Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 105: Shu Yuquan (on)


"Letter from home?" I suppressed my thoughts and looked at Deng Wu.

Deng Wu was about to speak when Ma Kui coughed.

"Ma'am." He glanced at Deng Wu, smiled at me, and said, "I'm a savage brother, and I only care about arson and catastrophe, and other miscellaneous things are just hearsay, so don't take it seriously."

I smiled: "So."

When I went out with Ah Mi in my arms, my heart seemed to be urged by something.

Just as I was about to get in the car, Li Shang stopped me from behind.

"Madam." He came over and said thoughtfully, "Madam should not take what Deng Wu said just now."

I was slightly surprised, and for a moment, I said, "The steward also knows about this?"

"It was only these two days that I heard them mention it." Li Shang looked at me, "Madam, regardless of whether this matter is true or not, even if it is true, there should be an extraordinary decision at an extraordinary time. Now that the Pei family has been rescued, Madam There is no need to pursue it any further.”

I smiled lightly and said, "Let's go back in charge." After finishing speaking, I turned around and got into the car.

On the way back home, Ah Yuan hugged Ah Mi, while I leaned against the car wall and looked out of the car quietly.

The sun shone obliquely, sometimes blocked by the eaves or high walls on the side of the road, and sometimes shone down, my eyes flickered.

I thought too naively before.

Pei Qian is well-known in Jiangdong, since he took refuge in Wu Zhang, there has been his foothold. If he wanted to leave, he only needed to conspire with Wei Tan to hold Wu Kun hostage when he was in Yecheng, and his family would be able to leave Yangzhou safely. But he didn't. He would rather let Wu Kun be suspicious and excluded than leave Jiangdong, how could a letter from Pei Kuan make him make a quick decision

Wei Tan's move was really accurate and ruthless, and it cut off the remaining trust between Wu Kun and Pei Qian. Pei Qian didn't think about himself, but also his family. He had to go if he left, or he had to go if he didn't.

Did Pei Qian not come to Yongdu because he knew it was Wei Tan's scheme

When Wei Tan did this, the results were nothing more than two. One is that Pei Qian escaped, and everyone was happy as it is now; the other is that Pei Qian never escaped, and the whole family died.

But no matter what the result is, Jiang Dong has since lost his most important planner, which is tantamount to a serious injury.

"Ma'am, are you still thinking about what Deng Wu said just now?" A Yuan asked suddenly.

I look at her.

"Ma'am," A Yuan thought for a while, and said, "Young Master Ji Yuan and Eldest Young Master are close friends, and Eldest Young Master will not harm him. Madam thought, if Eldest Young Master wants to get rid of Young Master Ji Yuan, let Wu Kun do it. Why mobilize people to rescue him?"

"Yeah." I hooked my lips.

I suddenly understood why Wei Tan was always invincible. He has a clear purpose in doing things, no matter what the right way is, what kind of means, so?禱?Zhenzixuan??Baoping?Pi竦NeBaying??Mailongbuckcheqiqi?br> "...a certain old friendship with Ji Yuan..." I looked out the window, and that vaguely appeared in my mind. Day, when Wei Tan spoke to Pei Kuan, he was sincere and serious.

Before returning to Wei Mansion, just as I was about to get off the car, the steward came to report that Wei Tan had just sent someone back to look for me.

"What is it?" I asked.

The steward said: "The second son held a banquet by the Shuyu Spring under the Bitai today, and enjoyed the music of Qushui Liushang with Xiaolian, a newcomer in the imperial court. There are also family members, so the eldest son came to invite us."

Wei Zhaohui celebrities? I thought about it, this is in line with his demeanor, could it be that Wei Tan is not good at talking, and asked me to save the scene

I thought about it for a while, agreed, and first took Ah Mi back to the room to hand over to the wet nurse, then I changed my clothes and dressed up a bit, and went out by car.

Shu Yuquan Li Bitai is only one mile away. It was originally a scenic spot in Yongdu, complete with pavilions, terraces, mountains and rocks. I was invited by Yuying and other noble ladies to come here to enjoy the water and flowers.

Qushui Liushang, the eldest brother and the second brother liked it very much in the past, Pei Qian is a master of this kind, and I am also familiar with it. But that's already a matter of Chang'an, since I married Wei Tan, it's the first time for me to join such a party.

Shu Yuquan comes out from the mountainside to the pavilion at the foot of the mountain, with a long flow of water. From a distance, I have already seen the scholars by the spring, each occupying a mat by the water, shadowy and well-dressed.

