Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 117: Triumph (on)


What I have agreed with her is that in case of danger, we will first hide in the house that Li Shang secretly bought.

There was a sound of drums and horns. Not from the walls, but outside the city.

My heart trembled, "Go." I said, turned around and walked towards the city wall.

There was no light from the stars and the moon in the night sky. After walking up a few steps, I suddenly saw a person standing on the steps. It was Pei Qian.

He didn't know how long he looked there, staring at me.

Although it is dark night, when he looks at me like this, he must have something to say.

"What are you going to say?" I knew he was probably going to scold me for being disobedient, so I just poked at me.

Pei Qian didn't lose his temper, and said, "I remember the time when I taught you water."


"If you dare not go into the water, your second brother will laugh at you, saying that you can only ride in a chariot for the rest of your life, otherwise your life will be in danger. If you refuse to accept it, you will really jump into the water by yourself." He said, walking down step by step, "I and Your second brother was shocked, and it took a lot of effort to find you out."

I sneered, looking into his eyes: "Am I so stupid, when others are excited, they will have a whim."

Pei Qian stared at me, smiled, and didn't speak.

"Come on," he said, turning around and climbing up the tower again, "after a while, you won't be able to see anything."

Climb up the city wall again and look out. On the pitch-black ground, the flames have been divided into two sides. A few riders came out of it, and there were two people clearly identifiable on it, one was Guo Cheng, and the other was Wei Zhao.

"Soldiers in the city!" A burly enemy general pointed at the city and shouted, "The general is ordered to welcome the emperor to the north! You should surrender quickly!"

"Rebels!" Cheng Mao scolded on the city, "The people who ruined the capital, how dare you pretend to be a general?! This is the city of the emperor, how can you allow us to do evil!"

Wei Zhaodao: "Cheng Mao! You are no more than a servant of my family, how can you come up with such wild words!"

Cheng Mao was about to reply when I said, "I'll come."

Everyone was surprised, Cheng Mao looked puzzled: "Ma'am..."

I motioned him to rest assured, and walked up to the battlement pheasant.

The night wind was coming towards me, and I could feel countless gazes from below.

"Second Uncle," I looked at Wei Zhao at the bottom of the city, and said loudly, "I was so busy last night, I don't know if Uncle and Gu are safe?"

Wei Zhao and Guo Cheng looked at each other, and before long, they cupped their hands and said, "Sister-in-law! Both father and mother are well!"

I said slowly one sentence at a time: "Last night, my second uncle led the government soldiers away, and the rebellious army entered the city. The princess and Xu Ji were all killed by the soldiers. Now there are only women and children left in the mansion. Second uncle came here tonight, I don't know if it is for the funeral. Or kill for regeneration?"

Wei Zhao seemed a little hesitant, looked at me, and said for a while, "Sister-in-law! Last night the chaos in Yongdu was caused by Wei Kang! The emperor has decided to move the capital to Yanzhou, and my brother is here to welcome the emperor to Xin All!"

I sneered, and was about to speak, when suddenly, the sound of breaking through the air came.

"Be careful!" Pei Qian pulled me away.

With a "clang", an arrow was nailed to the shield of the sergeant behind me.

"Listen!" Cheng Mao yelled.

I only heard the sound of shouting and killing surging like a tide. When I was still in shock, I glanced down the city again, and the flames had converged into a torrent, rushing towards the city wall.

"Go!" Pei Qian grabbed my hand and pulled me down the wall.

The city was also busy, many people came from the street, running around, some carrying logs, some holding water cans, but it didn't look like they were fleeing.

"This is..." I was a little surprised, these folks seemed to come here spontaneously.

"Blame Wei Zhao himself." Pei Qian said, "Yongdu people already hated the Liaodong soldiers and Liangzhou soldiers who did evil last night, and now they are besieging the city again. Wouldn't it arouse public indignation?"

I understand. Pei Qian took me to the foot of the city. In a barracks with roof tiles, a group of women were tying haystacks, boiling water, and tearing cloth.

"Stay here! Don't move around!" Pei Qian said to me in a low voice, "If you see that the situation has changed, leave immediately, and don't make any oaths." After he finished speaking to me, he left in a hurry.

I stood under the eaves and looked out worriedly. On the city wall, orange flames filled the sky. The shouts of the sergeants, the sound of running, and the sound of arrows piercing the air, everything was frightening, and I couldn't help but put my hand on my heart.

