Jin Se

Chapter 59: leave


Bai Li was stunned for a long while, as if he didn't understand what he said, after a long while, he asked, "What?"

Shi Wuduan carefully looked at his ignorant expression, and knew that he himself was also ignorant, so he hesitated for a moment, a handful of flames sprang up from his fingertips, he lifted it up slightly, and pointed it at Bai Li's face.

Bai Li followed his gaze and looked down, seeing his own shadow swaying, fading and solid for a while, he felt strange in his heart, and also seemed to have a strange sense of familiarity—as if he knew what was going on, but he just came to the point It's like I can't think of it in my mouth, and it's like I can't figure it out in my heart.

This is obviously much more uncomfortable than holding back urine. Shi Wuduan saw Bai Li staring down for a while, then his expression twisted, and then the man who was still alive and talking nonsense suddenly swayed and fell down suddenly. He curled up into a ball, let out a muffled grunt, and then, as if convulsed, he bumped his head against the big rock on one side desperately.

Shi Wuduan gave him a fright. He saw a small cluster of light near Bai Li's forehead, but it was too dim, even though he couldn't see it clearly in such a weird night. Shi Wudu subconsciously stretched out his hand to press his shoulder on the rock, but he felt the tremendous explosive force in his body, he really looked like a lunatic, Shi Wudu was accidentally knocked away by him.

His fingers inadvertently brushed the small ball of light on Bai Li's forehead, only to realize that it was not a simple light, as if there was something substantial inside, slightly cool, like pool water in late autumn night, fingers As soon as I went in, I was shocked by the cold.

Shi Wuduan frowned, pressed Bai Li's back with his knees, and slammed his elbow on the side of his neck while he was struggling like desperately, and Bai Li finally fell down without a word this time. Yes, very obedient.

Shi Wuduan sat down on one side, looking at the bloodstains on the back of Bai Li's muscular and well-defined hands that were hit by a stone. There was pure black blood flowing there, as if every second was reminding this person that he was different.

"Bah." Shi Wuduan looked up at the sky that didn't seem to be lit up at all, wrinkled his nose, kicked the bloody corpse of Buxu at his feet far away, and said to himself, "This motherfucker What are all the bad things?"

After sitting for a while, Shi Wuduan sighed, put one hand on his knee, and tapped it lightly, still looking up at the sky. Separated, a cycle of eighteen days, no light, but water, vegetation, birds and animals - what kind of place is this

Is there a gap

How did the great sage who had been submerged in history back then seal the sect of all demons? And the monsters in the shadows, the dead pieces... He turned his head, as if he saw an endless stream of black air emerging from a certain gap, implicating the last fate of this surviving kingdom. The sky was dark, and the seven lamps that deceived gods and ghosts floated somewhere, as if there was a faint red light flashing, as if heralding a more complicated and ungraspable ending.

Bai Li's body suddenly twitched unconsciously. Shi Wuduan lowered his eyes and looked at him complicatedly.

This idea seemed to be bewitching, Shi Wuduan straightened up slowly, a thin ghostly silk thread flashed across the fingertips, approaching Bai Li's bare neck, the man's neck was hanging limply on one side, It seems extraordinarily fragile—the Demon Lord... seems to be nothing more than that.

Bai Li seemed to be in extreme pain. Even in a coma, his hands and feet trembled subconsciously. He was curled up with his hair disheveled, covering his dusty face, like a wounded and embarrassed little beast.

Shi Wudu's cold fingers touched Bai Li's equally cold neck, and he heard Bai Li muttering something in his mouth.

He hesitated for a moment, couldn't help lowering his head, only to hear Bai Li read vaguely: "No reason..."

Shi Wudu was stunned for a moment, and lightly touched Bai Li's face with his fingers. Bai Li seemed to have sensed something, his brows were tangled in one place, as if in extreme pain, and the small circle of cold light on his forehead seemed to be even dimmer. , It seemed to be even colder, reflecting his eyebrows, some seemed to have been haggard for a long time.

"For no reason... go... go..."

Shi Wuduan paused, and asked in a low voice, "Where are you going?"

"Get out... don't... don't fall in..."

"Fall in?" Shi Wudu approached his ear and asked, "Where did it fall?"

Bai Li's lips moved anxiously, turning a little blue, but he couldn't utter a single word. His fingers were pinched together unconsciously, and the black nails protruded faintly, and the palm was dripping with blood: "Don't fall!" … Enter… "

His voice was hoarse, and suddenly he struggled violently, as if he was in so much pain that he couldn't even utter a sound.

Shi Wuduan's fingertip thread cut off the two hairs on Baili's temples. He hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed. hand, lowered his head, and said softly: "Okay, okay."

Bai Li's chest heaved violently, and he said intermittently: "I hurt... I hurt... it hurts..."

He wants me... Where should I not fall

Shi Wudu suddenly remembered the black mist at the back door of the fox cave in Cangyun Valley. He was thrown out by Bai Li, and he watched the black mist penetrate his body, as if... He disassembled it like eight pieces.

At that time, Bai Li's uncontrollable screams seemed to overlap with the groans in his ears.

