Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 118: Triumph (below)


I shook my head: "But if you die, you will have no sense of happiness, let alone liberation..."

"The ladder is coming up! Shoot! Swordsman!" At this moment, a general shouted.

There was a little confusion on the city wall. The shields were taken away, and the crossbowmen put on bows and arrows, rushed to the edge of the battlements and shot downwards. More sergeants rushed up from under the city wall, ready to fight head-to-head with the enemy soldiers who went up to the city.

People kept falling to the ground with arrows, and people kept making up for it.

"Calbow! Shoot the battering ram!" Cheng Mao's roar came.

"They have arrived at the city gate." The emperor smiled at me.

This smile was very strange, and I was just wondering, when suddenly, a loud bell sounded.

All the soldiers in the city were shocked.

"The palace!" After a while, someone shouted, "It's the palace!"

I looked in the direction of the palace, and sure enough, the fire was lit, accompanied by thick smoke, like a beacon for alarm. Panic rose from the bottom of my heart, and I looked at the emperor.

He also looked over there, smiling calmly.

"Do you remember the stream in the palace?" After a moment, he turned to me, "The one I often go fishing."

I was stunned, and after a while, I suddenly understood.

The imperial palace in Yongdu is not big, and there are only three small ponds and a stream in the palace garden. I have heard that this was built by the former Yonghou. The four rivers are connected, and the running water drawn from outside the city is used.

Outside the city, running water.

Looking at the calm face of the emperor, I suddenly felt that I had never known him.

"The enemy soldiers entered the palace through the culvert?" I murmured, "Your Majesty has always known about this?"

The emperor was noncommittal.

"How could you do that?" My voice was weak, "They defended the city for you..."

"It's for their own sake." The Son of Heaven looked indifferent, "And Da Sima."

"Your Majesty still has a wife and children!" I said anxiously, "When the rebel army comes, they will suffer too!"

"They've already left." The Son of Heaven remained unhurried, with the corners of his lips curled up, stroking Ah Mi's face, "As for you and me, we will both die."

"I'm afraid it may not be!" A cold voice came, followed by chaotic footsteps. The sergeants moved out of the way, and a group of people came down from the city, and the leader was Pei Qian.

He looked at me, then at the emperor, and saluted: "Your Majesty, all the rebellious troops in the palace have been wiped out!"

The heart seemed to be supported at the moment of falling.

The emperor's expression changed, he stared at Pei Qian in disbelief, then looked at the palace for a moment.

The fire is still burning and the bells are still ringing.

"That's a feint," Pei Qian said indifferently, "The fire in the hall was extinguished before it was completely burned. When I rushed back to the city just now, Yubayashi set fire to a stable in the palace."

The candles danced wildly in the wind and reflected on the face of the emperor, cloudy or sunny.

"Your Majesty." I looked at him carefully, then at A Mi, and said softly, "It's all over."

"Your Majesty!" At this moment, a voice came urgently, looking around, it was Empress Xu who went up the tower, holding the young prince Li in her arms.

When the emperor saw them, his face was frightened and angry, and he looked at Pei Qian: "It's you!"

Pei Qian did not deny it, and said: "The main hall caught fire for no reason, and the uncle of the country wanted to take away the queen and prince by taking advantage of the chaos, but luckily I stopped it in time."

"Your Majesty!" Empress Xu's eyes were red, "I have shared weal and woe with Your Majesty for many years. If something happens to Your Majesty, I will not live with my concubine and other orphans and widowed mothers! I beg Your Majesty to think twice!"

The prince in her arms was crying, and the emperor looked at them with a deadly expression on his face.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a burst of drumming, faint and thick like the muffled thunder rolling on the edge of the summer sky.

There was a burst of cheers on the city wall.

Everyone was surprised and looked forward.

"Da Sima!" A sergeant shouted ecstatically, "Da Sima is back! Da Sima is really back!"

My heartbeat seemed to be aroused in an instant. I opened my eyes and looked at the orange night sky. The densely packed sergeants blocked my sight, leaving only the orange night sky and the shocking drums.

The fighting stopped in an instant, and the running soldiers seemed to be cheering at the top of their lungs; and around me, some people were crying with joy, and some were embracing and laughing.

"Your Majesty..." I looked at the emperor with tears in my eyes, "A Mi also has a father, return her to my concubine."

The emperor looked at me and then at Empress Xu.

Empress Xu caressed the prince and looked at him, still sobbing.

The Son of Heaven sighed, looked at A Mi, and handed it to me after a while.

I hurriedly stretched out my hand to touch Ah Mi, and immediately hugged her, lest the emperor change his mind.

The small body is soft and warm, warming the cold all over my body bit by bit. I held her tightly and kissed him like it was the most precious gift in the world...

"Your Majesty!" There was an exclamation, and I saw that the Son of Heaven was clutching his chest and fell down, and the servant quickly helped him up.

