Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 17: peep


I was stunned, looked at Wei Tan's face, and blinked.

He looked at me with a vague smile on his lips, but his eyes were already dark and without waves.

"Qingzhou?" I repeated.

"Well," Wei Tan said, "Tan Xi made a surprise attack three days ago, and my father has ordered the three armies to prepare for war, and the Northern Expedition will soon be launched."

I:"… "

I have to admit that Wei Tan has the ability to make people feel down instantly. The ambiguity and charm just now have disappeared like a passing wind.

Wei Tan let go of his hand, except that he was still sitting on the couch with me, and the rest behaved peacefully.

"How long will my husband be going?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter how long you go," Wei Tan said, "This battle is dangerous, and Madam has guessed it."

I was shocked. I know a lot about the recent situation in the world. Tan Xi claims to have millions of soldiers in the north, and he has the most powerful momentum. On that day, Gong Yanggui also said that there was a lack of money and food in the court, but now Wei Kegu ostrich is hindering his heirs.

"I remember that the ancestral land of the Fu family is Huainan." Wei Tan said suddenly.

"Huh?" The topic jumped too fast, I froze for a moment, and nodded.

Wei Tan looked at me: "Madam hasn't been back for many years. I have already reported to my parents. Madam will return to her hometown next month to pay homage."

I don't know why: "Sacrifice?"

Wei Tan's lips were still playful, but his voice was calm: "Madam also knows that my marriage with Madam is out of expediency. There are ten catties of gold buried in the northeast corner of my side room. When Madam leaves, you can take them away." .”

I am stunned.

These words, every sentence was like thunder, I was so shocked that I almost suspected that I had heard it wrong.

There was an eerie silence.

"My husband's intention..." I stared at Wei Tan's face, my heart pounding, "Is this considered to be a concubine?"

"Don't tell me about your wife." Wei Tan spoke slowly, "If Ma'am is willing to stay, she will still be a wife of the Wei family; if she finds it boring to stay, she can leave. Everything depends on Madam's wishes."

I listened and didn't speak for a long time.

The feeling in my heart is very strange, like a person fleeing from famine, groping around and rushing on the road. Halfway there, someone suddenly came to welcome you with a pot and a horse in a carriage and said to you, eat, sleep, what do you like to do in the future What.

"Is this what the prime minister meant?" I asked.

"No." Wei Tan said flatly, "I don't try to force others to do what they want."

Wei Tan didn't stay overnight after all, he said that Wei Qi estimated that he would not be able to stay overnight.

I stayed up all night, lying on the couch tossing and turning.

I don't know how long after I was half asleep and half awake, the whispers of the servants sounded in the yard. When I opened my eyes, the white silk of the window already showed some morning light.

In front of the couch, Xie Xi waved the shape of the business bag to remonstrate with the mansion.

He said I could go and take his money with me.

I can go, leave the Wei family, and go wherever I want...

To be honest, my heart is not in this place, I have never considered this place as my home.

There are many places I want to go, but the place I yearn for the most is the overseas country that my father told me about when I was a child. He said that if you go straight to the east, you will see the sea, and if you float on the sea, you will encounter countless islands. There are immortals, monsters and beasts on it, as well as people with different styles. The flowers bloom in four seasons, and the precious light is like the clouds.

Ruochan once laughed at me, saying that these stories were all made up by alchemists to cheat food and drink. It is better to believe that chopping firewood for a lifetime in Zhongnan Mountain will make you immortal.

These words hit me hard, but later, an old subordinate of my father returned from an overseas mission under the order of the first emperor. He told me that it is true that you will see the sea when you go east, and it is true that there are islands, but it is true for immortal treasures. Just empty words, most of the people on the island are vulgar natives.

"But that day is really beautiful." A contented smile appeared on his dark face, "Young lady, you can go and see in the future, the blue sea and blue sky are boundless, and you can ride a boat and surf the waves, just like a fish!"

Be as comfortable as a fish... In this chaotic world, is there still a place to be as comfortable as a fish

I turned over and sighed softly.

When A Yuan came in, I was already dressed.

