Jin Se

Chapter 55: Clue


"There are eighteen days and one day and night here, and the night is more than seventeen days, but the day is only two hours." Bai Li said, "Only when the day passes through the crater of the evil crater, the door will open, and we entered from there Yes, I’m afraid I’ll have to go out from there.”

After Shi Wuduan finished listening, he didn't speak for a long time, he rested his chin and watched the flames in the fire quietly, not knowing what he was thinking. Bai Li stared at his profile for a while, thinking to himself, he must be thinking about how to get out of here.

As soon as this idea came up, an uncontrollable killing intent suddenly appeared in his chest. Thinking about the past and the future, Bai Li thought to himself, "It's better to tell him to turn around and abandon me after going out." , Forget about me, it’s better to detain him here, even if it’s a corpse, I don’t care about any mess outside, and I will feel at ease by guarding his bones for the rest of my life.”

"… Woolen cloth?"

Shi Wuduan seemed to say something, but Bai Li was distracted for a moment and didn't hear it. It wasn't until Shi Wuduan gently touched him with his elbow that Bai Li came back to his senses and asked, "What did you say?"

"I asked and then what?"

Bai Li didn't understand what he meant, he was stunned for a while, and then asked inexplicably: "What then?"

While fiddling with the fire, Shi Wuduan asked very patiently: "Didn't you say that you killed your cheap father here, and what happened after that?"

Bai Li said "Oh", and after a long time, he said: "Later, I also wondered if I could go back to the human world through this place. After interviewing for an unknown period of time, I realized that the door is only one-way, even though it is connected to two people. Realm, 18 days cycle, but where to come from, where to go back. So in the end I couldn’t, I had to go back to the Demon Sect.”

It was probably because the firewood was too wet, and it made a "crackling" sound when it burned. Shi Wuyuan threw the poker down and yawned softly. Yan asked: "You want to return to the human world, so why do you want to get involved with those monsters... why do you keep those things in the shadows?"

Bai Li didn't answer for a long time again. He sat on the side silently, only the corners of his mouth fluctuated uncontrollably. After a few ups and downs, he finally managed to reveal a nondescript smile that could frighten children, and asked, "Why do you suddenly Remember to ask this?"

Shi Wuduan frowned, turned his eyes away, and said indifferently: "I'm talking too much, it's fine if the devil doesn't want to mention it."

He said "Devil Lord" on the left and "Devil Lord" on the right, like a thorn, Bai Li's anger that had been interrupted by him just now could not help but return a little bit, but after thinking about it, he also felt that the anger was quite It doesn't make sense, there is no living person here except the two of them, it's so boring. Then he calmed down for a while, and said: "I killed the leader of all demons. Naturally, many monsters wanted to fight me desperately, and it was not for revenge. It was just that the seat was vacant, and they always wanted to make a move. I was single at that time. Weak in strength, unlearned skills, can't fight them head-on, so I have to hide and accumulate my own strength slowly."

Shi Wuduan's side face was flickering in the firelight, and it was impossible to see what he was thinking. The two sat around the fire, like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, talking without saying a word, Bai Li said : "The shapeless shadow demon you see is actually not a monster, but the remains of the demon after it was killed."

Rao Shi Wudu is well-informed and has never heard of such a thing, so he couldn't help raising his head to listen to him carefully, Bai Li said: "Kill a monster, and put its remains in the shadow within three days , I can get its power, I had to do this in order to live at that time. These things I put away don’t know good or bad, and I don’t have consciousness. I only know how to kill people. Peeping at me, waiting for the backlash."

Shi Wuduan frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Don't you think it's dirty?"

Bai Li gave a wry smile, and after a while, he turned his head and looked at Shi Wudu steadfastly, as if he had been looking into his eyes, and asked softly, "Are you worried about me?"

Shi Wudu was stunned for a moment, suddenly he didn't know how to answer him, things are people and things don't matter, and even today, even nodding or shaking his head needs to be carefully thought out, and he is a little at a loss.

Bai Li squinted his eyes, the haze in his eyes seemed to have dissipated a lot, he sighed, suddenly grabbed Shi Wudu's hand, and said in a low voice: "You are worried about me, I am very... happy."

Shi Wuduan subconsciously wanted to break away from him, but he couldn't bear it when he heard this sentence.

These years, when they were happy, there were too few.

In the world of ten directions, in the vast world of mortals, there is always a kind of person who seems to do everything as if he is making himself unhappy. There is always a negative emotion in his heart, and this seems to be all the strength to support him to live.

Looking at ancient and modern times, in fact, most of those who can achieve great things do not have the good fate of having both parents and brothers. The ancients said, "Heaven will send a great responsibility to a person, and he must first work hard and work hard." This is probably because human nature is inherently lazy and lazy. , people with too much happiness, most of them are content with the status quo, and rarely have any ambitions.

Those who love wind, flowers, snow and moon, only seek for a beautiful woman's smile every day. After asking for this smile, they feel that it is a golden encounter, and death is worth it. Those who love their wives and children run around every day to support their families. With their wives and children in harmony, they feel that there is nothing in the world worth entanglement with.

This seems to be a curse from ancient times. Those happy emotions can seldom really make a person go too far on a certain road. Sit in the well.

Only hatred, anger, unwillingness, shame, and hatred can support a person to squeeze out the last bit of energy in his soul and flesh for decades, allowing him to grit his teeth until the end on a road that no one has traveled, and put Use yourself as fuel to burn until the last moment of your life.

However, when they finally achieved great success, they found that these things did not make them happy.

Others may wonder, if this is the case, why not let go of yourself and others

But in fact, the desperate person does not necessarily understand this truth, but he cannot control it. Probably all living beings, most mortals, cannot be like saints and stones, no matter how the wind and clouds change, they can remain unmoved.

