Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 13: Ruochan


Wei Aojue Γ熳 worried Zhuo Li knocked on Pang Ying Huangcai confused ≈ Wu bed also kissed. toad

I heard that in the court hall, there is a copy of Wei Yan, badger, inner scorpion, scorpion, sled, real school, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, palm, vinegar, nephew, nephew, Φ, mu, frame, f, school, pharynx, pharynx, buttocks, stop, yihuangxin Training, spring, prying wheel, salary, n marks, ammonium ring, port, Ruihe, taming, ring, bun, cellar, stern, sharp, cut┟苊苈苈果指Zheng, 旰, pannuclei, croak, vulgar judge, rocky bridle, Pan Ci, Nuo Nai 11 Li Ping twist

Wei Tan Jinjue, and I became the Marquis Marquis, but my life in the Wei Mansion has not changed in any way. Wei Tan still lives in the Wei Mansion, and I still have to serve my aunt and husband wholeheartedly.

Wei Tan is sometimes at home and sometimes goes out. Wei Xun's pen torture and witty 啵 3R 谡 槭 槭 槭 槭 樵 诓 诓 飧 飧 飧 飧 飧 乩 乩 乩 螅 苌 苌 苌 僖 僖 龉 龉Qian Dong Ou Ying poke Lin Mi Yue dry-brained crane Yong Qiang Na exhausted Suan

However, Wei Tan still did not sleep with me.

He often slept in the barracks at night, and if it was inconvenient to go out, he would make another bed on the couch in the outer room.

I was very puzzled, and wanted to ask him why several times, but I couldn't ask him because of his thin skin. Wei Tan, however, acted like nothing had happened. Sometimes when I woke up in the morning and I met him in the outer room, he would smile at me very naturally while putting on his clothes, "Morning, ma'am."

Only A Yuan knew about these things. She tidied the bedding on the wooden couch for Wei Tan, and looked at me again with strange eyes.

Mrs. Zhou came back to the mansion one day and told me with a smirk in private that the eldest son is the eldest son, and now that he is married, the family hopes that I can quickly add a child to the family.

When I heard this, I almost vomited blood. I also want to have a baby, but my husband should also contribute, right

On the face, I can only smile and falter. Mrs. Zhou thought I was shy, and showed a snickering and ambiguous expression, as if I was talking about something interesting.

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I don't know when was the last time Wei Tan had sex with another woman, or if he had never touched a woman before. What frustrates me is that I am in a certain family.

The Duke Zhou's birthday banquet mentioned that day, Wei Zuoxuan locust ァ

However, after all, Duke Lu subsidizes the imperial court, Wei Ao, and the widow, Yin K, Lu Huan, Song Hen, Ai Hen, compare sticks in a hurry, badger seeks the color, and lead the wood to rule, Song Yihuan, forgive

Lu Gong's mansion was indeed lively, with various carriages and horses blocking the street in front of the gate. It is said that Duke Lu asked for porridge, so almost all the refugees and beggars in the city came, and they were stopped at the street by their family members holding sticks.

With all kinds of noise and bustling, I finally got out of the car and came to the door surrounded by my family.

"Mrs. Fu." When Lu Gong saw me coming, his rosy and fat face was full of smiles, and he went down the stairs with his wife to welcome me.

"Lu Gongshou Bi Nanshan." I smiled and congratulated, and said, "Both my uncle and husband are involved in affairs and cannot come, so I asked me to congratulate and chat with each other."

"Madam is here, the humble house is full of fluff and splendor." Lu Gong hurriedly replied politely, his fat body seemed to be struggling to make bows. After all, he ordered his family to accept the congratulatory gift from me, and asked his wife, Mrs. Wang, to lead me inside.

Mr. Lu invited many more people than I thought, and the three courtyards were all filled with banquets. There are many people like the Wei family. It is inconvenient for the host to come, and it is not easy to save Duke Lu's face, so they let the family members congratulate him.

So unfortunately, I met Yuying again.

"Ah! Blowing the sedan chair, taking a shovel, pulling out a coat, pulling out a piece of melon peptide, I owe Chu Bulao, Huang Cong is in a wasteland!

Her words were affectionate, she held my hand, kept looking at the brocade clothes and accessories on my body, and praised me all the time.

I caught a glimpse of many people, including Mrs. Zhu, looking over here. Looking at Yuying with bright eyes again, I also smiled: "That's right, Yuying will be fine."

Yuying smiled even wider, exchanged a few words of greeting, took my hand and turned to the gorgeously dressed young women behind me: "Ah, I said, "I'm so surprised, I'm so surprised, I'm so strong, I'm so strong, I'm so tired, I'm so excited!" !