"Ma'am," she asked yawning, "I heard that the eldest son returned to the barracks last night?"

"Yeah." I replied, leaning over the basin to wash my face.

After I wiped my face clean, A Yuan walked up to me and said in a low voice, "Ma'am, my father just sent a letter." After finishing speaking, he stuffed a very small folded paper roll into my hand.

I cheered up, motioned her to close the door, and went to the window sill to take a closer look.

In the letter, Li Shang said that the Lu family had already paid 6,000 yuan for the meat last night, minus the 3,400 yuan spent on buying livestock, slaughtering, and transporting, and the profit was 2,600 yuan.

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I looked at this number, and my heart was full of joy. Those messy things last night flew away. I thought about it, and immediately wrote back to Li Shang. I told him that Wei Duji played with lung acyl xin and urgently returned to flog the meat; in addition, when soldiers go out to fight, injuries and illnesses are common, if Li Shang has spare time, he can go to the village to see if there are any herbs to collect.

After that day, I didn't see Wei Tan again for three consecutive days.

During this period, the attendants around him came back and said that they wanted to prepare clothes for the expedition. I packed it myself. In addition to the summer unlined clothes, I also picked out two or three autumn thick clothes for him.

Compared to the calmness in Wei's mansion, the wind outside was spreading loudly. A Yuan told me that the food on the market is already limited, but fortunately the medicinal materials are produced in the countryside, and Li Shang has harvested a lot.

Another thing, a bhikkhuni from the Danxia Temple on the outskirts of the city sent a post, saying that there is a way to meet in two days and invite Mrs. Guo to go.

Danxia Temple is the place where Mrs. Guo worships all the year round, but now Wei Qisu is the only place where he can worship.

Actually, I already knew about this. Because Ruochan once asked A Yuan to deliver a message. On the day of the lecture, she was waiting for me in Danxia Temple.

"Mr. Ruochan said that she has a good show for Madam." A Yuan said.

When I heard this, my forehead twitched.

Ruochan probably created this puja, and she was sure Mrs. Guo would not go. Ruochan is always like this, she likes to take detours in everything, and she is happiest when others surprise her. It was like this when my little daughter played games, and it was like this last time in Qionghua Temple. I also have a hunch that it will not be a good show this time.

When I came back from Qionghua Temple, I knew that maybe Ruochan would still be close to me as before, but something had changed between us.

And maybe I'm a curious person by nature, Ruochan is Jiang Taigong, and I'm the fish that always bites the bait. So on the day of the Fa conference, I took a bath and changed clothes early in the morning, and then drove out of the city.

"I knew you would come." Inside Danxia Temple, Ruochan was still plain and clean, seeing me with a triumphant smile.

I didn't show much courtesy, and said, "Not only did you buy Taoist temples, but you also bought Buddhist temples?"

Ruochan smiled: "It's not considered bribery, I'm just faster than others in serving God."

I couldn't match her eloquence, looked around and said, "Didn't you say there is a good show?"

"Good show?" Ruochan looked innocent, "What good show?"

I stare.

Ruochan covered her sleeves and smiled: "The prime minister is about to attack the north, and people are panic everywhere, so why not want to see you?" After finishing speaking, she took my hand and said softly, "The last time I was in Qionghua Temple, you and I didn't appreciate it well. Talk about flowers. There are also fragrant flowers in Danxia Temple, how about walking with me?"

I looked at her, dubiously.

Danxia Temple is located on the edge of a large lake named Yongchi. On an unlucky day, Ruochan and I were the only ones wandering around the huge temple. There are clouds in the sky, the sun is not strong, we walk through the shade of trees, and the fragrance of blooming flowers is refreshing. The forest of flowers and trees extends all the way to the water. The vast lake surface is gentle with the wind. A small pavilion is built between the rocks and trees, offering a view of the lake.

"When we go back that day, can we make any progress with the eldest son?" Ruochan sat down with me in the pavilion and asked.

I knew she had to talk about those things, and my face turned hot, and I said, "The army is preparing for war, and the eldest son has never returned home to spend the night."