Those shouts seemed to be getting closer, and from time to time some soldiers were injured and were carried off the city wall. At this time, I suddenly understood what these women were doing, because the imperial physician from the Imperial Medical Office also came. The women sent the injured into the house, and the imperial concubine treated the wounded and took medicine, and they helped on the sidelines.

I had nothing to do but stand, and I followed the women to pull cloth strips.

"Ma'am is tired." An elderly woman looked at me and smiled.

I smiled and said, "It's not difficult."

"Is this lady from the prime minister's residence? I really want to meet." A woman next to her came over and said.

"This is Mrs. Fu of our Great Sima!" The sergeant in the room thought he was wrapping up his leg injury and said with a smile, "I'm waiting for the battle, and Mrs. Fu will deliver the medicine, and the brothers are... hiss!"

The bandaging doctor said helplessly, "Teach you not to move around."

Everyone laughed, and the noise outside didn't sound so harsh.

"Mrs. Fu," a woman said softly to me, "Last night, the people in the city heard that Da Sima was coming back, and they all rejoiced. This city will never be broken."

I looked at her without words, but my eyes suddenly became hot.

Looking outside, the flames at the top of the city reflected the shadows of people, but my mind had already flown far away.

I said I won't go away, the city dies and I die. But that man, where is he now? Can he really make it

Just as I was in a daze, a person rushed in from outside: "Madam! Where is Madam Fu?"

I raised my eyes, and it was A Yuan.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that she looked wrong, I quickly stood up.

"Ma'am!" Her voice was full of tears, "My little mistress... my little mistress was taken away!"

The nurse came with A Yuan, and when I saw her in a hurry, her eyes were already red and swollen from crying.

"Ma'am... ma'am..." The wet nurse was trembling all over, and her voice was sobbing that she could hardly speak.

"Where's Ah Mi?" I hurriedly said, "Don't cry, what's going on?"

The nurse wiped away her tears, and said to me with sobs: "After Madam left just now... Wei Jieyu from the palace arrived, to the mansion. She brought a small coat and said, said it was a gift from the emperor... the steward, the steward came to inform , I took the little girl to the hall... Jieyu saw the little girl, praised the beauty of the little girl, and said she wanted to hug her... So I handed the little girl to Jieyu... Jieyu said that she would give the little girl the clothes Put it on, but forgot to bring the belt of the little coat, and asked me to get a belt out... I thought Jieyu was from the Wei family, so how could she have evil intentions? So I went back to the yard... But when they came out again, It's gone..." Saying this, the wet nurse began to cry again.

I was full of doubts: "Then what? Isn't there a family in the house? What do they say?"

The nurse cried and said: "I also asked my family members, and they said that Jieyu had a good time with the little lady at that time, and they said they would take her to watch the lanterns in front of the door... But when I went to the door, there was no one, Jieyu The carriage I came in also disappeared..."

I felt chills all over, and felt a momentary blankness before my eyes.

"Ma'am!" A Yuan supported me.

I supported a wheelbarrow by the side of the road and sat down slowly. I felt a little exhausted, but I tried my best to calm myself down.

Wei Jieyu.

I recall the time when I met her, the way she looked at the emperor...

"Have you ever asked the guards in the palace about Wei Jieyu's whereabouts tonight?" I asked A Yuan.

A Yuan nodded, and said: "When I came to report, I went around to the palace once. The guard at the gate said that Wei Jieyu had indeed left the palace and returned soon. She had a token from the emperor, and He is from the Wei family, so Habayashi didn't ask too many questions."

The token of the emperor.

I looked up at the sky, and if this is the case, it is most likely to be inseparable from the emperor.

Wei Jieyu's words, only family members and nurses who have never seen the world in the palace would believe that her going to Wei's mansion should have been planned long ago.

The heartbeat is getting tighter and tighter, what does the emperor want Ah Mi to do

Ah Mi... I covered my mouth, tears poured out.

"Madam, do you want to go to the palace immediately to find it?" A Yuan asked me.

I didn't speak, but my thoughts turned rapidly.

If it was the emperor's order for Wei Jieyu to take A Mi away, then he would have thought of what I thought of. Why is he like this? For a moment, I seemed to think of something, but felt ridiculous.

