Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 116: siege


Compared with the tragic situation outside, everything changed a few feet further ahead. White walls and red flowers, green shades and birdsong, the palace still maintains the most beautiful scenery in this season. However, the fear experienced last night can still be seen from the guards walking hurriedly, the palace servants and servants walking with their heads bowed.

The Son of Heaven sat in the hall in ordinary clothes, and after listening to me tell the story of Liang Hui's death, he didn't make a sound for a long time.

"My concubine is deeply ashamed. As the elder sister-in-law, she didn't protect the princess well." I kowtowed to the emperor.

The emperor let out a long sigh.

"Ma'am, please get up." He whispered.

I bowed again and raised my head, the Son of Heaven looked at me, his face seemed a little tired and a little sad, together, but couldn't see clearly.

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"My condolences, Your Majesty." I said softly.

The emperor nodded slightly, but looked at me: "If I remember correctly, there is only one lady in the prime minister's mansion."

"Exactly." I replied, "Now my aunt, husband, and uncle are not here, and there is only one concubine in the house."

"I also heard that Da Sima is in Taizhou, is that so?"

I didn't raise my eyes, but I could feel his gaze.

"Exactly." I replied.

After the disaster last night, Cheng Mao spread the news that Wei Tan was still alive in order to stabilize the hearts of the people. Before long, the whole city knew about it. According to Yan Jun, most of Wei's family members came back after hearing the news.

Now, it is not uncommon for this matter to reach the ears of the emperor.

"Liang Wen." The emperor read the name slowly, and a strange smile seemed to flash across his face, "Sima chess has traveled thousands of miles, and it must be interesting to set up such a big game."

I laughed in my heart. That's right, even I was in the dark, if Wei Tan appeared in front of me, I don't know whether I should be happy or annoyed.

"My only hope is that everyone is safe," I said.

The Son of Heaven looked at me, and said in a gentle voice, "My sister's matter, please work hard for my wife. If there are difficulties, it's okay."

I agree to salute the emperor again.

Coming out of the palace, there was always a strange feeling in my heart.

Thinking of the conversation with the emperor just now, I quickly understood where this weirdness came from. He and I shared weal and woe in the past and treated each other sincerely. Today, we are somewhat like actors in a play, wearing a mask of crying or laughing, and I am afraid that only we know what is going on underneath.

Feeling is not without. But in today's situation, we have no escape route, we cannot avoid it, so it is better to face it.

After leaving the palace, I went to another place in Yongdu.

Although Wei Kang started the chaos last night, the one who caused the most damage to Yongdu was not Wei Kang at all. Needless to say, Wei Zhao intended to hold the emperor hostage to attack the imperial palace; when the Liaodong soldiers withdrew, in order to stop Wei Kang, they set fire to many houses in the north and west of the city. After the Xiliu Camp took back the entire city last night, in addition to suppressing the bandits, they were more focused on putting out fires.

On some clean roads, exhausted sergeants took a rest on the side of the road, lying in a mess, regardless of their sloppiness. Most of the people who were homeless due to the destruction of their houses were resettled in temples and palaces.

Fortunately, there was no Li Shang in here. A Yuan told me that when he was in the Ningxiang Pavilion, Li Huan once visited and reported that he was safe.

Ban Fei, the governor of Yongzhou Prefecture, is Wei? Muzhan 厣washing yttrium chrysanthemum calamus camel dead scar? "Walking among the thatched huts, Ban Fei said to me, "There are people with less than ten gold in the north and south of the city, so after the Xiliu camp occupied Yongdu, the people did not panic."

I was taken aback when I heard this, and couldn't help but find it funny. Wei Zhao is a person who is confused about big things, but smart about small things. I have to run away, and I still don't forget to distinguish where people can't offend.

Before returning to the mansion, I went to Li Shang's mansion.

Both he and Li Huan were here, and they were very surprised to see me.

After sitting in the hall, I exchanged pleasantries with Li Shang for a while about what happened last night. Several places near his house were also set on fire by Guo Cheng's soldiers, but their location was relatively remote and they did not suffer any damage.

"Ma Kui and others will arrive tomorrow, but with the current situation, it may be difficult to get in and out of the city." Li Shangdao.

I nodded, if he hadn't mentioned it, I would have almost forgotten about it. But it's okay to come here, if Wei Tan doesn't return to Yongdu for a day, it won't be safe here for a day.

"I'm here because I have something to discuss with Mr. Li." I said to Li Shang, "How many medicines are there in Yanniantang's pharmacy?"

Li Shang was surprised, and immediately ordered Li Huan to take out the account book.

"Madam, please take a look." He opened the account book, presented it to me, and said, "After the Eldest Prince went out to fight, Yanniantang received medicines and pharmaceuticals, and the current stock is all in it."

I took a look, and many of the medicines in it are urgently needed now, and there are quite a lot of them.

"I don't know where the goods are now?" I asked.

"It's all in Yannian Hall." Li Shang replied.

"Director Li," I thought for a while, and said, "There was chaos in the city last night, and the soldiers were seriously injured. Now the Imperial Medical Office has no medicine, so it is urgent."

