Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 122: Fan Wai Xu Houzhuo


"...The calendar of heaven is in your bow, if you allow it to be held, the heavenly reward will last forever; the king will only follow the great gift, and offer it to all nations, so as to inherit the destiny of heaven."

In the main hall of the ancestral temple, Fengchang Chen Zheng read out the imperial edict word by word with a loud voice.

When the voice finally fell, there was only a low sound of crying. I saw the clan members in plain clothes kneeling on the ground, looking sad.

In front of me, the Son of Heaven looked calm, as if what Chen Zheng read was just one of all the edicts he had heard in his life.

Oh... Maybe I shouldn't call him the Son of Heaven anymore, because the imperial edict was just read out.

I looked down the steps, those courtiers standing densely inside and outside the hall, some were sad, some were calm, I may have seen their faces before, but in the future, I probably will never see them again.

And the guy right in front of him.

Twelve crowns, black clothes and clothes, and the newly embroidered coat of arms are impressive. I had to admit that wearing this clothes on him gave him an undisturbed aura.

Is it finally over

Inexplicably, I felt a sense of relief.

My surname is Xu, and my name is Xu

My mother once told me that when I was five years old, a fortune teller came to our house. He looked at my face and said that I was very noble and could be a queen in the future. My father was very happy and gave the fortune teller a piece of gold.

This matter has only been talked about in the mouths of adults for two years, because not long after, my father was promoted to Shaofu and took our family to Chang'an.

Chang'an is very big and has many people.

When I stood on the road for the first time and saw the carriage galloping by, I was so frightened that I burst into tears.

My father and mother love it here. My family is well-off, almost every few days, my father will invite my colleagues to have a banquet at home, and my mother will take me to various places to meet the nobles in Chang'an.

I'm good-looking and good-natured. This is recognized by many people, so I have more friends.

They, like me, are daughters of officials. However, most of them live in Chang'an for generations, compared to me, I am not so outstanding. Sometimes I can't understand what they say, and their posture always makes me feel uncomfortable.

My mother once encouraged me, no matter where I lived in the past, now that I am the daughter of the Shaofu, I will not be half a cent shorter than anyone.

"? Maybe I will be a queen in the future." My sister said with a smile.

I laughed, feeling ridiculous and puzzled. What is the Queen like? Am I like this

My mother ignored my cowardice, she still took me to various places and meet various people. I learned to speak with their accents, to behave as gracefully as they did, to smile at anyone, haughty, gentle, loud, playful, and never to make a fuss when there was an argument. When I was fourteen years old, my aunt came from my hometown in Fenyang, pulled me and exclaimed, "I haven't seen you for a few years, but I'm from Chang'an."

I sound a little proud of this.

What she said is true, I am now an authentic Chang'an noble lady.

Whenever I go out with my sisters, there are always young playboys quietly following behind my carriage. And among those friends of mine, some of them have quietly told me that one of their brothers is interested in me.

Of course, these things can only be hidden in the heart, and it is beautiful to think about them when no one is around. The Xu family is everyone in Fenyang, my father and mother have always hoped that I can marry into the noble family in Chang'an.

"I want to marry someone I like." I said to my mother.

But the mother smiled indifferently: "Really? Then tell me, how do you count as being in love with each other?"

"Even if I like him, he likes me too."

My mother smiled again, stroked my hair, and said meaningfully: "How do you know that he likes you too?"

I want to say that it is not easy, but when I think about it carefully, I find that I can't answer it.

Not long after, my sister told me quietly that my father had taken a fancy to Fu Situ's eldest son, but unfortunately he had married a wife last month, leaving the second son, and my father also thought it was good.

Fu's name, of course I have heard of it. The Fu family in Huainan, a well-known family in the world, lived in Chang'an for generations. In Fu Situ's generation, there are more than a dozen people in his family who have achieved Jiuqing, and Fu's house is in the north of the city where the nobles gather.

Although my father is a young mansion, the north of the city is out of reach for us. The most powerful people in the world lived there, and it was indeed the ideal choice for my father.

My sister's words soon came to fruition. Two days later, our family went out for an outing, and we happened to meet the Fu family on the way. My father was very popular, so we went together.

I felt ashamed. When I saw Fu Situ's second son, Fu Yun, I dared to glance at him through the curtain of the car.

He is very handsome, with a personable demeanor on a horse, and a charming smile. He looked leisurely, chatting and laughing with others, not long after, he galloped to the side of a car and said something with a smile.

