Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 111: Chaotic City (Part 1)


I didn't tell Zhou and Mao about my intention to leave Yongzhou.

Firstly, the variables in this matter are unknown, and there are too many people, and I can't do anything; secondly, if Zhou and Mao have other ideas, saying these things will only increase troubles, so it is better not to say them. In the Wei Mansion, only A Yuan knew about this matter.

And I told Zhou and Mao that Wei Tan and the others were not dead, but it was not a whim.

The friendship between Wei Tan and Wei Gang and other cousins is extraordinary, and I also have deep friendship with Zhou and Mao. I am aware of the pain of losing my husband, and I can be regarded as sympathetic. Speaking of this, I hope that if things change in the future, the two of them can think about it and persevere.

As far as I can, there is only so much I can do.

Li Shang's letter finally arrived. He told me that Ma Kui and others will arrive in three days.

This day is very coincidental. On that day, the emperor opened the imperial temple in the palace, presided over by Taizhu, and prayed for the dead.

This is a good opportunity, as long as I do some unexpected things on the road and cope with it well, I can escape smoothly. The so-called "accident" is exactly what Ma Kui and others have always been good at. As for the response, Li Shang told me that he chose a secluded house in Dongshi, where the main street is busy, but it is just perfect to hide people's eyes and ears.

After I read it, my heart that had been hanging for several days finally felt relieved.

But the next day, something happened in the court.

Wei Zhao asked to move the capital in court, and the emperor agreed, but there was a disagreement on where to move the capital.

This time, instead of a group of gentry fighting against Wei Tan like last time, one person fought against Wei Zhao and other courtiers, and the one who disagreed was Wei Kang.

Since Wei Kang came to Yongdu, he thinks highly of himself. It's no wonder that among the three existing barracks in Yongdu, the Liangzhou camp is the largest, and Wei Kang has the most confidence.

Wei Zhao believes that Yanzhou, two thousand miles away, has a pleasant climate, rich soil and water, and rich people, so it can be the capital of a country.

Wei Kang didn't think so, and said, if you talk about Fengshui Wufu, Longzhou used to be the capital in ancient times, and there is no better place to go than Longzhou.

As soon as this remark came out, the courtiers were in an uproar.

Wei Kang plausibly said that with six thousand soldiers and horses in Liangzhou, the emperor can rest assured to move his capital to Longzhou.

To put it bluntly, this is threatening.

Guo Cheng refused at first, and confronted Wei Kang in court. In the end, Wei Kang called Guo Cheng a "house slave", Guo Cheng satirized Wei Kang as a "gambler", and Wei Kang left in a rage.

"Ma'am," A Yuan said nervously, "I heard that after Wei Kang returned to Duyang, he ordered the army to train immediately, which seems to be disadvantageous."

I also had a hunch that it was a big deal. Wei Kang was so angry, probably because Wei Zhao got close to Guo Cheng and neglected his third uncle. He wants to vent his anger now, maybe to Guo Cheng, but if there is a conflict, Yongdu will definitely be involved. I just don't know how Wei Zhao should deal with such a matter

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At night, Wei Zhao returned to the mansion, and not long after, there was news of a dispute between Wei Zhao and Mrs. Guo.

The manager came to invite me over, but I didn't refuse, I tidied up my hair and went to Mrs. Guo's yard. Before reaching the door, I heard the sound of swords being tense inside.

"...he is your uncle!" This is Mrs. Guo's voice.

"It's my son's uncle, and my son expects him to put the overall situation first! The third uncle is narrow-minded, why does my uncle have the same knowledge as him? What the third uncle is dissatisfied with is the fact that the Liaodong soldiers entered the city. As long as the uncle withdraws, the third uncle will expose it." Don't mention it."

Mrs. Guo sneered: "Isn't it for your own good that your uncle sent the generals into the city? You said that Xiliuying can't be trusted!"

"One moment is not that moment." Wei Zhao said in a helpless voice, "If something happens to third uncle, it will not benefit me or uncle at all. Please think again, mother!"

After finishing speaking, footsteps sounded, and not long after, Wei Zhao opened the door and came out.

Seeing me, a look of surprise flashed across his angry face, but he quickly put it away, saluted, and said, "Sister-in-law."

"Second Uncle." I returned the salute.

Wei Zhao didn't say much, and left in a hurry.

"Young Madam, look..." The steward looked at me in embarrassment.

I know in my heart that he came to me to persuade him, but it is really difficult for me to persuade him about this matter. At this moment, I suddenly heard a "bang" sound of broken porcelain, and I was even more sure that nothing good would happen if I entered.

"I'll come back tomorrow." I said to the steward, turned and walked away.

"Ma'am." On the way, A Yuan whispered, "Second Young Master also knows that he is biased, and now he wants to persuade him to make peace."

Persuasion? I sneered in my heart, what should I persuade

He Kui took the lead of holding the emperor to make the princes, and people followed suit one after another. When it came to Wei? Bo? Noon stage

Wei Kang and Guo Cheng, one wolf and one tiger, Wei Zhao lured two beasts into the house, but he didn't have a sharp weapon to tame them. It is good to mediate, but how to mediate? To seek skin with a wolf or with a tiger

Now that everything is ready, A Yuan and I also started to pack things secretly. The timing of the escape is not enough to bring many items, and we can only pick and choose. A Yuan and I don’t need to bring our clothes. For A Mi, a few diapers are enough; gold and silver are soft, and these days A Yuan has tried to bring some to Li Shang. When we leave, we can hide some on each of us. More is helpless.

