Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 18: cloth


On the way back home, I sat in the carriage, a little dazed.

I always feel that there is no end between Wei Tan and Empress Xu, but this is just an idea, illusory. It was only when I saw those two people meeting that I truly realized that they were indeed like this.

As for me, I can't tell whether I care or not. Wei Tan is my husband, but he has already made it clear to me that this marriage is expedient, and I can come and go as I please.

He and I have never been married.

All of this is for Empress Xu.

I closed my eyes, and a voice in my heart told myself, I have already thought of this, but now it is just a confirmation...

At this time, the bullock cart stopped suddenly, and I was jolted.

There was a yelling sound outside, and I asked through the car window, "What's the matter?"

"Ma'am," A Yuan said outside, "the wine shop ahead is chasing drunks, blocking the road."

I looked outside and saw a man who was obviously drunk and was shoving and shoving with several people in front of a restaurant. The voice was very loud, and the people in the restaurant seemed to be scolding the drunk for not paying for his drink for a long time.

The road is not wide, and I was about to tell the driver to change the road when I suddenly felt that the drunk man looked familiar. He opened the curtain and looked intently, sure enough, the man was tall and thin, not Gong Yanggui.

There are more and more people watching the excitement on the side of the road, and someone has already shouted to call the government to come and put the drunk in jail.

I couldn't think too much, so I took some money out of my sleeve and asked A Yuan to pay the restaurant.

The people in the wine shop got the money, so they gave up and entered the house. The crowd dispersed, leaving Gong Yanggui lying on the ground, swearing indistinctly.

"Ma'am, what should I do?" A Yuan asked me.

I thought for a while, and said, "Help me up. Isn't your house nearby, A Yuan? Take Mr. Gongyang away for now."

A Yuan froze for a moment, nodded, and then directed his family to pick up the unconscious ram.

This matter was handed over to A Yuan, and I soon forgot about it.

Because the imperial court's army to conquer Tan finally set off, Wei Wugang regretted it

Although Mrs. Guo has repeatedly said that crying is unlucky, she should be happy when she sees her off. But the women in Wei's mansion were still full of worries. In private, Zhou and Wang sighed.

Wei Tan never went back to Wei Mansion, the last time I saw him was on the tower where he was seeing him off. Unfortunately, I was standing in exactly the same place as when I welcomed him back to the city last time.

On the day of leaving the teacher, the emperor personally gave wine in the palace. As silent as Wei An, Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Wang couldn't help wiping away tears; Mrs. Guo's face was covered with thick powder, but she still looked unwell.

On the side of the road, spectators and see-off people were jam-packed. I watched Wei Tan, dressed in iron, riding through the doorway on horseback. Wei's black flag fluttered behind him, and he never glanced in the direction of the city tower from the beginning to the end.

I watched him go, thinking that if things were really as he said that day, this might be the last time I saw Wei Tan. Thinking about it carefully, Wei Tan treated me so well that it was unbelievable. I want to thank you, but it's hard for me to break into the barracks as a woman, so I thought about thanking Wei Tan when he returned to Wei Mansion.

Unexpectedly, he left as soon as he said he would, and never came back.

Wei Xuan's finger poking is like arrogance

However, compared with before, everyone's faces were obviously more worried. Mrs. Guo worships the gods every day, and goes to various temples twice in three days.

Compared with the tension in the mansion, Li Shang's business profits are so good that I am delighted. He rushed to buy a large amount of meat before the imperial court paid, and made all of them into meat. After the army went out, the goods in the market were sluggish, and the price of meat rose more than ten times. The meat in Li Shang's hands became a rare commodity.

He was very careful in his work and kept quiet. He just quickly distributed the meat in his hand to several butchers in the city, bought and sold it for cash, and emptied the inventory overnight.

Li Shang handled this matter very well. After all, it was a time of war, and the Jingzhao Mansion in Yongdu strictly controlled the transactions in the city in order to stabilize the people's hearts. Although the price of meat continued to rise a lot later, many butchers were fined and confiscated by the Jingzhao Mansion because they hoarded goods and raised prices.

This was the first windfall we got. For this matter, I went to Li Shang's house while I was out.

After looking at the accounts, I distributed the money I earned to Li Shangsan according to the previous agreement. Everyone was beaming with joy. Although Li Shang had been working hard recently, his face was ruddy and full of energy.

"The imperial court has cleared away a large amount of goods in Yongdu in order to pay the salary. It is difficult to do a big business recently." I smiled and said to Li Shang, "The management has worked hard, and it will just take care of it for a while."

Li Shang smiled and said, "I'm used to doing things, but I feel empty when I stop, and even though the city is empty, it's not like there's nothing to do."

"Oh?" I was surprised.

Li Shangdao: "Ma'am, do you still remember that someone mentioned the material? Last month, a cloth merchant in the city was going to move out, and sold dozens of pieces of cloth at a low price. I got the news, and I thought the price was good, so I bought it. Now it is midsummer in the north." However, the hot summer in the south will still last for several months, and Yongzhou cloth is always sold well in the south, so I thought, I can transport these cloths to the south for sale.”

I listened and frowned slightly.