Li Shang immediately said: "Madam's meaning, I already know about it. Earlier today, the Imperial Medical Office sent someone to ask. It's just that the medicine is a rare commodity at the moment, and I'm afraid that if I tell it, the imperial court will forcibly seize it."

This concern is indeed justified. The imperial court has always emphasized agriculture and suppressed business, and in times of turmoil, there are even more extraordinary strategies. Daily necessities such as food and cloth in the city are under the control of the Dasinong Mansion, which can be requisitioned at any time. If it is reasonable, the merchant will not lose a lot if he buys it at a low price; if he encounters an unreasonable one and forcibly expropriates it, the merchant will not complain.

Wanting to help is one thing, how to help is another. What the Imperial Medical Office can manage is to find medicines for treatment, and to buy goods, you have to go through the Dasinong Mansion. Today's chief minister Liu Yu is the son of the former chief minister Liu Liao who died of illness, with mediocre abilities, and Wei Tan was originally unwilling to let him succeed him. Maybe it's because I think Wei Tan always has his reasons for judging people. I don't trust this person either. To put it simply, what if he really doesn't give money

Li Shang seemed to see what I was thinking, and said: "It's not impossible for Madam to do good for the soldiers. The cost of these goods is only more than ten thousand yuan. If you donate them to change your reputation, it will be worth it."

"Donate?" I smiled and shook my head, "In business, why donate?"

Li Shang was puzzled: "Madam's meaning..."

I smiled: "The Prime Minister's Mansion will buy these medicines."

The biggest benefit of mastering the Wei Mansion is mastering the treasury.

Yan Jun was very meticulous when he was the treasurer. After I returned to the mansion, I had to check the accounts immediately. He brought it to me, and saw that the items were clear, and I took out a few to check the number, and there was no mistake or omission.

Wei? Ai ㄊ shop salty? Xi Dao is also tired? However, it is also forced to go bad. 5 cover iridium, blow the straw, and protect it. Cantonese ship paralysis? n? Bridle? Tearing nuts and tapering chant? Bao? 3r HuilangЫzhen?br> However, paying for Li Shang's medicine is still a no-brainer. After the medicine was delivered, I asked Yan Jun to make a record and send it to the Imperial Medical Office.

After all this work, it was getting dark.

The mourning hall in Wei's mansion was not removed originally, but now it has a new purpose. However, although several coffins were placed before, the inside was empty; but now there is only one coffin, and Liang Hui is actually lying in it.

The family members began to wear filial piety again.

There was the sound of blowing and beating from the hall, other than that, the Wei residence was eerily quiet.

From last night to today, I have been in trouble, although I am tired, I still don't want to sleep. But when I was about to coax Ah Mi to sleep, there were hurried footsteps outside.

"Ma'am!" the family members reported outside, "The sergeant came to report that Guo Cheng has arrived at the city!"

Guo Cheng is an old fox. Wei Kang launched an attack last night, Guo Cheng saw that the situation was not good, but he didn't get entangled with Wei Kang, and fled north with a feint shot. After Wei Kang was shot and killed by Xiliuying, Guo Cheng took the remaining Liangzhou soldiers who had fled under his tent and made a comeback.

The news spread like a wind through the city, and when I drove out, the streets were full of people, fear reflected in everyone's faces in the candlelight.

"What is the second cousin doing?" Mao cried and said, "Brothers are fighting against the wall, do you want to kill them all?"

Zhou comforted her, but her face was also full of fear.

When I arrived at the top of the city of Yongdu, in front of my eyes, I saw the flames below the city converging like a torrent, the number of which was innumerable.

"Every gate of Yongdu is surrounded by enemy soldiers." A general said to me, "Cheng Dudu has sealed the gates of all the gates and lit the beacon fire."

I looked at the raging fire on the high wall in the distance, and my heart beat suddenly.

Before Yongdu could fully recover from the disaster of last night, Guo Cheng immediately attacked again. Today, there are less than 30,000 defenders in Yongdu, and there are so many people in the city...

"Ma'am!" A voice came, and I saw it was Cheng Mao.

He was sweating profusely, and the heavy armor on his body made clanging sounds step by step. He walked up to us and bowed, "Madams, please go home!"

"Where is Da Sima? Where is my husband?" Mao covered his mouth with his sleeve, his voice trembling.

"Da Sima is already on the way." Pei Qian's voice came, and I looked around, and saw him and Gong Yanggui coming, with swords on their waists and iron armor, shining coldly in the firelight.

Pei Qian's expression was heavy, he looked at me, then at Zhou and Mao, "The city is dangerous, please go home for now, ladies!"

I looked at him, without talking nonsense, and asked in a low voice: "Guo Cheng is here, how many soldiers are there?"

Some hesitation flashed across Pei Qian's face. He looked at each other with Cheng Mao and Gong Yanggui. After a while, Cheng Mao replied, "Mrs. Eighty thousand."

All was quiet.

Zhou and Mao's faces were pale.

The night wind was blowing from outside the city wall, and my neck felt chills.

"How come there are so many?" My voice was weak.