Ah Mi is a baby, and a baby girl, what's the use of holding her hostage

Wei Tan? I don't think so, not to mention that Wei Tan is not here now, even if he is, in the eyes of others, what can a child who can't become an heir ask for


This is even more ridiculous. I have no power or influence, what can he get from me

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, I heard someone shouting loudly: "The emperor is here! The emperor has arrived at the gate of the city!"

emperor? When I heard these two words, I immediately came back to my senses. Looking at A Yuan and the nurse, they were also surprised.

At this time, Cheng Mao hurriedly came down from the tower with a surprised expression on his face.

The sergeants yelled loudly to get everyone out of the way.

I looked across the street and immediately followed.

"Ah? Γ pump roundabout and cover sword? Huan chisel? Ge? Chu? A false penalty? Alcohol? Kong Beiying shovel ド washing weed step Yo Lu Chu? Ao Hong ズ Wei Γ Jun? br> "Emperor! I hurriedly said, "Ami is in the hands of the emperor!" "

The emperor's royal driver really arrived at the city gate.

Habayashi guarded, shouting and embracing, causing a commotion in the crowd.

"The Son of Heaven will defend the city with us!" Someone shouted loudly, and the busy sergeants immediately became excited. The general shouted not to relax, but the voice became much louder.

The sergeant cleared the way, and the crowd stepped aside one after another. My heart was in a hurry, and when I reached the street in front of the city gate, the fire was shining brightly, and the emperor had already stepped down from the steps.

Behind him, followed by the servant. And in the arms of the servant, Ah Mi was hugged.

Seeing her safe and sound made my heart drop a little. She grabbed the servant's clothes with her hands, and her eyes looked at the crowd and fire around her with curiosity and brightness.

"Ami..." My heart seemed to be pulled, and I wanted to step forward, but Pei Qian pressed my shoulder.

He looked at me and shook his head at me.

"Meet Your Majesty!" Cheng Mao stepped forward and saluted the emperor.

The emperor looked at him and smiled: "General, please stand up." After that, he looked around and said loudly, "Today, the rebels are besieging the city, and the soldiers are bathed in blood. !"

There was a loud applause from all around. Excitement was like a raging fire fueled by fuel, and the mountain shout of "Long Live" was deafening.

Cheng Mao also looked passionate, and saluted the emperor again: "I swear to live and die with Your Majesty!"

The soldiers behind him spoke in unison.

The drums and horns sounded, and the sergeants ran again, and the flag on the top of the city was replaced by the emperor's embroidered gold and red flag. The general came forward and asked the emperor to wait for the tower. The emperor took it easy, but soon he looked at me.

I also looked at him and stood still.

"I wonder if Mrs. Fu is willing to go upstairs with me?" His voice was slow. Those eyes were still gentle, no joke at all.

The wind blew my temples, and the cold spread all over my body.

"Respect." I said lightly, and stepped forward.

"Ah 崆 话 话 话“ ∥ ∥ ∥ ∥ ∥ ““ 渥 渥 “? Br> I pulled back my sleeve, looked at his anxious eyes, and lowered:" That is my daughter. "

The Son of Heaven watched me walk over, smiled, and took Ah Mi from the servant's arms.

Compared with the city wall of Chang'an, the city wall of Yongdu is not high. But when I climbed up, I felt that the road was extremely long. Level by level, the night sky above seemed to be slowly approaching, and the firelight on the top of the city reflected A Mi's face protruding from the emperor's shoulder.

"Woo..." She looked at me and kept reaching out her hand, wanting me to hug her. Seeing that I ignored her, her lips puckered, and she began to cry "wow".

"The little girl is immature, Your Majesty should hand her over to a concubine." I couldn't help but say.

"I like the little lady very much." The emperor did not turn his head, stroking A Mi's back, his voice was leisurely, "Just now in the palace, the little lady is very cute."

I knew that this matter was not simple, so I could only watch A Mi cry again, with my fingernails pinching deeply on the palm of my hand.

The tower will arrive soon. The blazing candlelight illuminated the surrounding area almost as if it were daytime. Shields were densely lined up on the battlements. The crossbowmen were divided into several rows and shot arrows down the city in turn. Although the city was noisy, the city was orderly. The voice of the command, and the cracking sound of the arrows below the city hitting the tiles of the city building.

In addition, there are more than a dozen crossbow carts made by Wei An in the city.

It doesn't seem to be much different from the ones I've seen in Huaiyang, but it seems to be more useful. In just a short moment, five or six arrows have been shot, and the whistling sound of piercing the sky is like a life-threatening curse.