Shi Wudu was stunned for a long while, then he put his hands out from under Bai Li's armpits, and wrapped them around his back. Bai Li was like a big puppet he could manipulate, with his neck unable to support his head, swaying Hanging on his shoulders, Shi Wuduan patted his back like coaxing a child, listening to the weaker and weaker voice in his ear, as if it was whimpering, he thought to himself rather uncomfortably : You also have today.

By the time Bai Li woke up, it would have been an unknown number of hours. In such a long period of darkness, it is very easy to lose the perception of time. He opened his eyes in confusion, and found himself lying on a soft pillow. Bai Li turned his head to look at it in surprise, and almost immediately bounced off the ground, subconsciously grabbed a handful of hair, and got goosebumps all over his body—Shi Wuduan is so wicked, he actually took that dead step Xu Xu's body was placed under his head.

Shi Wuduan was sitting not far from him, with a blade of grass in his mouth, and a small stick he found somewhere in his hand, drawing strange figures on the ground, writing and calculating, hearing He didn't raise his eyelids, just paused for a moment, and continued to draw on the ground as if he didn't hear him.

Bai Li did it in silence for a while, he felt as if he had had a very long dream, dreaming of a pitch-black hand pulling him into a place worse than hell, where he was tormented like a blunt hand The knife was in his body, splitting him in two. He looked down and saw a big hole in his chest. The bright red blood flowed out, slowly drained, and gradually became pitch black.

He felt chills all over his body, and it hurt like someone set up a pan of oil and a mountain of knives, and rolled his soul on it... Until, a pair of hands gently embraced him, patted his back and whispered What.

He raised his head in disbelief at Shi Wudu who stood still, and after a long while, he whispered: "I thought... you would kill me."

Shi Wuyuan took the blade of grass in his mouth with relish, and ignored him.

Bai Li lowered his head, and after a while, he couldn't help showing a very sweet smile, which made the ingrained hostility on his face suddenly dissipate, and he became as handsome as the wind and the moon.

"Thank you... Thank you very much." He suddenly raised his hand to cover his face, as if he was choked up, and then laughed out loud with choke, completely unable to control himself, almost felt that he was jumping off the cliff at this moment and died Also... resigned.

Shi Wuduan raised his head and glanced at him, thinking to himself, he is really crazy. Then he spat out the blade of grass he was holding in his mouth, clasped it in his hand and threw it on Bai Li's body, and said briefly: "Light up a fire, go and drag that...that sharp-nosed flat-haired bastard away and wash it."

These words are more effective than the imperial decree. Without further ado, Bai Li immediately stood up, picked up firewood to make a fire, happily dealt with the Buxu who had just been pillowed under his head just now, disemboweled him, and then chipped the wood string together...

The two of them suddenly got along peacefully, Shi Wuduan didn't look for trouble anymore, An Anxin took the small wooden stick and calculated some formations on the ground that others couldn't understand, and another ten or so days passed like this.

This day, Shi Wuyuan suddenly dropped the wooden stick, and fiddled with small stones at the entrance of the cave for a while, as if he was calculating some kind of formation, then he froze while playing with a few small stones in his hands, even Bai Li threw the meat again. It was burnt, and he frantically put out the fire, but he failed to regain his sanity.

Until Bai Li reached out to push him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Shi Wuduan always asks ten questions but can't answer two, and it's not particularly aimed at Bai Li, but it's the same with anyone on weekdays unless his emotions are ups and downs. However, today, he responded slowly: "In the dark own number."


Shi Wudu stared blankly at the sky, and continued: "The definite number... Who set the definite number? I have been unable to figure it out... There are so many causes and effects in this world, who is connecting? Are there gods? Are there really gods in this world?"

He stood up suddenly, and Bai Li was puzzled, and followed him to the entrance of the cave. At this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly rose, and Bai Li felt empty. arrive.

He subconsciously looked at Shi Wudu, but happened to meet Shi Wudu's gaze, Bai Li was startled, opened his eyes wide, and said, "You..."

Shi Wuduan looked down, and every ordinary pebble on the ground seemed to be pulled by an invisible thread, and Bai Li, who had strayed into it at some time, was firmly restrained in it.

I saw Shi Wudu chuckled, and said: "There is a cycle on eighteen days, and you can see light once every two hours. No wonder it sounds familiar... It is the eye of the six-turn formation, so it is."

When he was young, the Jianghua Sanren used this ingenious formation to trap Shi Wudu in Shushan Mountain. It has been unknown how many years now, the most wonderful living formation in the world has never been broken, and no one knows that it has always arisen end.

"You're not right." Shi Wuduan said to Bai Li unhurriedly as Bai Guang gradually became stronger, "You said that there are three realms between the Demon Sect and the human world, but according to my calculations, it should be six. What do you mean? The entry and exit can only be one-way, 'from where to go', because they are in pairs, the Hellfire Realm you entered back then, and the place we are in now, should be a pair of yin and yang, not the same."

Bai Li was so dumbfounded that he struggled violently.

"I didn't expect that the supreme living formation would have such a big connection with the source of the demon sect." Shi Wuduan looked at the struggling Bai Li, smiled, and said, "Don't bother, I'm trapping you according to the rules of this formation." In it, the devil blood is there, so you can't get in and out, but it can only trap you for two hours."

After he finished speaking, he didn't even look at Bai Li, as if he had resolutely turned his back on something, turned around, walked to the place where there was light, and said: "I'm leaving, you... take care."

final chess game