Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 108: Bad news (below)


The news of Wei Tan's failure in Xin'an's attack had already been reported to Yongdu a few days ago. There was a shock in the court, but there was no publicity. Now that Lu Zheng brought back more than 5,000 remnants from Xin'an, the news spread quickly, and Wei Zhao rushed back from the court. Not long after, the steward came and invited me to the hall, saying that Mrs. Guo had something to say.

I agreed and asked Ah Yuan to fetch a set of clean clothes for me to change into.

"Madam," she looked at me and said worriedly, "Madam, don't be too sad, your body is important."

I knew she was referring to the incident when I fainted in class two days ago, so I patted the back of her hand and walked out the door.

There were many people sitting in the hall, and the atmosphere was stagnant. At a glance, relatives of Wei Zhao and the Wei family are all there, as well as Wen Zhen, Gao Ying and others. When I arrived, many pairs of eyes looked over at the same time.

"Young Madam is here." Madam Guo had a forehead scarf wrapped around her head, a plain gown, no makeup, she looked a bit haggard, but she was still energetic. Leaning on the table, she beckoned to me kindly, "Come and sit here."

I went there as promised, saluted her, met with Wei Zhao and several elders of the clan, and sat down on the right side of Mrs. Guo.

Wei Zhaoyi was dressed in civilian clothes, as if he had worked too hard, his eyes were sunken, and his eyes looked even deeper.

Mrs. Guo looked at me, sighed, with a sad expression: "I have a pity for my virtuous and polite woman, who is just young, to receive such bad news..." She covered her sleeves and wiped her tears.

Mrs. Zhang on the side hurriedly offered comfort.

I bowed my head and said, "My condolences to Gu."

Mrs. Guo sighed, took my hand, caressed it, and turned to everyone in the hall with a sincere expression: "Masters, uncles and elders of the Wei family, I invite you to visit the mansion today, and I have important matters to discuss. Eldest son You must have heard about the matter of the four young masters. Since the Lord is sick, and the family has suffered frequent changes, it is now an extraordinary time. The emperor appointed Zhong Ming as the prime minister, and the funeral in the mansion should also be discussed."

When I heard this, I knew it in my heart.

Lu Zheng fled back to Yongdu with 5,000 remnants, and the people in the court and the wild were panicked. Before and after Wei Tan went to Xin'an, he deployed 500,000 troops in more than a dozen counties and counties in Xin'an and Runan. Now that there is a sudden change and a big enemy is coming, the most important thing in the court is to replace the commander in chief and stabilize the morale of the army. . The army of the imperial court was brought out by the Wei family. Since Wei Tan and others were deemed dead, Wei Zhao is the only one left in the Wei family.

After Liang Wen broke through the water stronghold, she went all the way north, as if entering a land without people. On the day when the news of Wei Tan's death came, the emperor issued an imperial edict to make Wei Zhao the prime minister Si Zhi, and a general to command the three armies. After Wei Zhao was ordered, he immediately ordered to assemble the remaining soldiers and conscript Ding into the army to deal with Liang Min.

The prime minister, Si Zhi, is not often appointed in this dynasty. There are only four people who have been in this position in history, and they all act on behalf of the prime minister at critical times. Wei Zhao's intention to take this position is also clear.

These things were done very quickly. In just two days, no matter whether it was in the court or in the Wei Mansion, it was like the current summer and autumn, and the climate was quietly changing after the shower.

Now, when Mrs. Guo talked about the funeral, she meant to tell the clansmen that Wei Tan and Wei An died, and Wei Zhao is now a legitimate heir.

My heart feels like something is blocked.

In order to appease people's hearts, it is reasonable for the court to let Wei Zhao take power. But Lu Zheng didn't really see Wei Tan and the others being killed, and there wasn't even a corpse, so how could we handle the funeral? But what makes me feel angry and unbearable is that in the face of the enemy, Mrs. Guo is thinking about establishing an heir. Even if Wei Tan is dead and Wei Zhao is in power, what difference does it make if he has an heir or not? It's chilling to eat like this.

Everyone in the hall was silent.

Mrs. Guo looked at me and said, "I don't know what Young Madam means?"

I lowered my head, raised my sleeves and wiped my cheeks, frowned and said in a low voice, "The sons and wives depend on the wishes of the Gu family and the elders. Poor husband has fought all his life, and now his body has not been seen..." I couldn't continue, sobbing.

There was a lot of discussion in the hall.

Mrs. Guo was silent.

Some people said: "The enemy is present, and mourning at this time, I am afraid that the people's hearts will fluctuate, which is not good for me."

Someone answered: "After the enemy is retreated, it will not be too late to find the remains of the eldest son and others."

Mrs. Guo sighed heavily, her voice was about to cry: "My son sacrificed his life for the country, could it be that he can't even do a funeral?"

"Madam's condolences, everyone's condolences." A voice came, and I glanced over, it was Wen Zhen. He bowed to Mrs. Guo and said, "In my humble opinion, although this is an extraordinary time, the etiquette cannot be abolished. A mourning hall can be set up in the mansion, and the funeral ceremony can be avoided. When Xin'an is recovered, the son's body can be found. Come back, the funeral is over."

When this statement came out, no one discussed it anymore.

Mrs. Guo nodded and said, "What Wen Gong said is very true." After finishing speaking, she immediately ordered the steward to prepare the corresponding things and set up a mourning hall in the mansion.

The clansmen responded one after another, and Mrs. Guo explained a few more words, and let everyone disperse.

I didn't want to stay any longer, so I maintained a sad expression, and after saluting, A Yuan helped me to leave.

After walking to the back of the hall, Wei Zhao's voice was heard from behind: "Sister-in-law, please stay."

I stopped and saluted: "Second Uncle."

Wei Zhaodao: "Death cannot be brought back to life, elder sister-in-law take care."

"Thank you, uncle." I whispered

Wei Zhaodao: "My younger brother is not good at handling things. If my elder sister needs anything, she just says it."

Saying this, it seems like a master. I sighed: "Second uncle is kind. I don't need anything, but the whereabouts of my husband's body is unknown, and my heart is really anxious." After finishing speaking, I covered my sleeves again.

Wei Zhaodao: "Don't worry, sister-in-law. Even if I dig Xin'an three feet into the ground, I will definitely find my brother." After a pause, he continued, "But I have something to ask my sister-in-law."

I was surprised: "What is it?"

Wei Zhaodao: "Brother will visit Xiliu Camp tomorrow, please go with my sister-in-law and niece."

I was stunned for a moment, and soon understood in my heart.

Yongdu is big, the garrison here, in addition to the Habayashi guarding the palace, the most important is the Xiliu camp on the outskirts of Yongdu. The Xiliu camp was originally a barracks in Chang'an, but it was destroyed after the chaos of the world. The emperor set his capital in Yongzhou, Wei? Bridle? It is easy for the officials in the court to handle affairs, but the generals in the barracks may find it difficult to accept for a while. So, he thought of me and A Mi, and wanted to use us to win people's hearts.

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Didn't realize I could be of any use.

"As my second uncle invites me, my concubine will obey me." I said kindly to Wei Zhao.

Wei Zhao glanced at the dim light, and bowed to me: "Thank you, sister-in-law."