Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 103: rescue


Pei Kuan's words startled me.

"In the past, the world was in turmoil, and the elder brother and the second brother died of the epidemic. The elder was sad, and the whole family went back to Yangzhong to seek refuge. At that time, Wu Zhang loved talents and came to invite him several times. His younger brother Ji Yuan appreciated his sincerity. , is also based in Yangzhou, and agreed to assist." Pei Kuan said, "However, when Wu Kun succeeded to the throne, he was very popular and suspicious. Ji Yuan tried his best to dissuade Wu Kun from committing an offense this time, but Wu Kun reprimanded Ji Yuan for confusing the morale of the army, seized the post of governor in a fit of anger, and announced that he would return to Yangzhou to punish him."

marriage? I thought of Wu Jiao's marriage to Liang Wen. Was it because Pei Qian refused

And the matter of Pei Qian's brothers, he never mentioned it to me, and I didn't know it at all. In this way, the Pei family is in Jiangdong, and only Pei Qian is supporting him. If he encounters a dangerous situation, it will be difficult to escape...

"Xiao Shi's words are wrong." Wei Tan said, "Wu Kun's defeat was exactly what Ji Yuan said. And Ji Yuan saved Yangzhou from Liang Wen, isn't it a great achievement?"

But Pei Kuan said anxiously: "The Great Sima doesn't know something, Wu Kun is a narrow-minded man. If he wins, his younger brother will only be humiliated; now that Wu Kun loses, he must hate his younger brother. And let his younger brother save Yangzhou At that time, there was no military talisman, and the people responded to everything, so Wu Kun had no taboos?"

Wei Tan looked at Pei Kuan, but didn't answer, his eyes were expressionless.

Pei Kuan was worried, and begged: "A certain family member is all in Yangzhou. When they heard about this, they were anxious and tossed, so they had to come to ask Da Sima." After that, he wanted to bow down.

"Xiao Shi, please come up." Wei Tan stepped forward to support him, and said, "I have an old friendship with Ji Yuan, Xiao Shi will not stand aside when I come to invite you."

"Elder Sima's words are serious?" Pei Kuan frowned, showing joy.

"However, there is one thing." Wei Tan looked at him and said, "Gongtai also knows Lingdi's temperament, if he is willing to make a move, he must be willing to leave."

Pei Kuan nodded in understanding, and hurriedly said: "Someone can write a letter, but now the access is all cut off, so I don't know how to send the letter."

Wei Tan smiled: "Xiao Shi, don't worry, I have my own way."

I've always been worried about Pei Qian's situation in Jiangdong, but I didn't expect that Wei Tan had already made a decision in less than half an hour.

"How will my husband save Ji Yuan?" I asked Wei Tan after seeing off Pei Kuan.

"Huh?" Wei Tan looked at me, "Of course it's sending troops."

But he is in Yangzhou. I said in my heart. I didn't ask this question. No matter how close I am to him, Pei Qian is something we can't talk about. And Wei Tan, he has always made up his mind about what he promised, I have no doubt about it.

Pei Qian is coming... My mood is confused, I don't know whether it is joy or worry.

When I got back to the hall, the steward came and told me that my aunt was here.

"Ah? Α! This four senses σ庥br> I hurried forward to salute, my aunt took my hand and said: "I just came back from Luoyang this morning, and I smelled Ah? 3 slang stir chant δ? frame! ?br> I smiled: "Aunt is tired."

My aunt looked behind me and asked, "Why don't you see my niece?"

"She's asleep." I replied, paused, and asked her, "Why didn't you see Artie?"

The aunt's face was full of unconcealable smiles, and said: "Ah Ti also got pregnant last month, and returned to Nanyang with her aunt."

I understood, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Auntie." I meant it sincerely, and I really don't regret not seeing Qiao Ti at all.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and I led my aunt to see Mrs. Guo, and then took her to the banquet to sit down.

After eating, Ah Yuan came to me and said that Ah Mi woke up. I agreed and went back to my room to have a look, and my aunt followed.

"Ah? ψ John Gai Liang Jun Ben Si Fu Ci ye abuse 2 vertebra cunning practice Wan worm? Hot and true feedback? br> "Exactly. "I smiled.

The aunt looked puzzled: "Where is the wet nurse?"

"Nurses do too," I said, "but I want to feed myself."

The aunt's face was full of surprise.

I know what she's thinking. Growing up, every aristocratic person I knew had a wet nurse, and everyone's biological mother never breastfed herself. Ah Mi's wet nurse came from Longxi, she was nice and had plenty of milk, but Wei Jiao told me with several examples before leaving that the best way to feed a baby is breast milk. I kept this statement in mind, so after A Mi was born, I fed A Mi by myself except for the first few days when I had to be nursed by my wet nurse because of the lack of breastfeeding.

I have always been a person who can save troubles and not trouble, but for A Mi, I regard her as the most important thing.

My aunt didn't continue to talk about breastfeeding. After I fed Ah Mi, she kindly took it, teased it in her arms for a while, and was full of praise.