"Ma'am." When my family led me to Wei Tan, he was talking to two or three scholars and smiled when he saw me.

"Husband." I smiled and went forward to salute.

Wei Tan's attire was different from that in the morning, with a broad robe and long sleeves, elegant; a long sword tied around his waist, but with a bit of spirit.

"Young Madam." When the people around saw me, they also saluted.

After I returned the gift, Wei Tan supported me with one hand, and introduced the person next to me in a pleasant manner.

To my surprise, these people seem very unfamiliar to me, and their names have never been heard before. There are also some people who, just by looking at their clothes, can tell that they are not from noble families.

Glancing upstream again, Wei Zhao also talked and laughed happily with a few people. Those people looked familiar, and they were all high school students.

Although I was puzzled in my heart, I still kept smiling and followed Wei Tan to greet these people one by one.

Not long after, a chime sounded from the pavilion, and an elder filled a lacquer cup full of wine, put it on a plate, and put it into the spring water. The lacquer plate was brightly colored, and slowly drifted down the winding waterway, before long, it stopped in front of a well-dressed scholar next to Wei Zhao.

The scholar's complexion is fair, as if powdered. He picked up the cup with a smile, thought for a while, and wrote a poem with the title of Yongchi.

I listened beside Wei Tan, my ideas were boring, and my words and rhymes were unremarkable. If it was in Chang'an in the past, maybe my brother's group of tricky people would make a fuss and refuse to admit it with fine wine.

But after this person chanted, everyone around him praised him. I saw several scholars near Wei Tan exchanging tacit glances.

Qi Shang continued to return to the water and Wang Qian stopped when it floated in front of a civilian.

From what I can see, the man is in his thirties, his clothes are half new and not old, and he can tell from a glance that he is not of a high family background.

He just took off the lacquer cup, and the people in the upstream were a little unhappy.

The commoner got up, thought for a while, and wrote a poem with the title of Qingquan.

When I listened carefully, I could only feel that the words were eloquent. Although the words used were a little random at times, the sentences were remarkable and it was really a masterpiece.

As soon as he finished singing, the people around gave out a burst of admiration.

"Brother Pang is really a poetic talent!" Someone applauded, and the commoner thanked him humbly.

"How?" Wei Tan asked me in a low voice.

I looked at him, nodding with a smile. Glancing upstream again, I saw those people chatting and laughing, as if they had never heard of it.

At this time, Yuying and several ladies came over and invited me to enjoy the flowers. I agreed, left Wei Tan, and went to the garden with them.

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"After all, after leaving Chang'an, even the Qushui Liushang is not as interesting as before." In the garden, there were women in twos and threes, and a lady broke off a rose and sighed.

"Of course it's not as interesting as before." Yuying said, after finishing speaking, she looked at me and said, "Ah? Gonna be sick!?br> "Those who don't like it are all high-school people. "A woman said, "I've heard that the scholars of the common people are amazing. Let's just say that the one who recited the poem just now, during the battle of Qiling, made a great contribution to the plan, and Da Sima took him as a recorder. "

"So what?" Immediately someone said disdainfully, "No matter how high you climb, you are still a commoner. People who are more particular will not even let him in."

Everyone was talking, Yuying whispered to me: "Ah? Cang flattery and small!?br> "Oh? "I was surprised.

Yuying sighed softly: "It's a pity that Mr. Ji Yuan didn't come to Yongdu. If he came, today's Qushui Liushang must be wonderful."

While talking, someone suddenly asked: "Isn't that Madam Taishi?"

I looked up, and in front of me, two women were walking slowly while admiring the flowers. The surprise in my heart was like a rope, stumbling my steps. I recognize those two women, one is Pei Kuan's wife, Luo Shi, and the other is Pei Qian's mother, Mrs. Liu.

They also saw me, and the same surprise flashed across Mrs. Liu's face.

"Why is she here?" Yuying said softly, but her eyes were on me.

The surrounding voices seemed to be suppressed by something, and all kinds of eyes, including Yuying, lingered on Mrs. Liu and me.

I looked at Mrs. Liu, I hadn't seen her for many years, her well-maintained face was already looking old, and her temples were also silvery.

With a wry smile in his heart, he was thinking about Pei Qian for the first half of today, but will he face his mother for the second half? God's arrangement has always been such a coincidence.

"Mrs. Liu." I held my breath and stepped forward to salute.

"Madam Fu." Madam Liu's voice was slow, still gentle, but it was the same as when she used to call "Ah