Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 101: full moon


Wei? Xiaoyuan 2 Zhuina? Planting 10 Tuanbao?br> Wei Tan sent the paper with the word "Mi" to Wei? Hiccup? told him it was named for his daughter, Wei? ? Not long after nodding, A Mi's name was settled.

After my confinement, I no longer have to stay in the delivery room. Wei Tan asked the servants to pack things, and I took Ah Mi back to the main room.

Wei Tan still left early and returned late, and I returned to the main room, the only thing I was worried about was disturbing his rest. However, Wen Shi, the wet nurse found in the mansion, was very experienced. After her advice, Ah Mi ate milk before going to bed, and could sleep all night without crying or fussing. Wei Tan came back every night, kissed her, hugged her, and she would "woo" twice at most, and then continued to sleep.

Actually, I'm curious what Wei Tan has been up to lately. But after giving birth, Wei Tan seldom talked to me about the outside world. When I asked Wang Hui and other relatives, they didn't dare to speak.

Fortunately, A Yuan went home once. When she came back, she told me excitedly: "Ma'am, my father said that the eldest son is now the eldest Sima."

"Big Sima?" I was surprised.

A Yuan nodded: "Just after the prime minister fell ill, Chao Zhongwen Wu supported the eldest son as Da Sima to supervise the post of prime minister."

I looked at her, and it took me a while to come back to my senses.

I think of Wei? Dumb mash> Which Qiang Irritated Blink? Scarred Jacket Kindness Go Tie Yao away? 16 Eyebrows back to the stomach and Wei Yao away? Scars and coughs

Supporting the great Sima and supervising the prime minister, such a thing will not be because he is Wei? Meng Bi made random cuts and lied??br> Of course he did this to let me raise A Mi without any worries, but I didn't feel at ease because of it.

I'm also worried about the full moon banquet.

Once upon a time in Chang'an, a child's full moon was a big event, and parents always treated them with treats. On the first night after staying here, I mentioned this matter to Wei Tan, but he thought about it and said, "It won't be too late to do it in a few days."

I was a little surprised: "Why?"

Wei Tanchao Wei? Sighing the brain crane secluded Qiang?? Captive stop? Noisy Φ collapse case cover stains q?? Kiss oxime stop handsome? Gathering, it’s considered an invitation.”

Wei Tan didn't take it seriously: "My daughter, how can I invite you casually."

I can't laugh or cry, Wei? 嗾獍隳q? Tan didn't explain, but put his arm around my shoulder.

I saw that he looked tired, so I didn't ask any more questions.

After two days, I didn't know the real reason.

Wu Kun married Wu Jiao to Liang Wen, and then Wu Kun ordered General Zhong Kai to lead an army of 200,000 troops to attack from Huainan and capture Henan.

Wei Tan did not leave Yongdu, but ordered Meng Zhong and Xu Shou to guard Henan. For several days in a row, he didn't return to the mansion, and only stayed with his servants, saying that he could send the message directly if there was something in the mansion.

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When I heard the news, it was impossible not to panic. The 200,000 army is undoubtedly menacing for the newly defeated Wei family, and there is no Pei Qian in this news.

He is the governor, if Wu Kun uses him, I will fear for his life, but if I don't use him, what's the point

I was fidgeting and wanted to find out, but I couldn't ask.

In two days, I will visit Wei? Bo? Poor? Yeast

Wang Ju was surprised when he saw me, and immediately saluted: "Young Madam."

I returned the salute, and when it was over, I said, "Where is the prince going?"

"A certain party visited the prime minister and was about to leave." Wang Ju said.

I smiled, finished speaking, and looked at the courtyard, "Why do you have to leave in such a hurry? Today is warm and windy, and there is new tea in the mansion. If you don't mind, please sit down."

Wang Ju looked at me, seemed to understand, and saluted: "Madam entertained me, but I was disrespectful."

I asked the wet nurse to take Ah Mi back, let Ah Yuan cook tea, and sat opposite Wang Ju in the hall.

The tea soup is "cuckling" in the kettle, and the white gas is matched with the early spring scene outside the hall, which is very pleasant.

"I remember the last time I sat opposite the prince, it was still in Qiling." I looked at Wang Ju and said.

Wang Ju smiled: "Exactly."

I poured out a cup of tea myself, and asked A Yuan to present it to the king's case: "I remember at that time, the prince's words were like clear water washing his worries."

"Young Madam, I appreciate the award." Wang Juqian said, after finishing speaking, he added, "I have heard that Madam has won a concubine, but I haven't congratulated you yet."