After Cheng Mao reported the situation of the battle in the city to the emperor, he left in a hurry. The Son of Heaven watched the light of the torches coming from below the city without fear, with a smile still on his lips.

"I heard that Da Sima's Xiliu camp is good at arrows. Within a hundred steps, nothing can be broken without hurting anything nearby." The Son of Heaven said, "What you see now is really extraordinary."

I didn't answer, just looked at A Mi in his arms.

Ah Mi's cries were no longer so loud, but her eyes were still looking at me, full of grievances and tears.

Suddenly, there was a scream, and a crossbowman in front was shot in the head by a stray arrow, and fell down in response, blood gushing like a fountain. Others immediately carried him away, and someone from behind immediately made up for him.

"Throw stones! Get out of the way!" Someone exclaimed, before the words were heard, a "bang" was heard, and a big rock fell three to four feet to our right. The sergeant hurriedly avoided, but there was still a scream.

"Your Majesty..." the servant's voice was flustered.

"Your Majesty!" Wen P came striding forward with several generals, saluted nervously, "The tower is dangerous, please follow me back to the palace, Your Majesty!"

The emperor's expression was unhurried: "I advance and retreat with all the soldiers."

Wen? P was still talking, but the emperor interrupted: "General, there is no need to say any more. Mrs. Fu vows to live and die with this city, and so do I."

Wen? P looked at the emperor, and then at me, with an uncertain expression.

"Mrs. Fu entrusted the young lady to me to watch the battle together," said the Son of Heaven.

He was very close to the female wall behind him, I looked away from the brocade shoes under the corner of the emperor's robe, looked at Wen? P, without denying it.

Wen?p bowed to the emperor and me: "Your Majesty, madam, take care!" After finishing speaking, he said to the left and right: "Guard Your Majesty!"

The sergeants agreed loudly.

"The Son of Heaven, we will defend the city together!" The general defending the city raised his arms and yelled at the sergeant, "Calbows, catapults! Where are they?!"

"In!" Many people rearranged in front of the battlement.

With one order, the neat sound of locomotives, accompanied by the whistling of piercing air, was like a rock cracking. Arrows and stones poured down on the ground in front of the city wall like a torrential rain.

"They like this." The Son of Heaven said suddenly, his voice calm. He looked ahead, gently holding Ah Mi's little hand, "Tell me, if I'm dealing with Da Sima now, who would they choose?"

I don't answer. His voice was so soft that only he and I could hear it in the noisy city tower.

"Prime Minister, Liang Wen, Wei Zhao, and your husband." The emperor continued, "I used to think, how can I let so many people bleed and kill?"

"Since He Kui's turmoil, the power and power in the world have been turbulent, and no one can escape." I begged, "Your Majesty, Ah Mi is still a child."

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"I heard that Da Sima dotes on her very much." The emperor didn't seem to hear, looking down at A Mi, stroking her face with his fingers.

"Your Majesty..."

"Ma'am, don't you want to hear what I have to say?" The emperor looked up at me.

I bit my lip and said nothing.

The emperor smiled lightly: "Later, I watched too much, and suddenly felt that since these people are so fond of love, it would be better to let them kill as much as possible. Wei Zhao, Liang Wen, Wei Kang, Guo Cheng, all of them are as ambitious as the prime minister." , I use this skin and this vain foundation to exchange them for a big show in the world, what regrets do I have in this life?"

These words came to my ears, and a flash of lightning seemed to flash in my mind.

I looked at the emperor in amazement.

Liang Wen, Wei Kang, Guo Cheng.

I once suspected that Wei Zhao's ability was not enough to control these people at the same time when they attacked at the same time. The scuffle between Wei Kang and Guo Cheng, it seems that Wei Zhao lost everything...

"It's Your Majesty..." I said softly.

"It's a pity." The emperor's expression was still calm, his eyes were shining with fire, strangely bright, "Da Sima is still alive."

The noise seemed to fade away in an instant, and even Night Breeze froze.

"What do you want, Your Majesty?" My voice trembled slightly.

"Watch a play with you." The emperor smiled, looked at the sky and fields illuminated by the fire, and seemed to be thinking deeply: "Ah? With a sound, a rocket fell and hit the ground not far away, and the sergeant stepped on it quickly. Ah Mi lay on the emperor's shoulder and kept looking over there.

"Why do you have to die?" I stared at A Mi.

"When you die, no one will ask you why you set up your ancestor's foundation, and you won't worry your wife and children from being tired every day." The emperor said slowly.