Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 120: Fanwai Xianshan Rujiashe


The rocks are rugged, and the wind blows, and there is an indescribable breath, cool and wet.

The carriage rattled forward on the road, rolling over the fine sand on the surface, making a soft sound.

"Ami, look." I lifted the curtain, hugged Ami beside me, and pointed out excitedly, "What was it then?"

A Mi looked at the vast expanse of water beside the road, and the wind blew in bursts, making her soft hair flutter.

"Hai..." She said a word with difficulty and immaturely.

I laughed, bowed my head and kissed her.

"Little lady," A Yuan smiled from the side, "what's in the sea?"

Ah Mi blinked, and for a moment, her lips pursed: "Fish..."

Laughter drifted away with the wind and the sound of the sea lapping on the shore.

I leaned against the wall of the car and looked outside.

This is the sea. The officer my father told me, the vast and boundless sea.

In some places it is a beach, in others it is a cliff. The waves are bigger than all the rivers and rivers I have ever seen. When they are shot on the beach, they will leave mirror-like bright water marks, but they are extremely fierce when they are shot on the reef, smashing large waves.

I looked around curiously. At first glance, the surface of the sea and the river are similar, especially when there is some fog, it seems that there is no difference. But if you look at it for a while, you can see the difference. The most obvious thing is that you can often see the islands and mountains standing on the sea, one after another, standing among them.

"These mountains were actually born in the water." A Yuan was speechless when he saw it for the first time.

What I thought of was Xianshan. I can't help but wonder if there are such mountain islands in the farther and deeper sea? I don’t know how magnificent those fairy mountains shrouded in the precious glow are...

While he was wandering, the carriage stopped.

"Ma'am, we're here." The driver said in front of the car.

At this moment, a black horse with a shiny coat appeared outside the car window. The horse faced the car and snorted.

A Mi giggled.

Not long after, the curtain was lifted, a pair of hands stretched in, A Mi immediately rushed towards it.

"Be careful." I ordered and got out of the car, outside, Wei Tan was riding a black horse, putting A Mi in front of him. The sun was shining brightly, and he looked at me, his lips curled into a beautiful arc.

"Jiajia..." Ah Mi's face was full of excitement, "Jia..."

"Drive!" Wei Tan shouted, clamping his legs around the horse's belly, the black horse immediately galloped towards the beach.

A string of clear laughter was left in the sea breeze.

"My lord is like a child when he touches the little lady." A Yuan smiled helplessly beside me.

I laughed too, and followed the hoofprints on the beach with her.

The sand is soft, and if you step on it in some places, the sand will cover the back of your feet. The sand is so fine that I can feel it when it enters the silk shoes, but I don't feel uncomfortable at all.

Such a strange feeling, just like when I was a child, I secretly climbed onto my mother's big couch and stepped on her thick silk cotton mattress to play.

"Ma'am, look over there." A Yuan said suddenly.

I looked and saw a trestle stretching out from the beach, and at the end, a large ship was parked there, five or six feet high, majestic and brand-new. There were people coming and going on the trestle, as if they were moving goods to the ship.

"Mother... Mother..." Ah Mi's inarticulate but loud voice came, and in the distance, I saw Wei Tan holding Ah Mi beside the black horse, as if he was talking to someone.

I smiled and walked towards them.

"Sister-in-law." Wei An saluted quickly when he saw me.

"Fourth Uncle." I returned the salute, and after a while, I looked at the person beside him.

Cui Yue was sitting on the cart, looking at me, with a smile on his handsome face, he bowed in the cart: "Ma'am."

"Young Master Cui." I saluted him back.

The stroller he was sitting on looked more complicated than before. When I met Wei An yesterday, I found that he seemed to be much more lively. Of course, the topic was still limited to machinery. As soon as we met, he took the small wooden boat he made and talked to us endlessly.

"Have you tried the water?" Wei Tan asked Wei An.

"I tried it." Wei An replied.

"Where's the boatman?"

"Don't worry, Da Sima, the people on the boat are all local fishermen, and they are familiar with the water conditions," Cui Yu said.

Wei Tan looked at him, nodded, but didn't speak.

Last year, Wei An said he wanted to build a sea-going ship, so he left Yongdu and came to Jiaodong. At the beginning of this year, he wrote a letter saying that the ship was finished and could go to sea in March.

There was nothing wrong with the court, so in February, Wei Tan took me and A Mi to leave Yongdu and came to Jiaodong in the name of visiting the farmland in the east.

The big boat built by Wei An is said to be very big, and there are many people on it, as many as ten people on the boat. As for the owner of the ship, besides Wei An, Cui Wei, and Pei Qian.

When I heard Wei An say that the ship will be completed in February and go to sea in March, Pei Qian was the first thing that came to my mind.

Such a coincidence, he said that he did not instigate, I am afraid no one will believe it.

"Where is Ji Yuan?" Wei Tan asked.

Wei An raised his eyes to look around, and after a while, he pointed to the trestle bridge: "Over there."

I followed and looked, and among the busy civilian husbands, there was a man wearing a long robe with a familiar figure. After looking at it for a while, I looked back and found Wei Tan looking at me.

"I'm going to say goodbye to Ji Yuan." I said to Wei Tan.

Wei Tan looked over there, nodded: "Go."

I smiled at him and walked towards the trestle bridge.

The trestle bridge is not wide, and I often have to give way to passersby, and it takes a long time before I finally reach the side of the big boat.

Pei Qian was instructing the civilian husband to place things. When he saw me, he was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

"When did you come?" he asked, getting off the boat.

"Just now." I said.

"I thought you weren't coming," he said after a pause.

I looked at him: "When you left Yongdu, you still haven't said goodbye to me."