"Thank you, my lord." I smiled wryly, and sighed softly, "Your lord doesn't know, but the birth of a little girl and the disaster of war are exactly what I worry about."

"Oh?" Wang Ju stroked his beard and said, "Young madam is worried about Jiangdong?"

I nodded: "Since giving birth, my concubine has only been in the mansion every day. I am really ashamed to see my husband is busy and has no worries."

Wang Ju smiled: "Young Madam, you don't need to worry. From my point of view, the Eldest Young Master has a certain chance of winning the Jiangdong matter."

My heart moved and I looked at him: "How do you say that?"

"Young madam, do you know about the eldest son's three counties in Xin'an?" Wang Ju asked.

I nodded: "I know."

Wang Judao: "I'm taking the liberty. According to the Young Madam, at that time Wu Kun was holding the Young Madam and the Fourth Young Master. If Liang Wen asks for a price from Henan, will the Prime Minister agree?"

I thought about it, but I'm not necessarily important. If it's Wei An, would you want Wei? He Mi? Dirty You Xia Chun Hu? Zhi Filter

Wang Judao: "The three counties of Xin'an are less than a thousand miles away. Madam, have you ever thought about why Liang Wen only wants this place?"

I shake my head.

Wang Ju said slowly: "Although Henan is large, the plains are boundless; although Liang Wen won the new victory, there are not enough soldiers, and the soldiers in the south are not good at fighting with horses and horses. This is one of the places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack." After finishing speaking, he moved the three small plates containing preserved fruits and snacks on the table to his face.

"Madam, please look." Wang Ju placed the small plates one by one in a "pin" shape, "Wei, Wu, Liang." After finishing speaking, he put a teacup in the middle, "Xin'an. The south is going to the north, Jingzhou To get to Jiangdong, Xin'an has been the most convenient way since ancient times, this is the second."

I looked at those plates, cups and cups, and instantly understood.

Xin'an is a thoroughfare, easy to defend but difficult to attack, Liang Min won it without a single soldier, it is indeed a good deal. More importantly, Liang Wen occupied this place, not only can attack the north, but also threaten Jiangdong, which is very bad for Wu Kun.

"A plan to divide?" I suddenly realized, and looked at Wang Ju.

"It can't be regarded as a rift." Wang Ju smiled, "Liang Min and Wu Kun worked together to repel Master Wang, but after all they lived in the south, and each other's borders also had disputes. They seem to be inseparable, how can they last long. If Liang and Wu jointly take Xin'an Then, Wu Kun can attack from Huaibei and Xin'an, and Henan is in danger; but now, when Wu Kun attacks Henan, he can only go to Huaibei, and he only needs to gather heavy troops to defend Huaibei, and Henan can be protected."

I have always been ignorant of the crooked tactics of military strategists, but this time I understand them clearly.

But what if Liang Wen also sent troops

I was about to ask, but before I said it, I felt that it was impossible. Two tigers are fighting each other, Liang Min only needs to wait to see who loses, and then send troops from Xin'an to intervene, and can get a lot of benefits without any effort.

"Wu Kun married his sister Jingzhou, so he wants to reconcile with Liang Min?" I asked.

Wang Ju smiled and said, "I'm afraid Mrs. Wu can at most exchange Liang Min not to attack Jiang Dong, and ask Liang Min to send troops to help, but it is impossible."

I pondered.

"Wu Kun can't wait so impatiently, does he see that his uncle is seriously ill?"

Wang Ju nodded: "Wu Kun is arrogant and arrogant. The Prime Minister is seriously ill. In his eyes, this is a good opportunity."

I'm afraid he still wants to avenge the hijacking.

I looked at Wang Ju: "Can Wu Kun succeed in the prince's opinion?"

Wang Ju looked at me, didn't answer, but said with a light smile: "In my humble opinion, it's a lucky thing to have the support of the eldest son in the court."

While Wei Tan was in Beijing, the garrison and all the officials remained silent. The war in Henan seems to have happened very far away, and there are people talking about it every day, but the market is still open, and the singing and dancing are still going on. At least on the surface, Yongdu is not as flustered as it was during the previous war.

After half a month, the good news came suddenly. Wu Kun retreated to Jiangdong, Meng Zhong pursued all the way and captured Huaibei.

This was the first victory after Qiling's defeat. When the news came, everyone was encouraged.

That day, I unexpectedly met Wei Tan before the sun went down.

"Ma'am," he said with a smile on his face, "Ami's full moon banquet will be arranged in three days."