Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 112: Chaos City (below)


"What should we do now?" Zhou almost cried.

"Don't stay in the mansion, go!" I said, walking towards my courtyard.

"Ma'am!" Seeing me coming back, Ah Yuan relaxed and hurried forward to meet me.

"Is it packed?" I asked.

"Cleaned up."

I looked at A Mi in the nurse's arms, walked to the corner a few steps, and opened a box. Inside, there are all weapons used by Wei Tan. I picked up a sword and asked several people to come over and take their own defenses.

"I just went to find Uncle Huang. He hid a car at the back door." A Yuan said.

My heart was relieved, and I led everyone to the courtyard and took a shortcut to the back door.

"Young Madam is finally here!" Sure enough, Uncle Huang was waiting here, and seemed relieved to see us. He took the burden from A Yuan's hand and muttered, "I saw Mrs. Guo asking for a car in the middle of the night, so I kept it in mind. I didn't think it would really come in handy... Hurry up, someone said that Liangzhou soldiers are going to break the city..."

"But there are not enough cars!" Zhou said anxiously.

I am also anxious about this. Zhou's and Mao's children were all sent back to Longxi at the beginning of the year, and they didn't bring anyone with them, so it's not a burden. But even so, even with me, A Yuan and the wet nurse, a carriage is not enough.

At this moment, only a noisy sound was heard, and suddenly a carriage was seen rushing towards.

The car was not going fast, and the driver yelled at us: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"A Yuan!" I yelled, and she understood, and immediately went up to me together, drawing her sword out of its sheath. The driver seemed to be a novice, he was shocked when he saw this, but he couldn't turn around, so he slowed down with a "wow". A Yuan seized the opportunity and immediately pulled the rein, pointed his sword at the driver, "Stop!"

The driver seemed terrified and stopped the car.

I was about to go forward and say something, when suddenly, many figures came from the street, like soldiers.

"Get in the car! Go to the south of the city!" I didn't care much, and shouted to Mrs. Zhou and others, while holding Ah Mi, I rushed to the back of the car, lifted the curtain and jumped on it.

Before he could sit still, the horse suddenly galloped up.

"Wow... wow!" Ah Mi seemed to be frightened, and burst into tears.

"Don't cry, baby, don't cry..." I panted to comfort her while staring ahead. In the dim light, there was also someone sitting in the car, a woman.

Seeing that I was holding a sword in my hand, she widened her eyes and shrank to a corner of the carriage screaming.

"Don't bark!" I pointed my sword at her.

The woman immediately shut up.

Panting for breath, I let go of Ah Mi a little, only to feel sore and numb in the hands holding her.

"Are you a female mountain bandit?" The woman asked tremblingly. After a moment, the light of a lantern on the side of the street shone in, and the woman suddenly said, "You...you are that daughter of Mrs. Fu!"

Many people met me in Yongdu, so I didn't answer, I just comforted Ah Mi.

"I heard that you married Wei Tan." The woman said, her eyes seemed to light up slightly, "Do you think he is tall? Is he handsome? Don't you like Pei Qian? Did you hesitate when you married Wei Tan?" ? Do you still think Pei Qian is better?"

"Why are you talking so much?" I said impatiently, shaking the sword in my hand.

The woman shut up again.

The sound of whipping kept ringing, the carriage was running fast, and the night wind rushed into the curtain with a faint smell of fireworks. Everywhere was disturbed, there were shouts and running.

In the current situation, Ma Kui and others have not yet arrived, and anything can happen if the rebellious army enters the city. The situation on Li Shang's side is unknown, and it is impossible to stay in Yong. The safest way to deal with the rebellious army is to go to the people from Xiliu camp, as long as they leave the south of the city...

"Ma'am!" A Yuan shouted anxiously from outside, "Another team of soldiers is coming ahead!"

What are you afraid of

I caught a glimpse of a corner of the house passing by the side of the road, and said decisively, "Stop!"

The car shook violently and the horse was reined in.