The so-called fan of the authorities is actually just... It is difficult for a person to control his own heart.

Such as Bai Li, such as Shi Wudu.

Or they can't bear it, they all know what they are doing is wrong, and they all feel equally uncomfortable, but they can't advance or retreat.

However, in this ghostly place isolated from the world, on the 18th, only two hours of the sun can be expected, Shi Wuduan suddenly wanted to breathe a sigh of relief to himself, and let go of his horse in vain.

After an unknown period of time, no one spoke, Shi Wuduan finally couldn't stop his drowsiness, leaned against a big rock on one side, lowered his head and closed his eyes and fell asleep. Bai Li didn't move until Shi Wudu's hand, which was held by him, turned from cold to slightly sweaty, then he moved the corner of his mouth self-consciously, but his face was a little stiff, as if he had forgotten It's like how to laugh, and it took a long time to practice several times before I felt decent.

So he kept this smile contentedly, gently pulled Shi Wuduan's wrist, and pulled the man who was curled up against the big rock into his arms, untied his tattered coat, and wrapped him in.

Just like many years ago, we depended on each other for life.

The two of them were trapped in this ghost place together. No matter how grand the outside was, they could only keep things simple now. They just hunted some wild game every day and picked a limited number of wild fruits to satisfy their hunger. Sometimes because Bai Li was too stupid , often getting in the way, and quarreling with each other.

Bai Li's temper became more and more difficult for him to be moody, a single sentence could make him smile, or a single sentence made him think somewhere, and he suddenly lost his temper.

In fact, when he was a child, he thought that Bai Li was a girl, and he tolerated him in every possible way. At that time, Bai Li was still a normal half-demon who could communicate in human terms. No matter the circumstances or the things hidden in his shadow all the year round, he was right. His xinxing has a lot of influence.

Everything was kept simple until Shi Wuduan couldn't bear the blood and sweat on his body and insisted on washing. The fish in this river turned out to be more ferocious than he imagined. He just washed it a little bit, and he had to be careful. However, after washing and planning to go ashore, he was negligent when putting on his clothes, and he was slow to hide. His body was already fast. The clothes that have been torn into pieces have been ruined. They have changed from long robes to short clothes, and if they are not careful, they almost changed from short clothes to fart curtains.

That's why Shi Wuduan, who was about to put on his clothes, put on half of his clothes and stood by the river in a rather awkward position, holding a culprit in one hand. The mouth, the dead fish's eyes were round and big, still struggling endlessly, and Shi Wudu raised his hand and threw him onto the shore.

Bai Li stared at him without hesitation, if it wasn't for his pure expression, he would be like a disciple.

"What are you looking at?" In such a state of embarrassment, Shi Wuduan lost his voice, shook the water on his body, and simply wrapped the rag around his body without avoiding suspicion, and walked up from the river with his upper body naked. Sitting down next to the fire, he suddenly saw the leaf that Bai Li used to roll water for him that day, and remembered that the leaf was extremely tough, so he grabbed it and held it in his hand.

Bai Li said: "You are too thin."

Shi Wuduan paused for a while, and suddenly felt that this sentence was worse than scolding him, so he didn't know how to respond, so he responded vaguely, and then said: "Lend me your nails."

Bai Li stretched out his hand as he said, and the unusually sharp jet-black nails on his five fingers popped out. Shi Wudu used his nails to stroke the leaf, drawing a long "leaf line". As expected, he was used to his hands, and he cut the leaves into long strips of equal thickness in a few strokes. He put it in, went around a few times, and connected the two rags with a few strokes, then put the clothes on himself, gathered the leaf strips, and dexterously braided a belt with ten fingers.

Bai Li couldn't help but leaned over to take a look, his shadow came over, Shi Wuduan casually said: "Sit over there, don't block my light."

Bai Li then leaned back a bit, withdrawing some light for him.

Shi Wudu suddenly raised his head—his shadow just now...

Bai Li didn't understand what he was surprised about, and asked, "Why?"

"Nothing." Shi Wuduan said without changing his expression, "Is this thing not poisonous?"

Bai Li didn't doubt that there was him, he just said: "There is no such thing in the leaf, don't worry use it."

Shi Wuduan lowered his head again, finished the remaining part, and at the same time glanced at Bai Li's shadow, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally——the shadow backfired, those things didn't follow into the Hellfire Realm at this moment, Bai Li's shadow just His own shadow moved up and down with his movements, Shi Wudu hadn't noticed in the past few days, there was a virtual border around Bai Li's shadow.

It is not made by ordinary light, but the kind of emptiness that seems to be melting, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

"Why did this happen?" Shi Wuduan thought while cutting off the remaining leaves, "He is not a mortal, there is a spirit in the shadow, and the shadow melts for no reason, it only shows... that his soul is not complete. Before, there was a shadow in his shadow. There's a lot of mess and no one can see it, so when did it start?"

Before Shi Wuduan turned these thoughts in his mind and asked, suddenly, a dazzling light rose from the horizon, and the two of them froze at the same time. Shi Wuduan turned his head quickly, and saw a dark red sky appearing on the sky. It was a huge cloud, and under the cloud was a sun that seemed to be three or four times bigger than the outside.

Two hours of daylight! The channel is open!

Shi Wuduan stood up facing the light, but he didn't see Bai Li's face suddenly darken behind him.

He's leaving, he's leaving again—at that moment, Baili only had this thought in his mind, as if it was the verdict of the doomsday, Shi Wuduan was planning to find out where the so-called "passage" was, and move forward He took a step, and suddenly a hand stretched out from behind, strangled his neck tightly, and dragged him back into the cave.

"You again..." Shi Wuduan grabbed his wrist, only to hear a "hiss", and the clothes that had just been mended to barely wearable were torn apart again.