Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 115: fierce battle


I smiled.

"Once you and I say goodbye today, we don't know when we will see each other again." Ruochan looked at me and sighed softly.

"When will we see you again?" I asked, "Are you leaving?"

"It's you." Ruochan smiled lightly, "After the eldest son returns to Yongdu, you, the dignified eldest son's wife, and the queen will all look at your face. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to see you."

I am ashamed, last night was in chaos, but Ruochan thought too far. I changed the subject and said, "Ruochan, what are you and Mr. Gongyang planning?"

"Huh?" Ruochan glanced at me and smiled, "What else can I do?"

"Haven't you and him cleared up all the grievances?" I hurriedly said, "Ruochan, Mr. Gongyang is a good person."

Ruochan nodded: "If he is not a good person, I would not agree to marry him."

I was stunned for a moment, and joy suddenly filled my heart, and I looked at her with a beaming smile.

"Really?" I took her hand, a little in disbelief. After a moment, I thought about it again: "Where is the trick shop? Why don't you do it?"

"Do it, why not do it." Ruochan shook my hand, but answered firmly. Seeing me surprised, she didn't take it seriously, "Those ministers in the court are dignified, don't they also do some intrigue all day long to make a living, so a woman is not allowed to open a trick shop behind her back?"

I can't help but laugh. Although I feel that her deviantness still makes me a little bit unacceptable, but Gong Yanggui doesn't mind, this is also her way of life. When I think of the past disputes between her and Gong Yanggui, and the appearance of cuddling last night, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion in my heart.

"It's you." Ruochan looked at me with a soft voice, "Ah? "I was surprised.

Ruochan's eyes were deep: "Do you think everything is all right now?"

This remark hit my mind, I was silent for a while, and shook my head.

Wei Kang died, Liangzhou soldiers scattered and fled. However, Guo Cheng disappeared. He originally had 50,000 men, even if he lost half of them in the melee with Wei Kang, if he killed his carbine, he would still be a great threat to Yongdu.

In order to deal with Liang Wen, Wei Tan, except for the border guards, most of the soldiers and horses of the states and counties have been transferred to the south. Apart from Xiliuying, Yongdu could only ask Wei Tan for help. Last night, Cheng Mao told me that he had lit a beacon on the outskirts of the city to report to Wei Tan, but time was running out, Wei Tan was in Taizhou, if Guo Cheng attacked again...

"It's useless for me to worry about military matters." I said to Ruochan, "Yongdu is indeed not very safe, if you want to leave, Mr. Gongyang..."

"I'm not talking about Yongdu." Ruochan looked at me, "I'm talking about the future. ?Forgive t hunch? Ji Γ? Quality dispatch gray lie? Wood daddy? 忝阿都修俊?br> I am a little dazed. Of course I understand what she said.

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heights. I looked into the distance, and there was a smear of gray in the sky, which was the main hall of the imperial palace.

"Ma'am." At this time, A Yuan came up, bowed to Ruochan, and said to me, "It's time to leave."

I nodded and looked at Ruochan.

"Go." Ruochan's lips curled up, her eyes were far-reaching.

Xiliu camp returned to aid in time, and the Wei mansion was not attacked.

However, on the street, there were bloodstains everywhere that could not be washed. On the bluestone-paved street in front of the Wei Mansion, blood seeped into the crevices of the stones, and when the carriage passed by an alley, A Yuan saw a severed hand inside.

When we went back, there were actually quite a few family members inside. After questioning, Fang knew that when the chaos broke out last night, they all fled when they heard that bandit soldiers had entered the city. However, the gates of Yongdu City were sealed, and most of the people did not escape. The Household Law of this Dynasty is strict, and if a servant who fled from an ordinary family is found, he will be sent back and severely punished, let alone a servant of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

After I returned to Wei Mansion, a large group of people knelt in the courtyard, all returned family members, all crying bitterly.

Zhou's and Mao's looked contemptuous, saying that even if the servants who betrayed the master are spared, they will be punished with sticks.

I feel exhausted. Most of these people, I can't name them, and I haven't counted on their centers. When disaster is imminent, the first thing I think of is fleeing, not to mention these slaves. Besides, their mistress, Mrs. Guo, doesn't want them anymore, why are they not allowed to escape

The steward is gone, but Yan Jun, the original treasurer in the treasury, is still there. It is said that he was the only one who did not escape last night, and he took his children and held the mansion's knives and guns, guarding the treasury all night.

I appointed Yan Jun as the steward, asked him to assign his family members to work, and tidy up the Wei Mansion.

I went back to the yard and looked, and it was safe and sound. I wiped my body, changed my clothes, and cleaned up for Ah Mi. She woke up last night and cried a few times, but today her energy is as good as that of her overactive father. I made a face at her, and she "giggled" happily.

I called Yan Jun over and asked him about Xu Ji. He said that Xu Ji threw herself into a well last night and her body was found this morning. Liang Hui's corpse was placed in the ancestral hall, and the corpses of Ren Ji and other concubines had also been collected, and now they were all placed in a courtyard, waiting for burial.

