Jin Se

Chapter 61: compromise


The northwest is sparsely populated, with many mountains and little water, and there are actually not many places where people live together.

Unlike the Central Plains, where there are so-called "ten miles and eight villages", one stream of water can feed hundreds of people. Except for a few big cities in the northwest, most of the rest are small villages, distributed in the mountains, with no roads in the mountains. Sometimes a village is at a mountain pass. There are only three or five families on a very narrow flat land.

It is inconvenient to get in and out here, but the folk customs are very tough. Whether it is making trouble or killing people, there are two brushes.

Men, women, young and old, no matter they were basket weavers or farmers, the big guys got together and decided to rebel, so they put down their work and took whatever iron utensils they could carry—knives, hatchets, pots and pans—to go out to work. In the last vote, a small group of people was sometimes suppressed by the court, but the court had nothing to do with them, and had to persuade them with some money and food.

The local officers and soldiers actually knew in their hearts that the people here were originally located in a remote place, less civilized, and behaved better than animals in the world. Coupled with years of drought, they were so hungry that they would naturally make trouble. If they were handled properly, they would still be obedient citizens. If there is a slight inappropriateness, these three or five households will form a village of fathers and villagers, who have been married to other villages for generations. Who doesn't know who is related to whom, who is the third aunt and second uncle

One person was really killed and injured, and the others had to risk their lives. It can be said that there are waves of injustice and waves of resurgences—this is a lesson that has been summed up in countless battles of wits and courage between the imperial court and local disaster victims.

The so-called "willing to cut the whole body, dare to pull the emperor off the horse", the people in the Northwest fearlessly chose the latter when they starved to death or died in battle. In distress, he often acts as a debt collector.

In view of this situation, when the six ministries and nine ministers of the DPRK and the Central Committee were combined, the Minister of Rites wrote a book, citing scriptures and classics, and believed that this was caused by the "collapse of ritual and music". To solve this situation, we must open an academy here , teach the way of saints to those ignorant and ignorant children, and revive their studies.

The new emperor Puqing was also very good at reading, and he thought it made sense, so he opened an academy in Northwest Guangxi and built a large hall for saints.

In the eyes of the emperor, studying and practicing martial arts is a very honorable thing. As a son of man, shouldn't it be his duty to help the society, rejuvenate the country and serve the country

Apparently, the people in Northwest China didn't think so at this time.

They think: Damn, I can’t even eat, and everyone is so hungry that they are all over the sky, and they still read and read.

So the Minister of Rites could not do so, so he had to write another letter. Later, it was stipulated that if a family sent a son to the academy, they could receive four taels of food per day—one handed over to the person, and the other handed over the goods.

That's it, the academy actually implemented it for a while, because at that time, Yan Zhen came up with the idea of recruiting large private merchants from all over the country, and using the amount of financial food to transport the Northwest to increase the number of officials and nobles. The situation was relatively stable, so troops were dispatched to Dongyue, Huaizhou to encircle and suppress Gu Huaiyang.

The so-called milk is a mother, as long as there is food and drink, in fact, anything is easy to say.

However, someone suddenly manipulated the market, and everything else was fine. A large number of grain merchants suddenly began to jointly raise prices. This is understandable. Merchants are interested in profits. As long as there are people who are willing to take the lead, this agreement is not easy to reach. Anyway, the imperial court wants something and got it. There are officials to do. At the same time, the emperor ruled the world with benevolence, and it is right to give money for meals. What's wrong with earning more money

But the dog was in a hurry, and he wanted to jump the wall. The court refused to do this loss-making business, so Zhang Zhixian, who was demoted, set up 23 checkpoints on the Huanghuling line in the northwest. Leave the business of "buying road money".

Shi Wuduan disguised himself and led a group of people northward from Huanghuling and settled in Longju.

Every day, the dispatchers lurk in the markets of Longju, Erku, Biyang and other places. Some of the caravans trapped here are their own people, and a small part are people with business contacts. The others were forcibly controlled by the imperial army. Shi Wuduan asked people to buy and sell at the same time, but they were actually buying and selling themselves.

Everything is done in secret, sometimes buying and selling in person, and sometimes using some means to take money and food through other people's hands.

There is a fair on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year. At this time, there will be people wandering around like ordinary people in the fair. After summarizing and multi-party verification, the number of people who come and go, the number of transactions per day, the price of food, etc. are calculated by the money fan After Xia Duanfang sorted it out, he handed it over to Shi Wuduan, who then arranged it in a unified manner.

This seems to be extremely slow, but fortunately, there are only two big gatherings per month, so whatever Shi Wuduan has planned can be carried out.

Overnight, the number of people selling and buying grain on the market increased, and the stagnant grain market suddenly became active again, but for some reason, the places where grain could be bought became less, and the price seemed to be slowed down by one hand. Pushed up slowly.

During this time, Shi Wuduan was nestled in the inn, almost without getting out of the door without stepping up.

He took good care of the rabbit during the day, as if the rabbit was not a plaything, but his old lady. Apart from talking about official business, he doesn't talk to people much.

Lan Ruo only felt that Liu Ye originally wanted to say ten sentences in one sentence, ten sentences in a day, and he had to say eleven sentences outside, and he had exhausted it long ago. Once he came back, he didn't care much about people, whether they were relatives, friends or servants. As long as Shi Wudu entered his own yard and room, he would not hear a single word from him all day long.

But she herself, for some reason, seems to have caught his eye, and every time they meet, she can say a few pleasantries.

