will tend to be tougher."

Bai Li doesn't know whether it's because of his blood or something else. In recent years, he has not even dared to speak loudly by his side. His temper is even more extreme and violent than a few years ago. His face turned pale, and he said coldly: "If you have the ability, come here!"

Shi Wuduan sighed, leaned on the wall and stood up, his chest was a little tight, he coughed a few times, his hair was already soaked in the flood, the corners of his coat were torn to pieces, and the wound was not enough , and there was no extra strip of cloth to tell him to tie his hair.

When he lowered his head like this, a loose strand of hair hung down from the side of his face, leaving a dangling shadow on his face, making his face look extremely haggard.

Bai Li already regretted his words, frowned and said forcefully, "Are you going to die? What are you doing standing up? No one will collect your body when you die here."

Shi Wuduan was so busy breathing down his breath that he ignored him for a long while, finally walked over slowly, took a step and panted several times, sat down beside Bai Li, took the horrible barbecue in his hand, and then said: "Forget it!" Demon Lord, you have fallen to this level, who will you show your power to? Do you want to go hungry?"

The distance between the two is no more than two palms apart, and it seems that they have not sat side by side so peacefully for many years. Suddenly unable to speak, I had to shut up and remain silent.

Shi Wuduan still didn't have much strength in his hands, and Bai Li was not sure, and the meat skewers he was wearing were big and heavy. After a while, his hands began to tremble imperceptibly, and he thought with a bit of resentment in his heart, Why didn't I realize that he was so stupid before, the bear would eat honey for himself when he had nothing to do, he was such a big man, he couldn't even roast his mouth meat well, and he didn't know what he ate to grow up.

When Bai Li saw it, he snatched the meat skewers over and said, "Come on, don't make trouble, just stay here."

Shi Wudu looked at it for a while, and saw that he had learned a little bit, so he moved a place away from the smoky fire, leaned against the hole that Bai Li found temporarily, and looked at the dark red outside. Sky.

Here there is no morning and evening sun and moon, no morning and evening cloudy and sunny, and as time goes by, I am afraid that people themselves will not know how long it is. The plants in this place grow very strangely, the leaves are extremely thick and huge, and the skylight is of this color, so you can’t see what they originally looked like, but it looks dark and depressing, and there is also water flow, and even water in the water. Weird looking fish. There is also a piece of grass by the river, look carefully, there are pairs of small eyes shining with faint blue light in the grass, probably attracted by the bloody smell of Bai Li's meat, they circle around outside, staring at The two of them didn't dare to take a step forward.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, Shi Wudu was taken aback, he didn't know that there was wind in this place, even though the day was dark red like fire, the wind blowing was slightly cool, and there was a crisp bell ringing not far away. He couldn't help but looked up, and saw a big tree there, each leaf seemed to be curled, I don't know what it was made of, it was very hard, when the wind blew, those curled leaves When they collided with each other, it was like the sound of bells and stones.

Shi Wuduan looked at it and was startled, as if it had been burning for too long, and he couldn't react to the false reaction, but he couldn't react to the real one. He always felt like he was having a big dream, and there was something I don't know what night it is.

Suddenly, a hand patted him on the back, Shi Wudu was startled, and immediately came back to his senses, and heard Bai Li say nonchalantly: "It's the Dementor Tree, be careful not to be deluded by it." , but it’s not a big deal.”

When Shi Wuduan lowered his head, he saw that the oil on the meat skewer had slid down the pole, Bai Li was clumsy and didn't notice it, so he put it on Bai Li's hand without thinking, and said, "Look at it!" .”

Bai Li was taken aback for a moment, only to feel that his fingers were gently sweeping across his palm like a feather, and an indescribable feeling suddenly surged in his heart, but Shi Wuduan had already picked up the meat skewer and said : "It's almost ready to eat."

He stretched out his finger and wiped the tip of the meat skewer, licked it, and said with a smile, "Not bad."

Bai Li stared at his smile with a very straightforward gaze for a long time, feeling his chest was empty. He savored it carefully and thought that he was a little pathetic, no matter how cruel he said, how cruel he did, and how much he hated this person in his heart, but when he smiled at himself, his heart softened into a puddle of mud involuntarily.

He always feels that sometimes he seems to have two souls, one half does it, the other half sees it, what he does depends on his own preference, whether it is murder or arson, he doesn't care, but the person who sees it will have ups and downs, and he will feel all kinds of feelings in his heart , but... I want to say nothing, and no one will say it.

After a while, Shi Wuduan seemed a little bored, so he rarely took the initiative to ask: "It seems that the devil has been here before?"

Bai Li paused, felt that he didn't want to chat, sounded like he was looking for trouble, so he said sullenly: "Shi Wudu, there is no one else here, you'd better not make me unhappy."

Shi Wuduan picked out a bone indifferently, and threw it out casually. The group of little beasts hidden in the grass were finally drawn out, but they were the size of a puppy, but they were extremely ferocious, with a mouth full of fangs and a low moan. Roaring, it's just that after seeing Bai Li, he didn't dare to do anything wrong. After roaring for a while, he tucked his tail between his teeth, picked up the bone and ran away.

Shi Wuduan rubbed the oil on his fingers, and heartlessly tore the thigh meat of some unknown animal, only to find it very chewy, even more delicious than the game he had eaten before.

Probably every person can't control himself sometimes, and Shi Wuduan doesn't know why, even if the person sitting on the other side of the fire is Yan Zhen and Zou Yanlai, he can still talk nonsense without changing his expression. You should be polite, everyone, you respect me one foot, I respect you one foot, it’s okay to chat about the weather, talk about family members, work together, and wait until you find a way to get out before choking each other to death.

But that person is Bai Li.

As soon as he saw Bai Li, he seemed to be filled with the strength of a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, and it seemed that he was too lazy to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Bai Li breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his voice, and said, "I... did come here back then."

Shi Wudu was startled, and turned his head to look at him. After careful scrutiny, he discovered that there was a kind of gloom between Bai Li's eyebrows that he had never seen before, as if something was covering him.

Bai Li lowered his eyes lightly, the flowers on his forehead were flickered by the flames: "A thousand years ago, when the Demon Sect communicated with the human world, there were three strange gaps in the middle, called the Hellfire Realm and the Great Desolation Realm. Heyin water environment. At that time, when I was fighting with my... father, I was naturally invincible. I hid all the way to Tibet, and hid in the three realms several times. This place is extremely dark, and some people say it is infected by demonic energy I have cultivated here alone for a long time, and later I also killed my father here."