I hugged Ah Mi immediately and raised the curtain of the car with my sword.

"Take me with you," the woman said, "I'm a tourist, I'm busy on weekdays, I finally got some free time, and I'm worried about being bored."

A Yuan took A Mi from my arms and said, "You are a woman, and you don't look like a worker, so there is nothing to be busy about."

"Writing." The woman said,

"We won't take you with us." Without waiting for A Yuan to speak again, I interrupted, looking at the woman, "Thank you, Madam, don't go any further, turn around and go somewhere else, there will be a later date." Into a dark alley now.

The flames and the sound of horseshoes roared past the alley, but no one noticed us.

A Yuan and I walked into the alley. This is the south of the city, where fish and dragons are mixed, the houses are not as neat as other places, there are bungalows and tall buildings. Under the moonlight, the alley was winding, and there was a stench of rotting and fermenting food or filth on the ground. A Yuan and I had to cover our mouths and noses.

"Ma'am," A Yuan covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve, looking around, "where is this?"

I didn't answer, and walked two steps forward, a delicately painted door appeared in front of me.

"This is..." Zhou and Mao asked in surprise.

I went forward and knocked the copper ring three times, and after a while, knocked seven times in a row.

Not long after, the door suddenly opened.

A servant I met at Danxia Temple seemed a little surprised when he saw me.

"Ma'am." He saluted.

"Is your master there?" I asked.

The servant was about to answer when a lazy voice came from behind him, "You finally remembered to come and find me."

Ruochan appeared inside the door, the sky was too dark, and under the delicate pink makeup, she couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Drink water?" In the room, Ruochan casually inserted the fan in her hand into the vase.

"Yeah." I held Ah Mi in my arms and looked around. The windows were shaded with thick curtains that looked freshly made. The interior furnishings and furniture are elegant, elegant porcelain, exquisite copper, and gorgeous lacquerware, all of which are expensive, like a noble mansion. But the bright red gauze curtain hanging from the beam casts a touch of charm on the room, which is ambiguous and arouses people's daydream.

This is Ruochan Ningxiang Pavilion. The appearance of its flying eaves is very special in Dongshi. Every time I pass by, I can't help but take a look at it, but it is not a good place after all, and this is my first time here. The five-story brand-new pavilion is very conspicuous in the surrounding houses, but tonight, there is no light at all from the outside.

Ah Mi was woken up by the noise and ran all the way, but now she finally calmed down. After I gave her a little water, she yawned and fell asleep again.

Zhou and Mao were obviously very cramped, they seemed to know where this place was, looked at Ruochan, and then looked around, with surprised and puzzled expressions.

In contrast, Ruochan is calm and composed. Without looking at them, she said to the servant, "Is the courtyard door locked? Is the light out?"

"It's off." The servant replied, "I'm sure you won't be able to see the lights in the house from outside."

"Where are the disciples?"

"The disciples have all been settled."

Ruochan nodded and turned to us.

"The city is in chaos," I said.

"I know." Ruochan looked calm.

I looked at Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Mao, and said to Ruochan, "This is my cousin, she will flee with me."

Ruochan nodded, and bowed to them: "My concubine's poor house is humble, and the hospitality is not good, the two wives will forgive me."

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Mrs. Zhou hurriedly said: "My wife is benevolent and righteous, and my concubine is deeply grateful."

Before the words were spoken, some noisy voices came faintly, and everyone knew it, and immediately fell silent.

"Master," a servant hurried into the house and reported, "Guo Cheng has abandoned the city and fled to the north. Wei Kang's soldiers divided into two groups, chasing Guo Cheng on the one hand and looting the city on the other. But I heard that the prime minister's mansion and the palace area There was a fierce battle, and someone attacked the south gate, it seems to be the Xiliu camp!"

When these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became excited.

"Liangzhou soldiers robbed the city?" Mao's voice trembled, "I heard that when He Kui entered Chang'an, he allowed the soldiers to loot and burn for three days. This..."

I also felt panicked.