"I heard that the prime minister is still sick?" After a while, she asked.

I nodded: "Exactly."

My aunt looked at me and said in a low voice meaningfully: "Ah

"My husband is the eldest son." I smiled.

"Having said that, Auntie heard that there are quite a few people who support the Second Young Master." The aunt said, "The Second Young Master married a princess and also has a son."

Liang Hui and Wei Zhi? I thought of Liang Hui still turning a blind eye to Wei Zhi in the hall just now, and couldn't help but laugh.

I was about to answer, Ah Mi cried again, and saw that the diaper was soaked again. I hurriedly called Ah Yuan and the nurse in to change the dry cloth for Ah Mi.

With people around, my aunt couldn't continue talking about what she had just said, and chatted with me about parenting, and when the sun went down, she left.

The full moon banquet was held on a large scale, and many congratulatory gifts were received. At night, I coaxed Ah Mi on the couch, and Ah Yuan unwrapped the congratulatory gifts one by one with great interest. To my surprise, there are also emperors.

"Madam, it's a jade unicorn." A Yuan picked up the white jade in the brocade box, compared it on A Mi's neck, and said with a smile, "It's so beautiful."

"When was it delivered?" I asked.

"I heard that it was when Madam went back to the room to feed the young lady." A Yuan said, "The servants in the palace brought it, and the eldest son picked it up."

"What are you talking about?" Wei Tan's lazy voice suddenly came from outside the door. A Yuan shut up, winked at me, and quickly got up to salute. After receiving his glance, he immediately exited knowingly and closed the door.

Wei Tan just wiped his body and was wearing a long coat.

"Is your husband not going out?" I asked.

"En." He swaggered and sat on the couch, looked at A Mi, smiled, and picked her up, "Accompany my daughter today."

Ah Mi has just had milk, and she is already showing a sleepy look.

"Daughter, smile." Wei Tan teased her.

Ah Mi didn't understand, she half-closed her eyes, and there was a slight dimple on her brow.

"Smile." Wei Tan stuck out his tongue at her.

Ah Mi hiccupped.

"Laughing..." Wei Tan rolled his eyes and bared his teeth.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I snatched Ami over angrily and amusingly, and said, "Husband, don't scare her."

Wei Tan didn't take it seriously: "Why, I think she likes it very much, don't you, Ami?" As I said that, I made a face at her again, and I pinched his arm angrily.

Wei Tan laughed, stretched out his arms and hugged me in his arms.

The candle was burning quietly, and in the bronze mirror opposite, he, me, and A Mi were hugging each other, which was funny and warm.

Neither of them spoke, Wei Tan rested his head on my shoulder, breathing warmly and slowly. Ah Mi yawned, I patted him, and watched her slowly fall asleep.

After putting Ah Mi on the small couch, Wei Tan still hugged me, his hands began to restless.

"A Mi is sleeping." I shyly pulled his hand out from under the skirt.

"She slept very soundly and won't wake up." Wei Tan bit my ear shamelessly, his voice charming.

"Wei Bianque said that after giving birth... within three months..." I took strict precautions and moved out of Weijiao.

Wei Tan really stopped.

"He said that?" He asked suspiciously, still not letting go.

I nodded, blushing, and finally grabbed his hand.

"Madam even asked this..." Wei Tan smiled half-smile.

"My husband is too busy, so my concubine will do the work for me." I have a thicker skin than him.

"Do it for you?" Wei Tan grabbed my hand, his voice was low and hoarse, "How can I do it for you?"

I froze for a moment, and the base of my ear suddenly burned even worse.

It's not because of ambiguous words, but because he took my hand and reached under his waist, where something has been hardened.

"A? Α?? And peptide Jiongshu?? Hidden traces and palm eyes? Dream suppressed and hibiscus ravaged and scrambled? The gilded hemorrhoids and the evening 9 shifts? ?Locust womb 堋??br> Rogue...

Since Pei Kuan came to the mansion last time, I haven't seen him again.

I never heard Wei Tan mention Pei Qian again. But according to A Yuan, when A Mi was about two months old, Wei Ci led a group of people away, and the one who walked with him was Gong Yanggui.

My heart flutters.

A lot of news kept coming.

For example, Wei? Harvested.

For example, Qiao Ti's husband, Cen Wei, was appointed by Wei Tan as an infantry captain.

And when Ah Mi had just turned 100 days, a news came from the south, shaking Yongdu. Wu Kun was about to exterminate the Pei family in Yangzhou. Just as he was about to start, the court's navy raided Huainan. Wu Kun hurriedly sent troops to rescue him, but just as he left, Pei's house suddenly caught fire. When people put out the fire, the whole family of Pei's family had disappeared.

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When I heard the news, I felt a big stone fall from my heart, and I breathed a long sigh of relief, almost crying with joy.

But before I finished rejoicing, A Yuan brought another news.

"Ma'am." She looked at me in a low voice, "Young Master Gongyang sent a letter saying that Young Master Ji Yuan just arrived in Huaibei and left alone."