I saw a corner of the car curtain lifted, revealing half of my face. I recognize that face, it’s Fu Situ’s youngest daughter, Fu?Α?br>Fu?ξYicangmei Fujiuji? Cowardly lying down? Ye pod? Buck Jiao??k? Is Nalang waiting for the beard and printing 2 to return? Moyue 镆廴 ship evenly strong Zheng? Brother Grain? Shake? br> Fu?? Vinegar Pan? Male breeding ぃ? All the way to the edge of the Bashui River, I saw green willows and lush green willows. Here, there are already tables and tables, and brocade tents are stacked. A young man came out from the forest, saw Fu Situ and others, smiled and saluted.

When I saw him, I froze for a moment, almost forgetting the etiquette of women not to look directly at others.

That's Pei Qian.

The most prestigious son of the noble family in Chang'an, noble ladies of the same age talk about him several times a day, and every time he meets us, there will be a sudden silence, and then a commotion of excitement... Although I have loved him for a long time Hearing his name, I also think he looks pleasing to the eye, but I am not as obsessed as some women. Because I know that even if I am considered a high school and live in the same city with him, for a person like me, he is still as far away as a star in the sky.

Because Pei Qian and Fu? Γ? Mo capital ostrich?┫Al hiss wood muscle?br> However, being able to feast and play with Pei Qian is already a joyful thing.

He and Fu? ΦNan value kinship? Huang Huang? Feeling Ψ onyx? Neon? Jiweibr> After a banquet and a nap, everyone went for a walk by the water. I saw Pei Qian and Fu? But the bridge is prepared Pray dark neon baked? 105 fine? Crotch? In front of me? In the sky, in the sky, in the sky, in the sky, in the sky, in the sky, in the sky, in the sky? In the future? In the future? In the future? In the future?br> "It's really a good thing that she has taken over, isn't it?" My sister is in my ear He whispered, full of sighs.

I smiled and didn't take it seriously, but until I got home, I still thought about how those two were together in my mind.

It's not that I don't feel envious in my heart, but I agree with each other, that's probably what I said

Fu Yun's matter was gone, but a few days later, when his father returned to the mansion, his expression was a little unhappy.

"Wei? Chi? Breaking into the disease! He? Read the cover posture lazy? br> "Wei? Bo Jun jumps up and covers the purple blind lawsuit? Collapse? Ammonium worm? Actinium? Where can I apologize? Exactly." Father said, sighed, threw a letter on the table, and looked at me, "Father personally wrote a letter, wanting to give Wei? Mother was even more angry.

The Wei family was born in a prominent family in Hexi, and they are old friends with the Xu family. Wei? The mother covers the buttocks and the buttocks. Fu Bunhui??Ч郏? Duchun 鹾? 6?? The mother covers the orangutan?? Drops 5? Pulls? Xiang returns to the arc?br> Wei? Le rebellious bully carboxyl carboxy pseudo class Jing?? Mi strontium u?? Armpit cover cone? Paddle? Gaizi is lucky to be a bad wood ┏ gun grate school? The generation is back in panic? br> Helpless, the grandfather is a grandfather after all, no matter how unwilling the father is, he dare not disobey.

Two months later, Wei? One year, I was fourteen years old, and Wei Tan was the same age as me.

In terms of appearance, he is certainly not as finely crafted as Pei Qian or Fu Yun. His facial features are quite angular, but not obtrusive, and he looks very handsome. When I met Wei Tan for the first time, he was standing in Wei? The time has come. My father has been procrastinating on the grounds that a fortune teller said that I should not marry early, but my grandfather urged me to do so. I am too old to procrastinate any longer.

From acquaintance to engagement, Wei Tan and I are not strangers.

My mother told me that getting engaged to Wei Tan was a stopgap measure, and if the time came, my father would still withdraw it.

I didn't take that very seriously. Because for this fiancé, I think it is quite satisfactory. After Wei Tan came to Chang'an, within two years, he became a young Habayashiro by virtue of his ability. Whenever I go to the palace with the noble ladies, the young Habayashi men ride horses and hold halberds and rush through the palace ban, which always attracts many people to look forward to and shine.

Among them, Wei Tan undoubtedly stands out. With the same armor, he can wear it a bit more sassy than others; the emperor often makes Habayashi compete in martial arts or Cuju in the palace, and Wei Tan always wins the first place.

What surprised me was that he had a very good personal relationship with Pei Qian. Once at a banquet, he took me home, and met Pei Qian on the way, and the two started talking familiarly. After I inquired, I found out that Wei Tan had already known him.

Du Yin, the guard officer of Habayashi, had a good relationship with his father. He once told his father that the emperor admired Wei Tan very much, and that he had a bright future.

My father listened to this with a smile and said nothing.

