Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 109: parade


Not long after returning to the room, the steward came, also holding a set of mourning clothes in his hand.

"Young Madam." He looked cautious, "Madam ordered the villain to bring the filial piety."

I held Ah Mi in my arms, and looked at a piece of burlap that had just been torn off, the fringed edges looked harsh. Zhanbai, the last time I wore it was when the Fu family exterminated the clan.

"Let it go." I said.

The steward responded, bowed to me, and withdrew.

"Ma'am." A Yuan walked over with red eyes, "Eldest Young Master, Fourth Young Master, and several Tang Young Masters have not found the corpses, so how can they have a funeral? There is also Second Young Master, who wants Madam to follow him?" Go to camp, this..."

I shook my head at her, signaling her not to say more.

"Give this letter to Director Li." I handed a piece of paper to A Yuan.

A Yuan took it, looked at it, and his expression changed.

"Check Luzheng's whereabouts?" She lowered her voice, "What does Madam mean..."

I said: "The news came back, it is this person who is talking, it is better to find out."

"And... Ma Kui?" A Yuan's voice was as low as breath, "Madam wants to leave?"

"Always prepare for the back road in advance." I said softly.

In the letter, I asked Li Shang to check the money that could be taken away, and to invite Ma Kui and others to come to Yongdu.

This is a last resort.

The news of Wei Tan's death seems to me to be full of doubts.

First of all, according to Lu Zheng's description, Liang Wen's raid on the water village is similar to the battle of Qiling. A person like Wei Tan, when he was in Qiling, he had a lot of considerations about the shortcomings of the water village, how could he tolerate repeating the same mistakes

Secondly, when Wei An was building buildings and ships in Yongchi, I once heard him discuss the fire prevention of buildings and ships with craftsmen, saying that Wei Tan attached great importance to fire prevention.

Again, even if Wei An's building boats are still difficult to withstand the fire attack, isn't it unreasonable that the hundreds of thousands of troops under Wei Tan's tent have always been well-deployed, and Liang Min was defeated by one blow

Of course, I would think about this, maybe it was because the bad news came so suddenly that I couldn't accept it, or I was lucky, but whether it was true or not, the situation in Yongdu was predictable.

Fuzhong, Wei? Noisy salary? Turbulent thorns? Huan Song traces?? Tear buttocks and rocks surprised by the emperor's charm?br> I am not optimistic about Wei Zhao's generals. Once Liang Min breaks Huaizhou, Yongzhou will be Like a dangerous egg. In the past two days, I have heard people talking about Wei Zhaozuo's request to move the capital to the north.

In such a situation, A Mi and I stay in the mansion, we are orphans and widows, and our future life will be at the mercy of others.

Of course, there is another situation, which I think is too crazy when I think about it, that is, Wei Tan is not dead...

My nose was sore, I stared blankly at A Mi who was playing with Xiao Nao, and started to cry again.

Xu Shi noticed the sad faces of the people around her, and Ah Mi became much quieter in the past two days. Seeing me looking at her, she also looked at me, humming twice.

I let out a long sigh and lowered my head to touch her forehead.

Wei Tan, are you alive or dead? What is it if you don't see people alive or dead

It rained a lot at night, and the next day, the weather was cloudy, not muggy.

I put on the filial piety clothes, and the person in the mirror was wearing a shawl and a hemp scarf on his head, like the childish face full of resentment and sadness many years ago.

Ah Mi was still young, so I just pulled a piece of linen and tied it around her waist, which was considered mourning. Not long after, my family came to invite me, and I walked out the door with Ah Mi in my arms.

Wei Zhao was already waiting in front of the door, his black robes draped over the outside. I noticed that his car was from the former Wei? Puric color swim?? Vulgar? Model?ブbr> "Sister-in-law." He saluted me.

I return the salute: "Second Uncle."

"I'm going to trouble my sister-in-law today."

"Where is the second uncle?" I said modestly.

Wei Zhao looked at A Mi, didn't say much, and asked his family to help him board the car.

Xiliu Camp is fifteen miles away from Yongdu, not far away. After Wei Tan led the army to Xin'an, there were 30,000 people left here for the defense of Yongdu.

I have never been here. But Wei Tan was different. In the past, he left early and returned late every day, and spent many times staying in this camp. The road is spacious and flat, surrounded by green trees, all newly planted pines and cypresses in recent years. This is the place where Wei Tan has been to countless times. Now, A Mi and I came for the first time, but he has disappeared...

My eye sockets started to itch again. Missing him, I turned my head and stopped looking out.

The carriage drove into the gate and arrived in front of the platform. To my surprise, the place was full of people. The flags were flying, and the sergeants lined up according to rank. From generals to pawns, they looked solemn, held their heads high, and the array was as neat as a chess game, almost endless.

I was surprised and looked at Wei Zhao, his face was also a bit strange, but he quickly calmed down.

"Report to the great general!" A general with a bronze seal and ink ribbon came forward to salute vigorously and said loudly, "Cheng Mao, the governor of the Xiliu camp! 31,500 soldiers from the Xiliu camp lined up Here! Please read it, the general!"

I held Ah Mi steady to prevent her from moving, and looked at Cheng Mao. Before Wei Tan went to Xin'an, considering the fact that Yongdu stayed behind, he appointed Cheng Mao as the governor of the Xiliu camp, in charge of the whole camp.

Wei Zhao seemed a little uncomfortable with such a scene, nodded and said, "Enroll."

"No!" Cheng Mao clasped his fists again, and when he turned around, I saw his eyes sweep over here.

The drums and horns sounded vigorously, and I followed behind Wei Zhao and boarded the Dianjiang platform.