"Your Majesty!" Empress Xu hurriedly handed over Prince Li to others, stepped forward to support him, tears streaming down her face.

The emperor's face was pale, and a pool of blood stained his clothes red. He was panting, with blood on his lips, his eyes were opened hard, and he looked forward.

"Please call the imperial doctor!" Everyone was in a hurry, and someone shouted.

I held Ah Mi tightly in my arms, looked at the emperor, and remained motionless.

"It's all over." A voice whispered.

I turned my head and Pei Qian stood behind me. He had just been running for a long time, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead, but he didn't look haggard, and he still looked as warm as jade.

He looked at me, then at A Mi, and after a while, his brows stretched, and he smiled at her.

"Woo... giggle..." Ah Mi looked at him, and for some reason, also smiled happily.

I have imagined Wei Tan's return many times, even when I was almost deceived by Lu Zheng, I never gave up.

He appeared on many occasions, when I was sleeping alone in the middle of the night, when everyone was mourning in the hall, when I fled from the Wei Mansion, when danger came, and so on. My attitude towards him is as changeable as my mood, laughing, acting like a baby, complaining, kicking and pinching him, but when he really appeared, I just stood on the city wall with A Mi in my arms, watching the torches bursting out everywhere Come, the besiegers discarded their helmets and armor, and fled in all directions under the attack of the soldiers inside and outside the city. Banners, weapons, and corpses were left on the ground.

And in front of the torrent that the torches illuminate, a steed is in the lead, and the people on it are wearing armor, which is exactly what I have been looking forward to for a long time.

My nose started to sore again. I was afraid of losing my composure, so I blinked my eyes to hold back my tears, but the joy in my heart did not diminish at all. I wanted Ah Mi to watch it too, but she was snuggling up quietly in my arms, already sleeping soundly.

The sergeants in the city were still celebrating, and the drums were played over and over again, tirelessly. Gong Yanggui was chatting with some newly-acquainted generals of the Xiliu Camp, and when I heard Gong Yanggui say "my wife" proudly, everyone laughed.

Almost every sergeant was talking about "Da Sima", and under the city, countless people poured into the street, some with lanterns and some with torches.

Amidst the din of voices, the word "Da Sima" could be vaguely heard, like a gust of wind in the pines, repeated over and over again, to the beat of the drums.

I looked at them, and suddenly felt that Wei Tan would enter the city later, and I couldn't do anything here except watch.

"Go back." I said to A Yuan.

"Go back?" A Yuan was a little surprised.

I nodded, signaling her to look at A Mi.

A Yuan felt a little regretful, but smiled and followed me back home.

The night hadn't passed yet, when I entered through the gate and saw the mourning hall full of plains, it felt like a world away.

When Yan Jun saw me coming back with Ah Mi in his arms, his tense face seemed to heave a sigh of relief. He led his family to come forward to salute, and kept pleading guilty, asking me to punish my negligence.

I was already very tired, so Yan Jun went back to the yard by himself according to family law.

After wiping Ah Mi off, I gently dressed her. Ah Mi was not happy to be woken up by me, so I hurriedly put her to sleep.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside.

"Eldest son..." The family's voice was interrupted by the sound of pushing the door, I looked up, Wei Tan was standing at the door,

Iron Armor's voice was a little noisy, and our eyes met, I quickly put a finger between my lips.

Wei Tan's movements stopped, and he looked at A Mi from a distance, the edges and corners on his face instantly softened.

I got up and walked over to him.

Wei Tan stood inside the door, motionless. For some reason, I walked towards him in a hurry, but when I was a step or two away, I stopped involuntarily.

Ah Mi was going to sleep, the light in the room was not bright.

Wei Tan held the helmet in his hand, his face was darker than before, but his eyebrows and outline were more sharp. Some inexplicable emotions welled up in my throat. I had been looking forward to this face, and I was always in a dream when I saw it, so that I still couldn't believe it when I saw him now.

"Why do you cry when you see me?" Wei Tan's voice was a little helpless, and not long after, his hand wrapped around my shoulder.

In an instant, I cried aloud and looked up at him, but tears kept blurring my vision.

"It's all right..." Wei Tan seemed to try his best to keep his voice gentle, kissed my forehead, and comforted my back, "It's all right, huh?"

His lips were dry and rough, and his breath smelled of sweat and dust. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, crying more and more uncontrollably. After a while, I raised my head again and hammered his shoulders and chest hard to vent my anger: "You...you won't give me a word! I bring Oh, Ah Mi was almost cheated! I, I was still wearing mourning for you two days ago... Woooooo... I thought you were dead! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and..."

"It's all right..." Wei Tan's voice was apologetic, he hugged his arms even tighter, pressed my head on his chest, but let me kick and beat.

The candlelight was glowing orange. Wei Tan stood in front of the wooden frame and untied his armor, and kept peeking at me while undoing it.

