Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 12: reception


Mrs. Guo should think that I am an obedient daughter-in-law. When she got up the next day, I was already waiting outside the door as before.

Wei Zhan Gu Gu Suu Follows Tao Pan Xia Qian Lu Yi Yi generation 10 barley locust tree Huan

"Young Madam is very early today." Madam Guo said pleasantly, "Did Eldest Young Master get up?"

I smiled: "The eldest son went to the camp last night, but did not stay at home."

"Oh?" Mrs. Guo looked at me, her eyes shifted, and she smiled for a moment, "Young Master is busy, so please be more considerate, Young Madam."

I said softly, "Your respect."

Unexpectedly, not long after, the second son Wei Zhao came.

"Greetings to my mother, my elder sister-in-law." He wore a scarf on his head and a robe with narrow sleeves.

"Zhongming." Madam Guo smiled when she saw him, "I just came back from the camp last night, why did I get up so early?"

"My son went to the back garden with his father to practice swords before dawn, and he didn't feel sleepy," Wei Zhao replied.

Mrs. Guo took his hand lovingly, and asked some more about daily life, and Wei Zhao answered them one by one.

Normally, Wei Zhao and I just nodded and saluted, but on such an occasion, I could only stand aside and watch their mother and child love each other deeply.

Mrs. Guo was worried that Wei Zhao would waste his energy practicing the sword, so she exchanged pleasantries for a while, then turned to order the maidservant to go to the kitchen to get some porridge. Suddenly, Wei Zhao raised his eyes and looked at me.

Eyes met, I nodded.

He smiled slightly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked even more elegant.

Coming out of Mrs. Guo's courtyard, I was walking down the corridor when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. Turning around, Wei Zhao also came out.

"Sister-in-law." Wei Zhao bowed, with a gentle voice.

"Second Uncle." I returned the salute and said with a smile, "Where is Second Uncle?"

Wei Zhaodao: "Go to the camp. Father wants to see the soldiers line up today, so he ordered me to go with him."

I nodded: "Second Uncle worked hard."

"Don't dare," Wei Zhao said. When the corners of his lips were slightly curved, he was similar to Wei Tan, but he looked feminine. "Compared with my brother, I am far behind."

My eyebrows twitched slightly.

Speaking of which, although Wei Tan and Wei Zhao are brothers of the same father, they are very different in the eyes of everyone. I have heard some comments, saying that Wei Tan is vigorous and resolute in his actions, and he is quite prestigious among generals. In contrast, Wei Zhao is gentle and kind, and is very popular among the scholar-bureaucrats in Chang'an. Wei Xiaozai, the reef, the milk, the cabin, the fishy, the sharp, the tanned, the clam, the law, the brother, the trace, the sand, the food, and the 34 hope hexuan

I smiled: "My uncle has worked hard for the country. As a son, my husband dares to neglect you."

Wei Zhao smiled lightly.

"The weather is very good today." He looked out of the corridor, "Yongdu is very beautiful, has my sister-in-law ever gone outing?"

I said: "I went to the temple to worship last month, but only once or twice."

"The original catkins are green willows, and there are scattered red peaches in the market." Wei Zhao said slowly, "Yongdu is also pretty good."

I startled.

Wei Zhao smiled: "I had the honor to meet Fu Situ when I was young, and I used his poems as a model at the beginning of my education, and I still speak well."

I looked at Wei Zhao, his face was dyed with a faint morning light, his brows and eyes were particularly delicate at close range, and the tails of his eyes were slightly raised. I traced it carefully in my mind, and had to admit that I really didn't have the slightest impression of this handsome face.

"Young Madam." At this moment, the voice of the person in charge came from behind.

The two of them looked around and saw him coming quickly. After the ceremony, he said to me: "Young madam, the eldest son is meeting guests in the back garden. Please come over, madam."

Meeting guests? I was a little surprised. I turned to Wei Zhao: "My husband has a request, I have to go first."

Wei Zhao smiled and saluted, "Sister-in-law, go slowly."