I know what my father is thinking. The Wei family was born in Hexi, and has been a military general for generations. Wei Tan's dream is to go to the battlefield like his ancestors, gain military merits, and become a marquis. But my father scoffed at such a prospect. To be appointed as a marquis and worship a prime minister, you still have to return to the court in the end. A general who eats a thousand stones is much more difficult than a court official of the same level. At that time, culture was more important than military affairs, and the prospect of future promotion was also unknown. The most important thing is that my father thinks that I can marry princes and nobles from the very beginning, so what do I need a person who is only "appreciated" by the emperor now

This is true, and I also think it makes sense.

But I have slowly accepted that I will marry Wei Tan in the future, and I care more about him than before the engagement. Like other women, I will give some small things to my fiancé, such as a handkerchief or an embroidered handkerchief made by one party, and I often go to the palace gate guarded by him unexpectedly to see him.

In the booing of Wei Tan's colleagues, I saw that he would blush and quickly put the things I gave into his sleeves, feeling very proud.

However, Wei Tan is in Habayashi after all, and the number of times we can meet is very rare. And Wei Tan never got tired of seeing each other like other children. When he was alone, the closest thing he ever did to me was holding hands. Wei Tan's politeness and gentleness made me feel very comfortable, but I always felt that something was missing.

I think of Fu??Tuan Kongbao??Stealing Huangxu?Dumpling Song?Υ蚰Zheng?Yao 19 Cherry?Chunyun Stewed Frame?br>So, are Wei Tan and I happy

In this case, I am ashamed to think and ask, so what if we are happy soon, we are already engaged. I like him, even if I am not familiar with this matter, I will get to know him gradually in many days in the future.

When we were engaged for nearly a year, one day, I happened to enter the palace to enjoy the flowers, and when I was able to come out, I stopped by to see Wei Tan. But when he arrived at the gate of the palace, he was not there.

"He said just now that he had something urgent, so he went on leave." Habayashiro, who was his colleague, said.

"Abstain from leave?" I was surprised, "Where do you go on leave?"

"It seems to have gone to Dongshi." He said.

I hesitated after hearing this, but seeing that it was still early, I asked the driver to take me to Dongshi.

Dongshi is full of people coming and going, noisy and noisy, I have never stayed here. I sat in the car and looked around aimlessly, but I couldn't see Wei Tan's shadow.

While searching, the road was blocked by a bullock cart, and I couldn't move forward. At this time, I heard a somewhat familiar voice. Looking through the gauze curtain, I saw a peddler bargaining with someone.

"... Seventy dollars?" The peddler seems to be very young, but he is very imposing, "You can go all over Chang'an, east, west, north, south, and north. Seventy dollars can buy a corner of my chessboard. I will buy this chessboard." Send it to the public platform!"

"Then how much do you say?" asked the buyer.

"Five hundred dollars." The peddler said.

The man's eyes were uncertain.

"Three hundred," he said.

"Five hundred." The peddler said firmly, "It's not a lot of money."

"You are old!"

"Heh, don't you know that old chessboards are more expensive? I originally wanted to buy seven hundred yuan. Seeing that I liked it, I opened a market. If I think it's expensive, I can..."

I think the peddler has exquisite eyebrows, like a girl. It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before. Not long after, his face turned slightly, and my heart was like a flash of lightning.

That's Fu? I want to call him, but there are too many people, so I have to tell the driver to stop and get off by myself.

The surrounding area was bustling, and when I walked towards Wei Tan, I saw him standing quietly at the foot of a wall, as if he was looking at something. I followed his gaze curiously. There were all kinds of people in front of him. The only thing special was that delicate voice——Fu ?br> And Wei Tan, with a concentrated expression and slightly raised lips, was a look I had never seen before.

Even with me, he didn't do that.

People's senses are sometimes very sharp, and they can feel strange with just a glance.

I looked at him from a distance, and I didn't come back to my senses until the servant girl reminded me.

"My lord, maidservant, go and call the young master." She said.

I shook my head.

"No need." After that, I turned and walked back to the car.

This time I went to Dongshi, I seemed to have done something guilty. Why don't you talk to Wei Tan, but I can't tell anyone. Maybe I am a nosy person, and I have seen some things, even if I have doubts, I will not speak out.

Especially Wei Tan.

Maybe because I really put him in my heart, I will act cautiously.

Fu?u Xie Xiong Xie Xie?? Huan Huan Ji?? Parental case Mo Suo Xie Xiongxiongxie? looking at her...

I was thinking about it, and I was in a trance all day.

But in the evening, Wei Tan came to see me.

With our mother staring at us, we couldn't be alone. Through the embroidered screen, Wei Tan said, "You went to look for me today?"

These words touched my heart.

"Yeah." I whispered, "You're not here."

"I went to Dongshi." Wei Tan said.

"Really?" My heart skipped a beat, "What are you going to do in Dongshi?"

"Ji Yuan asked me to do something." Wei Tan said, "He has something to do today, and he has no free time, so I will come out for him."