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I sat on the couch, and I was done crying, but I was still gasping for breath. I watched him untie his belt for a while, hesitated for a moment, stood up, and stepped forward to help him untie it.

"No need," Wei Tan pressed my hand: "It's full of mud, dust and blood, dirty."

I glanced at his armor, sure enough, it was dirty. And on his breastplate, there was a large area of obvious wet marks.

"Why didn't you say it just now." I was angry and funny, with a sullen face.

"My wife vents my anger. How dare I interrupt for my husband." Wei? Lie in a hurry and grab the wall? Γ? No panic! ?br> The corners of my lips couldn't help moving, but I didn't want him to see through, so I turned around and sat back on the couch.

There was a pot and a cup on the desk, and I thought that Wei Tan hadn't had a drink since he came back, so I picked up the cup and filled it up.

At this time, suddenly, a stack of paper appeared in front of my eyes.

I froze for a moment and looked up.

Wei Tan held the iron armor removed in one hand, and the stack of papers in the other.

"What?" I asked.

"Trust." Wei Tan said.

Surprised, I took it.

It was a thick stack of paper, with more than a dozen sheets. Open it, and there are pictures one by one inside, all of which are villains. Little people in armor, little people in short brown clothes, little people with shirtless shirts.

The villain was sitting on the boat, and within two days, he was riding on the horse again. The horse ran across rivers, mountains, and fields; sometimes it was in the sun, sometimes it was soaked in water, and sometimes it was raining.

On the sheets of paper, some have many villains, some have few villains, some seem to be drawn stroke by stroke while sitting, and some are drawn in a hurry. Without exception, at the end of each picture, the villain is lying on the ground, separated by a cloud, there is a woman in a skirt and a smaller villain.

Wei Tan's drawing skills are always so bad, he draws people's heads so big that it looks ridiculous.

I looked down, and couldn't help laughing, but my eyes were full of mist again.

Wei Tan sat down beside me and looked at me.

I also looked at him.

Those eyes were dark in color, and when they stared at people, they seemed to have a force that could hold people firmly. In the past, I used to feel uncomfortable and always looked away involuntarily, but later, I found that it is so beautiful and intoxicating.

He reached out and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes. The roughness on the fingertips scratched the eye sockets, making it numb.

I couldn't bear it anymore, sat down, hugged him, and buried my head on his neck.

"At that time, all the news will be isolated from the rear, and so will mine." Wei Tan stroked my hair, "I'll save it up and give it to you when I get back."

"Yeah." I whispered, listening to the beating of his heart in his chest, enjoying it quietly with my eyes closed.

"Miss me?" he whispered.

"Think." I replied, Wei Tan stopped talking, hugged me, and gently stroked my hair.

Although Wei Tan's class teacher has returned triumphantly, the affairs of Wei Zhao and Guo Cheng still need to be dealt with.

When Guo Cheng fled, he was shot by a crossbow cart on the city and was killed on the spot. After Wei Zhao led 2,000 men from his remaining troops and ran for 500 miles, he was captured by Wei Tan's general Chen Feng. The rest of the remaining soldiers were killed and captured, a total of more than 75,000 people.

The next day, early in the morning, a message came.

Mrs. Guo was found in a township that she did not want to leave Yongdu. Along with him was the dying Wei? ?Guard-shaped muscles?br> "Meet your wife." He saw me and saluted with a smile.

"Wei Bianque." I looked at him in surprise, then at A Yuan, and said, "Long time no see Bianque."

A Yuan was a little embarrassed, but Wei Jiao smiled calmly and said, "Ma'am, don't come here without any problems."

I looked at the expressions of these two people, changed my mind, and asked Wei? Fate is big. If you do all you have learned in this life, you will only let the prime minister delay for another month."

I heard this and nodded slightly.

After Wei Jiao left, I asked A Yuan about Wei Jiao: "Did the eldest son bring Wei Bianque back?"

"Yeah." A Yuan said, smiling embarrassingly, "He was found by the Eldest Young Master in Runan, and the Eldest Young Master is keeping him in custody. He wants to go back if he doesn't want to."

"Where did he go before?" I asked, "Sure enough, he wandered outside for half a year."

"That's right, and it's not." A Yuan whispered, "Madam also knows that it is difficult to treat the prime minister's illness, and he said that he will stay to marry a wife, so..." She said hastily, "He didn't abandon the treatment, The Imperial Physician Yang who often sees the Prime Minister is also very good at treating strokes, and Wei Jiao said that there is no more Yongdu than him, and there will be no less if he is missing."

I nodded, patted her hand, and said nothing more.

Heart disease is difficult to cure, even if Wei Jiao is willing to cure Wei? Bo?? ? Huan counseling? Ji ridge ? n marks according to the toad pong cutting tartar stains boil bad paradox?? Lower sedan chair そ Jia? Polyp