The house of the Wei Mansion used to be the mansion of the Marquis Yong. In the troubled times, the princes, generals and ministers were turned into dung, and the Marquis Yong's family died at the hands of bandits. Wei Aixin regrets that he will protect the naan, Han Ya miasma, tuan, swaying, chirping, and saying that he is going to ┫ oh

Yonghou was also considered to be from the royal family back then. Although the Hou's mansion is nothing compared to the high gate compound in Chang'an, the courtyard construction is also considered elegant. There are ancient trees, flowers, long bridges and flowing water in the back garden, so it is pleasant to watch and play.

Wei Tan said that there were guests coming, I thought it was only one or two, and I didn't want to wait until I went to the back garden, and found that there were no less than twenty people here in all kinds of clothes.

In the garden, there are a few seats and tables. In front of the painted screen at the top, Wei Tan is wearing elegant wide-sleeved clothes and a bamboo crown on his head. As I entered the park, I could feel the keen glance of his eyes.

"Young Madam." The family members standing at the gate of the garden have already bowed to me, their voices are neither high nor low, just enough to reach the banquet.

The voice of speaking suddenly stopped, and the faces of the guests looked over.

"Ma'am." Wei Tan got up from his seat and stepped forward with a smile.

In the eyes of everyone, I walked up to Wei Tan and saluted politely: "Husband." Before I finished the salute, I supported me with both hands. Raising his eyes, Wei Tan looked warm, and his usually stern facial features showed a nice arc in the sun.

"Masters, this is my wife, Mrs. Fu." He supported me with one hand and turned to the guests.

I looked, and the faces of those people came into view one by one. I was taken aback. Except for a few people I had never met, most of them I had met.

"Ma'am, all the gentlemen at the banquet today are from Chang'an. Situ used to have a banquet, and the gentlemen were guests at the table. I wonder if Madam still remember?" Wei Tan said warmly.

When I looked up, his head was lowered slightly, showing the warmth of a handsome husband to his newlywed wife. Only from my angle can I see the peace and scrutiny behind those eyes.

"The concubine was young at the time, and I only remember a little of her voice." I replied softly.

Wei Tan smiled, took me into the banquet, and introduced these scholars to me one by one.

I greeted everyone calmly and gracefully like my mother. These scholars all came to worship with salutes, and some of them were full of emotion, and mentioned to me the friendship between my father and my brother.

I listened to their words and kept a dignified light smile.

Ever since Fu's overthrow, I have never seen these people again, and now I meet this full house of guests again in Wei's mansion, I feel strange and unspeakable in my heart. However, I understand that this is where my value lies. I don't like being taken advantage of, but I'll do everything I have to do until I'm full-fledged enough to get rid of it all.

They belonged to the Wei family, and it was not because of me, the orphan of the Fu family, that I was weak.

Dong Kuang was destroyed, Shandong all returned to Wei Bo, sexual talk, love plaque, speech, Pu cover, small u, Yu Yun, Yungou, extravagant. Xianhuan Xinyao

Sure enough, after seeing me, the focus of their high-spirited speeches became bitter criticisms of Empress Bian's use of power and party struggles that harmed the country. Those words of praise and regret for Mr. Fu seemed to have always been so resounding. I didn't even know that the time when I sent my father and brother to the execution ground wearing sackcloth and filial piety had already been included in the newly revised "Biography of Lie Nu".

Some of these scholars are grey-haired, and some are still in their youth. I have heard the names of many people before, but when I was young, I never bothered to write down who they were.

However, there is one exception.

Gong Yanggui sitting at the last seat, the second son of the Royal Censor Gong Yangou, is the only guest whose name and person can be matched with me at the banquet.

He is the same age as the second brother and is a good friend of the second brother. The Gongyang family was born a great Confucian, but Gongyanggui has an unruly personality and worships knight-errants. He is an outlier among the Chang'an dudes who love Wushisan and powder coating. Perhaps it was also for this reason that my second brother, who also admired rangers, made friends with him and often invited him to the mansion for sword competitions.