I looked around the house, lived with Wei Tan for two or three years, and saved a lot of things in it, including mine and Wei Tan's. Now that I'm gone, someone might come in and spoil it, and I feel bad when I think about it.

I carefully put away Wei Tan's belongings, most of them are worthless, I hope those who come to fetch them will be merciful.

Thinking of money, I suddenly thought of the side room, where there was the ten catties of gold that Wei Tan said he would give me.

How can you run away without gold? There was a surge in my heart, and I was about to go, and when I went out, I remembered that I had asked A Yuan to send two bolts of unnecessary cloth to the Zhou family, and she hadn't come back yet.

When it comes to digging the ground to dig for gold, it is better to find a helper. I waited for quite a while, but A Yuan still hadn't seen me, so I got on the bed and went to sleep first.

The weather in the past two days has been a bit muggy, and there was no cool breeze at night. I lay on the couch and fell asleep with difficulty.

I dreamed that I was walking under the sun, holding Ah Mi in my arms, looking for something everywhere, and feeling anxious.

There were so many people on the street, no one paid any attention to me.

"... What are you doing?" A laughing voice came.

When I turned around, the man's back was facing the bright sunlight, his face could not be seen clearly, but his outline was familiar, as if he had been standing there for a long time.

I was very happy in my heart, I wanted to talk to him, but in a flash, he was standing on the tall building.

The ground trembled, and I called his name, but he just turned his head and smiled, the corners of his lips curled up full of anger...

"... madam, madam!" I was awakened by A Yuan's shaking, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that her hair was still draped, and she looked flustered, "Madam, the city is in chaos!"

I was so excited that I didn't feel sleepy at all.

Looking out of the window, I couldn't see anything in the dark, but there were chaotic voices, like someone shouting and running.

Ah Mi also woke up, and the wet nurse hugged her and looked at us nervously.

I asked Ah Yuan to pack up his belongings immediately, get dressed, and go out the door. The yard was empty, and walking out of the yard all the way, there were only vague figures, and several family members were running past, holding something in their arms.

"What happened?" I stopped one person and asked.

The man's face was anxious, and he said while wiping his sweat: "Young Madam! Liangzhou soldiers attacked at night, and the city gate will be broken if we can't keep it, run away!"

I was surprised and said: "How could this be? Where is the second young master?"

The man said: "The second son is missing, Mrs. Guo has just boarded the car and left!" After saying that, he saluted me and hurried away.

When I saw this, my heart and mind burned, and I rushed to the hall immediately. Along the way, there were very few people, and the owner and family members did not go anywhere. I was in a bad mood, so I rushed to Wei again. .

They were obviously also awakened by the sudden chaos, their hair and clothes were a little messy.

Mrs. Zhou grabbed me: "I heard that Mrs. Guo left with all the soldiers, is that right?"

My heart sank suddenly.

"Fubing?" I opened my eyes wide.

"Zhongming!" An anxious voice came, and when we looked, it was Liang Hui.

She entered the palace during the day, originally heard that she was going to stay in the palace, but now that she looks like this, it is obvious that she rushed back after hearing the news.

"Where is Zhongming?" She looked terrified, "Where is Zhongming?"

I shook my head and quickly asked her: "The princess is coming from the palace, how is it outside?"

Liang Hui didn't answer, but went straight to Wei, who was still on with the lights on? .

"Ah..." When I saw the scene in front of me, Mao covered his mouth and widened his eyes, I also felt a chill all over my body.

Wei? Nianjiaxia Zhanzhan model? Closer? Illusion?? Bloat? Cutting search Jia? Chi barking Lai Shun Falcon? Disadvantage Youxi? Pang Huan? Succession? Ya? br> "This..." Mrs. Zhou supported the trembling Liang Hui, her face pale.

"Mrs. Guo ordered someone to hang herself," at this moment, a voice came softly, "while fleeing with the Prime Minister."

We were all startled, but when we looked, it was Xu Ji.

Her hair was high and her dress was light and thin, and she was eerily calm in the night.

"Xu Ji." I looked at her, feeling strange, "Where are the others?"

"Let's go." Xu Ji said slowly, "There were too few cars, Madam Guo killed all the concubines and took away the children. There are no government soldiers in this mansion, and the family members also escaped by themselves."

"Where is Zhongming?" Liang Hui's voice was crying, "Has he left too? He didn't wait for me..."

"Waiting for you?" Xu Ji laughed, "Why did he wait for you? You are just a princess, not the emperor!"

Liang Hui's face immediately became distorted.

"It's you!" She said bitterly, letting go of Mrs. Zhou, "It's you bitch! If it wasn't for him going to see you again yesterday, how could I go back to the palace!"

Xu Ji didn't argue, but she had a mocking smile on her face, she didn't dodge when she saw her rushing towards her. Liang Hui was raising her hand to slap her, when I caught a glimpse of a cold light in Xu Ji's hand, I quickly said, "Be careful!"

But it was too late, Liang Hui's hands froze in the air, and she looked at her chest in disbelief.

"Ah!" Mao screamed.

"Xu Ji!" Zhou's expression changed drastically, "You..."

"It's finally over." Xu Ji stared at us, said in a low voice, and pushed Liang Hui down with one hand.

"Let's go!" I yelled, dragged Zhou and his wife and ran towards the gate of the courtyard.

Xu Ji stood in the courtyard, she seemed to have no intention of chasing her, her thin body was like a ghost. Zhou was worried, and closed the courtyard door with a "bang".