When he mentioned Pei Qian, my heart was slightly relieved. Is Pei Qian fu

"Why are you looking for me?" At this time, Wei Tan asked me.

I came back to my senses and said: "It's something. Can you ask for leave in the future? Uncle Guo is having a banquet in the mansion, and Mrs. Bian invited me to go, and asked me to take you with me."

"Uncle Guo?" Wei Tan seemed hesitant.

"Exactly." I hurriedly said, "There are many talented people at the banquet. You can meet friends when you go, and you won't be bored."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

Wei Tan is cheerful and easy to make friends. I said so, and sure enough, he agreed.

After he came back, I felt relieved all over.

Wei Tan didn't tell me

I have my own plans.

Although Wei Tan is a Habayashiro now, it is not enough to make his father look good. Fortunately, I know a lot of noble girls, so I can inquire about a good opportunity.

Bian Heng, the uncle of the state, likes to gather young talents to have banquets in the mansion, enjoy music and drink. This person is Empress Bian's elder brother, and now Empress Bian is well-favored, and the Bian family is also very popular in the court. Those who are favored by Bian Heng can all rise to the top.

I get along well with Bian Heng's daughter, Bian Ying. I asked her about this a few days ago. She readily agreed. When visiting the palace today, she told me that Uncle Bian Guo had met Wei Tan and was willing to invite him to a banquet.

When it came time to be a guest, I went to the uncle's mansion first. Bian Ying took me and a few noble ladies to the small pavilion in the garden to have food and tea. The door was opened, and one could see across a rockery, the waterside pavilion with exquisite tables, servants lined up, and guests dressed in beautiful costumes. While chatting and laughing, they entered the table, and at the first place, Bian Heng, the uncle of the country with a big belly, was wearing a brocade robe, talking with a handsome man.

"Who is that? The powder looks better than a woman." A noble woman half-covered her face with a fan and smiled lightly.

"That's the new cleric servant," Bian Ying said, "he just got promoted from the clerk."

Ladies understand. The lamps in the courtyard were shining like daytime, and the guests came one after another. They were all young men with different appearances, but they were all pleasing to the eye. From the bottom of my heart, I admired Uncle Bian Guo's vision in selecting the guests. Not long after, a familiar figure appeared in the court.

Wei Tan was dressed in a neat silk robe with a jade belt around his waist, and he walked vigorously.

"Who is that?" Someone asked.

Bian Ying looked at me, covered her sleeves and smiled: "Is this a question?"

I blush slightly, pursing my lips and smiling.

Looking at the banquet, his family had already invited him to meet Uncle Bian Guo. Uncle Bian looked at him with a friendly smile, as if greeting him. After all, Wei Tan was young, and from this point of view, his expression was a little reserved.

To my surprise, when Wei Tan entered the table, Uncle Bian Guo personally pointed out the next seat to him.

Bian Ying couldn't help being surprised, and said to me: "My father really appreciates him."

I am also happy in my heart.

The bright moon is shining brightly, and the lingering singing of kabukis is transmitted to the small pavilion. The viewer is also intoxicated by the beautiful scenery on a good day.

I chatted and laughed with the noble ladies, but I didn't forget to glance at the banquet from time to time.

Did Uncle Bian laugh while drinking and talking with the guests? Someone also went to drink with Wei Tan, but Wei Tan did not refuse, and had already drank a lot. At this time, Uncle Bian got up from the table and walked towards Wei Tan with a bottle of wine.

Wei Tan got up quickly.

Uncle Bian Guo was already blushing, looking at Wei Tan with a smile on his face. He said something and took the bottle in one fell swoop.

Wei Tan also raised the wine glass in his hand and drank it down with Uncle Guo.

After the uncle Guo finished drinking, he did not leave, and stretched out his hand to Wei Tan. In my direction, I couldn't see what he did, but at that moment, Wei Tan suddenly pulled away Uncle Guo's hand.

I froze.

After a moment of silence, there was a burst of laughter during the banquet, and Uncle Guo also laughed.

However, Wei Tan seemed to be stiff all over. Not long after, he bowed to the uncle of the country, put the cup back on the table, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

The incident happened suddenly, and the laughter stopped abruptly. Uncle Guo stood where he was, watching Wei Tan leave, and the smile on his face gradually dimmed.

The ladies also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What's wrong?" Bian Ying asked.

I didn't know how to answer, so I quickly got up and walked outside quickly.

"Meng Jing!" I asked the driver to hurry up, and finally caught up with Wei Tan in front of the Wei Mansion.

"What happened?" I asked anxiously, "Why did you leave all of a sudden?"

Wei Tan looked at me with a blank expression on his face.

When he didn't speak, I felt his anger all the more.