I'm no stranger to this person, several times, I wanted to go to the market, and my second brother didn't have time to spare, so he asked Gong Yanggui to take me there.

I haven't seen him for a few years, and Gong Yanggui is no longer the high-spirited boy who rode across the streets of Chang'an on horseback and held a sword. He grew thinner and taller, with a beard growing under his cheeks, and he would even participate in such powerful banquets that he had dismissed in the past. Only one thing didn't seem to have changed - when he looked at people, there was still a bit of sharpness in his eyes.

I lowered my eyebrows gently, and after hearing Wei Tan's introduction, I called out "Mr. Gongyang" and saluted. Gong Yanggui didn't say much, and after returning the salute, he sat back on the table.

It is said that Wu Fu is reckless and not good at eloquence, but I found that this is not always the case. Wei Tan is considered a martial artist, but his speech is not bad. He knew how to make the most of the situation. When those scholars brought the topic to the late emperor, Wei Tan mentioned the current affairs in a few words, and the scholars talked about the situation in the world.

Wei Aixiang agent soy song condyle strange Liao banana thumb sword shabu 熳 commission u plus brown scorpion business yu chlorine uniform huangmu treatment selection j comment polonium Kang neon submerged milk lung acyl quiet wash weed Jun 10 Ying thin 14 about dam brain Pu SongとHuang Juan's Xun 3 Su Yu's case, the case of the scorpion, Zhengshi, the polder, and the trickle, and the 3 趺.

The people who can be invited by my father and brother to dinner and talk are not mediocre people. I was sitting next to Wei Tan, listening to them compare the strengths and weaknesses of all parties, and discuss the matter of attacking. Just as they entered Hong Kong, a voice suddenly sneered and said: "Masters are so enthusiastic, don't forget that the prime minister just attacked Dong Kuang, Yongzhou money and grain It's almost empty. There's another war, so why are these hundreds of states and counties starving and dying?"

It was Gong Yanggui who spoke.

Everyone at the banquet looked over, and I looked at him, slightly surprised.

"Zhongping," a middle-aged man sitting next to him glanced at Wei Tan's side, seemed embarrassed, and smiled at Gong Yanggui, "Why did Zhongping say that, the prime minister is a wise man, and there will be no famine Things."

Gong Yanggui looked at him with a cold face, but didn't make any sound.

During the banquet, someone timely mentioned some new things in Yongdu recently, the topic was diverted, and everyone started talking again enthusiastically.

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Wei Tan smiled lightly, listening to them talking, he seldom spoke.

I put a cherry in my mouth and glanced at the last table.

Gong Yang was holding a lamp in his hand, his expression was silent. Suddenly, he looked at me and made eye contact.

With a blank expression on his face, he drank the wine in the cup and turned back.

The banquet was a joy for both the host and the guests.

Afterwards, I asked A Yuan to inquire about the details of the guests at the banquet. She came back and told me that most of the people at the banquet were killed, shot and stung by Wei Aiwo.

I was surprised, and A Yuan told me the whole story.

Gong Yanggui had already entered the court as an official before going to the banquet, and he was the Cheng of Taicang. His family was dissatisfied with this position, so Gong Yanggui's uncle, Taifucheng Gong Yanghong took him to the banquet that day, intending to introduce him to Wei Tan.

I remembered the peaceful middle-aged man sitting next to Gong Yanggui, and I thought he was Gong Yanggui's uncle.

In fact, although Gong Yanggui's two words were distasteful, Wei Tan was not disgusted. After that day's banquet, Wei Bingzong Yue Jiezhe Mansion 016 Is it too far away to eat mold and stings? Shanci Mosquito, Fu Gu wields a sword and stings Yaya, "ィ重┒病病伤修"

"What a weirdo, isn't he?" A Yuan said doubtfully while helping me straighten the mess beside the loom.

I nodded with a faint smile, looking at the shuttle in my hand, interlacing the warp and weft on the loom.