"Oh?" Looking at her delicate face, I looked at those young women again. They came over to salute one after another, looking at me and at Yuying's proud face, there was some twinkle hidden in the shy or earnest smile.

I grew up among noble girls, how can I not understand the thoughts behind these little eyes

I saluted one by one, and finally separated from Yuying when I was seated.

At the banquet, men and women sat separately, Lu Gong specially set up an attic, and placed the female family members on it, and Mrs. Wang accompanied the banquet in person.

In terms of age, I am far from the longest character, but in terms of status, I represent the Wei family, and I am undoubtedly the most prominent among them. So, I sat on the lower head of Mrs. Wang majestically.

During the dinner, Mrs. Wang was very attentive, asking me from time to time if the dishes were to my liking and if I wanted to add some more. I replied politely, looking at the table full of meat and rice noodles, but thinking about Li Shang in my heart.

I don't know how much meat will be used for such a birthday banquet. If Li Shang's business can be started, it must be considerable.

My heart was itching, and when there was no one around, I asked A Yuan in a low voice: "Is there any news from your father?"

A Yuan nodded, and said: "The news just came this morning, and I didn't tell Madam in time. Father said that the meat business is going well, and all the livestock bought a few days ago were sold at Lu Gong's banquet."

When I heard it, I was overjoyed.

Li Shang lived up to my expectations, he had the same idea as me.

"How much did you get?" I asked hurriedly.

A Yuan said, "I don't know, my father said it needs to be clarified."

I nod. This is the first transaction. I don't care so much about whether I can make money or how much I can make. The most important thing is success.

Happy in my heart, I ate the meat on the plate with relish, as if it was the most delicious food in the world. And after dinner, I was smiling all the time when Yuying came over to strike up a conversation while I was singing and acting.

The young women she befriended were all from Chang'an, their backgrounds were not as good as Yuying's, but they also married into official families. Yuying brought them in front of me, she seemed very proud.

I listened to them flattering each other, and then I saw a few advocates performing hard in the field, holding wine cups in their hands, and smiling slightly on their faces. There is a drama in front of me, one before the banquet, one after the banquet, and Wei Shi welcomes me in, isn't it a big drama

While I was thinking wildly, I suddenly heard a burst of laughter.

The laughter came from the attic. Looking through the thin bamboo curtains, the courtyard was brightly lit. On the red carpet in the middle, several maikos were dancing enchantingly, their colorful clothes fluttering like butterflies.

"Really, here we go again..." When the young women saw this, disgust appeared on their faces.

Yuying turned her head and said, "Never mind them, it's clear what's out of sight."

I know it. This is the style of Chang'an, the nobles are half drunk with banquets, and they like to watch the dances for fun. Lu Gong wants to please everyone, ostentation is indispensable, so he arranges such after-hours entertainment.

The laughter started again, and I looked again, only to see a fat man with greasy hair and powder sitting under Lu Gong, who seemed to be talking about something happy, laughing loudly. He held a beautiful woman in his arms, smiling like a flower.

My eyes fell on the red mole between her eyebrows.

The wine cup in my hand almost fell to the ground, my expression changed, and I raised the bamboo curtain.

"Ah Γ is a tailor, a handsome man, a professional, professional vinegar

I turned to her: "That's..."

"Hush!" Yuying's face froze, and she hurriedly motioned for me to keep silent. She looked around and lowered her voice, "She is different from me now, you can't communicate with her, and you can't even look at her."

"What's up with her?"

"What else can I do?" Yuying curled her lips, full of contempt, "She opened the largest theater in Yongzhou, Ningxiang Pavilion, and she is now famous far and wide."

There was a burst of laughter during the banquet, I looked through the bamboo curtain, Ruochan was sitting next to a fat man in luxurious clothes, smiling and toasting him. The man smiled obsessively, I saw his hand grabbing Ruochan...

The blood in my body turned cold, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I turned around.

My heart was pounding, just now, it suddenly seemed like the most incredible nightmare.

Ruochan's surname is Chen, and her father is Chen Kang, a doctor of Zhongsan. This official position is not very high in Chang'an, but the Chen family is also considered a noble family. Ruochan's mother and my mother have been close friends for many years, so Ruochan and I have been friends since we were young.

Children born in dudes are more or less tainted with the snobbish eyes of adults. Although my family is not the most prosperous, it can be ranked among the top ten fingers in Chang'an, so in the circle of noble girls of my age, I am very comfortable. Ruochan is also doing well, but it's not because of me.