After hearing these words, I couldn't help being silent. Liang Hui is a princess and also Xu Ji's mistress. If Xu Ji kills her, she will be sentenced to death. Of course she was not unaware that this matter seemed crazy, but it was not absurd. Xu Ji's life is like a vine, attached to the Wei family, hoping for her husband's pity. What she has in this world is just two people, one is Wei Zhi and the other is Wei Zhao. When Mrs. Guo took away her son and Wei Zhao abandoned her, Xu Ji had no idea of living.

"Ma'am." Yan Jun asked me, "The princess is dead now, and the palace hasn't heard of it yet. Ma'am, look..."

"I'm going to see the emperor and report it in person." I said, "The princess died in the rebellious army. Although my uncle and second uncle are away, the funeral cannot be delayed. The family must start immediately."

Yan Jun should go down.

Now that I have made up my mind, I will not delay any longer, and let A Yuan go get some suitable clothes and accessories, and prepare to enter the palace.

Mrs. Guo and Wei Zhao defected, and everyone knew that. However, the effort on the face has to be sufficient. Liang Hui's death was attributed to the rebellious army, and the root cause was Wei Zhao. But my large-scale mourning here is an act of benevolence and righteousness. It is an explanation to the royal family and everyone.

When Chang'an was defeated by the army, I had already married far away. Later, when I went back, I was sad for a while when I saw the decay of the whole city. Now, when I drive to the Anqing Gate of the Imperial Palace and see most of the collapsed palace walls and burnt towers, I am as shocked as I am in Chang'an.

Anqing Gate is the north gate of the imperial palace, which was built after the emperor established Yongzhou as his capital. Although it is not as grand and large as Chang'an, it still has the grandeur of the emperor's residence. Today, destroyed bricks and burnt wood are scattered all over the place, and the doorway has disappeared, leaving only a huge gap. Some folks are moving and tidying up, sorting out the available bricks and wood. But more are broken bricks and tiles, piled up like hills everywhere.

Farther away, I looked at a row of grass sheds. Many sergeants were outside, some were tearing cloth, some were talking, describing themselves as tired and emaciated. In addition, there are quite a few people, wearing sackcloth and filial piety, crying outside the thatched shed.

I ordered the driver to stop, got out of the car, and walked towards them.

The sergeants in front of the thatched shed all showed surprise when they saw me. Not long after, a military official stepped forward and saluted me: "Madam Fu."

After I answered the salute, I looked at the hut, then at the weeping people outside the hut, and asked the military officer, "Are these the soldiers who died last night?"

The military official looked haggard and said to me, "Exactly."

I nod. Cheng Mao once told me that when Wei Zhao fled yesterday, he led Liaodong soldiers to hold the emperor against him, and fought to the death with Habayashi guarding the palace. Wei Kang pressed on, but Wei Zhao couldn't hold back, so he gave up and left.

Now seeing the thatched huts, one after another, the end is endless, the tragedy of last night is self-evident.

"I don't know how the soldiers were killed or injured?" I asked.

"Madam." The officer said, "There are 2,700 people in Yulin. In the battle last night, 2,357 people were killed and 343 people were injured."

I calculated in my mind, and the total number of casualties was exactly 2,700.

With a heavy heart, he looked at the soldiers around him. Many of them had cloth strips wrapped around their heads, arms, and legs, and some of them didn't wrap them around, letting the wounds rip open.

I was looking at the grass shed, where many seriously injured people were lying, some were screaming in pain, and some seemed to be dying.

"Where are the fallen soldiers?" I asked the officer.

"It's all over there." The military official pointed to a row of straw huts with white flags floating not far away. The sound of wailing came, and many people gathered outside the thatched shed, many of them were beating their breasts and weeping loudly.

"Many brothers are from Yongdu, and those are relatives who came to attend the funeral." The military official said.

I didn't speak. What came to mind was Wei Tan.

I remember that when I came back from Jiangdong, I found that he had an injury on his back, and my heart ached. It scares me to see these people now, the pain, the death, the grief of those loved ones.

"Come a few people! Hold him down!" At this moment, a voice came from the grass shed.

I looked, but saw an old man squatting in front of a seriously wounded sergeant, treating the wound.

Several sergeants hurried over.

"Be patient." The old man said, and asked the sergeant to hold down the man, followed closely, and the pain came, the voice was so loud that it made people's heart skip a beat.

When the old man raised his head, I froze for a moment.

He was also a little surprised to see me.

"Doctor Tu." Seeing him get up, I nodded in salute.

"Madam Fu." Imperial Physician Tu hurriedly returned the salute.

This Imperial Physician is from the Imperial Medical Office and has a good reputation. In the past Wei? 嗌? ≈? Baochui? Welding? Fu Wu

"Exactly." Imperial Physician Tu nodded, "Last night there were many casualties, and Taichang summoned us all to be treated today."

While talking, there was another cry of pain in the thatched shed.

Imperial Physician Tu looked over there, sighed, and wiped the sweat off his head.

"Is there any problem?" I asked by looking at his expression.

Imperial Physician Tu looked at me and said: "Madam, to tell you the truth, when Da Sima went out to fight, most of the wound medicines in the Imperial Medical Office were taken away. Now, they are all exhausted, and there is no way to stop bleeding and pain, let alone cure."

I nodded slightly and didn't speak.