Anyone with a discerning eye can guess what happened just now. Uncle Bian likes to make friends with young talents, and in private, I have also heard that there are child molesters in his house.

The dandies in Chang'an love to have fun and have a variety of tricks, and it is not uncommon to have child molestation. It's just that I didn't expect that Bian Heng, a dignified uncle, would mistreat others at the banquet, and I didn't expect Wei Tan's reaction to be so great.

"Uncle Guo..." I was ashamed and ashamed, and asked falteringly, "Uncle Guo just now..."

Wei Tan's face was gloomy, and I saw the muscles on his forehead throbbing, so I quickly fell silent.

"I'm fine." After a while, Wei Tan took a deep breath, calmed down, and said to me.

I felt at ease, thought about it, and comforted me: "Uncle Guo, you don't have to worry, I am familiar with the wife and daughter of Uncle Guo's family, if you persuade him, everything will be fine."

Wei Tan's eyes froze.

"Persuasion?" He sneered, "You don't need to persuade me, even if I, Wei Tan, can't stay in Chang'an, I don't need his kindness."

I frowned, but knowing that he was angry, I said kindly: "What happened tonight was an accident, and Uncle Guo was also drunk, so don't act on your temper."

"Spirit?" Wei Tan looked at me, "Uncle Guo did such a low-level thing, I'm not angry, is it because of emotion?"

His tone was a bit sharp, and I also became annoyed, and said: "Then what do you want? Chang'an is waiting for people from Gaopan to surround the city wall a hundred times. It's not that you don't know the power of the uncle of the country. Is it easy to get a seat? I let you make friends with him, but I just want you to have a good future."

"A good future, is that good future that is as good as a servant's shot?" Wei Tan stared at me with cold eyes, "I want a future, and I will work hard to figure it out. I despise such crooked ways!"

I said anxiously: "I am not persuading you to submit. Uncle Guo is not the only powerful family in Chang'an. Meng Jing, I know that you want to be like your grandfather, who made great achievements on the battlefield and established Chang'an, but that is your grandfather. Although you have Habayashi has blue eyes, but what about the future? How many people have been Habayashi for more than ten or twenty years, but in the end they only became sergeants, and they never even had a chance to make meritorious service. Today, there are good talents, so there is a young Habayashi. You are still young now, if you can get the help of noble people, you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort!"

Wei Tan's eyes were deep.

"It's late, you go back." He said lightly.

I was startled, and it took me a while to realize that this was an order to chase away guests.

"I'm doing it for your own good." I couldn't believe it.

Wei Tan seemed a little tired.

"Yes, thank you," he said.

I reached out, trying to pull him, but in vain.

"Go back." He repeated, and then turned and left.

On the way home, my hands were cold.

I felt frustrated and wronged, and cried in the car. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out that Wei Tan could get his father's favor.

But Wei Tan didn't take it seriously... I wiped my tears, thinking about the previous things, and felt like a fool.

My father had told me a long time ago that this engagement could not be real, but I still threw myself into it full of anticipation.

"... How do you know that he likes you too?" I suddenly remembered what my mother said.

That's right, I do all this because I like Wei Tan, but does he like me

That day, when he looked at Fu

When I got home, my mother greeted me, and she was surprised when she saw me.

"Didn't you go to uncle Guo's house for a banquet? What happened?" she asked. I can't say anything, I shook my head.

But the mother seemed to understand: "It's Meng Jing? I heard he went too, did he bully you?"

These words hit the heart, I couldn't help it, and fell into my mother's arms and began to cry.

"You don't need to pay attention to the little Wei family!" Father's voice came from the hall, he walked over, handed me a piece of paper, and said with a smile, "The emperor issued an edict to choose a concubine for the prince, and your husband has already given your concubine. The name and surname were reported to the Fengchang Mansion."

My father's words came true. The prince Zhen was born of Empress Bian, and he has the potential to be the crown prince. Without hesitation, my father went to Wei's mansion and dismissed my marriage with Wei Tan on the grounds that I was ill.

I don't know Wei? Mu Cong θ Wan Dangerous? Traces Bai Yuan You Qiao Zhao? Rough? Polymorphic? Qi Zha Zheng?? When my father divorced, I was very sad. I couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep. I couldn't let go of Wei Tan after all.

But I can't disobey my father, and I know that my father's plan is for my own good. Wei Tan can't give what my parents and I want, so it's better to end it with pain.

When Wei Tan finally came back, I heard that he once wanted to come to my house to question him, but he never came.

When we met again, it was when I was selected to enter the palace middle school ceremony. Once, I went to see Da Changqiu, and on the way back, I happened to see Wei Tan.

There was no one around, we met each other, each stopped for a moment.

"You have entered the palace." Wei Tan looked at me with a calm expression.