"Oh?" Ruochan looked at me, raised her eyebrows, and her eyes were full of inquiry.

I interrupted: "The war is about to start, what are your plans? Are you going to leave Yongzhou?"

"Leave?" Ruochan said, "Why do you want to leave?"

I said: "Naturally, it is to avoid chaos. The outcome of a military strategist is unpredictable. Are you not afraid that the court will be rude and Tan Xi will invade Yongzhou?"

Ruochan had a half smile but not a smile: "Wei's wife also has this concern? Do you want to leave?"

I ignored her and joked: "I'm asking you."

Ruochan remained calm. She reached out and plucked two jasmines from the flowers under the railing, handed one to me, and twirled the other between her fingers.

"Where to go." She said indifferently, "The world is in chaos, it is not the same where you go. At most, you can take refuge in the countryside when it is difficult, but you can't leave Yongzhou. No matter who is the master, you have to play tricks, right?"

This is true, I thought about it and nodded.

"Will Mr. Gongyang accompany you?" I asked.

The smile on Ruochan's face seemed to freeze a bit, she didn't answer, but suddenly looked down at the lakeside, curled up her lips and said in a low voice: "Ah, Huang Qiao, Meng Fenwei, γ, and walk around!

I followed her gaze.

Hidden by trees, there is only a water pavilion by the lake. The water shines like silver, and a woman wearing a headband is approaching with graceful steps. She walked to the waterside pavilion and looked around. The place we were in was hidden and remote, and the woman didn't notice it.

I looked at Ruochan in surprise, she was still smiling, looking at the woman with a calm expression.

Not long after, I heard a sporadic sound, which seemed to be a horse's hoof stepping on the gravel. The lake breeze was blowing, and a man suddenly broke into sight. Seeing the woman, he stopped for a while, and walked into the water pavilion after a while.

The man and woman obviously knew each other, and I saw them talking, whispering in the wind. Not long after, the man turned around and seemed to be leaving. At this moment, the woman suddenly stepped forward and hugged the man's waist.

Her whisper came clearly: "...Meng Jing!"

The wind in my ears seemed to disappear in an instant.

I saw the woman put her head on the man's back and said something.

The man didn't look back, but held the woman's hands, and after a while, separated them.

I was already familiar with that deep voice, even if it was far away, I could not mistake it.

After he finished speaking, he left.

The woman stood alone on the waterside pavilion, and after a while, she walked away slowly.

"They're gone." A voice came to my ears, I came back to my senses, Ruochan was staring at me.

I kept silent, and those two figures were still spinning in my mind.

"Is that the queen?" My heart was a little confused, and I calmed down and asked.

Ruochan smiled and did not deny it.

"You arranged it?" I thought of something and blurted out.

Ruochan's expression was calm, she played with the flower in her hand with downcast eyes, and pointed to the ground for a moment: "Your flower is gone."

I looked, and sure enough, the Jasmine in my hand fell to the ground at some point. I have lost interest in admiring the flowers, I just stared at Ruochan: "Why?"

"No reason." Ruochan said, "You know that Empress Xu met me. She wanted to see the eldest son, but she asked me for help because of constraints in the palace. , now it’s still human.” She said with a cunning smile, “As for you, you happen to have something to do with it, so I’ll show you.”

This is an understatement, I looked at Ruochan's gentle face, but my heart became cold little by little.

"Seeing it now, how is it?" I was expressionless.

"I should ask you this question." Ruochan said slowly, "Ah, the young Qin Mo, the schoolmate, the Zuozhuobailong!

"It's nothing to worry about." I frowned.

"Oh, are you angry?" Ruochan sneered sharply, "I don't want you to be a fool who is deceived by others, am I wrong?"

"No, Ruochan." I shook my head, "He and I are not what you think."

"What's that like?"

I opened my mouth, but felt that I was short of words, and said helplessly, "I can't tell."

Ruochan's expression was full of suspicion.

"Ah Γ he's in a hurry

My heart shook.

"How could it be?" I curled the corners of my mouth and smiled stiffly.

Ruochan looked at me for a moment, sighed, and stopped talking.