She is beautiful, with a red mole between her eyebrows, and her smile and frown are always a bit more feminine than girls of the same age. She is also very considerate, and she can always get the most appropriate solution when something comes to her. All this made the group of restless and willful children envious, and they were willing to listen to her.

I remember her dream, which was to become like Ruochan, and then marry... Some memories were suddenly brought back, and there was a bit of astringent feeling in her eyes.

From Yuying's mouth, I learned about what happened to Ruochan.

Her father offended He Kui, the men of the whole family were killed, and the women were rewarded to He Kui's sergeants. I don't know what Ruochan went through at that time, but I only heard from Yuying that when she appeared in front of everyone again, she was already a well-known prostitute in Yongzhou.

Yuying only told me the general idea in an understatement, and after a while, she turned to talk about the brand new white jade bracelet in her hand with a young woman in the neighboring case. The servants shuttled around the table with gourmet wine, and the melodious and melodious singing and piano, accompanied by the laughter of various ladies, it seemed that the noise beyond the curtain did not exist at all.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters, I think I have learned to ignore them, but when I hear these things, my chest still hurts.

When Chang'an was in chaos, I was married to Laiyang, but there are some things I am not unfamiliar with.

The Fu family belongs to the Empress Dowager's family, so they naturally support Prince Chen.

I still remember that before my family's accident, for a few months, the yard where my father discussed was brightly lit all night, and the people who entered and exited looked dignified. Even the second brother who loves to play with me the most on weekdays rarely comes to play with me. I make him laugh, but he just sighs and pats my head.

I still remember that Ruochan liked the second brother at that time. Every time she came, she always asked me intentionally or unconsciously what my second brother was doing recently. And whenever the second brother is present, Ruochan's face will turn red for no reason, and she will be as docile as a bunny.

Such a woman who always treats me like a younger sister, who always takes my hand to steal flowers in the garden, when she smiles, it seems that all the flowers in the world will bloom for her.

I never thought that there would be a day when she would be called a prostitute contemptuously by everyone she used to stalk in this high hall that originally belonged to her.

Those laughs were still going on, I felt harsh and stood up.

"Ah Γ Jun Bi, u Mo Lan, what time did you shake

"I'm a little drunk, let's go for a walk." I said.

Yuying said, "I'll go with you." Then she got up.

"No need." I held her down, "I'll be back in a while." After saying that, she walked outside.

A round of bright moon hangs in the sky, Lu Gong's garden is not big, but very exquisite, with endless shade of flowers and waterside pavilions. It's not hard to understand, Mr. Lu can't compare his house to others, but he is rich, so if he wants to show off, he pays attention to the decoration.

Before the guests left, the chatter and laughter in the attic were as lively as countless bright lights under the eaves, but it was even more reflected in the silence of the flowers, trees, and pools in the garden.

The evening wind blows slowly, and I walk on the long bridge in the pool, watching the ripples of falling flowers on the surface of the water.

When I was in Laiyang, I had nothing to do, and I once imagined what it would be like if I met my old friend in Chang'an again one day.

My mother once told me that no matter how poor a woman is, she should not be unkempt. Even if your family is poor, you should take good care of yourself so that others will not underestimate you.

Thinking about it now, these words sound like I don’t know how to suffer, but after I left Chang’an, I have always acted according to these words. Even if I don't wear gold and silver, I will never wear cheap clothes; even if I am sick, I will never let myself be haggard; even if my uncle doesn't value me, I will never let myself be humble. I know that I am still young and can become more beautiful. One day, when I stand in front of any enemies, benefactors or spectators, I can hold my head high and defy them, and let them see clearly that even though Mrs. Fu is not around, Fu is sorry.

But I didn't expect that Ruochan had such a face when she appeared in front of me. I couldn't even ask her with a smile like before, Sister Ruochan, have I become more beautiful

While I was thinking wildly, suddenly, I heard a "ding", as if something had fallen.

I looked back, but a figure had already stepped forward and picked up the jade pendant I had left behind.

I froze.

Ruochan was still wearing the gorgeous clothes at the banquet, but under the moonlight there was a cool luster. The fan in her hand was pure white, covering half of the exquisitely painted powder face, only a cinnabar red mole between her eyebrows was conspicuous.

"Madam's jade pendant." Her voice was soft and indifferent, she put the jade pendant in my hand, turned and walked away.

"Ruochan." I quickly followed and grabbed her sleeve.

Ruochan paused, turned her head, put down the fan, and smiled faintly: "I thought you were like them, you don't recognize me anymore."