"Hmm." I nodded.

"Are you willing to retire the engagement?"

This is probably his question.

I looked at him and smiled faintly: "Meng Jing, if you and my grandfather hadn't made the marriage agreement, would you have married me?"

Wei Tan was taken aback.

His lips moved, but before he could answer, there were footsteps on the palace road, someone was coming.

I said no more, nodded slightly to him, turned and left.

The voice behind disappeared soon, and I didn't know if Wei Tan was still standing there or had already left, but I didn't look back once.

If it wasn't for our grandfather, he and I might just have met each other face to face. We are going to take different paths, now we go back to where we should go, it's okay...

Sometimes, I think the world is amazing because you can't predetermine what other people will be like in the future. A high-ranking person may fall to the ground in an instant, and the world that you think is impenetrable may also be shattered when you are unprepared.

Such as Fu Shi.

When I heard the news that the Fu family had been exterminated, I was still learning rituals from the female historians in the palace.

Such a glorious family that everyone looked up to, the emperor was so angry that he uprooted it overnight. Including Fu Situ and the handsome Fu Yun, the Fu family is on the list of executions, and that Fu who likes to sell goods in the market? ? Da? Tax eunuch? 糇. ?Americium Round Locust Gap?Cherry?Sweet Sprout ǎ?Baomeng Fried Seal?br> An outsider like me was frightened when I heard this news. On the other hand, I am a little bit lucky. In this matter, it is better to say that the emperor was dissatisfied with the Fu family than that Empress Bian won. The Fu family supported the eldest son Chen, who was born to the previous empress, and of course Empress Bian wanted her prince Zhen to succeed to the throne. Now that the Fu family has fallen, the position of the prince Zhen is considered stable.

I have seen these two princes before. Prince Chen is elegant and reticent; Prince Zhen is more active and likes to have fun with others. In all fairness, Prince Chen is more like a prince, but the situation is stronger than others. After the Fu family exterminated the family, Empress Dowager Liu was afraid that Empress Bian would harm Prince Chen, so she brought him into the Empress Dowager Palace. It is a pity that in less than a year, Empress Dowager Liu passed away, and Fu?phui was disturbed. It's just that no one thought that Fengyun would change so quickly. After the death of Empress Dowager Liu, the emperor died soon, and the Bian family wanted to make the emperor Zhen the emperor, so Gao Mi, the older brother of the empress, rebelled against him. Chang'an suddenly fell into chaos, I was trapped in the palace, and I was terrified every day. Empress Bian was poisoned to death by Gao Mi, and then Mu He Kui of Liangzhou led the army to rush into Chang'an to quell the chaos and killed Gao Mi. People think that the matter ends here, but He Kui is not a good person either.

My father took great efforts to take me out of the palace, and then left Chang'an immediately.

The world is already in chaos, warlords from all walks of life are fighting, and the hometown of Fenyang is not immune.

In just two years, the prosperity and prosperity of the past disappeared in an instant. I was in Fenyang, and I heard that Prince Chen became the emperor, Chang'an and Luoyang were destroyed in the war, and I heard news from some acquaintances from time to time. They either died in the war, or lived a life of wandering with the emperor, or took refuge in various warlords, or became warlords themselves.

One day, my father came back from outside and told us a big event. Wei? Howling banana? Four strange nettles 10 still living 5 soles??? You? Stirring brown? Paralyzed? Su Lao blowing pepper?br> This is indeed a big event, so that my mother and I heard , I can't speak for a long time.

Wei? Crow? Jiao Gai Zhu? This Pu Pao? m? Cover the hammer?? br> Father thought over and over again and agreed.

When I saw Wei Tan again, it was in Yongzhou.

He rode a horse and led the sergeants across the street. Many people said that he was the eldest son. I stood by the side of the street and looked at him from a distance. His figure was much longer than a few years ago, and he was no longer the childish Habayashiro.

In troubled times, it is difficult for everyone to protect themselves, and my family is no exception. In the past two years, the fields in the family were barren and all the assets were gone. My father sent almost all the servants and maidservants away. After coming to Yongdu, my father was still in the Shaofu, but compared with the days in Chang'an before, it can be called mud cloud. The imperial court has made a new decision, and the salary is pitifully small. Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, it is hard to prepare wine and meat at home.

One night, when I came out of my mother's room, I suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes. It stopped abruptly, and seemed to stop right in front of my house.

My heart was moved, and I hurried to look, only to see that my family had already opened the door. Outside the door, there is a person standing, who is moving in two or three bamboo baskets.

That figure, even at night, I will not admit it wrong.

"Meng Jing." I was very surprised and walked forward.

Wei Tan looked at me and nodded slightly.

"The New Year's Eve is approaching, and my father ordered me to give some gifts." He said.