"The detailed work has been found out, and Guo Cheng has incorporated Wei Kang's exiled and remnant troops." Gong Yang said.

"How could Liangzhou soldiers listen to him?"

"About the same as Wei Kang, promised the same compensation." Pei Qian looked at me with a calm expression.

In addition to being able to see the confrontation between the two sides clearly on the city wall, it is really not suitable for us women to stay for a long time. When I walked down the city wall, my legs were slightly weak. The heart is still beating "thump-thump", not falling. I closed my eyes, and the fire in front of the city wall just now suddenly flooded my mind.

A little despair seems to take root in the bottom of my heart and grow slowly.

Wei Tan, why haven't you come back...

"What's wrong?" Xu Shi sensed something was wrong, and A Yuan asked me suspiciously.

I looked at her and was about to shake my head when I heard a loud noise. Looking around, I saw sergeants clearing the way, with bright torches, and a group of people coming from the other side of the city wall, making a lot of noise. Judging by the attire, they were a group of courtiers.

The people walking in front seemed to be very dissatisfied: "... Guo Cheng has Liaodong soldiers and Liangzhou soldiers in his hands, and their numbers are twice as many as mine! If you don't dedicate the city at this time, do you have to wait for the city to be destroyed and we will be slaughtered together?" ?!"

"This statement is absurd!" Someone scolded, "Abandoning the city and surrendering is an act of cowards!"

"Big Sima will definitely save Yongdu!"

"Da Sima?" One person sneered, "Where is Da Sima? It was said before that Da Sima was dead, and I went to the prime minister's mansion to hang himself for the funeral! Now, which Da Sima are you waiting for? You said Da Sima would Come back, who will believe it?"

This was said in a loud voice, many soldiers gathered under the city, and they all looked over.

The man glanced around, and said with a sneer, "It's a dream to fight 30,000 against 80,000!"

The silence is like the wind coming down from the city, sweeping around immediately.

"Big Sima will definitely come back." I couldn't help it, turned around, looked at the man and said.

All the courtiers looked over, all showing surprise, and were quiet for a while.

"Isn't this Mrs. Fu?" Someone mocked, "Women are so quiet when courtiers discuss politics."

"Disrespectful!" A Yuan yelled angrily, and was about to reprimand me when I grabbed her hand.

The people who spoke were somewhat familiar. After watching for a while, I remembered that they were sitting with Wei Zhao when they went with Wei Tan to Shuyuquan Yaju last time.

"The concubine heard that the princes mentioned the concubine's husband, so I discussed with him." I ignored him, and looked at everyone while calming down, "Guo Cheng is currently under the tent, besides Liaodong soldiers, there are also Liangzhou soldiers. Last night You already know the matter. Guo Cheng seized the city to hold the emperor hostage; Liangzhou soldiers entered the city to burn, kill and plunder. Yongdu experienced a catastrophe last night, how can we allow it to come back again?"

"Madam is not afraid of anything!" You said humanely, "The second son is Madam's second uncle, and Yong has today, could it not be due to the Wei family!"

I stared at the man seriously: "For benevolence, we should stand, and for thieves, we should be punished. The concubine acts, and only wishes the country and the people to be safe. If there is an offender, regardless of relatives. Now that the concubine has come to the top of the city, she has no intention of turning back. If the concubine is here, the city will be destroyed and the concubine will perish!"

The faces of those people were uncertain, some opened their mouths and wanted to say more, suddenly there was a loud shout from the city: "The enemy is at hand, how dare you confuse the soldiers!"

Looking around, I saw that it was Zhonglang General Wen?p.

Several people's expressions changed.

Wearing military uniform, Wen Pp glared at those people as he walked from the city gate: "As courtiers, you don't think about planning to meet the enemy, but you are cowardly and despicable. Do you think the court dare not punish crimes?! Come on! Send the public platform back to Fuchu!"

The sergeant responded and surrounded him. Those people were obviously more afraid of such a good drink, and for a while, their faces were sullen, and they walked away.

"What are you looking at? Let's go! The enemy is attacking the city!" The sergeant under the city began to disperse the crowd who had stopped and watched. I looked over there, and then turned to Wen? Go fast.

"Thank you General." I saluted him.

Wen P put away the murderous look on his face, walked in front of me, and bowed to me: "Someone didn't arrive in time, and taught these bastards to be abrupt."

"The concubine just argued a few words." I smiled, "I don't know who are those public officials just now?"

Wen P smiled wryly, and said, "They were all promoted by the second son to the court a few days ago."

I get it.

Wen? P said: "I heard that today the lady visited Habayashi generals and soldiers, and then sent wound medicine?"

I nodded: "I entered the palace today, and seeing the hard work of the soldiers, I got out of the car and took a look."

Wen P gave me a deep bow: "Thank you, madam."

"The general is serious." I quickly returned the salute.

"Sister-in-law..." After Wen Pp left, Mrs. Zhou looked at me with hesitation. "

"Let's go back later." After confronting each other just now, my heart settled down a lot. Looking at them, I said to A Yuan, "You go back to the mansion to take care of A Mi, don't forget what you said earlier."

A Yuan blinked his eyes and nodded.