"Xiliuying is my husband's old department." I tried my best to calm down and looked at Ruochan, "If you can report, maybe they can come to rescue you."

Ruochan didn't speak, but pulled back the thick cloth on the window, and opened the window a crack.

"See that light?" she asked.

I looked and saw a little lantern hanging on the tower of a nearby monastery.

"That's..." I looked at Ruochan in surprise.

"That's the secret signal I made with Gong Yang." Ruochan said lightly, "If there is any danger, I will send someone to light up the lamp, and he will come. It's so dangerous outside, the lights are dark, who do you let go?" Delivery?"

What she said is true, the outside is so dangerous, if the messenger is caught and leaks the news that I am waiting here, it will be even more disadvantageous.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and remained silent for a while.

But at this moment, there was a "bang bang" sound outside, like someone knocking on the door.

Ruochan's expression changed.

"Keep quiet." She said with a bad face, walked to the wall in a few steps, lifted the hanging silk curtain, and pushed it with her hand, the wall opened, and there was a dark room inside.

We were all amazed.

"Enter." Ruochan said briefly.

We hurried over. The dark room is not spacious, but it is enough for the five of us to hide in it.

"If I don't tell you to come out, don't come out." After I went in last, Ruochan said in a low voice.

I nodded, Ruochan closed the door, and there was darkness in front of me.

There was no light in front of him, but some voices could be heard clearly.

The sound of slamming the door stopped, and not long after, the sound of footsteps was chaotic and noisy, and someone crashed into the house.

"Are you here to rob?" the wet nurse asked nervously.

"Could it be that the third uncle's people found my trace and came to arrest me?" Mao asked nervously, crying, "I heard that he was violent, but the six relatives didn't recognize it..."

"Hush!" Zhou stopped.

Just hearing a "bang", the door of this room was also kicked open, and someone came in. Then, just listening to the sound of jingling and collision, it seemed that someone was moving those utensils.

"...Pfft! You don't even know how to pick, fourth child! Those broken porcelains were broken before they were brought back to Liangzhou, what are you going to do!" said a rude voice.

Another voice said: "I heard that this kind of porcelain is also a good thing, and a small one is worth dozens of gold!"

"Is it… "

Hearing the sound of porcelain shattering, the rude voice laughed loudly: "Choose something else, pick something else! Why, the handle is gold, pry it off!"

"The public platform," came the servant's voice, cautiously, "the public platform wants money, and the villain should give it to you, but don't destroy the utensils..."

With a cry of pain, the servant seemed to have been beaten.

Someone cursed: "Grandpa takes whatever he wants! What the hell!"

Someone laughed and said, "Third son, I heard that the most expensive things here are not these gold and silver ones. The Tao Niang in the Ningxiang Pavilion is famous and broadcast, so many people can't buy her to show her face!"

Obscene laughter erupted, and the man said harshly, "Call Tao Niang! Grandpa will be staying here tonight!"

The servant said: "Gongtai, my master is not in this house today, I'm afraid..."

"Not here?" The man sneered, "Not here, I will set fire to this trick house, and I will take it down if you collude with Guo Cheng to rebel!"

"Woo..." Ah Mi was woken up, and I quickly covered her mouth.

The people in the dark room did not dare to breathe out.

"Gongtai, please slow down." Just as my heart was trembling with fear, a soft voice came from Ruochan, "Everyone, the servants are vulgar, what are you doing with your anger?"

A few laughed wantonly.

"You are Tao Niang?" When those people saw Ruo Chan, their tone became frivolous, "Well...you really look good. Brothers, who will come first?"

"Wait a minute, gentlemen." Ruochan was unhurried, "This is the capital city, at the foot of the Son of Heaven, gentlemen enter the house to loot, aren't you afraid of the king's law?"

"Wang Fa?" Those people seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly.

Someone spat and said: "What kind of king's law! Grandpa is king's law!" He said, "I heard that you are very skilled in bed, and you have made grandpa a comfortable servant tonight, and grandpa will let you do king's law again !"