I'll take a look at those bamboo baskets, thank you, let the family move in.

"Farewell." Wei Tan said, turning around to leave.

I quickly stopped him: "Meng Jing!"

He turned around.

I looked at him and felt that there were many things to say, but I couldn't say them.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

Wei Tan was silent for a while.

"Okay." He said in a low voice, and after finishing speaking, he walked towards the mount.

I stood by the door, watching the figure disappear between the night and the snow, and did not leave for a long time.

Wei Tan seems to know that my family is in a bad situation, and since then, every few days, he will send some things. Sometimes it is rice, sometimes meat, sometimes clothing, all of which are needed in daily life.

Mother sighed and said, "Wei? You have to lower your capital to invade the plaque? Excuse me? br> But I don't think so. I think it was sent by Wei Tan himself.

Why did he do this

I thought about that figure, and the beautiful days when we were together, and felt that the haze of the past two years had been swept away, and even my breathing became happy.

As the weather got warmer and the battles became more frequent, Wei Tan left Yongdu for an expedition.

I have to leave the temple every day, not for anything else, just to pray for his safety. Three months later, he followed Wei? Ao Qi Chu? Aunt? Niu

"After Feng Changzuo asked the emperor to stand up, the emperor ordered to choose among the daughters of hundreds of officials. The prime minister is interested in you." He said to me with a smile.

When I heard the news, I just felt blank for a while.

Almost without hesitation, I turned and ran outside.

I went out the door, walked through the streets and people, and came to the city wall. Wei Tan patrols the city every day, and sure enough, I saw him.

When he saw me coming, he was also surprised.

"Your father wants to marry me to the emperor." I gasped and said to him.

Wei Tan seemed to have known about this, and was no more surprised.

He stepped back and nodded, "That's right."

I felt bad in my heart and looked at him: "What about you? What do you think?"

"Me?" Wei Tan looked at me, "This matter was discussed between my father and your father, and it is your long-cherished wish to enter the palace as the queen."

These words made my heart sink to the bottom of the valley, and I was stunned and felt cold all over.

"Those supplies were all given by you." My voice was weak and I murmured, "You still have me in your heart, don't you?"

"Xu Shaofu helped father, but I just repaid it." Wei Tan said in a low voice, "Do you still remember that you asked me before, would I marry you if it wasn't for your grandfather's wishes?"

He stared at me and smiled wryly: "I thought about it for a long time, and you are right. We were wrong from the very beginning."

Is it wrong

I stood on top of the Dan, looking at Wei Tan. Behind him, Fu? a15 criticize rescue crisp? Zhu? 恩?br> Wei Tan said that he and I were wrong.

So, Fu? t Ye?? Fat Quiet Apology Yuan Na Shui Sang?br> I still remember the shock I felt when I heard she was marrying Wei Tan. When Mrs. Guo led him into the palace to meet the emperor and me, I looked at her with my eyes fixed on that face for a long time.

Five years have passed, and everyone has gone through hardships. I was hopeful and disappointed, married the emperor, and lost my own children; Got it with no effort.

I was jealous and annoyed, and I once asked Wei Tan sarcastically: "You and Pei Qian are good friends, and now you are marrying his old love to take care of your friend?"

Wei Tan looked calm: "You don't need to worry about this."

They really don't have to worry about me. Others said that their husband and wife are deeply in love, but I didn’t believe it, until that morning in the snow, Wei Tan pulled Fu? Patar wish? Rocky Nie Ai? Scar white 6 carbuncle? K Paul? Relying on the noisy machine, and the Phoenix can be calcined

th. From that moment on, all my thoughts about Wei Tan were turned into ashes.

I thought I was going to be mad with pain.

but I do not have.

Maybe I am a cruel person by nature, maybe I have always known how to survive, and I will never bump into a dead end. I still live in the palace and be my queen. Even after Zhao Jun's misfortune, even if Wei? 喟呀 v Fu Chaosong Is there a she?br> "Does it hurt?" The emperor asked me when he was wrapping my injured palm.

I looked at him as if for the first time examining this man as my husband.

He is about the same age as me, but the difficult situation, the bullying by powerful officials, and the ambition suppressed in his heart have turned a young man in his prime into a head of gray hair.

I have been married to him for three or four years, but we really respect each other as guests. Especially after I had a miscarriage, the words I talked to him every day were not as much as the servants talked to him. I am not jealous when he has another concubine and has a child. Instead, I arrange for someone to take care of him and take care of all the trivial matters.

Sometimes, I think it's funny when I think about it. In the whole world, I'm afraid it's hard to find a puppet couple who are more harmonious than us.

"It doesn't hurt." I said.

"How can it not hurt." The emperor said, "I can see the flesh."