The Xiliu Camp was imitated from Chang'an, and the school grounds are also magnificent. It has a radius of two miles, and the platform is built of earth and stone, and it is ten feet high.

Wei Zhao put one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and nodded to Jun Sima. Army Sima agreed, but offered a longbow and an arrow, while others brought forward a brazier.

"What do you mean?" Wei Zhao frowned.

"Report to the general!" the army Sima said, "the system of the Xiliu battalion, the commander-in-chief shoots rockets, thinking that the military parade is an order,"

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I feel embarrassed.

There is an allusion to Rocket Shehou, which was created by Geng Long's Shenwu Camp, a famous general in the former dynasty. It can show the might of the coach and boost morale. Needless to ask, Wei Tan must have left behind such a difficult and nonchalant manner.

But Wei Zhao is not Wei Tan. I glanced at Buhou, who was painted in the shape of a tiger under the stage. Wei Tan could pass through the rope with a single arrow, but Wei Zhao might not be able to pass through the rope after ten steps.

Sure enough, Wei Zhao's complexion was a little ugly.

"Today's military parade is already in full swing," he said.

The military commander was a little surprised, but quickly saluted: "Decree!" He stepped forward, took out the command flag from his waist, and waved it with every move.

Hearing the rumble of drums, on the school field, the sergeants in neat array suddenly withdrew to both sides, like a chess game changing, orderly but not chaotic.

After everyone stood still, the commander of the army waved the flag in another way. The array changed again, dust and mist rose from the field, and the running steps of the soldiers were almost the same, rumbling like drums, and countless spears pointed against the sun. glow. dazzling.

"Kill!" Cheng Mao rode on the horse, drew his sword and raised it.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" All the people responded in unison, and the roar was overwhelming.

I looked around, and there were quite a few ministers who followed Wei Zhaolai, all of whom seemed to be intimidated by such a battle, and looked nervous.

Many of these courtiers came from Chang'an to follow the emperor. Most of them have experienced wars and turmoil. When the imperial court was fragile, a small group of armed hooligans with thousands of people could make the fleeing officials tremble with fear. It is precisely because of this that they have a natural fear of those who were born in the army. Mi was not frightened by these voices at all, on the contrary, she seemed very excited. My little hands were tugging at my clothes, my eyes were looking forward curiously, and a drop of saliva dangled from the corner of my mouth.

"Shh..." I whispered in her ear.

The formation and drill of the sergeants lasted for half an hour. When Ming Jin withdrew his troops, he saw tens of thousands of horses galloping across the school field. After a while, the ranks of sergeants had returned to their original appearance.

Cheng Mao stepped forward to ask for orders again, and Wei Zhao said some encouraging words, the words were neat and straight.

Listening to his leisurely words, I looked at the motionless generals and soldiers under the stage, whose rough description was reflected by the dust and sweat, and I felt that everything in front of me was a little weird.

After walking down the stage, I saw Cheng Mao standing two steps away, sweat dripping from his helmet and onto the iron armor. Behind him stood a row of generals, all equally dripping, but motionless like stone carvings.

"Ma'am." Cheng Mao stepped forward and bowed to me.

"Ma'am!" The generals behind were also in unison.

"You generals have worked hard." I saluted them deeply.

A few words, not much to say, but some feelings seem to be tacit. This is the person brought out by Wei Tan. My heart sighed, but it wasn't just sadness.

Wei Zhao's expression was always calm, but when facing these people, I could feel the unease in that expression.

The sergeants lined up and stood by the side of the road. When I boarded the car and left, I couldn't help but look back again. The high platform, barracks, sergeants, and Yuanmen, the place where Wei Tan devoted his heart and soul, may have the deepest memory of him in Yongdu. people.

On the way, Ah Mi was sleepy and fell asleep after breastfeeding.

"Ma'am, this is..." When A Yuan took out a thin mattress from the corner of the carriage to cover A Mi, a ball of paper fell out from it.

I was taken aback, took it and opened it.

I saw that this was a piece of paper just torn off, and there were only a few words written in rough handwriting on it, but it shocked me: the eldest son is not dead.

When I returned to the house, I felt that every part of my body was trembling slightly with the excitement of blood. I tried my best to restrain myself and not let myself have any abnormalities.

Ecstasy, surprise, and uneasiness, each of which was so strong, when we first saw the piece of paper, A Yuan and I stared at each other, almost speechless for a whole moment.

Wei Tan is still alive.

He is still alive...

A voice repeated in my heart over and over again. I read the piece of paper no less than a hundred times, but there were only a few words too many. He is not dead, where is he? Why don't you come back? What happened to Lu Zheng? Do the Son of Heaven, Wei Zhao, and Mrs. Guo know? Who put this piece of paper in the car... Every thought is carried behind, and what is involved behind it is like being buried in a deep fog, which is impossible for people to pry into.

On the way back, I became very preoccupied, and after returning to the mansion, when the plains and filial piety of the mansion came into my eyes, my thoughts instantly cleared up.

After Wei Zhao entered the city, he bid farewell and went to another place. I walked into the mansion. The mourning family members were crying hard in the hall, and there was an endless stream of condolences. They came to see me, saluted me, and expressed their sorrow.

Although the words of the note were not verified, I had a strong feeling that it was true. As a result, everything in this mansion became a drama in my eyes. It became clear who was advocating excellence, who was a spectator, and who was paid to stand on the sidelines behind the scenes.

"Ah? Α?? Guan Xibao? Huan Chisel? Ge? Chu? Iridium Ci? Ci Qiang Sifu?br> Her eye circles were red, she wiped her tears, and took my hand: "My poor niece, how So ill-fated! "