Pei Qian smiled again. Xu Shi was exposed to the wind and sun at the beach, and his face darkened a lot. Of course, it was still whiter than Wei Tan. Not only his skin color, but his whole body seemed to be different from before. When he was young, he was high-spirited, and when he was young, there was a look of melancholy between his brows, but now, he is still handsome, but seems carefree, with a smile like the sunshine above his head.

"When are you going?" I asked.

"It won't be long," Pei Qian said, "the water and food on the boat are only enough for ten people for a month."

I am surprised.

Pei Qian looked at me and said sarcastically, "You think you can go out to sea to find fairy islands in a sampan?"

I am embarrassed. What he thinks is rarely revealed in front of him.

"I didn't expect that when you yelled the most, you are the one who has done it now." I sighed.

Pei Qian smiled: "If there is a profitable business overseas, I will let you know."

Tease me again. I glared at him, but couldn't help laughing.

"Boat... boat..." At this moment, a childish voice came to my ears, and I looked back, only to see Wei Tan coming with A Mi in his arms.

"Mother... Mother..." She saw me and immediately reached out to report.

I stepped forward and took Ah Mi from Wei Tan's arms.

"Going to leave?" Wei Tan looked at the big boat and then at Pei Qian.

"Exactly." Pei Qian said.

The two looked at each other with peaceful expressions.

"What about after you come back?" Wei Tan asked.

"How about when you saw it." Pei Qian said, "If you don't enjoy yourself, go out a few more times."

Wei Tan smiled helplessly.

"If you're tired, you can go back to court." Wei Tan said with a serious look, "I want to help."

The corners of Pei Qian's lips curved.

"Helpers may not be necessarily." He said, "Back then in Chang'an, you and I had an appointment for a sword competition, but it has been many years since we had a real competition."

Wei Tan's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Ji Yuan Ruobi, even if I come to Jiao County, I still want to compare."

"It's a deal." Pei Qian looked at him.

"It's a deal." Wei Tan nodded.

The boatman shouted loudly, and the boat slowly left the water.

"Take care!" Wei Tan clasped his hands on the trestle bridge.

The people on the boat looked at this side, and all of them returned the salute.

I watched the big ship gradually sailing away, and felt that the dream in my heart seemed to be placed on the ship, and now they are gradually taking it away.

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"I don't want someone like Mr. Cui, who was originally a mortal enemy, to go out to sea with fourth uncle." I looked over there and sighed softly.

"What mortal enemy?" Wei Tan said indifferently, "Everyone is the master, he thinks more openly than many people." After finishing speaking, he changed the subject, "Do you want to see further?"

"Farther?" I thought for a while, looked at the big boat, and nodded with a smile.

The wind blows from the sea, blowing my clothes fluttering in the wind. The sun is in the sky, there is no cloud in the sky, and the sea water is undulating with blue waves, connecting with the sky.

Wei Tan held Ah Mi in his arms and led me to a hill not far from the trestle bridge. This mountain was born in a strange way, with tall rocks and covered with pines, extending all the way from the forest behind, it has a bit of character.

Wei Tan walked up the hillside. The slope is not steep, step by step along the path, and after a while, you can already see the top of the mountain.

And at the end, there is a rocky rock, sticking out of the sea like a fist.

Wei Tan carried Ah Mi to the rocky rock, and the wind blew his scarf fluttering.

"Come here." He turned to me.

I walked over, and the pine tree next to it receded, and the vision suddenly opened up.

Under the stone rocks, there is a palpitating void. The sea breeze blew the waves and beat the reef, and there was a sound like a drum beating. Looking around, you can see the deep blue sky, the boundless blue sea, the golden sandy beach, and the looming mountain islands in the distance. The colors are extremely simple, but constitute a breathtaking picture.

"Husband often comes?" I looked at the wonderful scene in front of me, and felt that I couldn't get enough of it.

"It's also the first time, Ah'an told me." Wei Tan said, "The area is dozens of miles away, and the terrain here is the best."

I nodded, and was about to take another step forward when Wei Tan stopped me: "Be careful."

I smiled, and held his hand instead.

The sun was scorching, and Wei Tan's face seemed to be covered with a layer of honey gold. For some reason, I feel that his expression at this time has a different aura than before. The light reflected in his eyes is bright and sharp, but not lacking in tranquility and openness. I remembered the last time I looked at Chang'an with him at Yantai, where the snow had just fallen, and he also had the same expression, as if he was examining a meticulous chess game, and also as if he was admiring a beautiful and slim lover.

"What is husband thinking?" I grabbed the fleeting throbbing in my heart and asked.

"Huh?" Wei Tan looked at me, smiled, and said slowly, "I think a lot. I can think about many things when I climb a height and look far away. For example, why do you stand on your feet, and why do you look here?"

I looked at him, my heart beating faintly.

"So, why does my husband stand? And why does he look out?" I asked.

Wei Tan stared at me, the sunlight dyed his eyes warm and clear.

"At this time?" He said in a low voice, then suddenly lowered his head and pecked my lips.

Tenderness and affection, like the sea breeze under the sun, make me feel warm.

I looked into his deep eyes, tiptoed, and turned my lips back.

"Woo..." Ah Mi looked at us curiously.

Wei Tan also kissed Ah Mi's face, put his arms around my waist, and looked at the sea again.

"Can they really find Xianshan?" After a while, he asked.

I smiled, held Wei Tan's hand in my palm, and said slowly: "Xianshan, I have found it."

"Huh?" He looked at me in surprise.

I smiled deeper, leaned into his arms, and took a deep breath.

There were a few birdsong in the sky, and when I looked, I saw two seagulls.

They are spreading their wings and flying high. Their white and slender wings are overlapping in the sky, like a pair of wings...