Because of this, Si Niang has misunderstood and joked countless times, but Lan Ruo knows her duty. She is a girl, and girls are usually more sensitive. She always feels... When Liu Ye looked at her, his gaze seemed to be far away. Said, as if talking to another person.

This thought was just a flash, and Lan Ruo knew her duty, so she didn't dare to think about it, so naturally she didn't dare to ask.

Until Liu Ye came back this time, she found that he seemed to avoid her on purpose. Every time he pushed the door to send something in, he didn't even lift his head, let alone speak. Whenever he didn't speak, he said, "It's okay, Let's go girl" and so on.

This made her feel somewhat wronged.

Shi Wudu's rabbit is getting worse every day, as if half of its body has been buried in the ground. At first, he accompanied him every day, and then he hugged it every day. Putting it aside for a while, listening to Xia Duanfang telling him about public property every day, and methodically calculating another kind of intricacies among those merchants, I only feel uncomfortable in the dead of night.

He used the astrology to calculate his own fate, but he couldn't.

The old man said that when a person is alive, his eyes are smeared. He can only see the left and right, but not the front and back of himself. Even though he couldn't figure it out, Shi Wudu still felt that he might be... overpowering others.

All the people who treated him well and were close to him all left one by one, or their temperament changed drastically, or they were separated for life and death.

He used to be secretly worried. He used to be very close with his brothers, and he liked playing with the third brother's youngest daughter the most. Now that Lu Lu has grown into a curvaceous cardamom girl, he hasn't seen her for a long time. If it wasn't for business , he didn't even look for his elder brother much.

Up to now, it seems that he can't even keep a rabbit.

This rabbit and him are so destined, they met on Jiulu Mountain and followed him all the time, encountered several accidents in the middle, escaped together, and separated, but met it by accident several years later, but such a great fate, Don't you have to do it now

Seeing... it was going to die.

Shi Wudu used to think this rabbit was stupid, especially after it accidentally ate the flowers that bloomed from Baili's blood, and then became full all day long, as if it couldn't wake up, and it didn't respond to anyone poking it. humane.

The former dog-like rabbit became skinny, but it suddenly woke up. Shi Wuduan held it, and it nestled in his arms obediently, without moving a bit, feeding it medicine, no matter how unwilling it was, As long as you gently touch its back, it will obediently chew the herbs.

After chewing, he opened his bean-like eyes and looked at Shi Wudu, looking at him with its inherent...surprised expression. Shi Wudu always felt that it was explaining something, but he couldn't understand it.

And Bai Li.

Xia Duanfang brought news that a large number of shadow demons were fleeing to the east—passing the mouth of the Minjiang River to the land of Dongyue, isn't it the East China Sea to the east

They can't go there to take a bath. It was Bai Li who came out. Now that he has recovered from his injuries, those things can't touch him. It shouldn't be a problem to recover and suppress him, but...

Why didn't he go to Zou Yan as a demon king

The price of rice in the Northwest has been unknowingly increased a lot, Shi Wuduan made a pinch gesture to Xia Duanfang, Xia Duanfang immediately understood, turned around and left - the next day is the first day of the new year, someone will know, a big Merchants plan to buy food and grass... It is self-evident what to do with it.

It's just a rumor, but Zhang Zhixian was very nervous, and personally led people to inspect it, making the five points of the story seem nine points of truth.

But the culprit who caused the incident sat quietly in the room for a while after Xia Duanfang left, and suddenly took out a lock of hair from his purse.

His hair was white, and Shi Wudu took the opportunity to remove it when he suddenly fainted and fell into Shi Wuduan's arms raving non-stop.

He hesitated for a moment, spread out the astrolabe, and hung up Bai Li's hair, the astrolabe faintly lit up, and a few star wires immediately wrapped around his fingers and wrapped around that hair.

Xingzi began to slide up in a certain mysterious orbit, Shi Wuduan held the rabbit in one hand, just sat there, doing all the calculations in his head.

I remember that many years ago, Baili had two life stars, one had already appeared, and the other...

At this moment, the rabbit that was nestling in his arms suddenly broke away from his arm, and plunged into the astrolabe, its front paws and neck were immediately covered by this greedy star that once sucked evil spirits. wrapped in silk.

Shi Wuyuan shouted: "Presumptuous!"

The silk threads that entangled the rabbit where the fingertips slipped hang down as if they were dead.

The rabbit seemed to be frightened, trembling all over, lying on the astrolabe, looking at Shi Wudu with his eyes open.

At this time, Shi Wuduan suddenly remembered what the Taoist ancestor said to him a long time ago: the secrets of the heavens must not be revealed, and the art of fate is not a child's play. People who know too much will lose their lives and fortunes.

There was a sudden movement in his heart, and he thought, could it be that those people around him disappeared one by one, and now even... it has to leave him, because he is too ignorant and wants to know too much

Shi Wuduan's expressionless face all the year round suddenly softened, he picked up the rabbit from the astrolabe with both hands, swayed the twinkling stars with his sleeves, and said in a low voice: "That's all."

The rabbit's body was warm, and his fingers seemed to be able to touch its internal organs and bones, feeling that the little heart was beating. The kingpin bird flew down from the beam and rubbed against his face. Shi Wuduan thought to himself, besides them, what else do I have now

He has never respected heaven and earth, does not believe in ghosts and gods, and is not afraid of retribution, but at this moment, he compromised weakly.