I smiled lightly and said: "So what if you see the meat, the prime minister might as well strike down with a sword, and this concubine's twenty years of life is enough."

The emperor did not speak.

"Actually, you don't have to stop me." He said, "The prime minister doesn't dare to kill me yet."

He has a clear mind, but he is smart after the fact, as anyone can.

"So, if Your Majesty thinks that someone is annoying, next time the Prime Minister comes again, just order him to stand in front of you." I said.

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

I also laugh.

These words were actually quite boring, and there was nothing ridiculous about them, but the two looked at each other, laughing harder and harder, but there was no sense of joy, only helplessness.

"Don't go." The emperor said to me when he finally tied the cloth, "You and I are people who have nowhere to go. We can only live for more than twenty years. It's better to watch a play."

I looked at him, for a moment, looked away, without words.

I'm not going anywhere. Although my father and mother have always been proud of me as a queen, they still love me dearly. My mother came to visit me in the palace several times, and she was very worried when talking about the current situation. She told me that as long as I want, my father can ask Wei? Ascaris lures ridges? Foundation?br> I am very excited, tell my mother, I will think again.

If on that day Wei Tan led Fu? u Xuan Yi comparable to white? Weight oxime? But there is no other reason. I have a child.

To be exact, he is not my child, but was coaxed by Wei? When I was in the palace, I always liked to cry, and I was very annoyed. But after taking care of him together with the wet nurse, watching him smile at me from time to time on his small face, my heart softened. Perhaps I spent too much energy on Li, I no longer have the energy to think about messy things like before, even if I go out every day, I still think about what he should eat and when he should sleep.

This is probably the feeling of being a mother, I think, this is probably a little reward from God to make up for my lack of a child. If I were gone, this little comfort would be gone.

The emperor also loved this son very much. He came to visit every day, and even stayed in the middle palace from time to time.

Perhaps it is because of encouragement, or perhaps because we are also in adversity, the relationship between me and the emperor is strangely close.

I found that he is not so taciturn, and when he encounters some interesting things, he will not give up laughing because of adversity.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

He is a good and careful father who taught him to speak and walk in person. Sometimes, we stay away from each other and play together with encouragement, talking and laughing, and every moment is extremely happy.

Looking at my husband and children, I suddenly had some longing, thinking that if I can keep doing this, even if I am an ordinary person, what's the problem

Probably because I have nothing to lose anymore. After having this idea, I suddenly became extremely persistent.

The emperor has the burden of the emperor. Over the years, layers have accumulated, and he has been overwhelmed.

"Let's go." He hugged Wei Tan and Fu? Xia Chu? Long sand did not? Climb? Squat off! ?br> "What about you?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

He showed a strange smile.

"Do you remember what I said? Even if you only live for more than twenty years, it's good to watch a play." Looking at the light on the other side of the city wall, he said, "I want to watch the last play."

I took a deep breath: "I will accompany Your Majesty."

The Son of Heaven looked at me with eyes like deep wells. In the end, he didn't speak, but told Huang Shao to stop me, turned around and left.

I didn't listen to him. When the main hall was on fire, we sneaked out of the palace and saw my father. But the driver of my carriage was unaware, pulled him off, and sat on it himself.

My father and everyone shouted at me from behind, but I didn't look back, I just drove forward in the carriage.

I am confused, but I am not hesitant. This is the first time, I know with certainty that what I should do is right or wrong, and I no longer avoid it, but try my best to fight for it.

I met Pei Qian, and when I rushed to the tower, the emperor had already touched the female wall.

The wind was blowing at his hem, as if it was going to take him away at any moment.

I ran to him desperately and called him. When he saw me, his face suddenly became shocked, but the look in his eyes was no longer dead...

The palace road is long, and at the end, a carriage and sergeants are waiting.

That is to send us to the fiefdom, Tanyang Gong, is the title after the Zen throne of the Son of Heaven.

Li likes to go out, and when he sees horses and chariots, he runs forward happily, and I can't help telling him to slow down.

The sound of bells and chimes sounded in the distance, the tune was familiar, it was the music of the hall. The emperor walked in front of me and stopped.

He looked back, the palace walls were too high, and there was only a piece of sky cut into a long rectangle.

"Is that so?" He asked softly.

I am silent.

I know what he thinks in his heart. After leaving this place, everything he carried in the past is the past.

"Does Your Majesty hate me?" After a moment, I asked.

He looked at me in surprise.

I said softly: "The current matter may not be what His Majesty wishes."

He looked at me with a wry smile.

He took my hand, and his voice was slow, calm and indifferent: "Why should you hate? If you die, you will have no wishes." Usually call me."

I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood.

He said "I" and called me "Ma'am".

I looked into his eyes, and after a while, I also smiled: "Yes, my husband."