"South?" I said, "Nowadays the world is in turmoil, leaving Yongzhou, the road is dangerous and unpredictable, I'm afraid this is not appropriate."

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Li Shangdao: "Madam, don't worry, these cloths didn't cost much to buy, and it would not be a pity to lose them on the way. This time, there is one more important thing to do when going south." Then, he took out a cloth from his pocket The bag was opened layer by layer, only to find a dark brown and shiny thing wrapped inside.

"Ganoderma lucidum?" I recognized it.

"Exactly." Li Shangdao, "A certain entrusted person went to Wu, years of wars have blocked sales, and there are a lot of precious medicinal materials there, and the drug dealers are very worried about this."

I get it.

The wind of extravagance in the world first came out of Chang'an. In order to keep their beauty and longevity, the nobles even eat Jindan Wushi Powder as food, and those precious medicinal materials are consumed countless. Take my family as an example, my father never allowed my family members to come into contact with those side-by-side pills and powders introduced by alchemists, but he was very appreciative of health-preserving and tonic. Even if no one in the family is sick, the various nourishing soups in the daily life will not be interrupted, and various medicinal materials are used in it.

In my memory, there are many people in Chang'an who made their fortunes from medicinal materials, and most of the more expensive medicinal materials came from the south. However, since the war, roads in various places have been blocked, and it has been very difficult to transport goods from the south to the north, and the business of the medicine market has naturally plummeted. Like the Ganoderma lucidum that Li Shang brought today, it was only a mediocre product in the past, but now it is hard to find.

"Ma'am, I once weighed the business of the medicine market. Now in Yongzhou, no matter whether it is medical treatment or tonic, the medicinal materials used are all from the surrounding mountains and fields. The purchase and sale are scattered and time-consuming, and there is no great profit. A certain doctor once complained that four out of ten of the prescriptions used The fifth is produced in the south, so I have no choice but to replace it with other medicinal materials, and the effect is not good. This is the first, and the second is that there are already many wealthy households in Yongzhou. There are only some common things in the traditional Chinese medicine market, and if you sell the precious medicinal materials in the south, you will make a lot of money. Madam, I think that opening up the channel for southern medicinal materials will be beneficial and not harmful."

I was a little tempted, but still shook my head: "This business is good, but now there are many checkpoints in the south, and there are countless thieves. How should the manager deal with it? You can make money slowly, and there is no need to take risks."

Li Shang smiled: "I was also worried about this before, but since my wife sent a nobleman, this matter has become somewhat feasible."

"My lord?" I don't understand.

"Madam, do you remember Mr. Gongyang?" Li Huan said, "Mr. Gongyang is that noble man."

Gong Yanggui knew Li Shang when he was in Chang'an. After sobering up at Li Shang's house last time, he stayed for a few days. When he heard that Li Shang was going to Wudi, he immediately volunteered to accompany him as an escort. He assured Li Shang that all he needed was a boat to take Li Shang to Yangzhou without hindrance.

After listening to Li Shang's words, I was not completely convinced. Firstly, I don't know if Gong Yanggui's ability is really that great; secondly, Li Shangwen is weak and has just passed a serious illness, so I really don't want him to take such a big risk.

We discussed this matter for several days but did not discuss it. Li Shang's determination is stronger than I expected, and he seems to be full of ambitions to regain his old career.

I obliquely asked Ruochan about Gong Yanggui's experience, and she told me that Gong Yanggui went from Yongzhou to Wudi alone two years ago, along the way, he was bold and courageous, and made friends with many powerful people.

"Ask what these are for, Ah X is lucky, Jun is better than Pian, and Huai is second, rebellious, miserable, and sad.

Embarrassed, I hurriedly said, "No, just ask..."

But Ruochan laughed, and said: "Yesterday he told me in a grand manner that he wanted to go to Wudi with Li Guanshi."

I'm speechless. Looking at her sly eyes, she knows everything and has been playing tricks on me.

"Young Master Gongyang admires chivalry, and likes to meet heroes." Ruochan said while drawing in the mirror, "In the past, everyone thought this was just a young man's rebellious act, but in the troubled times, this is a big deal. background."

I nodded and watched her paint her lips brightly. After a while, I asked, "How are you and him doing now?"

"Huh?" Ruochan glanced at me in the mirror, and said slowly, "What, he doesn't want to go home. He came back to me from Steward Li's house a few days ago, and now he's thinking about leaving again." As she said that, she sighed with a wry smile, "That's how men are. When he wants to find you, he is in a rush, and when you want to keep him by your side, he doesn't know what to do."

After thinking about it, I finally agreed to Li Shang's going to Wudi.

At the beginning of July, I asked Mrs. Guo for leave and went back to Huainan to pay respects to my ancestors. This trip is mainly to see off Li Shang, with soldiers and horses from the Wei Mansion escorting him along the way, at least there is no need to worry about safety before leaving Yongzhou.

As for what Wei Tan said that night, after thinking about it for a while, I stopped thinking about it.

Leaving two words is too far away for me now. Regardless of where I can go after I leave, just look at my thriving business in Yongdu, if you want me to leave at this time, it would be a cut.

Wei Tan, the mind is too simple.